[flexcoders] FlexUnit not working

2012-12-04 Thread flexwdw
Hey all,

I have a Flex3 project I am trying to add unit testing to.  Currently using 
Flashbuilder 4.5 Pro.  I am using the IDE-provided stub generators to do this.  
I took my real project out of the equation, and made a Flex 3 project with an 
app and one static function I wish to test.  I create a test suite, then a test 
case.  They run in the browser based test runner just fine, and will 
fail/succeed as I expect.  However, I cannot get the FlextUnit Results pane 
to do anything.  I have tried two different machines, multiple projects, a Flex 
4 project -- nothing works.  Any advice here?  Google hasn't helped me out at 
all on this topic...thanks.

[flexcoders] flexunit stage

2012-01-30 Thread Csomák Gábor
I'm triing to set up a test enviroment for a big app. 3 class use Stage.
Anybody knows how can I make the stage non null in flexunit? or how to
substitute it?

[flexcoders] FlexUnit - Generated XML

2012-01-05 Thread cuttenv
Hi everyone,
I noticed that flexunit generates a bunch of XML files I was wondering if 
anyone knows of any plugins or toolsets that can be used to generate a web page 
from all of the generated files. That way I can quickly see all of the tests 
that failed and passed.

[flexcoders] FlexUnit

2010-06-17 Thread libbychantel
Hello all. I am using Flex 4 and am trying to do My First FlexUnit Project :)  
following the instructions at:

 It appears that org.flexunit.listeners.UIListener does not exist in the 
FlashBuilder 4 Professional installation. Can anyone tell me what replaced it 
or where it is? The code from the page above is below.

  import org.flexunit.listeners.UIListener;

  import sampleSuite.SampleSuite;
  private var core:FlexUnitCore;
  public function runMe():void {
core = new FlexUnitCore();
core.addListener(new UIListener(uiListener));
core.run( sampleSuite.SampleSuite );

Re: [flexcoders] Flexunit and button click simulation

2010-06-10 Thread Marco Catunda
Do you want to do it because you want to test handler method? If so, why not 
call straight handler method?

On 09/06/2010, at 07:36, NagendraP wrote:

 I have a button in my view which is listening to the mouse click.
 Im my flex unit test function, i am creating mouseevent object and then 
 dispatching the event on the button object.
 this is not working when i run the flex unit cases.
 Any one to throw more light in simulating the button clicks in flex units.

Marco Catunda

[flexcoders] Flexunit and button click simulation

2010-06-09 Thread NagendraP

I have a button in my view which is listening to the mouse click.

Im my flex unit test function, i am creating  mouseevent object and then 
dispatching the event on the button object.

this is not working when i run the flex unit cases.

Any one to throw more light in simulating the button clicks in flex units.



[flexcoders] FlexUnit or fluint ?? which the best ???

2010-03-10 Thread Nini7016 Nini7016

Hello :)

I 'm currently doing units test for my application developped on Flex.
I would like to know of anybody has used fluint 
http://code.google.com/p/fluint/  before ?? 
Do you know it's better to use FlexUnit or fluint ??

Do you know the advantages of fluint

Do you have informations please ???

Any Idea please ???

Thanks ;)
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[flexcoders] FlexUnit + UIComponents

2010-03-10 Thread Nini7016 Nini7016

Hello :)

I am doing unit tests to my application using FlexUnit: 
when i run the testRunner, all my components User interface are null. I have to 
run my application and then run the testRunner.

I tried to run my application in a browser and then i run the testerRunner but 
unfortunatelly it didn't find the UI components which are in the interface :( 

Do you know any method to run the application and the testRunner in the same 

Any idea please ??

Did you have the same problem before 

thanks you for your help 

Hotmail arrive sur votre téléphone ! Compatible Iphone, Windows Phone, 
Blackberry, …

[flexcoders] FlexUnit and Cairngorm ?

2010-03-09 Thread Nini7016 Nini7016

Hello :)

I would like to know if any body has used FlexUnit to test an application which 
used the framework Cairngorm ??

I found  Flunit http://code.google.com/p/fluint/ 

Do you think it is better please ??

Any person has tried it before ??


To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
From: nahloulaha...@hotmail.com
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 11:16:52 +0100
Subject: [flexcoders] RE: Eclipse Checkstyle Plugin for Flex Builder?




