First all, thanks, Brian, for your answer.

I'm using Flex builder path > Add SWC, I'm triying with your options,
but I can't see any difference as result.

When I build my Library, I get a file library.swf, packed in my .swc.
When I build my project with this library (included as Right click
project > properties > Flex Build Path > Library Path > Add SWC ), I
have some files in the root directory, AND library.swf, also in the
root directory. I want to remove this file, or, at least, change it to
a subdirectory, if it's possible.
I'm quite sure that the solution is a simple use of paths and compiler
> When working with applications and flex libraries side by side just
> include the library as a project. 
> Right click project > properties > Flex Build Path > Library Path > Add
> Project
> You then may need to change the build order of your projects to make
> sure the Library gets built before the application
> ________________________________

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