Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sound vol/pitch transforms are like panelx/y/r transforms

2002-11-11 Thread Erik Hofman
Julian Foad wrote:


1. The pitch offset defaults to 1, but I think that is just a bug.

2. Since the offsets are constant, it is redundant to specify more than one.  This arrangement is therefore not ideal, but I'm not sure what would be best.

3. A negative scaling factor is only useful in the first group.  This appears to be an unnecessary restriction.  (The comment says "Hack!") The restriction can easily be removed and the code will be simpler for it. 

It's not. It is a hack because the behaviour of the part is totally 
different from the rest. By this "hack" you would be able to start at 
the offset level and then scale down according to the property value and 
the factor. That's why 2. isn't correct either ...

Hey, it's slightly different!  How about we scrap the differences and 
the anomalies and combine them?  To do so, I'd suggest:

- Leave the handling of the internal special values in the sound module, 
or find a way to present them as properties.

The internal special values are releated to the current instance of the 
sound. I figure it would be pretty hard to turn them into properties.

- Add the Interpolate option to the list of functions (Inverse etc.).

- Swap the order of Scaling and Clamping in (probably) the sound module 
(because there are fewer uses there).

- Lose the pitch offset bug and the negative scaling factor hack.

It's not a bug. A value with a pitch of 0.0 would have a frequency of 
0.0 which isn't allowed and can't be heard. It actually should be 1.0!

- Decide whether multiple transformation groups are needed, and if so, 
how they should be combined.  I feel that, if more flexibility is 

They are needed to add an envelope to the sound. It is for example 
possible to start playing a sound based on a property, and change it's 
behaviour based on another property (change it's pitch and/or volume).

needed, a general expression evaluator would be better than providing 
one specific way to combine sub-expressions.  For example, I would like 
to be able to use property values for the things that currently have to 
be constants.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "I would like to be able to 
use property values for the things that currently have to be constants", 
but the idea of creating a general expression evaluator seems good enough.

May I send a patch to fix sound anomalies 1 and 3, anyway?  (I always 
like doing the little easy bits first.)

Neh, better not.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sound vol/pitch transforms are like panelx/y/r transforms

2002-11-11 Thread Julian Foad
Erik Hofman wrote:

Julian Foad wrote:


1. The pitch offset defaults to 1, but I think that is just a bug.

2. Since the offsets are constant, it is redundant to specify more 
than one.  This arrangement is therefore not ideal, but I'm not sure 
what would be best.

3. A negative scaling factor is only useful in the first group.  This 
appears to be an unnecessary restriction.  (The comment says "Hack!") 
The restriction can easily be removed and the code will be simpler for 

It's not. It is a hack because the behaviour of the part is totally 
different from the rest. By this "hack" you would be able to start at 
the offset level and then scale down according to the property value and 
the factor. That's why 2. isn't correct either ...

Not totally different.  Quite similar.  Have you looked at the code? 
The way I read it, a negative value causes the (scaled, clamped, etc.) 
value to be subtracted from the offset rather than added to it.  That is 
exactly the same as just using a negative scaling factor.  The only 
differences are:
- For negative, you want the default offset to be 1;
- For positive, you might want the default offset to be 1 or 0 depending 
on what you are doing!
- When the subtraction is done it forgets any value generated by a 
previous "volume" group, which means it's only useful in the first group 
(e.g. the first volume transformation of potentially several volume 

OK, I did not notice the need for offset=1 in subtractions.  However, 
this should be the case for volume just the same as for pitch.  You 
don't want the volume to be subtracted from zero either.

- Lose the pitch offset bug and the negative scaling factor hack.

It's not a bug. A value with a pitch of 0.0 would have a frequency of 
0.0 which isn't allowed and can't be heard. It actually should be 1.0!

Offset=0 doesn't necessarily mean pitch=0.  For example I want pitch=(K 
* propeller_rpm).  When RPM=0 I don't care if pitch=0; I know it doesn't 
make sense, but volume will be zero too.  Maybe the internal sound 
player algorithm will have to limit the minimum pitch to something other 
than zero, but that shouldn't stop me from requesting it to be "as near 
as possible to zero".

- Decide whether multiple transformation groups are needed, and if so, 
how they should be combined.  I feel that, if more flexibility is 

They are needed to add an envelope to the sound. It is for example 
possible to start playing a sound based on a property, and change it's 
behaviour based on another property (change it's pitch and/or volume).