Hello :)

Thank you very much Michael :)

I tried FlexPMD
last week, but when i click in run PDM it didn't display anything
however i followed all the instruction in this site :

Did you tried it before please ???

it 's really urgent 

Thank again 


To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
From: nahloulaha...@hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 13:46:26 +0100
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Re: How to validate an AsDOC ??




Hello :)

I would like to check the coverage (cover) of the AsDoc, do metrics to the 
AsDoc ...
Is it clear please ???

Thank you very very much 

To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
From: primo...@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 10:45:30 +0100
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: How to validate an AsDOC ??



  I don't really get it, what do you want to validate in your asdoc ?

2010/3/8 lacito.domingo lacito.domi...@yahoo.com





I have never heard of asdoc validator tool. If you find one, would you be so 
kind as to post a reply?



--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Nahla Laribi nahloulaha...@... wrote:




 In our project, we have created an AsDOC (a documentation for ActionScript 
 and MXML) and we serach a tool which validate this ASDOC ?

 It will be able to say us if there are errors in our ASDOC 


 Any Help please 


 Thank you very much 



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[flexcoders] FlexUnit + Ant + Continuos Integration

2010-03-06 Thread M. Fernanda Gioiosa
 I'm working in a project with FlexUnit, Ant and Bamboo as continuos
integration tool, have you ever try to do this? How is the ant tasks that
you need to Run? How the FlexUnitTestRunner works in the servers (because
always open the browser for running the tests)? Do you have any example of
this working?
I would appreciate any information about this, there isn't much information
about this in the websites!

Thanks a lot,

this is the part that runs the test in the ant file.

!-- Run unit test --
target name=unit-tests depends=init description=Compiles and runs
the tests
mxmlc file=${flex.unit.runner}
load-config filename=${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/flex-config.xml
source-path path-element=${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks /
compiler.source-path path-element=${src.dir} /
compiler.include-libraries dir=${lib.dir}
include name=**/*.swc /
echoRunning Test Runner SWF/echo
flexunit swf=${flex.unit.swf}
echoRan Test Runner SWF/echo

echoGenerate Readable Tests/echo
junitreport todir=${report.dir}
fileset dir=${report.dir}
include name=Test-*.xml/
report format=frames todir=${report.dir}/html/
echoGenerated Readable Tests/echo

[flexcoders] FlexUnit print message

2008-11-17 Thread Anselm Bradford
Anyone know if there is a way using the FlexUnit API to output a custom
message from a TestCase.
I can use fail( a message ); but then it says a particular test failed in
my unit test results. I just want to add a message to the results, without
saying it failed or there was an error.


[flexcoders] FlexUnit, DataGrid and listItems

2008-09-10 Thread Glenn Jones
I'm using Flex 2.0.1 SDK, and I have a class that extends mx:DataGrid.

One of the methods in my class is dependent on listItems which is a map of
item renderers.

I'm trying to test my method with FlexUnit, but I can't get listItems
populated so the test can't really
check anything.

In my FlexUnit test, I'm adding the DataGrid instance to a container to get
all of it's properties
initialized. I'm also adding columns to the DG instance. I'm adding data
that maps to those columns.
I've tried calling validateNow(), invalidateList() and
invalidateDisplayList(), but nothing I've done so
far has managed to get listItems populated.

Any suggestions on what I can in FlexUnit to get the grid to create item

- Glenn

[flexcoders] Flexunit and asynchronous calls

2008-08-21 Thread Richard Rodseth
Does anyone have an example of using FlexUnit's addAsync() call with a
service method that takes an IResponder, rather than firing events?


[flexcoders] FlexUnit + Cairngorm + Antennae

2008-07-16 Thread Pratima Rao


We have an application that uses Cairngorm Framework and our backend is
Seam and GraniteDS. I started writing some unit tests using Flex Unit. I
modified the Flex unit TestCase to handle async calls made by Cairngorm.
When I build and automate these test cases using Antennae backend calls
are not getting invoked. I am running this on Linux so initially I was
using the standalone player and was using the flexunit task written by
Peter Martin. I later switched it to run in Firefox using Antennae
thinking that the standalone player did not have server context. But I
have had no luck with both approaches.


Initially when I started this project I wrote some test cases for a
standalone Flex and Cairngorm app that used HttpService and it worked as
a charm but trying to integrate the concepts into our app has been a
painful process. 


