Well the fix was a hack, i document wrote a 1.1 pixel of a flash movie 
to the browser and gave it the same id as my other movie... and it works 
now.  My methods from my flex app are calling the page. 

Has anybody else had this problem? "id undefined" in ie on complex pages 
(php?) with flash components trying to access javascript methods?  I 
know i am on a rant but, this kind of stuff sucks for developers. 

"we should call it die-e"

my example of how i did, it - i wrote to an invisble div layer with a 
tiny swf.

width="600" height="130" id="xmlReader" align="middle">\n');
    document.write('<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />\n');
    document.write('<param name="movie" value="embed.swf" /><param 
name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />\n');
    document.write('<embed src="embed.swf" quality="high" 
bgcolor="#ffffff" width="1" height="1" name="xmlReader" align="middle" 
allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" 
pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"; />\n');

//and then i used the adobe method on the page as well and it seems to 
bypass the "undefined" issue. 

Patrick Lemiuex wrote:
> I have done this before on many pages and it's worked before. This
> page however is throwing me off.
> I tried adobe's AE_OEtags.js, and swfobject and a few other embed tag
> helpers out there to get around of the click to activate issue... The
> issue with this page is a javascript error - It always says
> "mymovie" is not defined (while it works in firefox, the better
> browser). I can't begin to describe how frustrated I am and I I'd
> like to take microsoft to small claims court so they can pay me for
> my wasted half day. has anybody solved this with out issue. I
> googled and found other developers with the same issues an no
> solutions..
> please help....
> Patrick

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