[Flexradio] fkex 6500

2014-03-18 Thread Jim Howard
Where do the people with the new flexs, 6500/6700
hang out.
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[Flexradio] SWR Plotter v 1.4

2013-02-09 Thread jim howard
Would like to know if anyone has had the following problem running
the plotter program?
I have the correct port selected and program says "CAT Communications OK"
After I start the program I see the "analysis in progress"  message followed
by "CAT communications failure"
No SWR plot shown.
Any help would be great.  A plot of the swr curves would be nice to have.
Jim, K5TC
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
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[Flexradio] remoting 5000 with skype

2012-08-14 Thread jim howard
remote computer can hear audio but can not get skype mic auto
into 5000.   skype audio, flex computer,  mic set to cable 2,
and speakers set to cable 1.
jim, K5TC
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[Flexradio] lynnadala

2012-03-11 Thread jim howard

Make al0t 0f m0ney using y0ur c0mputer

"Its the way theyre raised." (c) leland adalbrechta
Sun, 11 Mar 2012 14:04:46

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
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[Flexradio] flex 5000 rf problem

2012-02-08 Thread jim howard
In the middle of a transmission I started getting rf in my audio. Heil PR-40 
mic into rear mic jack.
Have tried a different mic into the front jack and have same problem. Have 
rechecked the grounds
and there're good.  Also have checked the coax connectors in the shack and 
there're also good.
I have toroids on all the leads going into the radio.  Do not have anything on 
the power cord.
I'm using an Alpha 89 amp and problem is the same with or without the amp.  I 
have the problem
on different antennas and bands.
Any ideas for a fix would be a great help.
Jim.  K5TC
FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
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[Flexradio] Transmit Audio Distortion

2011-01-04 Thread jim howard
5 or 6 months ago I gave up trying to use my Heil PR-40 microphone with my Flex 
Tried front panel 8 pin connector and also the rear panel balanced jack and 
produced distorted audio.  I am now using an old yaesu md-1 microphone using 
8 pin
jack with no problems.  Good audio.

I decided to try the PR-40 again.  Sent the mic and cable to Bob Heil and they 
find nothing wrong. The cable I'm using is a commercally made cable, not one 
I made up.

My question is to PR-40 users.  Did you have any problems and if so how did you 
then?  I have tried all the fixes that I know.  Sure hate to have a good 
unusable mic sitting 

on the shelf.

Jim K5TC

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
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[Flexradio] RoMac CWider

2010-12-06 Thread jim howard
After talking to Dudley the Ider is working with VAC turned on.
However, I use VOX not PTT, with VAC turned on VOX doesn't work.
I've "checked" and "unchecked" a lot of boxes and nothing seems to
allow VOX to work.  Radio is a 5000a

Jim, K5TC

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
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[Flexradio] RoMac CW IDer

2010-12-04 Thread jim howard
This is a question for RoMac users.
I have been using RoMac to id on ssb for a long time.
However, tonite on low sideband, my id could not be heard.
Audio ID signal could be heard on the upper side of my freq.
The scope showed that the audio signal was on the same
sideband (lower) that my voice was being transmitted.  Also,
when I turn on the monitor function I can hear my voice audio
but not the CW Id audio. I'm using 2.0.16 which is a beta version.
However,  RoMac has been running fine with this version.
I can't find any option that might invert the RoMac audio signal.
Any ideas.
Jim,  K5TC

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[Flexradio] antenna selection

2010-12-02 Thread jim howard
Thanks Bret,
I upgraded to new version and did as you did.
Works fine.

 Jim, K5TC

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
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[Flexradio] antenna selection

2010-12-01 Thread jim howard

In the "antenna selection" tab,
When I start DDUtil the "switch relay with TR"  selection for TX1, TX2 and TX3 
Happens everytime I start DDUtil.  Is there an option to select that will stop 
this from 


Jim, K5TC

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
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[Flexradio] CW Filters

2010-12-01 Thread jim howard
I seem to have a problem with my filters.
On CW using a 25 cycle filter, I can copy signals 400 cycles outside the filter.
Also when I use the 400 cycle filter and move a signal just outside the filter
on the scope, the sound of the signal does not change  as I select
filters down to 25 cycles.
This seems to have started when I loaded 2.0.8
I'm sure it is something I have done that has caused this problem
but have not idea what it was.  I like to use the narrow filters.
If anyone has any ideas let me know.

Jim, K5TC

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
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[Flexradio] Fldigi

2010-11-13 Thread jim howard
I have fldigi up and running. Everything works but I do not get the Flex freq 
in the fldigi freq window. Any ideas.

Jim,  K5TC

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
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[Flexradio] auto CW-Id on SSB

2010-10-23 Thread jim howard
I use the RoMac IDer while on SSB.  Works great.

Jim K5TC

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Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
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[Flexradio] cw skimmer

2010-09-26 Thread jim howard
Found the problem the skimmer.
cockpit error.

Jim K5TC

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
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[Flexradio] cw skimmer

2010-09-25 Thread jim howard
I have set up skimmer as per knowledge center data.
However, down in the lower left hand corner or skimmer
the little icon is red and when highlighted it says, COM
port not available.
I use mmtty with same port and it works fine.
any ideas.
Jim, K5TC

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
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[Flexradio] RF Problem

2010-07-14 Thread jim howard
I have make some freq. checks and problem seems to be on 20 meters only.
Jim,  K5TC

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
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[Flexradio] RF Problem

2010-07-14 Thread jim howard
I am having problems with RF getting into my 5000.  The antenna is a 4 element 
at 70'  approx. 140 feet from station. When running over about 200 watts with 
antenna pointed within about 80 degrees of the station I get RF on my signal.  
All leads to and from the 5000 have toriods.  This includes the mic.  Has 
anyone with RF problems tried using copper braid over all the cables.  I don't 
have RF problems with other radios. Only the Flex.
Don't know anything else to try.
I'll talk later about audio problems on different amps with different radios..
Jim. K5TC

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
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[Flexradio] CW Skimmer

2010-06-02 Thread jim howard
I've just loaded Cw Skimmer and it's working great thanks the Dudley. Have one 
question about using skimmer when working split mode.  When working split it 
would be nice to click on the station that the DX just worked and have the xmit 
go to that freq.  Is there any way to have vfo(b) follow skimmer?  Only have 
single rvcr.
Jim,  K5TC  *** Love my Flex***

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[Flexradio] Palstar tuner

2010-04-23 Thread jim howard
I have downloaded DDutil.
I have only 1 comport on computer and ddutil will not let me open it.
any help would be great.

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
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[Flexradio] MMTTY setup

2010-04-17 Thread jim howard
I think my confusion is setting up the com ports.  Do I use both VAC and 
com0com or just one? With so many option/settings I have gone into "overload"  
Thanks for the info.

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[Flexradio] mmtty on the flex

2010-04-17 Thread jim howard
I have VAC install on the system. I am running mmtty and receiving data.  
However, I am unable to get the setup correct so that I can transmit.  mmtty is 
tranmitting but not keying the flex.  Any help?
Jim k5tc

FlexRadio Systems Mailing List
Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
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[Flexradio] bad xmit audio

2010-03-26 Thread jim howard
I'm a new flex 5000a user.  I'm getting bad audio reports.  Everyone seems to 
think it is RF get into the mike circuit. I have toroids on all leads (have 
ordered more).  I have all grounds going to a single point to prevent ground 
loops.  This is the first time I've ever had  RFI problems.  Any suggestion 
would be a great help.  I sure like the radio but not good to have radio that I 
can't use.
Jim, K5TC

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