So here is my question. How many people out there are testing and
automating flex and cairngorm applications on linux using Antennae?  or
using Peter Martin's flexunit task? 


Also have people out there using Flex, Cairngorm and Seam successfully
written flex unit tests?





[flexcoders] FlexUnit error while using stage

2008-06-27 Thread Vinoth Babu

FlexUnit is showing error in my test class for 
stage.showDefaultContextMenu = false;

Please let me know, if you experienced this kind of error

Thanks in advance,

[flexcoders] Flexunit and Protected or Priovate method

2007-11-16 Thread exuperok
hello i have to integrate Fleunit testing into an existing/ongoing
project that have classes calling webservices. Those classes have two
types that methodes that are both declared like this override
protected methodname. I would like to know how one should proceed to
have a testcase on those methodes that are protected given that AS3
allow calls on method that are procted only from the class and the
ones that extend it...

and in general how would someone use flexunit to test the result of
XML-RPC calls?

[flexcoders] FlexUnit Cairngorm

2007-09-26 Thread Kevin
Is anyone currently using FlexUnit to test a Cairngorm app?  I have  
some questions about how best to set this up.

Thanks, Kevin

[flexcoders] FlexUnit/CoreLib testing

2007-09-14 Thread Mark Hawley
Apparently I am completely moronic. It's been a while since I did any Flex
work, and I started up a new workspace. I've checked out as3corelib and
as3flexunitlib from the repositories, and each is in a Flex Library Project,
as the incomplete, out-of-date as3corelib wiki recommends. Hooray.

How do I actually run the freaking test suite on as3corelib? Can't set
anything as the default application, can't compile anything. The wiki page
describes the test code as lying int he src folder, which it no longer does.
How do I run the tests? Arrgh.


[flexcoders] Flexunit

2007-09-10 Thread Alcatraz
Hi. I try to do some tests cases with Flexunit, but i´m having a problem:

When run my test the flash debug show that the assert fail, but in the
test console the test status is SUCESS.

What i´m doing wrong?

Re: [flexcoders] FlexUnit asserError()?

2007-05-31 Thread Douglas McCarroll
Just posted on my blog about this:


Thanks again, Angus.

Douglas McCarroll wrote:

 Thanks, Angus!

 Angus Johnson wrote:
  One way to test for failure:
  ... // code that should throw exception
  fail('Exception was not thrown');
  // test exception type / message etc is what is expected
  On 31/05/07, *Douglas McCarroll*
 mailto:org.yahoo_primary.001%40douglasmccarroll.com wrote:
  Hi All,
  I'd like to write FlexUnit tests that confirm that certain things
  my code to throw errors.
  assertError(), so to speak.
  I don't see any way to do this. Is there a way?
  Thanks in advance!
  Douglas McCarroll
  Flex Developer
  http://www.brightworks.com http://www.brightworks.com 
 http://www.brightworks.com http://www.brightworks.com


[flexcoders] FlexUnit asserError()?

2007-05-30 Thread Douglas McCarroll
Hi All,

I'd like to write FlexUnit tests that confirm that certain things cause 
my code to throw errors.

assertError(), so to speak.

I don't see any way to do this. Is there a way?

Thanks in advance!



Douglas McCarroll
Flex Developer


Re: [flexcoders] FlexUnit asserError()?

2007-05-30 Thread Angus Johnson


One way to test for failure:

  ... // code that should throw exception
  fail('Exception was not thrown');
  // test exception type / message etc is what is expected

On 31/05/07, Douglas McCarroll [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Hi All,

I'd like to write FlexUnit tests that confirm that certain things cause
my code to throw errors.

assertError(), so to speak.

I don't see any way to do this. Is there a way?

Thanks in advance!



Douglas McCarroll
Flex Developer



Re: [flexcoders] FlexUnit asserError()?

2007-05-30 Thread Douglas McCarroll
Thanks, Angus!

Angus Johnson wrote:


 One way to test for failure:

... // code that should throw exception
fail('Exception was not thrown');
// test exception type / message etc is what is expected


 On 31/05/07, *Douglas McCarroll* 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,

 I'd like to write FlexUnit tests that confirm that certain things
 my code to throw errors.

 assertError(), so to speak.

 I don't see any way to do this. Is there a way?

 Thanks in advance!



