Re: [fluid-dev] Proposal: FluidSynth tester program

2012-08-05 Thread jimmy

--- On Sat, 8/4/12, "Aere Greenway"  wrote:

> Where it has been stated that there are no fluidsynth
> dependencies on
> jack, I think you should re-examine that claim, based on the
> problems I
> encountered.  

Fluidsynth can be compiled with just Alsa, no need for Jack.  So the claim is 

What you see is the package requirements from your Ubuntu repositories.  Where 
Ubuntu package folks decide to compile Fluidsynth with jack support, so that is 
distro-related default requirements.  And it is common practice with most other 
Linux distros, too.

Similarly the Linux kernel can be compiled for a cell phone with no supports, 
or dependencies on PCI, PCI-X, PCI-E bus, VGA, XGA display, IDE hard drive, 
parallel port...  Knowing that it can be done, but you probably don't want that 
as your default boot-up kernel for your i386, or i586 PC.


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Apt package dependencies -- WAS Re: Proposal: FluidSynth tester program

2012-08-05 Thread jimmy

--- On Sun, 8/5/12, jimmy  wrote:

> If you still don't understand what I have written, it would
> still be a big baffling mistery for you.

Sorry, "mystery" not "mistery".

More on decoding "apt-get" command you used.  From the info you posted:

aere@Aere-HP-Vectra:~/fluidsynth-1.1.6$ sudo apt-get build-dep fluidsynth
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  jackd2 jackd2-firewire libjack-jackd2-0
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  jackd1 libjack-dev libjack0
0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 3 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0 B/637 kB of archives.
After this operation, 371 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y
Preconfiguring packages ...
(Reading database ... 218822 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing jackd2-firewire ...
dpkg: libjack-jackd2-0: dependency problems, but removing anyway as you 
zita-at1 depends on libjack-jackd2-0 (>= 1.9.5~dfsg-14) | libjack-0.116; 
  Package libjack-jackd2-0 is to be removed.
  Package libjack-0.116 is not installed.
  Package libjack-jackd2-0 which provides libjack-0.116 is to be removed.
  Package libjack0 which provides libjack-0.116 is not installed.
sndfile-tools depends on libjack-jackd2-0 (>= 1.9.5~dfsg-14) | libjack-0.116; 
  Package libjack-jackd2-0 is to be removed.
  Package libjack-0.116 is not installed.
  Package libjack-jackd2-0 which provides libjack-0.116 is to be removed.
  Package libjack0 which provides libjack-0.116 is not installed.

   . . . 
  [with many more messages about packages depending on "libjack-jackd2-0"]

You need to understand the messages from that command, 

   apt-get build-dep fluidsynth
it tells you exactly what it woud do:

   The following packages will be REMOVED:
 jackd2 jackd2-firewire libjack-jackd2-0
   The following NEW packages will be installed:
 jackd1 libjack-dev libjack0

Which is NOT what is needed by the currently testing Fluidsynth version.  
Apparently, "build-dep fluidsynth" in your repository still refer to some 
old-old version of fluidsynth development packages which explicitly requires:

   jackd1 libjack-dev libjack0
but these are jack 1.x packages.  If you proceed, it tell you that:

   The following packages will be REMOVED:
 jackd2 jackd2-firewire libjack-jackd2-0

You have to read that and understand the implication of answering "Yes" to 
proceed with that command.  In order for you to compile the currently testing 
version of Fluidsynth, you should have answered "No" to quit that command.  
Because, obviously the repository you are using is very outdated as far as 
Fluidsynth is concerned.

It means you have to manually figure out, and install all the package 
dependencies for the current Fluidsynth version and not depend on "apt-get" to 
resolve such dependencies for you.


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Apt package dependencies -- WAS Re: Proposal: FluidSynth tester program

2012-08-05 Thread jimmy

--- On Sun, 8/5/12, Aere Greenway  wrote:

> The problem I am experiencing is with trying to run a test
> of the fluidsynth release candidate.  

Again, the real problem was depencies around a package that was alread 
installed on your system:


which requires


which is jack 1.x.

Any attempt to load anything require jack 2.x would not actually install jack 
2.x at all.  Until you explicitly remove both




which give you a clean slate relating to jack.  Once that is done, you can 
install jack 2.x.  Otherwise, none of jack 2.x would get installed on that 
system, and you should have problem with the currently being tested FluidSynth 
-- because current Fluidsynth requires jack 2.x for testing (I believe).

If you still don't understand what I have written, it would still be a big 
baffling mistery for you.


