[flexcoders] Sending Form Data

2008-09-02 Thread Cordova Aaron
I create a script that can generate forms on the fly. I run into a snag when 
sending the data back. For instance if one of the fields being returned is an 

var returnMessage:Object = new Object.
returnMessage.formid = 123;
returnMessage.address = 345 W. FlexCoder Ave;
returnMessage.city = Las Vegas;

public var session:Array = new Array;
session.id = 123;
session.user = some_user;
session.time = the_time;

/* this is where things stop working */
returnMessage.session = session;

So If I need to return all my form fields along with some data that may be in 
an array, how do I go about that?


Re: [flexcoders] Sending Form Data

2008-09-02 Thread Sherif Abdou
What do you mean by it stops working? I tested it and it works. 
Sherif Abdou
  - Original Message - 
  From: Cordova Aaron 
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 4:54 PM
  Subject: [flexcoders] Sending Form Data

  I create a script that can generate forms on the fly. I run into a snag when 
sending the data back. For instance if one of the fields being returned is an 

  var returnMessage:Object = new Object.
  returnMessage.formid = 123;
  returnMessage.address = 345 W. FlexCoder Ave;
  returnMessage.city = Las Vegas;

  public var session:Array = new Array;
  session.id = 123;
  session.user = some_user;
  session.time = the_time;

  /* this is where things stop working */
  returnMessage.session = session;

  So If I need to return all my form fields along with some data that may be in 
an array, how do I go about that?


Re: [flexcoders] Sending Form Data

2008-09-02 Thread Cordova Aaron
/*  this is where things stop working */
returnMessage. session =  session;

as in the object returnMessage at session now equates to the last element of 
the var 'session'.

- Original Message 
From: Sherif Abdou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 2, 2008 3:16:24 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Sending Form Data

What do you mean by it stops working? I tested it 
and it works. 
Sherif Abdou
http://VadexFX. com
http://Sherifabdou. com
- Original Message - 
From: Cordova Aaron 
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 4:54  PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Sending Form  Data

I create a script that can generate forms on the fly. I run into a snag  when 
sending the data back. For instance if one of the fields being returned  is an 

var returnMessage: Object = new  Object.
returnMessage. formid = 123;
returnMessage. address =  345 W. FlexCoder Ave;
returnMessage. city = Las  Vegas;

public var session:Array = new Array;
session.id =  123;
session.user = some_user;
session.time = the_time;

/*  this is where things stop working */
returnMessage. session =  session;

So If I need to return all my form fields along with some data  that may be in 
an array, how do I go about that?


[flexcoders] Sending form

2007-03-06 Thread RadicalByte
Hi All,

This is my first post to the group, and is probably a stupid question..

I'm building my first flex application.  It consists of the main
application area and several forms.

The main application area calls some web services via HTTPService and
stores the resulting data in ArrayCollections.

The froms are instantiated via Actionscript, and managed by the
PopupManager as they're popups.

Now for the questions:

1. How do I give the forms access to the application area's
ArrayCollections?  I'd ideally like to pass a reference in each form's
constructor.  If this is possible/easy then the next question isn't so
important [because I'll send my subform a reference to the variables
and it can work direct on them].

2. One of the forms is a data entry form.  It has an 'ok' button. 
OnClick of the OK button I need the form to send the values of its
member controls to the main application.  The main application then
uses these values.

3. Does anyone have any book recommendations?  I've nabbed O'Reilly's
ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook for answers to some questions, but I'd like
something that covers both Flex/ActionScript..

Thanks in advance :-)

Best regards,

RE: [flexcoders] Sending form

2007-03-06 Thread Dimitrios Gianninas
Some answers:
1) Once u created the pop-up, just pass it the data it needs:
var win:MyPopUp = PopUpManager.create( ... );
win.myData = someArrayCollection;
2) Once the OK button is pressed, set the data to some global modal that will 
then be used by the main app (see Cairngorm for this as well):
public function doOk():void {
   ModelLocator.getInstance().someVar = myData;
   PopUpManager.removePopUp( this );
Dimitrios Gianninas
Optimal Payments Inc.

From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 7:29 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Sending form

Hi All,

This is my first post to the group, and is probably a stupid question..

I'm building my first flex application. It consists of the main
application area and several forms.

The main application area calls some web services via HTTPService and
stores the resulting data in ArrayCollections.

The froms are instantiated via Actionscript, and managed by the
PopupManager as they're popups.

Now for the questions:

1. How do I give the forms access to the application area's
ArrayCollections? I'd ideally like to pass a reference in each form's
constructor. If this is possible/easy then the next question isn't so
important [because I'll send my subform a reference to the variables
and it can work direct on them].

2. One of the forms is a data entry form. It has an 'ok' button. 
OnClick of the OK button I need the form to send the values of its
member controls to the main application. The main application then
uses these values.

3. Does anyone have any book recommendations? I've nabbed O'Reilly's
ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook for answers to some questions, but I'd like
something that covers both Flex/ActionScript..

Thanks in advance :-)

Best regards,


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