 Douglas McCarroll
 Flex Developer
 http://www.brightworks.com http://www.brightworks.com



[flexcoders] flexunit and mxml components

2007-05-19 Thread Jedi_92
I'm attempting to write Flexunit test cases to test some mxml
components I've written. I've gotten addAsync to work for testing that
creationCompoete happens but further events simply aren't being fired
on the component no matter what I do. Are there any howtos or best
practices out there for how to unit test actual flex components?

[flexcoders] FlexUnit: reading xml files sequentially using HTTPService and addAsync()

2007-04-18 Thread emonte555
Hi All, 

I have a problem reading a sequence of 5 xml files (test1.xml, 
test2.xml etc.) in my flex unit test... I need to read these files 
and validate info in each of them... Looks like this conflicts with 
using addAsync() calls. 
I have the following code in my test class:
public function testResults():void
var vcc:HTTPService;

for ( var i:int = 1; i = 5 i++)

vcc = new HTTPService();
vcc.url = test + i + .xml;
vcc.resultFormat = text;
(ResultEvent.RESULT, addAsync(handler,1500), false,0,true);

public function handler(e:ResultEvent):void
var resp:String = e.result.toString();
var fileName = e.currentTarget.url;
Alert.show(resp +   + fileName);

. . .
. . . 


Even though I loop in the testResults test function, it looks like I 
get the handler for the same vcc (HTTPService) to fire, i.o. my 
Alert stmt fires 5 times, but the resp and fileName values are the 
same each time (for test1.xml)

Any idea of how to iterate through all xml file names/file contents?

Thank you,



[flexcoders] [Flexunit] - How to test throwing errors?

2007-01-17 Thread herrodius
Hi all,

sorry for this slightly OT message.

I was wondering what the best way is to test for a method throwing an
error. I have an Account class that takes a number:int and a
name:String as constructor params. If an Account is instantiated with
a null name, I want to throw an Error (IllegalArgumentException).

In my test, I instantiate a new Account with a null name inside a
try/catch and fail immediately after the instantiation. However this
does not seem to work. The fail never executes and the test passes.  
See example:

var errorMessage:String = Account constructor should throw
IllegalArgumentException when passing 'null' name.;
try {
  var a:Account = new Account(100, null);
catch (e:Error) {}

The only way I can get this to work, is to check if the errorMessage
in the catch block is the same as the error message in my test and
then call fail() again.

var errorMessage:String = Account constructor should throw
IllegalArgumentException when passing 'null' name.;
try {
  var a:Account = new Account(100, null);
catch(e:Error) {
  if (e.message == errorMessage) {

Seems a bit weird. The fail() in the try block is catched by the catch
block. I thought this worked in AS2? Am I missing out on something or
doing something wrong here?

thx in advance.


RE: [flexcoders] [Flexunit] - How to test throwing errors?

2007-01-17 Thread Stembert Olivier (BIL)
Hi Christophe,
It seems logic the fail() statement is not executed since it follows the
new Account() statement which throws the exception.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean...

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of herrodius
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 11:53 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] [Flexunit] - How to test throwing errors?

Hi all,

sorry for this slightly OT message.

I was wondering what the best way is to test for a method throwing an
error. I have an Account class that takes a number:int and a
name:String as constructor params. If an Account is instantiated with
a null name, I want to throw an Error (IllegalArgumentException).

In my test, I instantiate a new Account with a null name inside a
try/catch and fail immediately after the instantiation. However this
does not seem to work. The fail never executes and the test passes. 
See example:

var errorMessage:String = Account constructor should throw
IllegalArgumentException when passing 'null' name.;
try {
var a:Account = new Account(100, null);
catch (e:Error) {}

The only way I can get this to work, is to check if the errorMessage
in the catch block is the same as the error message in my test and
then call fail() again.

var errorMessage:String = Account constructor should throw
IllegalArgumentException when passing 'null' name.;
try {
var a:Account = new Account(100, null);
catch(e:Error) {
if (e.message == errorMessage) {

Seems a bit weird. The fail() in the try block is catched by the catch
block. I thought this worked in AS2? Am I missing out on something or
doing something wrong here?

thx in advance.