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Apt package dependencies -- WAS Re: Proposal: FluidSynth tester program

2012-08-05 Thread jimmy

--- On Sun, 8/5/12, Aere Greenway  wrote:

> Given the problems I had getting qjackctl to co-exist with
> the generated
> version of fluidsynth, I am puzzled by why I had no problems
> with my
> Ubuntu partition.  My guesses why are as follows:
> 1. I had previously done some testing of a Rosegarden fix,
> and it has
> similar dependencies to fluidsynth.  Notably, it wants
> jackd1 (rather
> than jackd2, which qjackctl causes to be installed). 
> All this was
> in-place and working before I attempted to build
> fluidsynth.  
> 2. I am using Ubuntu, rather than Xubuntu.

I don't use Ubunto, nor Xubuntu, so I don't know the current "version" various 
packages like libjack, qjackctl... and pre-requisites of each of those.

I use Debian Sid (Unstable repository), so the version of various packages 
available there are fairly recent.  For example qjackctl in Sid would probably 
want jackd2.

However, Debian Stable repository would (more likely) have much older "version" 
of qjackctl and related pre-requisite packages.

I mention that just as an example.  And everytime there is an update to the 
repository, some of those packages may require different pre-requisites.  So 
some of your currently installed packages will get out of sync with the 
repositories, until you decide to install the latest and greatest version for 
each of those packages.

In your case, it may not be fluidsynth and qjackctl which causes the dependency 
issues.  It might be some other music related packages that you were playing 

I saw in one of your other posts mentioned:


which I believe might be a set of jack 1.x development header files.  If that 
is true, that package would require libjack 1.x libraries package, which cannot 
be installed concurrently with any jack 2.0 packages, at least from the 
perspective of the repository installation script when it tries to verify 

I suppose you were toying with some apps that was still using jack 1.0 sometime 
ago which needed the jack 1.0 header files to compile.  So that package was 
installed in the system was still there.

Currently, most music packages that use jack do use jack 2.x.  And the 
repository won't let you do that because jack 1.x and jack 2.x are mutully 
exclusive.  It won't automatically remove all of jack 1.x packages and 
additional packages which need jack 1.x.  The sticking point in your case was 


note that libjack-dev also need libjack0.  What you need to do is to explicitly 
remove all the jack 1.x packages, then go ahead and install any jack 2.x 
packages that you want.  The equivelance jack 2.x of that would be


which needs libjack-jackd2-0 package.  When you try to remove all jack 1.x 
packages, it will also tell you what other packages were "also" to be removed, 
those would be the packages that depends on those jack 1.x packages.

After installing jack 2.x packages you want, you can try to manually install 
those packages (not Jack itself) which were removed when you remove jack 1.x.  
I run

   apt-get -d install somepackage

the "-d" say to download only.  Which will show you what packages it would 
install or remove if it is to install "somepackage".  If it won't remove any of 
the new jack 2.x packages, then I would let it completely download all the 
files it need.  Then run:

   apt-get install somepackage

which is the same command without the "-d" to go ahead and install 

So yes, while you were removing and purging some of those packages, it finally 
remove enough of jack 1.x packages to let you install jack 2.x in the system.  
The reverse is also true.  If any packages which explicitely require some jack 
1.x but not compatible with jack 2.x will not install if jack 2.x is already in 
the system until you explicitely remove jack 2.x.


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Soundfont banks

2012-07-16 Thread jimmy

--- On Mon, 7/16/12, David Henningsson  wrote:

> Just a question here: What soundfont do you run these files
> with? Is 
> there an XG soundfont out there (or maybe even lots of
> them?), and if so 
> - how is that soundfont constructed? How does it squeeze
> XG's drum banks 
> and melody banks into the 128+1 bank numbers that the
> soundfont 
> specification offers?

You can use any standard GM soundfont to try it.  Running FluidSynth in XG-mode 
already has the soundbank/drumbank fallback scheme in place.  So any 
soundbank/drumset that isn't found, it reverts to using the GM 

Poor-man's XG, or at least a simplest starting point.  Of course, different 
drumbanks will have different instrument-note mapping.  Similarly, in hardware, 
same instrument in different soundbanks will sound differently because they 
would use different special effects parameters on the same sound samples.  Some 
funky drumset mapping may sound wierd because the same note in that drumset may 
be mapped to a whistle in default GM standard drumset, for example.  To get 
that in FluidSynth, custom soundfonts would be needed.

