I've added a new command, property-randomize.  It sets a random value
within a range specified by the user, like this:


Just for fun, I've added a couple of entries to the menu to
demonstrate the new command (well, the first one has real training

1. Location/Random Attitude

The three most dreaded words for any flying student are "cover your
eyes" -- they mean that the instructor is about the put the airplane
into an unusual attitude (often a spiral or a stall), and you'll have
a couple of seconds to open your eyes, figure out what's wrong, and
fix it as soon as she or he shouts "RECOVER!"  It's fun in VMC, but
it's a blast under the hood.

Now FlightGear has its own Virtual Sadistic Instructor to do this for
you.  Just select the Location/Random Attitude menu entry, and
FlightGear will instantly put the plane into a ridiculous attitude,
no eye-covering required.  For extra fun, try it in IMC 500 feet above
the ground:

  fgfs --altitude=500 --vc=110 --visibility=50

Then, as soon as the program starts, select the "Random Attitude"
entry and try to recover.  Once you can see the ground, it's probably
too late.

2. Weather/Random Weather

Until now, in FlightGear every day has been a good flying day.  Not
any more -- select Weather/Random Weather and you can get good or
crappy weather any day, just like in real life.

Some day we'll do a good job of this; for now, it just sets some
random and not always consistent values -- for example, you might get
heavy fog with a 40 degC dewpoint spread, or -40 degC at the equator.
We'll work on it (or perhaps climate change will catch up with us

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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