No, we could have that ability with one volume transformation and one 
pitch transformation per sound.  (These are separate from the sound 
on/off property.)  I'm asking whether we need more than one 
transformation of each type.

May I send a patch to fix sound anomalies 1 and 3, anyway?  (I always 
like doing the little easy bits first.)

Neh, better not.

OK, I agree it's not as simple as I first thought.  I'll think more 

- Julian

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sound vol/pitch transforms are like panelx/y/r transforms

2002-11-11 Thread Andy Ross
Julian Foad wrote:
> Hey, it's slightly different!  How about we scrap the differences
> and the anomalies and combine them?  To do so, I'd suggest:

If you guys are thinking of changing the way we do "linear function of
a property value" definitions in configurations, let me argue for a
slightly different way to do it:

The problem with specifying a multiplier (e.g. "scaling" or
"rotation") and an offset is that these two opperations don't commute.
Especially when coupled with a syntax that is order-independant (you
can *specify* the scaling last, but it still happens first, or vice
versa) it's a constant confusion for the user as to what the final
result will be, with the end result that the generated configurations
are hacked up balls of goo.  Be honest everyone: how many people have
ended up typing random values into things like this trying to get the
results they expect?  I know I have.

Instead, why not specify a range mapping.  That is, input values in
the range [a,b] get mapped linearly to output values in the range
[c,d].  Input values outside of [a,b] can be clamped to that range
before computation.  This has a few advantages:

+ Out of bounds values are eliminated by the clamping step.  This is
  especially useful for sounds, where beyond-maximum scaling factors
  cause distortion.

+ The offset and multiplier are specified simultaneously and
  implicitly, so the user doesn't need to remember any precedence

+ No need to handle the mind-bending gymnastics involved in negative
  scaling factors if you want something to scale in the reverse
  direction.  (Negative scaling factors invert the direction of the
  offset only if the offset comes last; no wait... you get the idea).

This is the way that YASim handles its property input and output
specifiers*, and it's worked pretty well.  Take a look at the reaction
jet definitions for the harrier for an example of how much complexity
this can eliminate.


* albeit not in a standard way -- YASim doesn't use the property tree
  parser, since I didn't know about it.  It uses the lower-level XML
  callback API.

Andrew J. RossNextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer  Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sound vol/pitch transforms are like panelx/y/r transforms

2002-11-12 Thread Erik Hofman
Julian Foad wrote:

Erik Hofman wrote:

Julian Foad wrote:


1. The pitch offset defaults to 1, but I think that is just a bug.

2. Since the offsets are constant, it is redundant to specify more 
than one.  This arrangement is therefore not ideal, but I'm not sure 
what would be best.

3. A negative scaling factor is only useful in the first group.  This 
appears to be an unnecessary restriction.  (The comment says "Hack!") 
The restriction can easily be removed and the code will be simpler 
for it. 

It's not. It is a hack because the behaviour of the part is totally 
different from the rest. By this "hack" you would be able to start at 
the offset level and then scale down according to the property value 
and the factor. That's why 2. isn't correct either ...

Not totally different.  Quite similar.  Have you looked at the code? The 

I've written the code.

way I read it, a negative value causes the (scaled, clamped, etc.) value 
to be subtracted from the offset rather than added to it.  That is 
exactly the same as just using a negative scaling factor.  The only 
differences are:
- For negative, you want the default offset to be 1;
- For positive, you might want the default offset to be 1 or 0 depending 
on what you are doing!

Maybe you don't understand the meaning of this value, but the result is 
used as a scaling factor for the playback frequency. So an offset 0f 1.0 
(and nothing else) will cause the sound to be played in the recording 
speed. An offset of 0.5 (and nothing else)) will cause the sound the be 
played half the speed.

- When the subtraction is done it forgets any value generated by a 
previous "volume" group, which means it's only useful in the first group 
(e.g. the first volume transformation of potentially several volume 

Well, it looks like *that* is a bug which needs to be fixed.

OK, I did not notice the need for offset=1 in subtractions.  However, 
this should be the case for volume just the same as for pitch.  You 
don't want the volume to be subtracted from zero either.

I've used 0.0 as an offset value for volume to prevent the sound 
screaming out of the speakers if one weren't carefull enough.

Really, pitch offset should be 1.0 and volume offset should be 0.0.

