Bill, I used 1.10.3 SVN 1602 today with VAC 4.08 and everything worked 

Here is my VAC About info: Driver:, Control Panel:

I made several PSK31 Q's and then recorded some signals with Audacity 
via VAC without any problem.

I watched Digital SSTV on 40M at 7.173.000 using EasyPal and it worked 
like a champ. (The bands were stink-o and there was a lot of QSB)

I couldn't find anyone on Olivia (14.106.500) or MFSK (14.073.000) and 
switched to 75M Phone to listen to the wonderful BIN effect on SSB.

de Ken N9VV

FireBrick wrote:
> Just a clarification.
> As far as I can see, VAC does not send any audio via virtual audio cables to 
> WinWarbler, MMTTY or Mixw
> The VAC box in Mode Specific Controls that appears if you have selected a 
> DIGx mode is Yellow as if it's enabled.
> But somewhere the audio is not getting to any of MY digital decoder/encoder 
> software listed above.
> If I revert to a svn BELOW 1602, then the above software works normally.

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