Bump (I learned a new word), and cc'ing flexcomponents.

This might be too hackish, but is there a good way to detect if a component
is in "scrolling" state. That way, I could imagine a tree (or VBox of
WindowShades) which would fire events, and if it got too large, would close
some nodes.

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Richard Rodseth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Suppose one wanted the behavior of the palettes (panel groups) in an app
> like Fireworks, where more than one panel can be expanded, but eventually
> panels will start to close when the container runs out of space.
> Accordion has the limitation that only one child can be visible at a time.
> WindowShade in flexlib looks nice, but a VBox of these would grow in size as
> the panels were opened.
> Any suggestions?

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