Re: [Flexradio] Round two of the SoftRock40

2005-07-10 Thread Edson Pereira

Hi Tony,

The idea of having a separate dedicated audio codec for the SDR is 
really nice. It is something I have been advocating for some time. I 
have built an USB codec using the pcm2903 early this year and it works 
very nicely with a simple monoband QSD I have also built. The USB codec 
is only 16 bits @ 48 kHz, but the ADC/DAC quality is better than most 
built-in sound cards.

One note about the Burr Brown chips: There is a bug in all PCM29xx codec 
series. The USB audio stream has one sample delay for both the ADC and 
the DAC. This is easy to fix in software though. Without shifting the 
sample, it is not possible to achieve rejection of the opposite 
sideband. I have contacted the TI/BurrBrown engineering division and 
they have confirmed the bug.

Another project I have started but have not yet finished due to serious 
lack of time in the last few weeks is to use a fiber-optic link for the 
USB signals. There are relatively cheap fiber optics devices available 
that can be used to isolate the computer from the radio. The adapter 
would aliviate problems with common-mode computer noise, ground loops, etc.


-- Edson, pu1jte, n1vtn, 7n4ncl

Tony Parks wrote:

Hello All,

I recently completed a new layout of the little SoftRock40,  40 meter 
SDR demonstration receiver.  The new PCB is 1 inch wide by 2.3 inches 
long with a USB type A connector on one of the narrow ends for getting 
5VDC power from the PC to the board.  An antenna connection to the 
board and a stereo cable from the board to line-in completes the 
electrical connections.  Bill's (KD5TFD) hacked beta version 1.3.7 
makes the radio play in quite a nice way.

With the new layout the four SMT ICs and associated 0.1uF SMT bypass 
caps are on the backside of the board for easier building and 
debugging. Components on the top side of the board are through-hole.

Additionally, a companion 1 inch by 2.3 inches board is laid out for 
installation of a TI PCM2900 stereo audio codec with usb interface.  
This experimental board will let people try a self-contained SDR 
receiver  with only a usb interface to the PC.  With my recent board 
order, I will have 20 SoftRock40 boards and 12 codec boards to provide 
in kits.  (The PCM2900 chip can be gotten from TI as a sample and will 
not be supplied in the kit.)

A number of people have already indicated an interest in a SoftRock40 
kit from the next batch of kits. The following options are offered in 
round two of the SoftRock40:

1) SoftRock40 kit only at $29
2) SoftRock40 kit with physically attached experimental codec board at 

3) Codec board only at $2 to cover postage
4) SoftRock40 kit and separate experimental codec board at $29.

These kits are offered only to stimulate interest in the SDR-1000 and 
the PowerSDR software.  Kit prices are set to recover my expenses.

Let me know if your are interested in any of the kit options.


FlexRadio mailing list

[Flexradio] Linux jDttSP

2005-09-30 Thread Edson Pereira

Good Evening!

This is a question to Bob or Frank regarding jDttSP on Linux.

I am trying to get a Qt-based GUI implemented to control jDttSP and have 
noticed that the spectrum data was not being correctly written to the 
spectrum FIFO. After some tracing, I've found that the problem was due 
to the fact that the window[] function array for the spectrum FFT was 
not being initialized. For testing I've initialized the window[] in 
init_spectrum() for the moment. Later I may include it in update.c.

Now I have spectrum data coming out of the FIFO, but I've noticed that 
when setting the spectrum to PRE_FILT, the spectrum slides on the 
frequency axis following the setOsc setting. Trying SEMI_RAW does not 
work unless I set the mode to SPEC (setMode SPEC). But this changes the 
audio filtering and does not change the spectrum sliding behavior.

One more thing I have noticed is that there is no change in the 
demodulator when I set the mode to USB or LSB (setMode USB|LSB). The 
only way I can switch SSB sidebands is by modifying the filter passband 
to negative values.

My questions are:

1. Is the initialization of the window[] function left out in the Linux 
2. Would there be a way to get a snapshot of the full 48 kHz raw complex 
spectrum without any interference from the tuning?

