I went out last night and bought a Westinghouse 22" (ultra bright) wide screen 
LCD Display. Using my Flex 5K is even more fun now. I'm still running the 
monitor at 1024 X 768 just like I was on my 15" display so everything on this 
display looks so much larger. I could adjust the resolution all the way up to 
1680 X 1050 but I prefer the larger size especially with PowerSDR. Even at this 
resolution it does not look grainy and the aspect ratio looks good. Looking at 
the Panadapter on this 22" Display is a whole new ball game. I feel like I am 
sitting in a flight simulator. Prices are coming down fast. I paid $199 for 
this monitor as Best Buy.

73 de
Paul Zora
Port Saint Lucie, FL

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