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[flexcoders] FlexUnit for testing a cairngorm application

2006-12-22 Thread Philippe
I have a Flex2 application built on cairngorm, with AMFPHP for business
I want to test unit Cairngorm flows for example when the user click a login
It creates a Cairngorm Events that calls a command that delegate to
business, and so on.
I m pretty new with test unit so I m paralysed with this challenge. Can
someone help me to start?
attachment: winmail.dat

[flexcoders] FlexUnit

2006-10-30 Thread flack_gary
Does anyone know when Adobe plans to release a production version of

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RE: [flexcoders] FlexUnit

2006-10-30 Thread Dimitrios Gianninas

Ya its kinda weird that its on a labs website, but I consider it production 
version. Its like Cairngorm, its production software, many people use it.

I use FlexUnit for my projects and it works great. The only thing I recommend 
is you look into how to run FlexUnit from Ant and generate a JUnit like report 


Dimitrios Gianninas
Optimal Payments Inc.

-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com on behalf of flack_gary
Sent: Mon 10/30/2006 9:31 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] FlexUnit
Does anyone know when Adobe plans to release a production version of

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Re: [flexcoders] FlexUnit

2006-10-30 Thread Mike Chambers
fyi, I just added a link on the FlexUnit page on labs to your article.

mike chambers


On Oct 30, 2006, at 3:50 PM, Dimitrios Gianninas wrote:

 Ya its kinda weird that its on a labs website, but I consider it  
 production version. Its like Cairngorm, its production software,  
 many people use it.

 I use FlexUnit for my projects and it works great. The only thing I  
 recommend is you look into how to run FlexUnit from Ant and  
 generate a JUnit like report (http://weblogs.macromedia.com/pmartin/ 


 Dimitrios Gianninas
 Optimal Payments Inc.

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[flexcoders] FlexUnit usage examples

2006-09-28 Thread Dima Ulich

Hi everybody,
 Does anyone have an example of using FlexUnit with async requests made to the server? Is there a way of testing existing flex application? How do you usually test yours?


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Re[2]: [flexcoders] Flexunit Help Req, the TestRunnerBase/startTest() gives TypeError

2006-07-11 Thread Andriy Panas
Hello Beverly,

 I haven't gotten any answers yet.  I'm hoping someone has the answers.. :)

   We had recompiled locally FlexUnit SWC file out of AS source files
available at 
and this particular error that you had mentioned had disappeared.

Best regards,
 Andriymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Re[2]: [flexcoders] Flexunit Help Req, the TestRunnerBase/startTest() gives TypeError

2006-07-11 Thread Beverly Guillermo

Thanks, that's actually a great ideaand it works now without copying the source files. It's just that I kind of thought the pre-packaged swc file would actually work... :) Anyhow, it's all good!
On 7/11/06, Andriy Panas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Beverly,
 Ihaven't gotten any answers yet. I'm hoping someone has the answers.. :)
We had recompiled locally FlexUnit SWC file out of AS source filesavailable at 
http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php/ActionScript_3:resources:apis:libraries#FlexUnitand this particular error that you had mentioned had disappeared.-- Best regards,Andriy mailto:


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Re: [flexcoders] Flexunit Help Req, the TestRunnerBase/startTest() gives TypeError

2006-07-07 Thread Michael BADEN

I have the same problem.
Any solution ?
2006/7/5, Beverly Guillermo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hello everyone,

I have been really trying to findto work out this problem and even tried searching for theanswerthrough the flexcoder archives and through Google/Ask but have not yet found any resolution.

Here's the error that I've been getting in the debugger:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.at flexunit.flexui::TestRunnerBase/startTest()at ExampleTestRunner/::onCreationComplete()
at ExampleTestRunner/___Application1_creationComplete() at flash.events::EventDispatcher/flash.events:EventDispatcher::dispatchEventFunction()at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()at mx.core::UIComponent/set
 initialized()at mx.managers::LayoutManager/::doPhasedInstantiation ()at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()at mx.core::UIComponent/::callLaterDispatcher2()at mx.core::UIComponent/::callLaterDispatcher

Currently,I am using a mac for development, so all my tools are via the terminal command line andI use the flex2_sdk from Adobe's site and flexunit.zip from Adobe Labs' site. I've used the example that Darron Schall wrote up for use with FlexBuilder2 but tweaked it to compile via mxmlc. Please see the attached zipfile for specifics on the example code and my ant build parameters. 



