It seems there's a memory management issue in SimGear that may cause a
crash under certain conditions. (Actually I'm not totally sure why it
ever works at all, but that's another matter.)

In the routine sgLoad3DModel_internal
(scene/model/SGReaderWriterXML.cxx) there's a prop_root variable of type
SGSharedPtr<SGPropertyNode>. At some point, it may be passed to

appendParticles (scene/model/particles.cxx) implicitly copies the value
into a newly allocated GlobalParticleCallback's field modelRoot, of type
SGPropertyNode*. So, when appendParticles return, there's a persistent
non-reference-counted pointer to this structure.

If there are no other references, the prop_root is automatically
destroyed when sgLoad3DModel_internal returns, causing the memory to be
freed. So, later on, when OSG wants to do something with these
particles, the freed memory is referenced and causes a crash.

I didn't see a fix for this in your git, so I've attached a quickfix,
but perhaps you prefer other solutions. And perhaps it's not the only
issue of this kind (especially since I see fgfs still crashes at exit),
but this is all I have time for right now.

Index: simgear/scene/model/particles.hxx
--- simgear/scene/model/particles.hxx	(revisjon 138)
+++ simgear/scene/model/particles.hxx	(revisjon 148)
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
     static osg::Vec3 gravity;
     static osg::Vec3 wind;
-    const SGPropertyNode* modelRoot;
+    SGSharedPtr<const SGPropertyNode> modelRoot;
     static SGConstPropertyNode_ptr enabledNode;
     static bool enabled;
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