[flexcoders] Re: Possible to add a textinput to a TabNavigator (next to the tabs)

2009-03-17 Thread valdhor

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, gmoniey22 gmonie...@... wrote:

 I am rather new to flex, so I apologize in advance if the answer is obvious.
 I have a TabNavigator and I want to place a textinput box all the way to the 
 right. This will be a small search box that will help filter the contents of 
 the currently selected tab.
 Is this possible?

[flexcoders] Re: Possible to add a textinput to a TabNavigator (next to the tabs)

2009-03-17 Thread alinmircea_s
If your component is static and will never change , children will never get 
removed and no new children will be added you could try an absolute 
positioning. I do not recommend spacer tho.

On the other hand you could try to make your own component , you say that you 
are new to flex so I guess that may be scary and you would not know where to 
start . 

Help yourself to this,  I'm not saying it's finished but I do think it's the 
best approach :

import mx.containers.TabNavigator;
import mx.controls.TabBar;
import mx.controls.TextInput;
import mx.core.FlexVersion;
import mx.styles.StyleProxy;

public class ExtendedTabNavigator extends TabNavigator
public function ExtendedTabNavigator()

//we don t realy need this, tabBarHeight could be tabBar.height 
but eh 
private function get tabBarHeight():Number
var tabHeight:Number = getStyle(tabHeight);

if (isNaN(tabHeight))
tabHeight = tabBar.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight();

return tabHeight - borderMetrics.top;

protected var textS:TextInput;

override protected function createChildren():void
//doesn't matter when we call super, we are not messing 
with the actual tabbar
//creating out textInput
textS = new TextInput
//you can make a style for this so that it's 
not hard.coaded, easiest way. no need for internals
textS.width = 100;
//adding our textInput

override protected function 
super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);

//move the textInput so that it appears right of the 
var leftOffset:Number = getStyle(tabOffset);
//watch out for borderThickness
//in case your tabnav has a border soldi with a set 
//we will also remove it from the move of tabbar and 
texti - coming next

var borderThick:Number = getStyle(borderThickness);

switch (getStyle(horizontalAlign))
case left:
//addede calcs for -borderthick
tabBar.move(0 + borderThick + leftOffset, tabBar.y);
textS.move(0 + borderThick + leftOffset + tabBar.width, 
case right:
//because txeti is right of tabbar we have to also move the 
tabbar , 
//we could move texti left of the tabbar
//and leave the tabbar alone, your choice
//also addede calculation for -borderthick
tabBar.move(unscaledWidth - tabBar.width - textS.width 
-borderThick + leftOffset, tabBar.y);
textS.move(unscaledWidth - textS.width -borderThick + 
leftOffset, tabBar.y)
case center:
//no need for borderthick
tabBar.move((unscaledWidth - tabBar.width - 
textS.width) / 2 + leftOffset, tabBar.y);
textS.move((unscaledWidth + tabBar.width - textS.width ) / 
2 + leftOffset, tabBar.y)
//set textI height
textS.height = tabBar.height//tabBarHeight;

Feel free to ask if there is something unclear

[flexcoders] Re: Possible to add a textinput to a TabNavigator (next to the tabs)

2009-03-17 Thread gmoniey22
Thanks for the reply...I come from a Java background, so creating a custom 
component is not scary so to speak...I was just hoping there may be an easier 
way to do it directly to the TabNavigator instance.

Also, out of curiosity, why do you not recommend the spacer?

[flexcoders] Re: Possible to add a textinput to a TabNavigator (next to the tabs)

2009-03-17 Thread Tim Hoff

Another way:

  mx:TabNavigator width=100% height=100%/
  mx:TextInput right=0/


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, gmoniey22 gmonie...@... wrote:

 Thanks for the reply...I come from a Java background, so creating a
custom component is not scary so to speak...I was just hoping there
may be an easier way to do it directly to the TabNavigator instance.

 Also, out of curiosity, why do you not recommend the spacer?

[flexcoders] Re: Possible to add a textinput to a TabNavigator (next to the tabs)

2009-03-17 Thread alinmircea_s
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, gmoniey22 gmonie...@... wrote:

 Thanks for the reply...I come from a Java background, so creating a custom 
 component is not scary so to speak...I was just hoping there may be an 
 easier way to do it directly to the TabNavigator instance.
 Also, out of curiosity, why do you not recommend the spacer?

When I said it would be scary all I was saying was that sometimes it can take 
a long time to set up exactly as needed. I did not mean to offend you in any 

I don't like the spacer idea mainly because it's a 3'rd party, with it's own 
width or height, I don't see the need for it, not here anyway. If that 
(extending component) is not the wanted approach you can always try the 
absolute positioning. I would recommend something like this

?xml version=1.0?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; 

mx:Canvas width=100% height=100%

mx:TabNavigator id=tabN width=100% height=100% 



mx:TextInput id=textI /



So that is

Setting it on the update complete of the tabnavigator and not on the 
creationcomplete of the textinput. This way you take into account any resize 
that might happen

the id on the tabNavigator can be removed and tabN inside the setStyle() can be 
substituted with event.target or event.currentTarget

[flexcoders] Re: Possible to add a textinput to a TabNavigator (next to the tabs)

2009-03-17 Thread alinmircea_s
In case anyone needs a more detailed explanation

the need for getTabAt(tabN.numChildren-1).

We cannot access tabN.tabBar because of it's protected attribute so we cannot 
directly get the tabBar's width. That is why we are getting the last-tab's 
button instance x + witdh , It's the exact width of the tabBar.