3. Is the USB/LSB behavior correct?

Many thanks,

-- Edson, pu1jte, n1vtn, 7n4ncl

Re: [Flexradio] Linux jDttSP

2005-09-30 Thread Edson Pereira

Hi Frank,

Thanks for the quick response.

Frank Brickle wrote:

Edson --

Yipes! I can't thank you enough for pointing this out. We've had a 
couple of other reports about problems with the spectum output and 
have been going nuts trying to figure out what was going on, because I 
have been unable to duplicate the problem.

There was a lengthy process of negotiation back and forth between Bob 
and myself concerning exactly what would go where in the spectrum 
computation, so that we'd have something that worked on both the Linux 
and Windows sides. It was my job ultimately to reconcile them in the 
codebase.  Just at the time this was happening there were big problems 
at SourceForge with updates to CVS that got dropped on the floor.

The problem actually pushed me to look into the code to find out how 
things work.

In short, the wrong version (half-corrected) was the one that got into 
CVS. It was pure sloppiness that I did not go back and test the CVS 
version that finally showed up. My sincerest apologies.

No need for apologies. On the contrary, I would like to thank you and 
Bob for the superb work you have done. It is quite fun to play with sdr 
under Linux.

I am in the process of implementing a stand-alone little machine based 
on the VIA EPIA mini-atx mother board and the control application I am 
implementing is the first piece of a remote controlled SDR-1000 + little 
DSP-dedicated computer.

I'm not going to correct the CVS at this time since, first, you've 
made the correct fix, and second, because there is a major new release 
coming out shortly. We're switching to FFTW3 and the code and data 
structures associated with all those computations are somewhat different.

That is very exciting! I am tempted, but am not going to ask for when 
the release will be! :-) I know how hard it is to get software releases 
out. Can you tell us a little about the new goodies in the new version?

Now, to your questions.

[1] *My* Linux version is correct, and yours isn't, because I screwed 
up. No surprise there.

No problem at all. I just wanted to confirm that I was not doing 
something stupid.

[2] The place to get the raw spectrum is not inside jDttSP but rather 
from the jack ports. If you need it inside jDttSP it can easily be 
provided, depending on what you're going to do with it.

The way it is now does work quite nicely. I was planing a large 
4096-pixels panadapter, but instead of scrolling the spectogram image, I 
can leverage jDttSP to do it for me.  I have some old code for a 
spectogram I wrote some time ago and will adapt it for working with jack.

[3] The USB/LSB behavior is exactly as you describe. Switching 
sidebands is actually accomplished above jDttSP merely by altering the 
filter settings as you have done.

Ok. For TX, would the behavior be the same or would the LSB/USB mode 
change anything?

Thanks again,


-- Edson

Re: [Flexradio] Linux jDttSP

2005-10-01 Thread Edson Pereira

Hi Frank,

Frank Brickle wrote:

One of the things we're eager to find out is whether running the 
system entirely from ram disk will iron out some of the glitches 
associated still with using jsdr on a totally vanilla OS 
configuration, that is, with no low-latency patches, not running jack 
as root, and so on.

This is very much what I am after. On the EPIA mini-atx, I am using an 
IDE-CF adapter with a 1GB CF card replacing the HD. Last weekend I have 
installed the base Debian Linux on it. I want to load a RAM disk kernel 
image from a diferent partition on the CF. For preserving data, I will 
try using a tiny raw partition on the CF and do direct I/O on the raw 
device. This would prevent any filesystem-related overhead.

I will post the results on the reflector.


-- Edson

Re: [Flexradio] Some probably dumb questions.

2005-10-18 Thread Edson Pereira


W2AGN wrote:

I use Linux 99% of the time, going to Win2000 only for Quicken, and now, 
PowerSDR. Is there a port of PowerSDR to Linux yet, or is there a 
comparable program? I tried Linrad with my SR-40, and couldn't get it to 

I use Linux at home 100% of the time. While I must use Windows at work, 
I just can't stand it.

For SDR, I do use Linux with the core dttsp written by Frank and Bob. It 
works very well, but you need to control it through the command-line 
interface. I am currently implementing a simple Qt-based graphical shell 
for controling the core, but it is still in its early infancy and only 
addresses the receiver side at the moment. I will make it public when I 
get it into a presentable state.