Note that it does print out a warning/info on the Fluidsynth console 
(commandline output) when it could not locate a soundbank number (in decimal).  
This way, folks can see what particular soundbank is expected by that specific 
XG-MIDI file (or XG hardware), should they want to do some custom soundfont 
mapping.  Again, the number being used and printed out right now is truncated 
to 7-bit (CC32 only).  Fluidsynth needs my rejected patch to properly print the 
full 14-bit (CC0/CC32) number (used by the XG-MIDI file, or XG-harware) 

Using the basic GM soundfont for XG-mode is similar to my other patch in 
GM-mode when an instrument is not found in some soundbank, it reverts to using 
the same instrument number in the default soundbank (bank=0).  Prior to that 
patch, Fluidsynth simply ignored that instrument, no sound would be heard at 
all for that channel until an exact instrument requested was found (some sound 
banks only have a few instruments mapped).  A live reset command (while 
continue playing) would of course set that instrument to piano, should one 
tries to at least hear something is playing on that channel (or determine if 
some MIDI events even get to that channel at all).

The fallback scheme, I believe is vailable in both XG and GS in some way.  I 
also believe that is what "all" GM hardwares do, too.  This is the rationals 
around the original request for my patch in "GM-mode fallback" instrument 
lookup.  Try any hardware keyboard, or hardware sound module, connect to it via 
MIDI cable and request an invalid CC0/CC32 and progChange request, it would 
never "silence" that channel (as FluidSynth did at that time).  It most likely 
will keep the current instrument, or use some fallback mapping of sort.

Those patches I wrote for XG-mode already in FluidSynth simply uses the 
particular resources if they are available, if not it would try to do a 
reasonable cascading substitution to some equivalence instruments/drumsets 
within that GM/XG mode.  I had previously explained these instrument mapping 
(in GM-mode) back when Josh/Element Green was applying such patches, as well as 
CC0/CC32 mapping when I submitted the XG-related patches.

In XG-mode for XG-hardwares, if I remember correctly, they use CC0=121/CC32=0 
as their default/fallback soundbank (don't remember if this is written to use 
that before using the GM-default in FluidSynth XG-mode).  Such soundbank sounds 
much better than the GM-mode default soundbank in those hardwares.  So they can 
claim that XG harwares/softwares sounds much better than GM sounds.  Pure 
marketing B.S, it's their mapping that make GM-mode sound bad in those 
hardwares/softwares.  GS-hardwares do similar things, I believe.


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Proposal: FluidSynth tester program

2012-07-12 Thread jimmy

On Wed, 11 Jul 2012 20:57, David Henningsson  wrote:

> Something I've been thinking of for a while, and the recent
> thread 
> reminded me of that thought...
> FluidSynth is quite a versatile program/library, and we all
> want 
> different things out of it. No one of us has the full
> picture, or uses 
> FluidSynth to all the different things it can be used for.
> Making sure that none of all these use cases break, is one
> of 
> FluidSynth's biggest challenges, and maybe sometimes it can
> cause us to 
> be overly cautious.

Same thing can be said for most softwares out there.  I agree about being 
cautious, too.  I definitely don't want malware backdoors in any softwares, or 
buggy softwares either.

Although, being an open source community, it's the code contribution that make 
the software grow.

Imagine Linus writing all the changes alone, by himself, for the Linux kernel 
in it's current form?  That would be insane.  I doubt that Linus even fully 
understand much of what's in the hundreds of device drivers in the kernel, nor 
the hardware to test those himself.  Can't even test all those changes even if 
he has all the hardwares working in his lab(s), let alone having an "RC" 
(release candidate) available every weekend for people to test.

> Here's a proposal that might help us with that challenge.
>  . . .
> What do you think? It obviously won't be much of a tester
> program 
> without a bunch of testers, so is this anything you think
> would make so 
> much sense, that you would be willing to run a test or two
> yourself?

A 2-3 week testing period of some "release candidate" would help before a new 
release anyway.

People's hardware and software configurations can and will change as machine 
break down, and replaced, as well as new releases of libraries, compilers...  
It would be good to have a skeletal test-report to fill out, and posted, so 
folks would have an idea of hardware/software, which distribution, 32/64-bit 
OS...  Not sure if we need the library and compiler version number, but it 
shouldn't hurt if those are reported back.

Some people might be on vacation, busy, out-sick...  But as folks in the FS-dev 
mailing list subscribers, let's way every "release candidate" announcement 
should encourage everyone here to do a test and report back.  Can't force 
anyone, but just say we hope folks here will help track down any potential bugs 

Of course, any bug(s) found, confirmed, and fixed should result in a new 
"release candidate" to be tested again, reset the testing time period.

After a few rounds, we would have an idea of how many test-reports and what 
environments each "release candidate" got tested, along with how many problems 

Not quite as formal as some automated test-suite, but would help along the way.


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Soundfont banks

2012-07-12 Thread jimmy
 a new layer on top of 
FluidSynth, but there may be times when some features might be needed from 
FluidSynth to deal with the various info.

Outside the XG-mode via my earlier patch(es), there's no way to use multiple 
drum channels, except adding the full 16-channels, remember to differentiate 
those channels, may have to add rules to MIDI router of some sort, just to use 
that one extra drum channel.  Talking about twisted logic by some people with 
their GM-specs interpretation.  Sad, but true.


