hey ppl!

I'm trying to build some project in Flex but I'm running into problems when
I try to use Image component in pure AS'ish way.
Somehow i tend to believe that
<mx:Image source="http://localhost/image.gif"/>
Should do completely the same as
image = new Image();
image.source = "http://localhost/icon_users.gif";;

but it doesn't.

Yeah I've tried to use load() method and still the same actually i think
I've done everything i could possibly think of and found no way I can get
that image onscreen without using MXML.

Does anyone has an idea what might be solution?

So far I thought that Adobe fired all ppl who made v2 component framework,
hired new ones and finally made a set of usable components, but spending
whole day on things like this is so counter productive that I start to doubt
Oh and btw, wheres AS usage samples? All help docs concentrate on MXML
approach way too much in my opinion.

any ideas will be appreciated


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