If you like to experiment with Linux, I strongly encourage you to play 
with dttsp. The dttsp core is a very fine software and works very well 
with Linux and jack.


-- Edson, pu1jte, n1vtn, 7n4ncl

Re: [Flexradio] CAT CONTROL CHECK BOX P3 & P4

2005-11-05 Thread Edson Pereira

As well as a HP42S (my dearest).

During college time in a final exam day, I forgot my 42S at home. I ran 
to the bookstore
and to my surprise, they had the 42S in stock. It saved the day. I still 
have both of them
and one is here right next to my keyboard. It is one of the most useful 
tools I ever had.


-- Edson

richard allen wrote:

And for free you can have the classic hp41 running on your windoze 
desktop and/or your pocketpc.  The folks actually use the roms from 
the real hp41 and wrote a processor to emulate the machine.  It 
therefore works EXACTLY like the original.  Great stuff. See them 
both at

Having used HP machines since that day in 1972 when my slide rule 
went into the desk drawer replaced by the hp-35, I have always 
carried an HP machine in my shirt pocket where the pocket protecter 
had been before that.

I have found a machine that I like a little better than the hp41 
because of it's ability to do math in lots of different number 
systems including time.  It is only $11.85 and has a version for both 
windoze and pocketpc.  See it at . Highly 

Richard W5SXD

W0UN -- John Brosnahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(11/05/2005 05:19)


At 12:30 AM 11/5/2005, Simon Brown (HB9DRV) wrote:

In fact I last bought a calculator in 1987! Time for a new one - !

Simon Brown


Looks like a fine piece of hardware, but my collection of older
and very expensive HP calculators are all still working quite well.

I have found this on-screen calculator to be very handy.  It is on
my desktop computer as well as my notebook.  It is shareware
and very inexpensive.  You should check out

It does lots of scientific calculations, plus financial, plus it does
a lot of GRAPHING, as well as having a lot of useful scientific
constants available.  Lots of statistical functions, Base-N and
logic functions, and over 630 constants and 80 conversion

For a list of features try

It works great on complex numbers and does polar plots.  I am working
on the author to add Smith Chart calculations.  Here are some graphing
screen shots.

I am just a very satisfied customer who got to know the author after
making some suggestions.  He put in 8,000 hours on the project.
It not only can use RPN, but also modern algebraic or classic algebraic

The standard edition is only $19.99.  And the professional edition is
$29.99.  All features work in the shareware download and there is no
time limit.   If you don't pay for the key it will occasionally remind you.
It is probably the best value for shareware that I have ever found.

73   John   W0UN

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Re: [Flexradio] Frequency calibration etc

2005-11-22 Thread Edson Pereira

Hi Mark,

I have been day dreaming about a sound interface designed specifically 
for our needs. It could be a USB, Ethernet, or PCI device -- Ehternet 
being preferrable for its low cost, easy programming, and eletrical 
isolation. We could have a community developed interface with provisions 
for external clock or including a disciplined clock. We don't need any 
of the additional gadgets present in most sound interfaces. Just a 
simple high quality codec. One of the major advantages of such a device 
would be to acquire control over the repeatability and reproducibility 
of results. The Delta-44 browght us a large improvement. We could push 
the limits even further.


-- Edson

Mark Amos wrote:

You guys have probably already hashed this kind of thing out earlier, but
does anyone at Flex have a relationship with the M-Audio people?  

Maybe we could use that channel to provide clock, sampling and phase noise
improvement input directly to them...  

Of course if the D44 is only a short-term tactical decision this would be a
moot point but if they were picked for more than just their currently
acceptable card, maybe they'd listen.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Lux
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 5:57 PM
To: ecellison; 'John Ackermann N8UR'
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Frequency calibration etc

At 02:16 PM 11/22/2005, ecellison wrote:


Thanks for the input. I have not heard of anyone else using the external
reference, and you never noted any severe adverse effects. Is the 5065a
keeping the SDR dead on, which is the primary objective in this whole
discussion. Do you notice variation due to the Sound card clock? Perhaps


the theory we have been gumming about is not that important in practice.