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Soundfont banks

2012-07-12 Thread jimmy
at the "no soundbank switching" as "the GM specs".  I call that 
the "minimalist, default soundbank in GM-mode", provided as a "compatibility 
mode" back in the era when most instruments did not even have a "single" 
complete soundbank.  GM specs also include CC0/CC32.  Without numerous CC# 
events, it wouldn't be MIDI standard at all.  

By "default soundbank", I mean that GM specs allows for using CC0/CC32 to 
change to other soundbanks.  But if no such additional soundbank was available 
for that CC0/CC32 combo, it would revert to use the "default soundbank".

Of course, interpretation from 20, 30 years ago was the struggle to provide 
even one common soundbank for all hardwares.  Nowaday, if any musical 
instrument come out providing just one single soundbank, make sure your 
calendar didn't show April 1st.

> I'm also open to extending the XG mode to make use of that
> feature, once 
> that feature is complete.

Let me state my opion again here, that XG is just a play on GM-specs.  If 
FluidSynth has proper support for GM specs, XG should not be a big deal.

GM-specs include numerous CC# messages.  Currently my point of contention is 
lack of full CC0/CC32 support (which is part of GM-specs).  For those 
interested, a list of those can be found here:
I don't even know most of those things.  Even the

   CC7   Volume (coarse)

was at one time referred by some as "Master volume" for some hardwares, 
probably a carry over from some MIDI-controller, or some simple synth with just 
a few sounds which transmits on only a single channel.  More recently it is 
used more appropriately as "channel volume".

GM specs do not explicitly forbid drumset usage in other channels.  It simply 
suggest that channel 9 be used for drum.  What if someone want to use more than 
one drum-sets at the same time?  GM specs didn't explicitly address that, but a 
flexible GM implementation should not forbid such usage either.

GM2 suggests 2 specific channels for drums.  What if someone want to use 3 drum 
channels, or use some other channel for drum instead?  One of the XG-MIDI files 
above wanted 3 drum channels.  Don't tell me that is against some specs, please.

I brought it up because I want people to realize that softwares should be 
flexible to accommodate numerous different intrepretations, configurations and 
variations even years down the road.  It comes down to having a flexible 
interpretation to begin with.  If "drums was said to be on channel 9 by the GM 
specs" was the only interpretation, then there would be no options what-so-ever 
for drums to be used on any other channels at all.  Such is just sad, IMHO.

I was at a live hard-rock concert once, where there were two "over-full" 
drumsets on the stage, played by two drumers at the same time.  It's not 
impossible.  Hey, gutarists do it, symphonies do it, let the drummers do it.


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Soundfont banks

2012-07-10 Thread jimmy

> Patches are more likely to be accepted if we first agree on
> what should be implemented.

Only if you realize GM-mode and full MIDI are like a drop of water compare to a 
cup of water.

> As for your other email about what you think is wrong with
> the current patch, let's get back to that when we have the
> soundfont bank offset functionality in place.

Sure, do what you want.  I'm pointing out that the current code is wrong.  I 
also know that my patch is logically sound, but won't fix anything functionally 
at the moment.  But I'd rather having the correct code in place, instead of 
saying "we know the current code is wrong, but it doesn't make any difference, 
so we won't change the code".

Hey, if I won't be around, at least the correct code is in there, saving 
someone else the trouble of understanding the XG stuff and code it years down 
the road.  Heck it's been almost 1.5 years since I submitted that patch and 
nothing has been mentioned.  I might see Harley's Comet swing by before I see 
anything new in FluidSynth at this pace.


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Soundfont banks

2012-07-10 Thread jimmy

Note that

does have the space for the full 14-bit [MSB, LSB] combination in place.  And 
yes, the FLUID_BANK_STYLE_MMA handles the 14-bit combination of [MSB, LSB] just 
fine in those 2 functions.  You and Pedro simply cripled XG-mode by rejected my 


The patch I submitted, which was not applied:

diff -pur fluidsynth.svnRev405.20110207/src/synth/fluid_chan.c 
--- fluidsynth.svnRev405.20110207/src/synth/fluid_chan.c2011-02-07 
20:29:48.0 -0500
+++ fluidsynth.svnRev405.20110207.jnSysex/src/synth/fluid_chan.c
2011-02-09 17:20:05.0 -0500
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ fluid_channel_set_bank_lsb(fluid_channel
   oldval = chan->sfont_bank_prog;
   if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_XG)
-  newval = (oldval & ~BANK_MASKVAL) | (banklsb << BANK_SHIFTVAL);
+  newval = (oldval & ~BANKLSB_MASKVAL) | (banklsb << BANK_SHIFTVAL);
   else /* style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_MMA */
   newval = (oldval & ~BANKLSB_MASKVAL) | (banklsb << BANK_SHIFTVAL);
   chan->sfont_bank_prog = newval;
@@ -259,6 +259,9 @@ fluid_channel_set_bank_msb(fluid_channel
 /* The number "120" was based on several keyboards having drums at 120 - 
reference: */
 chan->channel_type = (120 <= bankmsb) ? CHANNEL_TYPE_DRUM : 
+oldval = chan->sfont_bank_prog;
+newval = (oldval & ~BANKMSB_MASKVAL) | (bankmsb << (BANK_SHIFTVAL + 7));
+chan->sfont_bank_prog = newval;


The first part, in handling LSB,

@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ fluid_channel_set_bank_lsb(fluid_channel
   oldval = chan->sfont_bank_prog;
   if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_XG)
-  newval = (oldval & ~BANK_MASKVAL) | (banklsb << BANK_SHIFTVAL);
+  newval = (oldval & ~BANKLSB_MASKVAL) | (banklsb << BANK_SHIFTVAL);

The current code blindly wipe out the full 14-bit mask via [& ~BANK_MASKVAL], 
which means a change to LSB, will set/reset MSB to 0.  Which is completely 
wrong!!!  It should be handled the same way of FLUID_BANK_STYLE_MMA.  For 
recent XG hardware, MIDI messages come in the order of MSB, LSB, progChange.  
If LSB event sets MSB to 0 no matter what, just be cause you don't care for any 
value beyond LSB (max of 128 soundbanks), that's just freaking asinine!!!

No such restriction for FLUID_BANK_STYLE_MMA mode in that same function!!!  
Note that XG use of [MSB, LSB] is no different from FLUID_BANK_STYLE_MMA.

My patch here will just change the LSB as it should be, don't mess with MSB 

The second part, in handling MSB,

@@ -259,6 +259,9 @@ fluid_channel_set_bank_msb(fluid_channel
 /* The number "120" was based on several keyboards having drums at 120 - 
reference: */
 chan->channel_type = (120 <= bankmsb) ? CHANNEL_TYPE_DRUM : 
+oldval = chan->sfont_bank_prog;
+newval = (oldval & ~BANKMSB_MASKVAL) | (bankmsb << (BANK_SHIFTVAL + 7));
+chan->sfont_bank_prog = newval;

The existing XG code path was a patch from me to allow setting a channel as a 
drum-channel, it returns out of the function without really setting the MSB 
value, which is missing my "rejected patch".  But the code prior to that didn't 
properly handle XG-mode drum channels correctly either, as you could see with:

   if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GM ||
  chan->channel_type == CHANNEL_TYPE_DRUM)
  return; /* ignored */

My patch would properly set the XG-mode MSB value the way it should be, before 
return from that function.  This should be no different than the way 
FLUID_BANK_STYLE_MMA is handled.  Although, I think current code won't deal 
with FLUID_BANK_STYLE_MMA drum-channel MSB properly, because of the 
if-statement above.  But I'm not concerned with MMA-mode for the time being.

Because you and Pedro don't care or XG-mode use of MSB.  You and Pedro sticking 
it to me, quoting some lame maximum 128 soundbanks limits, and my patch for MSB 
value-change never got applied.  Let me say it again, this XG-mode setting of 
[MSB, LSB] should be no different than the way FLUID_BANK_STYLE_MMA is set, 
which is already in place in these functions.

My other changes that you quoted, was applied for allowing any channel to use 
as Drum-channel.  I had patches for several different things back then, 
including some SysEx patches for XG, some typo in existing code, some 
inconsistent commandline parameter of volume "gain" of 5 maximum in one place 
and 10 in another place



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Soundfont banks

2012-07-10 Thread jimmy
ank [0, 127] for drum channels.

I also think that's how things should work with GM-mode, and MIDI2-mode.  
Currently FluidSynth can't deal with [MSB, LSB] combination, so it is very 
broken with respect to full MIDI handling for soundbank, the way I see it.

I pointed this out in my previous posting on the mailing list without a 
response from you or Pedro.

Moving along, I still think FluidSynth should support loading and using up to 
128 separate soundfont files in their separate 128 slots, instead of cramming 
multiple soundfonts into one slot the way things work right now.

Of course, I'm not saying you or Pedro have to implement that.  I'm trying to 
say things aren't even MIDI-1 compliant, let alone MIDI-2.  Acknowledging that, 
then perhaps there is hope of finding a way to add code to support the missing 
MIDI feature.  What I'm trying to say is "Soundfont specs" alone is inadequate 
for full MIDI support.  If you and Pedro only care about Soundfont specs, don't 
care for MIDI specs, then that's your perrogatives.  I do want MIDI supports.

