I am creating some flex components through action script. And I want to
access the x position of these components.
These components are created within an HBox (personDetails) so they get an x
position on its own and it is not an absolute value.
But I would like to retrieve these x values from an button outside the

well, i am not sure if u can name components/sprite/movieclips in flex..?
currently on the script below.. you can see i have not named them, So how do
i access each of these components..? any leads will be really helpful.

private function createPassengerMenu():void {
            for (var i:Number=0;i<totalPassengers;i++){
                var dtiPersonal:dtiPersonalDetails = new
                dtiPersonal.dtiPersonalId = (i+1);
                dtiPersonal.driTotPass = Number(totalPassengers);
                dtiPersonal.addEventListener("nextItem", sharedDataHandler);

Varun Shetty

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