Hi all,

I am trying to outline some GridItem components with a popup canvas
component.  I have it working nicely if the Grid is not in a popup,
but once it is contained in the popup, I run into problems, as the
GridItem gives me an x value that appears to be incorrect.

Can anyone tell me how to get the correct coordinates of GridItem in
this situation?  


For an example of what I am seeing, please run this simple example and
click through the four cells:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; width="100%"
height="100%" layout="absolute" creationComplete="moveIntoPopup( event )">
    import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
    import mx.containers.*;
    import mx.core.UIComponent;
    private var outline:Canvas;
    public function outlineMe( ev:MouseEvent ): void {
        var cell:GridItem = GridItem( ev.currentTarget );       
        var p:Point = new Point( cell.x, cell.y );
        p = cell.localToGlobal( p );
        coords.htmlText = "x: " + p.x + " y:" + p.y;
        if ( outline ) {
           PopUpManager.removePopUp( outline );
        outline = new Canvas();
        outline.setStyle( "borderColor", 0x0 );
        outline.setStyle( "borderStyle", "solid" );
        outline.setStyle( "borderThickness", "1" );     
        outline.x = p.x;
        outline.y = p.y
        outline.width = cell.width;
        outline.height = cell.height;
        PopUpManager.addPopUp( outline, DisplayObject(
Application.application ) );
    public function moveIntoPopup( ev:Event ): void {
        removeChild( popup );
        PopUpManager.addPopUp( popup, DisplayObject(
Application.application ) );
        PopUpManager.centerPopUp( popup );
  <mx:TitleWindow id='popup' title="Click a cell">
      <mx:GridItem id='a' mouseDown="outlineMe(event)"><mx:Label
      <mx:GridItem id='b' mouseDown="outlineMe(event)"><mx:Label
      <mx:GridItem id='c' mouseDown="outlineMe(event)"><mx:Label
      <mx:GridItem id='d' mouseDown="outlineMe(event)"><mx:Label
   <mx:Text id='coords'/>

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