Implementing that would take some work, but not if patches are ignored.  My 
rejected patch deals with that broken handling of [MSB, LSB] in a limited way 
in XG-mode, but was rejected because you and Pedro don't care about XG-mode 
handling. By "limited way", I mean without the drastic code changes to support 
the full 128 separate soundfont files.


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Soundfont banks (was: Re: OSC support)

2012-07-09 Thread jimmy

--- On Mon, 7/9/12, David Henningsson  wrote:

> From: David Henningsson 
> Subject: Soundfont banks (was: Re: [fluid-dev] OSC support)
> To: "FluidSynth mailing list" 
> Cc: "jimmy" 
> Date: Monday, July 9, 2012, 6:55 AM
> On 07/09/2012 03:07 PM, jimmy wrote:
> > "SoundBlaster soundfont specs
> only allow 128 banks of 128 instruments"  -- 
> That's what I get from Pedro and David.
> > When ask about MIDI specs support for MSB (128
> selections) and LSB (128 selections) for sound banks, they
> didn't have an answer.
> As for following specs or not, I'm pragmatic about it. I'd
> like to follow the specs whenever possible, but if something
> else proves useful to a lot of people, and does not break it
> for other people, I'm okay with merging such patches.
> As for soundfonts, I remember having discussions on how to
> best map CC0 and CC32 to the SoundFont's wBank value in
> different GM/GS/XG/GM2 modes, which was not trivial to
> answer. Therefore we have the "synth.midi-bank-select"
> option that uses different mappings depending the mode you
> select. Isn't that option working for you?

My patch specifically allows XG-soundbankd and XG-drumbank selections, and only 
in XG-mode.  XG-drumbanks can be at various MSB bank values of 120, 126, 127... 
in combination with various LSB bank values for different XG hardwares.

Again, my patch only affects XG-mode.  It allows Drumbanks to be used by any 
channel, not just channel 9 (10 with 1-starting-index).  It also allows 
multiple drum channels at the same time, with is used by various XG hardwares 
and XG-MIDI files.

Sadly, my patch never made it to the SVN code base, so the XG-mode soundbank 
selection and drumbank selection never worked in the official FluidSynth code 

> As for the soundfont spec, it both says:
> "MIDI CC0 Bank Select - When received, the following program
> change should select the MIDI program
> in this bank value instead of the default bank of 0
> MIDI CC32 Bank Select LSB - When received, may behave in
> conjunction with CC0 Bank Select to provide a total of 16384
> possible MIDI banks of programs."

It means, by default, the value of CC0 and CC32 is assumed to be 0 (zero).  Let 
me use 0-starting-index number here.  Some instruments use 1 ss starting index, 
so adjust those numbers accordingly.

Some earlier hardwares only use MSB, only send MSB (CC0), never send LSB 
(CC32).  That's what ["MIDI CC32 Bank Select LSB - When received,"] tries to 

CC0 and CC32 each has 7-bits (0-127 in decimal values).  So each is capable ot 
128 values, putting them side-by-side, that's a 14-bit binary number that is 
0-16383, or 16384 distinct numbers.

Some vendors (including, but not just Roland and Yamaha) went about 
implementing it for their MIDI hardwares.  It should not really matter if they 
follow the 14-bit numbering for calculating any of 16384 distinct banks.  I 
look at it as MSB (Most Significant Bits) means higher-order bits like the 
hundreds or thousands, and LSB (Least Significant Bits) means the first few 
numbers when we start counting.

Although, some people took short-cut, especially in Softwares, emulating Roland 
GS soundbank selection.  For example, some earlier Roland GS hardware and 
software modules only use MSB (CC0), and assume LSB (CC32) to be 0.  In other 
words, they simply ignored LSB (CC32) in those hardware and software GS-mode 
modules.  So, some third-party hardware and software emulation of GS-mode 
simply use 7-bits of MSB for the soundbanks switching, completely ignore the 
LSB (CC32).  If those third-party folks had use the 14-bit number from the 
beginning, simply zero-ing out the LSB (CC3) for bank selection, it would be 
simple to move forward.

Here's a description of how Roland GS hardwares do (changes with successive 
hardware releases):

   Typically, cc#32 (Bank Select LSB) was used to select a family (i.e. 1 - 
SC-55, 100 - MT-32 etc.) then cc#0 (Bank Select MSB) was used to set a 
particular variation bank.

In other words, it should have been the other way around.  But, they use LSB 
for the different hardwares ID.  Each hardware uses MSB for the maximum of 128 
soundbanks of 128 instruments per bank.  That's the [128 banks] x [128 
instruments] limit per family of hardware, designated by the Hardware ID used 
by LSB (CC32).

