Re: [Flightgear-devel] Proposal: Move airplanes to an SVN repository

2011-06-25 Thread David Slocombe

Currently I do not even have a working fg on my machine, but I continue
to peek at the flightgear-devel list occasionally. Today I saw this
discussion of moving the aircraft directories to individual SVN repos
instead of git.

My experience with both svn and git is both minimal and old, and I
may be misinterpreting what the problem is that needs solving.
However, if you're going to consider creating separate repos in SVN
for each aircraft, when everything else has been converted to git now,
perhaps you should consider instead using fossil, which is very
git-like in some ways (clone,push,pull) but also like a traditional
centralized VCS in some other ways.

In particular, fossil's repository is a single, sqlite file.
Although cloning is the normal method for copying it, you can
copy that file just fine (as long as no one else is updating it
at that instant) and it works fine. Afterwards, updating a local repo,
using pull, involves an rsync-like protocol so it's fast.

Fossil repositories can be converted to/from git repositories
with a one-liner. (However I don't know how you would isolate,
say, just the c172p directory from all the rest of the stuff
in git.)

If anyone thinks this might be relevant, just take a look at

This is a living instance of a fossil repository, BTW: the
fossil binary, statically-linked except for libz, is ~900KB.
Yet it includes a simple wiki, a *very* nice issue-tracking
system, and a tiny web-server(!).

Normally a developer interacts with fossil from the commandline,
but the built-in web-server makes *exploring* what is in the
repository, as well as creating bug reports and some documentation,
a joy.

Just for fun, and understanding that this would have to be
done properly by someone with access to the full git repo with
all its history, I yum-installed FlightGear-data on my Fedora
system, and then did
cp -r /usr/share/FlightGear/Aircraft /tmp

and created Fossil repos for each of the included directories:

shrdlu tmp $ ls Aircraft
777-200  bo105  dhc2   Generic j3cub ufo
A6M2 c172p  Dragonfly  Instruments SenecaII  UIUC
b1900d   CitationX  f-14b  Instruments-3d  sopwithCamel  ZLT-NT
shrdlu tmp $ mkdir Repos
shrdlu tmp $ cd Aircraft
shrdlu Aircraft $ for i in *
 echo $i:
 fossil new ../Repos/$i.fossil
 cd $i
 fossil open ../../Repos/$i.fossil
 fossil add .
 fossil commit -m Initial checkin
 fossil close
 cd ..

#Five times it paused to ask a question like this:
#  ./Models/Liveries/KLM.xml contains CR/NL line endings; commit anyhow 
#Otherwise it would have taken perhaps 30 seconds for all 18 repositories,
#on my 5-year-old machine.

shrdlu Aircraft $ cd ..
shrdlu tmp $ du -sh Aircraft
12M Aircraft/777-200
17M Aircraft/c172p
23M Aircraft/f-14b
14M Aircraft/Instruments
11M Aircraft/Instruments-3d
22M Aircraft/sopwithCamel
shrdlu tmp $ ls -lh Repos
total 68M
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 7.5M Jun 25 13:43 777-200.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 1.6M Jun 25 13:43 A6M2.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 3.3M Jun 25 13:43 b1900d.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 1.4M Jun 25 13:43 bo105.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns  11M Jun 25 13:43 c172p.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 3.4M Jun 25 13:43 CitationX.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 3.2M Jun 25 13:43 dhc2.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 836K Jun 25 13:43 Dragonfly.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns  11M Jun 25 13:44 f-14b.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 464K Jun 25 13:44 Generic.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 3.9M Jun 25 13:44 Instruments-3d.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 5.4M Jun 25 13:44 Instruments.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 457K Jun 25 13:44 j3cub.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 2.4M Jun 25 13:44 SenecaII.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 8.7M Jun 25 13:44 sopwithCamel.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns  96K Jun 25 13:44 ufo.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 2.8M Jun 25 13:44 UIUC.fossil
-rw-r--r-- 1 dns dns 1.4M Jun 25 13:44 ZLT-NT.fossil
shrdlu tmp $ file Repos/777-200.fossil
Repos/777-200.fossil: SQLite 3.x database
shrdlu tmp $ du -sh Aircraft Repos
68M Repos
shrdlu tmp $

Of course this is equivalent to just the tip of the git repository.
Fossil uses deltas for versions internally, so it ought to be
competitive on the full history, but only an experiment will prove that.

