Ok, so I tried a couple more things and found what appears to have cleaned up the problem. I ended up doing a project -> clean which went thru and rebuilt the entire project and...well....cleaned up the references (??). This appears to have fixed the digest mismatch and compiling with the RSL's works again! WOOT!


Adrian Williams wrote:

Hey Y'all,

    Ok, so I'm stumped...

I update my FB SDK to 3.3 and now, when I run the compiled swf's, I get this error:

Flex Error #1001: Digest mismatch with RSL http://localhost/GAP-Pages/framework_3.0.0.477.swf. Redeploy the matching RSL or relink your application with the matching library.

So, I understand (to a point) what the problem is...but I'm not sure how to fix it. I can work around it by changing the Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path -> Library Path -> Framework Linkage from "Runtime shared library (RSL)" to "Merged into code". But by doing this, then my .swf sizes get fugly and so it's not a viable solution for the long term.

Can anyone explain to me exactly what I need to "re-link" to fix this problem?


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