Good morning,

Sorry, to post this again, but I'm goin in circles and confused how to 
populate a datagrid properly with an array collection as a 
dataProvider.  I'm able to use an mx:ArrayCollection or a single array 
in an array collection, but how do I populate it automatically with an 
array collection holding 3 arrays, like this?

<mx:DataGrid id="dgFeatured1" width="250" height="150" 
styleName="mainText" top="208" left="46" itemClick="itemClickEvent(event);">
                  <mx:Object Poll="Do You Like Law And Order" 
Number="53" owner="batanga/jumpman" type="1"/>
                  <mx:Object Poll="When Do You Do Most Of Your 
Christmas..." Number="49" owner="batanga/jumpman" type="1"/>
                  <mx:Object Poll="Can I Date Your Daughter" Number="54" 
owner="batanga/DonaldRumsfeld" type="1"/>

This works, but I want to do the same thing as above with my arrays in 
an array collection, this probably something really basic I don't grasp 
how to use.  This works, but only with one array in my array collection...

var _data_fastest:Object = RemotingProvider.getInstance().getPolls();
            fastestAC = new ArrayCollection(_data_fastest.fastest);

I want to the following, why does this not work the same way, what am I 
not grasping:

fastestAC = new ArrayCollection(_data_fastest.fastest,,_data.type);

then I want to use the dataProvider so I can populate it just like the 
first example and then get my selected item.

Thanks flex genius!

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