This is all do to TextField boxes that are overlapping my button
sprites.  Personally, if a textfield is blank, I think the sprite
underneath should allow MouseEvents from underneath, because in a
sense an invisible area of a TextField should be like an invisible
part of a sprite.

Any one else have any input on this?


--- In, "patricklemiuex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am a little beside myself because I have sprites and there are some
> bugs in Flashplayer that I've noticed about click events not being
> received with TextFields & TextFormatter Objects added to sprites.   I
> have a button and 2 out of 10 clicks, i don't receive a click event! 
> It's like there's almost a dead spot where no clicking can be received?
> I even added a transparent layer to try to see if it is a depth issue.  
> Has anyone come across this type of unexpected behavior?   I know that
> I can't be the only programmer who has issues with this sort of thing?  
> The only work around is to get a mouseDown and get an X Y point and
> determine mouse position?  Any ideas?
> Questions:
> 1.  Invisible parts of sprites should not stop click events from
> sprite underneath, correct?
> 2.  Why does a TextField Object have an automatic 100 pixel tall
> height when none is specified.  Why Does this ghost height invalidate
> clicks beneath?  This is a bug, correct?

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