In other words, GS-mode hardwares only use 128 banks of 128 instruments for any 
particular "hardware family".  That's a limitation of using only MSB (7-bit 
number) for limiting bank selection.

Yamaha XG hardwares, on the other hand use the more logical ordering of bits in 
the 14-bits numbers.  They use combination of MSB and LSB to signify specific 

Re: [fluid-dev] OSC support

2012-07-09 Thread jimmy
> On Sun, 8 Jul 2012, Peter Eastman  wrote:
> I didn't come here to argue.  I'm suggesting ways to
> make FluidSynth a
> better program.  If you don't want my help or ideas,
> just say so and
> I'll go away.
> Peter

The way Pedro wants is for Fluidsynth to support:

   SoundBlaster Soundfont specs from 16th Century.
   Roland GS MIDI extension from 17-th Century.
That it!!!

God forbid any support for

   MIDI specs
   Yamaha XG MIDI extension
   MIDI-2 specs

you are on your own, dude!!!

Yeah, I tried to submit a patch for generic Yamaha XG sound banks selection so 
it can support 128 x 128 banks of 128 instruments per bank in XG-mode (some bit 
and pieces already in place for partial XG-mode operation).

   "No way!!!  Go away!!!  SoundBlaster soundfont specs only allow 128 banks of 
128 instruments"  --  That's what I get from Pedro and David.
When ask about MIDI specs support for MSB (128 selections) and LSB (128 
selections) for sound banks, they didn't have an answer.  They simply ignored 

Heard of the "Soup Nazi" joke?  This is the "SoundBlaster Soundfont Nazi" here. 
 Not in the Soundfont specs?  No sounds for you!!!  No where near the "old, 
old" Roland GS specs for Win95/Win98 sound card hardware?  No sounds for you!!!

To hell with MIDI specs, let alone MIDI-2, or anything else new.


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] complexity of soundfont synthesis engine

2011-09-20 Thread jimmy

> On Mon, 19 Sep 2011 14:20:38 -0700 (PDT) Michael Geis 
>  wrote:
> I posted a question on using fluidsynth to extract .sf2
> sounds to .wav files a few weeks ago. The answers I received
> indicated I had to get a better grasp of the subject matter
> and as a consequence I had to think over what I am doing.
> Sorry if this post is perhaps only marginally related to
> fluidsynth. I am trying to develop a better grasp on
> soundfonts and fluidsynth may or may not be what I will need
> to use in my project (which I currently have a hard time
> telling because of my limited understanding of the subject
> matter).

If you are on Linux, you may want to try swami (soundfont editor).

For a soundfont with lots of samples, it could be a bit overwhelming to try to 
figure out.  However, I found that I can open a soundfont with large number of 
samples.  Create a new (empty) soundfont within the same Swami session, copy 
from the existing soundfont, paste it to the new soundfont.  It will copy all 
the parameters and internal links into the new soundfont.  From there, you can 
export the sound samples for each instrument that is of interest to you.  This 
approach helped me quite a bit.

I suppose other soundfont editors should have similar functionality.  There 
might be other soundfont <-> xml converter/extractor out there.  I tried a 
soundfont to XML extractor (written in Python) sometime ago, it was very 
primitive and not complete.


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Should playback_callback receive MIDI file events?

2011-09-19 Thread jimmy
> On Sun, 18 Sep 2011 21:26:59 Matt Giuca  wrote:
> This continues a discussion started in the bug ticket #101
> (
> (between myself and
> David Henningson).
> Recently, a feature was added allowing the user of the FS
> API to register a
> custom playback_callback function, which is called every
> time a MIDI event
> fires.
> At present, I *think*, this callback receives only MIDI
> channel and sysex
> events, not meta events.
> . . . [snipped] . . .
> The question is: should they. The default callback will
> ignore them anyway,
> so it doesn't matter. But does anybody who's used their own
> custom callbacks
> have any opinion on this one way or another? Would you like
> to receive meta
> events such as copyright strings, and tempo changes? Will
> this break any
> existing callbacks?

Please do send all events (including meta events).  Perhaps you don't need them 
with your Midi files, but I have work with Midi segments that changes tempo 
(perhaps even time signature 3/4 <-> 4/4) on the fly.  So looping back will 
need the meta events (tempo...) to play properly.  There are other meta events, 

If you think the extra "setup time" may take too long for your usage, perhaps 
an option to specify whether to play all events, or allow omitting of certain 
event type(s).


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Code patch for GM, GS, XG "system-reset" SysEx's, and MasterVolume SysEx

2011-02-17 Thread jimmy

If you prefer memcmp(), or strncmp(), you can do it.  The main part is done, 
I'm not sure I have time to mess around more with it.  I'm not sure if these 
byteArrays would be used over and over multiple times to deserve a pre-defined 
variable for each.

