[Flightgear-devel] autopilot system

2003-02-27 Thread Mehmet Velicangil

My question is about the variables that are used in 
the autopilot system. As far as I can understand the target heading is 
calculated by the angle between the aircraft and the waypoint with the proper 
heading and the rate of change of angle times the distance between the 
coordinates which are summed together. The aircraft is supposed to possess max 
roll until it reaches the rollout point where linearisation occurs to 
find target roll and aileron commands. However I didn't understand how max 
roll is calculated. Is it the roll angle that aircraft stands stable without 
stall (ie. the angle for minimum turn radius) or a value chosen for the 
aircraft. The second one sounds more logical to me because when the lateral 
distance is large to reach a navigation point we can't turn with the roll 
value for minimum turn radius if we don't want to make circles while reaching 
our point so how 
can it be calculated. In one of the documents 
in the flight gear site I found that the rollout point which resembles 
an angle is approximately same with the maxroll which is taken 20 for Chessna 
and the rollout smooth point is approximately half of its maxroll angle. Are 
these ratios true for other aircraft or they are values found 
by certain handy equations that are dependant to the 
coefficients of the aircraft which is the main thing that I am wondering and 
want to learn about because I am trying to experiment with different aircraft by 
changing the values in the config files and try to make a realistic stuff while 
having fun and learning about aviation.

[Flightgear-devel] configuration files.

2003-03-05 Thread Mehmet Velicangil

Do you use any program to calculate the 
coefficients of rolling, pitching,yawing moments and the drag, lift and 
sideforce coefficients. The conf file of Cessna seemed so complete containing 
all of those coefficients. I am trying to change the aircraft 
properties for different types of airplanes to observe and understand 
flight dynamics better that would help me in collage but I couldn't find 
any program to calculate those coefficients. I heard x-plane which calculates 
some properties but I couldn't figure out their configuration 

[Flightgear-devel] external fdm

2003-03-11 Thread Mehmet Velicangil

I have downloaded a matlab-simulink program that 
uses flightgear interface. For a flight dynamics model it requires external fdm 
so I command from that program and visualise in flight gear.  My question 
is how can I change the flight dynamics model to the external type. I 
read that batch file and command shell can do this job. how can I use it in 
windows. I am used to clicking with the mouse how can I open a command 

[Flightgear-devel] changing aircraft

2003-03-12 Thread Mehmet Velicangil

my operating system is windows milenium and I tried 
to change my aircraft via entering
flight\FlightGear\runfgfs.bat ''--aircraft=4a-yasim'' 

into the start\run directory but the simulation 
didn't start.
"You can also pass command line options from Sec. 
to the batch file (if running it form a Command shell). However, you have to 
enclose them in double quotes."
writes in the install guide. What is the 
batch file is it the runfgfs.bat and the command shell is the run 
directory. If it is my setting had to work. I want to change the default 
fdm to external for a program that I downloaded to control the simulation and I 
also want to fly with different aircrafts. Can you please give me an 
example. The example might also be in dos too if it can work like 

[Flightgear-devel] command line parameters

2003-03-12 Thread Mehmet Velicangil
my operating system is windows milenium and I tried to change my aircraft 
via entering
flight\FlightGear\runfgfs.bat ''--aircraft=4a-yasim''
into the start\run directory but the simulation didn't start.
"You can also pass command line options from Sec. 4 to the batch file (if 
running it form a Command shell). However, you have to enclose them in 
double quotes."
writes in the install guide. What is the batch file is it the runfgfs.bat 
and the command shell is the run directory. If it is my setting had to work. 
I want to change the default fdm to external for a program that I downloaded 
to control the simulation and I also want to fly with different aircrafts. 
Can you please give me an example. The example might also be in dos too if 
it can work like this.