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Re: [flexcoders] Flexunit Help Req, the TestRunnerBase/startTest() gives TypeError

2006-07-07 Thread Beverly Guillermo

Ihaven't gotten any answers yet. I'm hoping someone has the answers.. :)
On 7/7/06, Michael BADEN [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have the same problem.
Any solution ?
2006/7/5, Beverly Guillermo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone,

I have been really trying to findto work out this problem and even tried searching for theanswerthrough the flexcoder archives and through Google/Ask but have not yet found any resolution.

Here's the error that I've been getting in the debugger:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.at flexunit.flexui::TestRunnerBase/startTest()at ExampleTestRunner/::onCreationComplete() at ExampleTestRunner/___Application1_creationComplete() 
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/flash.events:EventDispatcher::dispatchEventFunction()at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()at mx.core::UIComponent/set initialized()at mx.managers::LayoutManager/::doPhasedInstantiation
 ()at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()at mx.core::UIComponent/::callLaterDispatcher2()at mx.core::UIComponent/::callLaterDispatcher ()

Currently,I am using a mac for development, so all my tools are via the terminal command line andI use the flex2_sdk from Adobe's site and flexunit.zip from Adobe Labs' site. I've used the example that Darron Schall wrote up for use with FlexBuilder2 but tweaked it to compile via mxmlc. Please see the attached zipfile for specifics on the example code and my ant build parameters. 




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RE: [flexcoders] FlexUnit, Web Service

2006-07-05 Thread Bjorn Schultheiss

Besides dummying the webservice result
can you place the assert in the handler.

I am interested in this and will run
some tests myself later on.


Bjorn Schultheiss

Senior Flash Developer

QDC Technologies

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of bchirgwin
Sent: Tuesday, 4 July 2006 3:55 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] FlexUnit,
Web Service

I have a web service I am trying to write and test a web service using 

I write the test that FlexUnit I add the a testsuite, but I can't test 
(assert) the results, because the web service doesn't immediately 
return a response. I have dispatched an event and tried asserting 
results in the dispatched event, but this causes an error in the 
console as asserts are being performed outside of a test.

Any help would be appreciated.


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RE: [flexcoders] FlexUnit, Web Service

2006-07-05 Thread Brian

I tried adding the asserts in the handler. If the asserts fails, it causes a 
crash of the application.  I tested this by making forcing an assert fail.  It 
seems, since the handler is not part of the test suite, the FlexUnit is 
crashing (on failure only). Must be looking for the test that is running (or 
something) and since it isn't, it fails. 

I did recompile FlexUnit to work with Flex Release (wouldn't work without some 
changes). Maybe there are other changes required as well.

I am new to Flex, so I could very well be doing something wrong.

On Wed, 5 Jul 2006 17:09:27 +1000, Bjorn Schultheiss wrote:
 Besides dummying the webservice result can you place the assert in the 


 I am interested in this and will run some tests myself later on.




 Bjorn Schultheiss

 Senior Flash Developer

 QDC Technologies

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[flexcoders] FlexUnit, Web Service

2006-07-03 Thread bchirgwin

I have a web service I am trying to write and test a web service using 

I write the test that FlexUnit I add the a testsuite, but I can't test 
(assert) the results, because the web service doesn't immediately 
return a response. I have dispatched an event and tried asserting 
results in the dispatched event, but this causes an error in the 
console as asserts are being performed outside of a test.

Any help would be appreciated.

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[flexcoders] FlexUnit question

2006-06-12 Thread maxym.hryniv
Hi, I'm trying to use for the first time flexUnit for Flex 2. I read 
Darron Schall article about it http://www.darronschall.com/weblog/
I'm wondering why we have to write such code in every test case 
  public static function suite():TestSuite {
   var ts:TestSuite = new TestSuite();
   ts.addTest( new TemperatureConverterTest( testToFarenheight ) );
   ts.addTest( new TemperatureConverterTest( testToCelsius ) );
   return ts;
Can I use naming convention test* to specify test methods like it 
was in flexUnit for as2 and like it is in any testing framework??? Or 
i have to specify them manually like in Darron Schall's article???

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Re: [flexcoders] FlexUnit question

2006-06-12 Thread Andriy Panas
Hi Max,

Monday, June 12, 2006, 1:15:13 PM, you wrote:

mh  ts.addTest( new TemperatureConverterTest( testToFarenheight ) );
mh  ts.addTest( new TemperatureConverterTest( testToCelsius ) );

I think, it is just a naming convention selected (which can be
overriden by anybody, why not) in Adobe to put
word Test at the end of the test case class name instead of using
the word Test at the beginning of the test case class name.