On some "on mobo" sound cards I've tested, typical fractional variations in 
sample rate are around 2E-3 (that is, for a 48kHz sample rate, the actual 
sampling was at 48.090 kHz), and varied about 1E-3 over a time span of 2 
seconds (that is, it went from 48.077 to 48.115 over that span).  This is 
with a fairly high SNR, so one can really get 1Hz measurement uncertainty 
with a sample epoch of 100 milliseconds.

Over that same 2 second time span, the deviation from a straight line trend 
was only around 20 ppm (1 sigma).

On the other hand, some sound cards are much better:  Tom Van Baak reports a few 
tens of ppm accuracy.

Several other pages report similar measurements (i.e. <100 ppm)

I suspect that there is a wide variability in these things (mine were "on 
mobo interfaces" operating sitting out in the breeze, and probably a worst 

Jim, W6RMK 

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Re: [Flexradio] Impulse Wave file

2005-11-23 Thread Edson Pereira




-- Edson, n1vtn

richard allen wrote:

Unknown host
ftp> bye

Unknown host
ftp> bye

What am I doing wrong? I would like to see these.
Richard W5SXD

Robert McGwier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(11/22/2005 21:22)


We have an impulse generator on the RFE.  And we have (currently hidden) 
code to generate a train of pulses.  I generated several ten long pulse 
trains with the RFE impulse generator and made a wave file.

The large pop at the end of the file is me disengaging the impulse relay.
u: Friends
p: Flex4U

cd upload/N4HY
get IQ_impulses.wav


Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

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[Flexradio] Impulse Response

2005-12-03 Thread Edson Pereira


I will ask this here before diving deep into the DSP books. :-)

Given the SDR-1000 impulse response using the internal pulse generator, 
how could one use the results (a complex FFT) for correcting the IQ 
phase and magnitude errors in the frequency domain?


-- Edson

[Flexradio] Filter in new FFTW3 code

2006-02-04 Thread Edson Pereira

I am testing the new FFTW3 DttSP core windows port made by John and a
development version I have received from Frank and Bob and am noticing
that the filtering is not as sharp as before in the FFTW2 code.

I wander if the difference is related to the size of the FFT used (512
now x 2048 before).

Before, the audio of a signal would drop rappidly outside the filter
passband. Now it drops very slowly and can still be heard 100 Hz above
or below the nominal filter settings.

Has anyone observed this phenomenon?


-- Edson, n1vtn

Re: [Flexradio] Howcum?

2006-02-15 Thread Edson Pereira


With all due respect: what a bunch of crap you just wrote.

Eric Ellison wrote:


Well since I started this, intentionally, and have read all the messages:

1. I did not want it to become a 'mini-flame-war' or battle of the
"operating Systems"

2. There is NO question that the FlexRadio Windows console, will now, and
until the end of the product life hold the product together. PERIOD! 

3. Everyone 'skirted' around the question without really getting to the
PRIME reason.

"Linux people, because of the nature of Linux, are for the mostpart
brilliant loners, insofar as an OS's is concerned."


Could you please define "Linux people"? Is it analogous to "white 
people" or "black people"? Please do not label or put people in the same 
basket. People, from all over the world may use Linux, or any other OS 
for that matter, for very different reasons and needs. I use Solaris 
most of the time, Windows for office work (and hate it), OS X for its 
excellence and beauty, and Linux for its freedom, ease of programming, 
and stability.

As "Linux people" being loners, a quick search for the word Linux on 
Google returns 950 million hits. So much for a group of loners. I do 
agree with the brilliant loners comment, however. I am very thankful to 
loners like Leif Asbrink, Bob McGwier, and Frank Brickle as they have 
shared their lonely ideas with the world.

Therefore we will probably have "Edson's console" or "Frank's Console", but
guys it takes "A town" and it takes compromise. That compromise is forced on
you in the form of Bill Gates, and it is what makes the entire product

Compromises are a fact of engineering and often the spoiling factor to 
good ideas and products when the compromises are dictated by marketing 
and propaganda.

IMHO Therefore, that is the answer to my somewhat rhetorical
question: There WON'T be a Linux console of any substance for anyone!. 