Perhaps this is of some interest. If not, just ignore me.


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Re: [Flightgear-devel] High Priority: fixing the Great Lakes...

2010-03-28 Thread David Slocombe
On Sunday 2010-03-28 David Megginson wrote:
 Now, quite a few years later, the Great Lakes are still
 broken in our default scenery, and as a result, FlightGear
 looks ridiculous to any new user who comes and tries flying
 in near cities such as Toronto, Rochester, Buffalo, Cleveland,
 Detroit, Chicago, or Milwaukee.

Sometimes pictures really *are* worth a thousand words. I think
this is one of those times.

I've put up on the Web (temporarily: they won't be there forever)
three screen snaps:

Please go to for
pictures illustrating the problems of CYTZ (Toronto/City Centre),
which is on an island in Lake Ontario just offshore from Toronto's
downtown area.

1. cytz-from-08-apprch.png : CYTZ from the approach viewpoint
of Runway 08 (08/26 is the principal runway of this extremely
busy airport: Bombardier Dash8-Q400's take off or land about
every 20 minutes, and in between that traffic Cessna 150's and
172's practise circuits or transit to/from Toronto's
practice area to the East. I'm one of the student pilots these days.

The fact that, in fgfs, the water is 240 feet below its real-world level
is only a small part of the problem (in fact if that were the
only problem one could just pretend one is practising landings
on aircraft carriers). The terrain data, intersected by the
water at its current level, makes the shoreline wildly wrong...

2. cytz-overhead-at-40Kft.png : This is taken with the UFO
tool at 40,000 ft., looking straight down.

3. google-image-cytz.png : a snap of what Google has for
a satellite shot, to compare with the previous shot.

I'm not convinced that the terrain data that fgfs uses is
sufficiently detailed to capture even the approximate
shape of the Toronto Islands (what CYTZ is on the Western
end of), let alone the Leslie Spit and docklands to the East.
So I'm not sure how different this is going to look if the
water-level were correct. But surely it would make a difference,
and there are  700 miles of shoreline for Lake Ontario,
and another  800 miles for Lake Erie: all of this would
be affected by a fix. I presume the shoreline in the
St. Lawrence River near Montreal must be seriously wrong too.

BTW, Just For Kicks, I can fly *under* CYTZ. It doesn't
seem to do me damage, and fgfs doesn't even crash! :-)

Thanks everyone for the great achievement that fgfs is.
It was fgfs that got me sufficiently enthused about flying
to decide to get my PPL.

David Slocombe
Toronto Canada.

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Re: [Flightgear-devel] Licensing and disclaimers for aircraft models

2009-01-21 Thread David Slocombe
Why agonize over this, where obviously no one on this list is expert. 
Instead, why not write to or
connect to #sflc on and ask the lawyers who offer
the needed advice for free. See:  (Software Freedom Law Center)

They are there to help us. the chairman of the SFLC is Prof. Eben Moglen, who
has been the legal expert behind the GPL since the beginning.

Jon, your correspondence with Boeing seems the right thing to send along.



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[Flightgear-devel] New c172p panel: getting ki227 needle to work

2008-12-03 Thread David Slocombe
The new c172p aircraft is beautiful (thank you, Heiko!), but the panel
is not quite finished.
In particular, the needle on the ADF gauge (KI-227) does not function,
and the card cannot be rotated.

NDBs are still important in my part of the world (Canada) so I needed
to get that needle to move. (I can live without the card rotation.)

I finally found the XML file controlling this:
  Aircraft/c172p/Instruments/kr87-adf/ki227-00.xml .

This file has section:

But, using the property browser dialog, I found that needle-deg has no
value, although the frequencies are there and the KR-87 seems to be working
fine otherwise.

The property section for the ADF of the previous c172p is still there,
and -- surprise! -- the property Instrumentation/adf/indicated-bearing-deg
has the needed value.

So replacing 
produces a working (relative bearing type) ADF gauge.

I assume Heiko has further plans for the new c172p panel. However, this
patch could be used if there is not enough time to carry them out before
the impending new release...



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