[fltk.general] static text widget

2011-10-07 Thread David
What would be the equivalent of a windows static text control in fltk widgets?  
Also, Is there a cheat sheet that gives the various windows controls and the 
equivalent for fltk widget?

fltk mailing list

Re: [fltk.general] static text widget

2011-10-07 Thread Ian MacArthur

On 7 Oct 2011, at 19:50, David wrote:

> What would be the equivalent of a windows static text control in fltk 
> widgets?  

No idea - what's a "static text control" do?
If you just want to display some static text, use a simple Fl_Box and see how 
that goes.
Most fltk widgets have specific label fields anyway, so that probably covers a 
lot of the places where static text would be useful, I imagine. For anything 
else, Fl_Box ought to cover it I think. Probably...

Oh, and I assume you mean "Windows" rather than "windows" here, since all the 
desktop GUI systems have "windows" but only MS have "Windows"...

> Also, Is there a cheat sheet that gives the various windows controls and the 
> equivalent for fltk widget?

No, don't think so - but if you want to write one, we could post it on the 
website for the future...

fltk mailing list

Re: [fltk.general] static text widget

2011-10-07 Thread Greg Ercolano
On 10/07/11 11:50, David wrote:
> What would be the equivalent of a windows static text
> control in fltk widgets?

For a plain text widget, you can either use
Fl_Box or Fl_Widget with the label() as the text.

Fl_Box *box = new Fl_Box(x,y,w,h);  // create a box
box->label("Some static text"); // assign static string to label

So a complete program might be:

int main() {
Fl_Window *win = new Fl_Window(300,300);
Fl_Box *box = new Fl_Box(10,10,280,40); // create a box
box->label("Some static text"); // assign static string to label
box->color(FL_RED); // OPTIONAL: make the box red
box->box(FL_FLAT_BOX);  // OPTIONAL: make the box area 

> Also, Is there a cheat sheet that gives the various windows controls and the 
> equivalent for fltk widget?

I'm not aware of one.

Few if any of us use the MS Windows API for making widgets,
so pretty sure there's no such cheat sheet/rosetta stone
for converting between Windows <-> FLTK <-> Qt <-> wxwidgets,
though that would certainly be interesting, assuming someone
knew at least two widget sets well enough to start one.
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