For everyone, you are probably right. For anyone, you are probably 
wrong. John's Java console, DttSP-Shell, or any other Linux console will 
be of some use for some persons.

OS used successfully is reserved for Corporations who dictate a 'team'
effort on a single distribution, and a single platform, and  make it
invisible to the user. 

Invisible to the user! This is utopia. Have you ever seen any Personal 
Computer OS that is invisible to the user?

In other words an application, NOT an operating
system. If the linux folks would FORGET LINUX and focus on an Application,
that would make something we could all work with.


Please do not force your ideas onto others. Let people decide what they 
want to use and do with their computers, radios, and their free time. If 
what other people are doing does not please you, fine. No one is forcing 
you to use anything,

4. What IS needed is 'conformity'(doncha just hate it!). A structured

* One distribution vote and die with it (Shades of Bill!)
* Cooperating team members in all phases of software.
* Teamspeak coordination.
* SVN or CVS (CVS is already there anyone check out the code recently?)
* Possibly a separate forum.


Let ideas flow, Eric. Diversity and freedom are beautiful things. When 
the time comes, people will naturally form groups and communities. New 
ideas may be born. Old ideas may just die. Let people experiment and 
have fun with what they are doing.

Personally as a really positive 'can do' type person I think the answer to
this question is YES there CAN be a very viable Linux based console. The
Talent is there, the Teamwork sucks.


Sucks for whom? You?

John's Java console, DttSP-Shell, and DttSP are all open source 
applications. Interested parties can join the development at any time. 
Construtive criticisms are very welcome. Bullshit does not contribute to 

(Dan - I'm dying here! HELP!)



I apologize for the rant. I will go back quiet again now.

Just for the record, Gerald series of articles and Bob and Frank's DttSP 
have restored my interest in amateur radio tremendously. For the last 
two years, I have learned an immense amount of new concepts and ideas. I 
still know near nothing. There is so much to be learned. So little time. 
The ride, however, is what matters for me. My wish is that at the end of 
the day I should have learned something new.


-- Edson, pu1jte, n1vtn, 7n4ncl

Re: [Flexradio] [softrock40] FlexSDR Software documentation

2006-02-20 Thread Edson Pereira


The same here.

We could all contribute using a wiki. Wikipedia anyone?


-- Edson

John Melton wrote:


as one of the non-core software developers that has looked at this code
and worked out how to interface to the current Linux code I may be able
to help with some of this documentation.

Let me know where I can be of any help.


John g0orx/n6lyt


Re: [Flexradio] documentation roadmap

2006-02-20 Thread Edson Pereira

Re: [Flexradio] documentation roadmap

2006-02-20 Thread Edson Pereira


Jim Lux wrote:

I've been peering into dttsp.
What would be quite useful is if there were a "dictionary" that said 
what each of the 48 modules generically did.  Some are obvious 
(am_demod), some not so (ovsv).  A one or two line description for 
each one would give you a good idea where to go hunting when you're 
looking for a particular routine or function.

The ovsv() function performs the overlap-and-save method of fast 
convolution using the FFT.


-- Edson

Re: [Flexradio] OK I'll start another 'flamewar"

2006-03-15 Thread Edson Pereira


We are all here hiding and busy writing code, playing with the code, 
breaking the code, taking the code apart, rebuilding the code, and 
thinking about the code. For us, the code "is" the game! How about 
helping us write some code?

Going back hiding again...

-- Edson

Eric Ellison wrote:


Where is the Linux version! (smile) Just kidding! Dan we need a post on your
Linux group on Teamspeak! Where ARE you Llinux guys?

Post your Teamspeak stuff! Marketing is part of the 'game'!  Contributors
are the other 10 percent! (smile).

It's all fun! Even the grey hairs, many of us notice!


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Re: [Flexradio] Hardware for Linux

2006-07-23 Thread Edson Pereira


I run DttSP and DttSP-Shell on a 500 MHz PIII Linux desktop running 
Debian (or Ubuntu). My Window Manager is Openbox.


