While I was setting up to record audio from several radio time sources
for the leap second last night (my leap second web page is at
http://www.febo.com/time-freq/leapsecond-2005), I realized that it would
be easy to use the same configuration to measure the delay of the audio
output of the two receivers (SDR-1000 and Yaesu FT-817) when both were
tuned to the same signal on the same antenna.  I ran that experiment
today, using WWV on 15MHz.  The short answer is that with my setup, the
delay is 187.6 milliseconds.

More detailed results, with screenshots, are at

I was using 1.4.5 preview 4 and the DSP buffer size was set to 2048; the
sound card buffer size was 1024.  I think these were the defaults when I
installed the software, but if they're not appropriate, someone let me
know and I can rerun the experiment with different values.

More details about the test setup are at the web page.

Happy New Year!


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