Hi All,
I am developing a flex application using .net fluorine framework.
Earlier i used web services written in c#.

I used the code in this manner:

<mx:WebService id="smHttp" wsdl="
http://localhost/SM.WebSrv/default.asmx?WSDL"; fault="Alert.show(
event.fault.faultString)" useProxy="false" showBusyCursor="true">
and i called web method like smHttp.UpdatePersonLoginInfo(personInfo) where
personinfo is an object.

Remoting using .net Flourine framework:
<mx:RemoteObject id="smHttp" destination="fluorine" source="SM.WebSrv.Soap"
          fault="DisplayError(event)" showBusyCursor="true">
and i called remote method like smHttp.UpdatePersonLoginInfo(personInfo);

Incase of web service, it is working properly, and no error at all.
But in case of remoting, i am getting error like
 [RPC Fault faultString="Could not find a suitable method with name
InsertPersonLoginInfo" faultCode="Server.Processing" faultDetail="   at
applicationContext, Type type, String methodName, IList arguments).
I am facing lot of problems while converting web service code to remoting.

Please clarify  this issue.
Thanks in advance,
Appan Parige.

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