As an additional note, setting the backgroundColor style of the Tree has
no effect. Setting backgroundAlpha to 0 does hide it, but also hides the
background colors of the Tree items as stipulated in the depthColors

-----Original Message-----
From: Battershall, Jeff 
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 9:19 AM
Subject: Tree Background Oddity - GMC2

I've got a tree acting as menu for an application inside a panel. The
tree dataprovider is an XMLListCollection generated from a db call. I've
set the height of the tree to take up all the available vertical space
in the panel, so that there's no scrollbars when the user expands a

When it renders, there's a black area below the top level nodes. I'm
thinking these are the default itemRenderers which have no content until
tree nodes are expanded.  But why are they visible at all?  I didn't see
this behavior in Flex 2, just the GMCs. 

Jeff Battershall
Application Architect
Dow Jones Indexes
(609) 520-5637 (p)
(484) 477-9900 (c)

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