Examples of naming of other Adobe's test case classes:

Best regards,
 Andriymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [flexcoders] FlexUnit question

2006-06-12 Thread Johannes Nel

what he is asking is wether naming a function starting with test will
automatically add the test to be run as it does in most unit test
frameworks. i know asunit (for as3 as well) does this.On 6/12/06, Andriy Panas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Max,Monday, June 12, 2006, 1:15:13 PM, you wrote:mhts.addTest( new TemperatureConverterTest( testToFarenheight ) );
mhts.addTest( new TemperatureConverterTest( testToCelsius ) );I think, it is just a naming convention selected (which can beoverriden by anybody, why not) in Adobe to putword Test at the end of the test case class name instead of using
the word Test at the beginning of the test case class name.Examples of naming of other Adobe's test case classes:
http://labs.adobe.com/svn/flashplatform/?/projects/flickr/trunk/tests/FlickrTestRunner/FlickrTestRunner.mxml--Best regards,
Andriymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ~--Home is just a click away. Make Yahoo! your home page now.
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[flexcoders] FlexUnit error

2006-03-27 Thread Sönke Rohde
I am just trying FlexUnit
raries#FlexUnit) like in the example by Darron Schall
(http://www.darronschall.com/weblog/archives/000216.cfm) and I get the
following error:

ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable
http://www.adobe.com/2006/flex/mx/internal::_TestRunnerBase_StylesInit is
not defined
at flexunit.flexui::TestRunnerBase$iinit()

This line causes the error:
flexunit:TestRunnerBase id=testRunner width=100% height=100% /

Is this a problem because of flex beta2 because the example was posted while
beta 1 was out or am I missing something else?


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RE: [flexcoders] FlexUnit test case not returning result from service call

2006-03-12 Thread Matt Chotin
1.5 or 2.0?  In 1.5 it's harder to set up, in 2.0 did you look at the
AsyncHelper stuff?


-Original Message-
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of posttoumesh
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 4:16 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] FlexUnit test case not returning result from
service call

I am using FlexUnit framework to write a test case to make a call to a
remote service(java function) the test case runs fine,talks to server
and returns but I am not getting result back in the client.

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[flexcoders] FlexUnit test case not returning result from service call

2006-03-10 Thread posttoumesh
I am using FlexUnit framework to write a test case to make a call to a
remote service(java function) the test case runs fine,talks to server
and returns but I am not getting result back in the client.

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[flexcoders] Flexunit for Flex 2

2006-02-06 Thread Chris Velevitch
Is there a version of Flexunit for Flex 2 or will Flexunit 0.9 work with Flex 2?

Chris Velevitch
Manager - Sydney Flash Platform Developers Group

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[flexcoders] FlexUnit Test Runner inside of a flex application

2005-10-11 Thread Allen Manning

Hello Flexcoders,

Has anyone been able to get the FlexUnit test runner working
along-side a flex application? Basically I would like to run tests against a
loaded application.

I tried putting the test runner into a TitleWindow and
then open the title window via a pop-up. When the pop-up opens, Flash crashes.
I put it in the root and all runs fine.

?xml version=1.0

mx:TitleWindow height=600




 flexunit:test{ tests.AllTests.suite.()



I dont want the runner to act as a stand-alone
application I want it to perform tests against my existing application. For

//automate some work being done in my UI, then check

mx.core.Application.application.navigationBar.selectedIndex == 4 );

Thanks for any help,


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[flexcoders] FlexUnit

2005-09-29 Thread hari.ibs

Please give me the information about FlexUnit..and also tell me it is for frontend testing or backend testing.
Harinath K

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[flexcoders] FlexUnit

2005-09-29 Thread hari.ibs

Hi All,I have downloaded Flexunit0.9 and done sample application i.e TestMoney.as...and got results fine.But when I am doing with Caingorm framework ,i have bit confused..for which classes i need to test..is it for Viewhelpers or Commands..And my main question is,Flexunit is for frontend testing or backend testing?.I know JUnit is for backend 
testing.Please let me know about flexunit..and please give me suggestions in this regard..
ThanksRegardsHarinath K[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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