Maybe an argument can be made that the ARRL review was done in some justifiable way. However it can also be argued that at least some ARRL leaders are lost in the past. Take a look at some of their shack photos. The de facto leader for life, Dave Sumner, makes no secret that he confines his operating to cw contesting. There's nothing wrong with engaging in a 70 year old activity as long as he does not influence official rule making on activities he is out of touch with, something he is evidently doing anyway.

But as for reviews, I have seen some fairly objectionable lapses in such things as reviewer assignments over the past two or three years so I am not willing to reject the original complaint without some consideration. I remember a review of several "legal-limit" feedline matching networks in which the author wrote that he had no way of producing more than 500 w., so was unable to determine whether or not any of the tuners could actually handle the u.s. legal limit. To me, that in an official QST product review was unacceptable. Whether you like ARRL or not, QST is I think generally recognized as the de facto American ham journal of record for news and activities and as such, has a high standard to meet.

I think there are hams, many on this reflector, who are doing more, learning more and thanks to the power of PC computing, have access to more sophisticated test equipment and modelling software, and are advancing ham radio to a state unimagined 20 years ago, and many at the ARRL, maybe not all, but many, particularly on the Board of Directors, have some catching up to do.


rob / k5uj

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