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[Flightgear-devel] engine coefficient

2003-03-22 Thread Mehmet Velicangil

Firstly I want to thank you for your help in my 
understanding of the aerodynamic structure of the aircrafts. 
I have two questions about the aerodynamics 
firstly I have a program that calculates lift and 
drag versus attack angle coefficients for a given parameterised airfoil and 
is it enough for me to modify the config file lift due to alpha 
Is there any way to calculate thrust and the 
engine's effects on  the aerodynamics coefficients of Cx, Cy, Cz and 
roll pitch and yaw coefficients. Is Cx that the engine produces is approximately 
equal to the thrust force that shares the same 

[Flightgear-devel] compilation of source code

2003-03-27 Thread Mehmet Velicangil

 I am trying to change some code in the flight 
gear modules and I have a great problem compiling it with mcrsoft visual 
c++.  How can I compile the new code. I heard that makefiles can be 
used for compilation. Do they work in windows millenium. If you 
can direct me with some information I would be grateful.
sorry for my never ending 
questions I am not educated in computer engineering and I am new to 

[Flightgear-devel] target heading

2003-07-03 Thread Mehmet Velicangil
I have a couple of questions that I am not sure of about the 
calculation of target heading. is the nav heading the heading from the north 
or the difference between our aircrafts and the navigation points heading 
angles and is the nav radial the angle between the aircraft to the waypoint 
with the ''waypoint's'' true heading without taking the value of aircraft's 
heading so [(nav heading - nav radial)* distance = target heading?] Or is 
target heading the result of a  differential function like the change of  
nav radial independant from aircraft's heading angle. If I am mistaken can 
you simply guide me about target heading.


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[Flightgear-devel] target heading

2003-07-03 Thread Mehmet Velicangil
 I have a couple of questions that I am not sure of about the
calculation of target heading. is the nav heading the heading from the north
or the difference between our aircrafts and the navigation points heading
angles and is the nav radial the angle between the aircraft to the waypoint
with the ''waypoint's'' true heading without taking the value of aircraft's
heading so [(nav heading - nav radial)* distance = target heading?] Or is
target heading the result of a  differential function like the change of
nav radial independant from aircraft's heading angle. If I am mistaken can
you simply guide me about target heading.


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[Flightgear-devel] Heading needle deflection

2003-07-04 Thread Mehmet Velicangil
Thank you for your reply and I began to understood the concepts of 
the heading hold system in nav mode but  some of the autopilot system's 
properties are not so solid in my mind so I want to briefly summarase my 
understanding of the autopilot systems lateral navigation mode if there are 
mistakes which is probably the case you may tell me.  Target heading is 
calculated by using ((nav heading - nav radial) x distance to the nav point) 
which is the adjustment part that I saw on newauto.cxx and target heading is 
target radial + adjustment. nav_heading is the heading difference between 
our plane's heading  and the heading of the reference line which we want to 
align with for example the airport landing road for an ILS system which is 
commented out in source as
// determine our current radial position relative to the
// navaid in "true" heading.
cur_radial = current_radiostack->get_nav1_heading();

Nav radial is the angle between the reference line with that line's heading  
and the line from the plane to the ILS or VOR antenna no matter what the 
plane's heading is which is commented as
// determine the target radial in "true" heading

The nav_radial seems to be the target radial in newauto.cxx,
tgt_radial = current_radiostack->get_nav1_radial() and the heading needle 
deflection becomes the difference between our current heading and the line 
connecting our vehicle to the ILS antenna which is the line with the target 
radial and is handled in Cockpit/navcom.cxx as
r = nav_heading - nav_radial;
return r;
for the needle deflection and in autopilot code
in the comments it writes
// determine the target heading to fly to intercept the
	// tgt_radial
	TargetHeading = tgt_radial + adjustment;

In one of the mails I read something like
At 5 miles X 2 degrees deviation it was commanding a 10
degree turn so the order given by code to the aircraft is to turn with the 
amount of difference equal to the adjustmant part calculated in the 
autopilot code from its current heading to intersect the target radial.


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[Flightgear-devel] autopilot target heading

2003-07-06 Thread Mehmet Velicangil
   If the heading mode is FG_HEADINGWAY_POINT does autopilot block use 
a similar procedure like in VOR or ILS navigation by using a rolling motion 
to intersect waypoint in a pre-determined heading or does it use the angle 
difference between its current heading and the heading calculated by the 
waypoint's coordinates and fly to that heading without taking final heading 
into account

In the source code I saw items like wp_course and wp_distance. 
Target heading was adjusted to waypoint course such as:

if ( wp_distance > 100 ) {//I think it flies to a cetain 
waypoint until it reaches the limit
   TargetHeading = NormalizeDegrees(wp_course);

   can you briefly describe how wp_course is calculated?



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