-- Edson, n1vtn

Scott Gordon wrote:

> All they talk here recently about hardware needed for dedicated SDR
>machine running windoze.  What kind of hardware are some of you running
>for Linux/Ubuntu?  I have not check Flex site to see if they recommend
>anything different.  I am thinking about putting together another
>machine and begin to learn Linux thinking down the road it may be a good
>fit for the SDR?  What I am looking for doesn't have to be the minimum
>but a mid-range pc.
>Will keep reading some of the earlier post here and see where some of
>you are at with the SDR on Ubuntu.
>-- next part --
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Re: [Flexradio] On-Line RX for signal evaluation? (Was: Hey Bob - IQ DC offset hooks)

2006-11-26 Thread Edson Pereira


What you have described is similar to the 40m spectrometer I've built 
almost 2 years ago.


-- Edson, pu1jte, n1vtn

Jerry Flanders wrote:

>At 20:32 11/4/2006, somebody wrote:
>>>I see this as a major tool.
>>It would be. Sort of like an inverse DX Beacon system.
>>There are some issues one would need to resolve to make it really useful:
>>Control interface (doesn't need to be too fancy.. frequency and 
>>attenuation is about it)
>No - no interface. The thing simply makes available the last minute's 
>I/Q file. You have to know where it listens, of course, but it never 
>moves, and can be used at any time by any person knowing how, and the 
>know-how is easy to distribute.
>> The interface needs to have some sort of scheme to allow a person 
>>to get control for some reasonable time, but also to avoid 
>>hogging.  A lot of the "web controllable" cameras have some sort of 
>>mechanism for this.
>No - nothing like that at all. Anybody and everybody can download the 
>file within that hour - no hogging - no control.
>>Calibration (either the oscillator has to be stable or externally 
>>derived, OR, you need good markers that are inband to compare 
>>to).  Both the LO frequency and the sample rate need to be calibrated.
>I believe an ordinary RX of crystal-controlled softrock quality will 
>do the job. calibrate it if you wish. I had no calibration data with 
>N9VV's "RTTY contest" file, but found it extemely useful.
>Lastly, I think this could be a booster for PowerSDR / SDR in general 
>when the "public" learns how to use it and sees how neat SDR is.
>Jerry W4UK
>>>At 19:38 11/4/2006, Jim Lux wrote:
At 10:53 AM 11/4/2006, Jerry Flanders wrote:

>Looks like audio only - Unless I am missing something on this site,
>this is not at all what I am talking about.
>Anybody else see the utility of having a distantly recorded I/Q file
>of your own sigs to evaluate your TX quality?
There are a few PCR1000's around the world that are web
accessible.  You can set it for wide band, tune it off your signal,
and record the audio stream on *your* computer and then post process
with any of a bunch of programs. I like DL4YHF's program, but any 

>>>should work.
I suspect the online SoftRock40 would also work.

We looked into doing something like this at JPLARC, in connection
with doing the FMT, but we couldn't figure out a "good" way to do
the spectrograms on the server and then serve them.  Since we have a
hydrogen maser distributed around the lab, we figured we could also
put a really, really accurate marker into the receiver as well, so
you could do "transmitted frequency accuracy" testing.

>At 16:19 11/4/2006, Ken - N9VV wrote:
>>Here you go: SoftRock40 online
>>de ken n9vv
>>Jerry Flanders wrote:
>>>At 14:23 11/4/2006, you wrote:
At 03:15 PM 11/3/2006, Gerald Youngblood wrote:

>>>It could be a simple Softrock40 if a 48 KHz freq slice could be
>>>found that allows all modes.
>>>Jerry W4UK
>FlexRadio mailing list
>Archive Link:
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James Lux, P.E.
Spacecraft Radio Frequency Subsystems Group
Flight Communications Systems Section
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Mail Stop 161-213
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena CA 91109
tel: (818)354-2075
fax: (818)393-6875

>>>FlexRadio mailing list
>>>Archive Link:
>>>FlexRadio Homepage:
>>James Lux, P.E.
>>Spacecraft Radio Frequency Subsystems Group
>>Flight Communications Systems Section
>>Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Mail Stop 161-213
>>4800 Oak Grove Drive
>>Pasadena CA 91109
>>tel: (818)354-2075
>>fax: (818)393-6875
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