The x of the (last-tab's button instance) is the sum of all preceding tab 
button instances + any style the tabnavigator might set. 

Again, :) not trying to offend anyone, just that not everyone will understand 
exactly what getTabAt(tabN.numChildren-1) means.

[flexcoders] Re: Possible to add a textinput to a TabNavigator (next to the tabs)

2009-03-17 Thread gmoniey22
Thanks for your reply...I tried do something similar. As a test case, I just 
tried to add a label after the tabs have been created. I tried the following:

var l:Label = new Label();
l.text = TEST;

This compiled fine...but when I ran it, nothing showed up. Where would I add 
the spacer?


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, valdhor valdhorli...@... wrote:

 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, gmoniey22 gmoniey22@ wrote:
  I am rather new to flex, so I apologize in advance if the answer is obvious.
  I have a TabNavigator and I want to place a textinput box all the way to 
  the right. This will be a small search box that will help filter the 
  contents of the currently selected tab.
  Is this possible?

[flexcoders] Re: Possible to add a textinput to a TabNavigator (next to the tabs)

2009-03-17 Thread gmoniey22
No offense taken...in fact, I appreciate your help.

I will start playing around with it.

Thanks again.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, alinmircea_s alinmirce...@... wrote:

 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, gmoniey22 gmoniey22@ wrote:
  Thanks for the reply...I come from a Java background, so creating a custom 
  component is not scary so to speak...I was just hoping there may be an 
  easier way to do it directly to the TabNavigator instance.
  Also, out of curiosity, why do you not recommend the spacer?
 When I said it would be scary all I was saying was that sometimes it can 
 take a long time to set up exactly as needed. I did not mean to offend you in 
 any way.
 I don't like the spacer idea mainly because it's a 3'rd party, with it's own 
 width or height, I don't see the need for it, not here anyway. If that 
 (extending component) is not the wanted approach you can always try the 
 absolute positioning. I would recommend something like this
 ?xml version=1.0?
 mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; 
 mx:Canvas width=100% height=100%

   mx:TabNavigator id=tabN width=100% height=100% 
   mx:TextInput id=textI /
 So that is
 Setting it on the update complete of the tabnavigator and not on the 
 creationcomplete of the textinput. This way you take into account any resize 
 that might happen
 the id on the tabNavigator can be removed and tabN inside the setStyle() can 
 be substituted with event.target or event.currentTarget

[flexcoders] Re: Possible to add a textinput to a TabNavigator (next to the tabs)

2009-03-17 Thread alinmircea_s
After reading your second post with the .addChild I guess this would be 
helpful. Here it is

?xml version=1.0?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; 

import mx.controls.TabBar;
import mx.containers.VBox;
import mx.controls.TextInput;
private var ti:TextInput = new TextInput

private function addTI():void
private function Upda():void
var tabBar:TabBar = tabN.getTabAt(0).parent as 
var leftOffset:Number = 
var borderThick:Number = 

ti.width = 100
ti.height = tabN.getTabAt(0).height

switch (tabN.getStyle(horizontalAlign))
case left:
tabBar.move(0 + borderThick + 
leftOffset, tabBar.y);
ti.move(0 + borderThick + leftOffset + 
tabBar.width, tabBar.y)
case right:
tabBar.move(tabN.width - tabBar.width - 
ti.width -borderThick + leftOffset, tabBar.y);
ti.move(tabN.width - ti.width -borderThick 
+ leftOffset, tabBar.y)
case center:
tabBar.move((tabN.width - tabBar.width 
- ti.width) / 2 + leftOffset, tabBar.y);
ti.move((tabN.width+ tabBar.width - 
ti.width ) / 2 + leftOffset, tabBar.y)

mx:TabNavigator id=tabN width=100% height=100%  




mx:Button click=tabN.addChild(new VBox) label=add child/
mx:Button click=tabN.removeChildAt(0) label=remove child/
mx:Button click=tabN.setStyle('horizontalAlign','left') label=left 
mx:Button click=tabN.setStyle('horizontalAlign','center') 
label=center align/
mx:Button click=tabN.setStyle('horizontalAlign','right') 
label=right align/


Although at the level of a Flash DisplayObjectContainer, all children 
are equal, in a Flex Container some children are more equal than others. 
(George Orwell, Animal Farm)
In particular, Flex distinguishes between content children and
non-content (or chrome) children. Content children are the kind that can be 
specified in MXML. If you put several controls into a VBox, those are its 
content children. Non-content children
are the other ones that you get automatically, such as a
background/border, scrollbars, the titlebar of a Panel, AccordionHeaders, etc.

Most application developers are uninterested in non-content children, 
so Container overrides APIs such as numChildren and getChildAt() to deal only 
with content children. For example, Container, keeps its own _numChildren 
Container assumes that content children are contiguous, and that 
non-content children come before or after the content children.
In order words, Container partitions DisplayObjectContainer's
index range into three parts:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8- index for all children
  0 1 2 3- index for content children

The content partition contains the content children D E F G.
The pre-content partition contains the non-content children A B C that 
always stay before the content children.
The post-content partition contains the non-content children H I that 
always stay after the content children.

Container maintains two state variables, _firstChildIndex and 
_numChildren, which keep track of the partitioning. In this example, 
_firstChildIndex would be 3 and _numChildren would be 4.


   A container typically contains child components, which can be enumerated 
using the