I agree with Jeff that those links are pretty good :), but you may
also need to make the class whose instances are filling your AC
bindable as well. Its hard to tell without seeing your app.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "vigen2000" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi people,
> i hope u can help me on this one...
> i have a ModelLocator that holds an object with ArrayCollection. 
> i also have a TileList that gets the ArrayCollection of that object
> through DataBinding. Now, when i change the Object in the ModelLocator
> none of the custom itemRenderer in the TileList do not change. they
> still show the old data.
> any idea? 
> some code:
> -------StoreVO.as--------
> [Bindable]
> public class StoreVO implements IValueObject{ 
>   [ArrayElementType("Product")]
>   public var products:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();                
>         }
> ------ModelLocator.as-----------
> [Bindable]
> public class ModelLocator implements ModelLocator{
>   public var store:StoreVO;
> }
> ------Main.mxml---------
> ....
> <mx:TileList
> dataProvider="{ModelLocator.getInstance().store.products}"
> itemRenderer="ProductView" 
> />
> -----ProductView.mxml--------
> ...
> <mx:Label  text="{data.name}"  /> //i get warning - Data binding will
> not be able to detect assignments to "data"

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