Hi everyone!

    This is my first post in this group.I am writing my first Flex

  It is a simple web service (SOAP) in which 

  1) Server : is written in python.It has a method getMetrics  defined
which outputs an array of performance metrics.

    Server resides on a machine on the same LAN(next to me)

   2)Client: is written in Flex.It calls this getMetrics method and
just prints the response.

   I am getting the following message in my flash player or  browser
when i run my Flex client.(SWF file)
  "Security error accessing URL" "Cannot invoke method getmMetrics as
WSDL did not load successfully"

   I dont think i have messed up my WSDL file (which is on localhost)
because A Client written in python is successfully accessing that
webservice getMterics using the SAME WSDL file.  

Pleeeease ....any suggestions ???

Looking forward for any help...thanks!

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