- Lose the pitch offset bug and the negative scaling factor hack.

It's not a bug. A value with a pitch of 0.0 would have a frequency of 
0.0 which isn't allowed and can't be heard. It actually should be 1.0!

Offset=0 doesn't necessarily mean pitch=0.  For example I want pitch=(K 
* propeller_rpm).  When RPM=0 I don't care if pitch=0; I know it doesn't 
make sense, but volume will be zero too.  Maybe the internal sound 
player algorithm will have to limit the minimum pitch to something other 
than zero, but that shouldn't stop me from requesting it to be "as near 
as possible to zero".

You can always override the default offset, but defaults should have a 
sane value, and for pitch *sane* means 1.0. For volume *sane* means 0.0.

- Decide whether multiple transformation groups are needed, and if 
so, how they should be combined.  I feel that, if more flexibility is 

They are needed to add an envelope to the sound. It is for example 
possible to start playing a sound based on a property, and change it's 
behaviour based on another property (change it's pitch and/or volume).

No, we could have that ability with one volume transformation and one 
pitch transformation per sound.  (These are separate from the sound 
on/off property.)  I'm asking whether we need more than one 
transformation of each type.

I don't get it. The way it is now the sound manager has a great 
flexibillity in that it can assigne differen scaling factors to 
different properties and add them up together to calculate the resulting 
scaling factor. By taking just one transformation I don't see that 

May I send a patch to fix sound anomalies 1 and 3, anyway?  (I always 
like doing the little easy bits first.)

Neh, better not.

OK, I agree it's not as simple as I first thought.  I'll think more 

No problem.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sound vol/pitch transforms are like panelx/y/r transforms

2002-11-12 Thread Erik Hofman
Andy Ross wrote:

If you guys are thinking of changing the way we do "linear function of
a property value" definitions in configurations, let me argue for a
slightly different way to do it:

The problem with specifying a multiplier (e.g. "scaling" or
"rotation") and an offset is that these two opperations don't commute.
Especially when coupled with a syntax that is order-independant (you
can *specify* the scaling last, but it still happens first, or vice
versa) it's a constant confusion for the user as to what the final
result will be, with the end result that the generated configurations
are hacked up balls of goo.  Be honest everyone: how many people have
ended up typing random values into things like this trying to get the
results they expect?  I know I have.

Instead, why not specify a range mapping.  That is, input values in
the range [a,b] get mapped linearly to output values in the range
[c,d].  Input values outside of [a,b] can be clamped to that range
before computation.  This has a few advantages:

This doesn't sound like a bad idea at all. It is something which isn't 
used very common (at least not that I am aware of) but there are several 
situations where common behaviour doesn't make sence :-)


Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Sound vol/pitch transforms are like panelx/y/r transforms

2002-11-12 Thread Richard Bytheway
> Maybe you don't understand the meaning of this value, but the 
> result is 
> used as a scaling factor for the playback frequency. So an 
> offset 0f 1.0 
> (and nothing else) will cause the sound to be played in the recording 
> speed. An offset of 0.5 (and nothing else)) will cause the 
> sound the be 
> played half the speed.
In that case it should be named "factor" or "multiplier", but not "offset".



Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sound vol/pitch transforms are like panelx/y/r transforms

2002-11-12 Thread Erik Hofman

Erik Hofman wrote:

Julian Foad wrote:


Not totally different.  Quite similar.  Have you looked at the code? The 
I've written the code.

Oh! ... sorry.  I'll be very careful then.


You can always override the default offset, but defaults should have a 
sane value, and for pitch *sane* means 1.0. For volume *sane* means 0.0.

I think we have a bit of confusion over the meaning of "offset".  I think you want the default *output value* for the pitch to be 1.0, and for volume to be 0.0, which is fine.  But I would expect to get this by having default input values of 1.0 and 0.0 respectively, transformed by output = ((input * scaling)   offset), where the default scaling would be 1.0 and the default offset 0.0.

This would give the same result but would allow the  and  groups to use exactly the same semantics, which makes them easier to learn, makes the source code more maintainable, etc.

Note that volume and pitch are both perceived logarithmically by humans.  This means that scaling is more useful than offsetting.

But if you look at the following example:


You would have to change it to the following to achive the same with 
your proposed change


while doing exactly the same for  would require it to be written 
like the first example!

