I have a Flex app with some animated characters that (are supposed 
to) move around the screen when you click the mouse. The animations 
are done in Flash CS3, then exported as Flex SWC Components using the 
Flex Component Kit for Flash CS3.

Initially, I used static JPG/PNG images for characters, and created 
Move/Zoon tweens in Flex that would move the images around the screen.

However, when I replaced the static images with the SWC components, 
it didn't work.  The characters properly change from a "standing" 
state to a "walking" state (looping animation) but when I try to play 
the move/zoom tweens it throws an error (Error #1006).

Researching this error it seems it can happen when the object you are 
applying a method to is the wrong type.  But shouldn't I be able to 
use this method to move the SWC components around the screen?

If not, how can I move/zoom the SWC components when a user clicks the 
mouse?  Essentially, a mouse click should cause the character to 
enter the "walking" state/animation, then play the move/zoom tweens 
to take the component to the mouse click position, then return the 
character to a "standing" state.

Any insight is appreciated!

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