I am using N1MM Logger with PowerSDR and have bumped up against a problem
(maybe) in the way PowerSDR handles PTT via the serial port used for CAT.  I
am NOT talking about PTT via CAT command, but rather PTT via the RTS or DTR

I have the following serial port pairs set up in com0com:


PowerSDR is set up as follows:

Setup|CAT Control|CAT Control
   Enable CAT is checked
   Port is set to COM18
   Baud/Parity/Data/Stop settings are irrelevant. 

Setup|CAT Control|PTT Control
   Enable PTT is checked
   Port is set to COM17
   RTS is checked
   DTR is not checked

   Primary is set to Radio
   Secondary is set to CAT
   PTT Line is set to RTS
   Key Line is set to DTR

N1MM is set to use the RTS line on COM8 for PTT and to use the DTR line for
sending CW.

If I am in CW mode, N1MM Logger keys the radio & sends CW properly.
However, if I am running RTTY or PSK31, N1MM does not key the radio.  I am
virtually certain that N1MM is toggling the RTS line on COM8, but have no
real way of proving it.

N1MM allows you to set up a second serial port just for PTT/CW control.  If
I set the 2nd port to COM7 & tell N1MM to use RTS for PTT control and to use
DTR for CW keying, then N1MM keys the radio fine in RTTY & PSK31.

My question is:  Do the DSP|Keyer|Connections settings apply only if you are
in CW mode?  The FLEX-5000 manual states, "This is useful as some programs
allow both CAT commands and COM port line keying for CW."  This says that
they will work for CW, but does not say whether they apply to other modes.

I wrote a simple utility that allows me to open COM8 and toggle the RTS &
DTR lines.  If PowerSDR is in CWL or CWU modes, then toggling DTR keys the
transmitter.  If PowerSDR is in any other mode, then toggling RTS and/or DTR
has no effect.  

Is PowerSDR working as designed, or is it a bug?  If a bug, I will enter a
Bug Report.  If not, I will enter a Feature Request.

73, Ray, K9DUR

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