- Decide whether multiple transformation groups are needed, and if 
so, how they should be combined.  I feel that, if more flexibility is 

They are needed to add an envelope to the sound. It is for example 
possible to start playing a sound based on a property, and change it's 
behaviour based on another property (change it's pitch and/or volume).

No, we could have that ability with one volume transformation and one 
pitch transformation per sound.  (These are separate from the sound 
on/off property.)  I'm asking whether we need more than one 
transformation of each type.

I don't get it. The way it is now the sound manager has a great 
flexibillity in that it can assigne differen scaling factors to 
different properties and add them up together to calculate the resulting 
scaling factor.

Unfortunately, you can't add them up; they are always multiplied together.  This is useful sometimes but not always.  I wanted the engine volume to be proportional to (RPM   throttle) so that it would be immediately become loud when you opened the throttle when it was idling.  But I can't do that.  It can be useful to have more than one property controlling the volume, but only if you can combine them in the way you want.

Well, you could uncomment the __fg_sqr() and __fg_pow3() functions and 
use them to achive what you want, or use the clamping for that:


I certainly do not want to delete any feature that is currently being used.  I am looking for ways to simplify the code and semantics while *keeping* all the useful features.

Personally I think it is very powerfull as it is, it just takes some 
creativity to take advantage of all the possibilities.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sound vol/pitch transforms are like panelx/y/r transforms

2002-11-12 Thread Julian Foad
Erik Hofman wrote:


I think we have a bit of confusion over the meaning of "offset".  I 

But if you look at the following example:


[which is calculated as
  pitch = (property * factor) + offset
= (rpm * 0.0012) + 1.0

You would have to change it to the following to achive the same with 
your proposed change


No.  I am only suggesting changing the default value for the pitch 
offset, not the way it is used to calculate pitch which is and would 
still be

  pitch = (property * factor) + offset

Therefore with my proposed change your first example would have to be 
changed to


This is a good example because it is exactly what made me start looking 
at this in the first place.  I had the first example configured, with 
the existing sound manager, and when I revved the engine up and slowed 
it down it didn't sound right.  That is because in that example the 
pitch is not proportional to RPM:

 RPM  Pitch (approx.)
   0  1.0
 400  1.5
 800  2.0
1600  3.0

I want the pitch to be proportional to RPM: when the engine is firing 
twice as many times per second, the sound pitch is twice as high.  If 
normal pitch (1.0) happens to correspond to 800 RPM, I want 2.0 at 1600 
RPM, etc.  Therefore I want pitch to be (RPM * 0.0012) approximately. 
This could be written


which does what I want regardless of whether the default offset is 1 or 
0.  So no problem there.

I certainly do not want to delete any feature that is currently being 
used.  I am looking for ways to simplify the code and semantics while 
*keeping* all the useful features.

Personally I think it is very powerfull as it is,

Yes, I agree.  I'm not trying to say it's bad or it isn't powerful 
enough.  It is good and it is quite powerful.

it just takes some 
creativity to take advantage of all the possibilities.

- Julian

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sound vol/pitch transforms are like panelx/y/r transforms

2002-11-13 Thread Erik Hofman
Julian Foad wrote:

No.  I am only suggesting changing the default value for the pitch 
offset, not the way it is used to calculate pitch which is and would 
still be

  pitch = (property * factor) + offset

Therefore with my proposed change your first example would have to be 
changed to


Hmm, okay. If you are sure it works, then I see no objections. It may 
require a few changes in the exsisting sound configuration files and the 
documentation shouldprobably be updated to reflect this change.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Sound vol/pitch transforms are like panelx/y/r transforms

2002-11-19 Thread Julian Foad
Erik Hofman wrote:

Julian Foad wrote:

No.  I am only suggesting changing the default value for the pitch 
offset, not the way it is used to calculate pitch which is and would 
still be

Hmm, okay. If you are sure it works, then I see no objections. It may 
require a few changes in the exsisting sound configuration files and the 
documentation shouldprobably be updated to reflect this change.

I will first make sure that each  in the configuration files has 
an explicit , so that they do not rely on the default.

In fact, there is only one without an , and it is the A4's 
"whine" sound.  Did the author realise that the default offset was 1.0? 
 The 747's "whine" has an offset of 0.1 specified.  Does the A4's whine 
sound right as RPM varies?  I suspect that an offset of 0, or close to 
0, would be better.

- Julian

Flightgear-devel mailing list