It's a first try for the volume calculation.  With the default being 0.2, the 
scale is already way-off to start with.  If someone finds a better way to 
calculate master-volume, go right ahead.  I only want/need a way to adjust it, 
as long as it's in there, everyone can use it however they want.


--- On Wed, 2/16/11, David Henningsson  wrote:

> From: David Henningsson 
> Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Code patch for GM, GS, XG "system-reset" SysEx's, 
> and MasterVolume SysEx
> To: "jimmy" 
> Cc:
> Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2011, 5:39 AM
> Hmm, seems this patch went through
> unnoticed?
> Well, I don't mind a maximum gain of 10, it seems like a
> mistake if it's 
> 5 in some places and 10 in others.
> About master volume sysex, I'm a little hesitant if the
> scale is right. 
> What's the default master volume according to the spec?
> That should map 
> against our default volume of 0.2. There is also no reason
> to ignore LSB.
> About the GS/XG/GM sysex (what about GM2 reset, btw?) I
> think the code 
> would look nicer if you did a memcmp() instead of matching
> each 
> individual byte.
> What do you think?
> // David
> On 2011-02-10 23:08, jimmy wrote:
> >
> >
> > Attached is a patch for 4 SysEx messages.  This
> allow Fluidsynth to automatically switch between GM, GS, XG
> mode on the fly, without having to restart, that is. 
> Often a "reset" sysex is sent at beginning of a midi file,
> but not always.
> >
> > Sys-Ex "reset" messages:
> >
> > 
> >
> >     1. GM Reset (understood by
> every GM-compatible instrument)
> >     Sys-Ex String: F0 7E 7F 09 01
> F7
> >
> >     2. Roland GS Reset (Understood
> by all Roland GS instruments)
> >     Sys-Ex String: F0 41 10 42 12
> 40 00 7F 00 41 F7
> >
> >     3. Yamaha XG reset (Understood
> by all Yamaha XG instruments)
> >     Sys-Ex String: F0 43 10 4C 00
> 00 7E 00 F7
> >
> > About master volume:
> >
> > 
> >
> >     Master Volume
> SysEx:   0xF0 0x7F 0x7F 0x04 0x01 0xLL 0xMM
> 0xF7
> >
> > where (0xLL=LSB, 0xMM=MSB), where 7F 7F is maximum
> volume.
> >
> > My patch ignores LSB (LSB=0), simply takes the MSB
> (7-bit, max value 127) devide by 12.70 to get the range of
> [0.0 - 10.0].
> >
> > -
> >
> > In adding SysEx handler for master volume adjustment
> ("gain" in Fluidsynth), I found a few inconsitencies
> regarding "gain":
> >
> >         -g, --gain
> >               
> Set the master gain [0<  gain<  10, default
> = 0.2]
> >
> > which sets fluidsynth settings of:
> >
> >         synth.gain FLOAT
> [min=0.000, max=10.000, def=0.200] REALTIME
> >               
> Master synthesizer gain.
> >
> > While the fluidsynth command shell and manual page
> have:
> >
> >         gain value
> >               
> Set the master gain (0<  gain<  5)
> >
> > but the shell-command handler fluid_handle_gain()
> doesn't try to scale it in anyway to 10.0.  Any reason
> for that?  Or, it's just an oversight (in previous
> changes).
> >
> > In this patch, I go ahead and change all references
> regarding maximum "gain" from 5 to 10.  Let me know if
> those need to be left alone.
> >
> > Jimmy
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > fluid-dev mailing list
> >
> >

fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Re: Patch for channel_type, also XG drum-channel autoswitch

2011-02-11 Thread jimmy

Some more thoughts...

--- On Thu, 2/10/11, David Henningsson  wrote:

> 2) The SF2 spec - which Pedro quoted - says that sf2 bank
> 0-127 is 
> melodic and 128 is drums. So there is no "SFX Voice" in the
> SF2 
> standard, and no "SFX Kit" either. So what do we do with
> it? Currently, 
> we ignore MSB for 64/0x40 and map 126/0x7E, to drums, but
> should we 
> change the bank calculation from "LSB" to MSB*128+LSB (mma
> style), the 
> result for 64/0x40 would be a bank outside the valid SF2
> bank range.

So what if it is out side SF2 bank range?  SF2 bank range calls for 128 
instruments per LSB, up to 128 LSB values.

How about having one MSB mapping to the above range.  Any additional MSB value 
can have one extra set of the above range available.

All instruments mapping have 2 fall-back tendencies at this time:

   Drum-channels gravitate toward GM-drum bank by default.

   Melodic channels gravitate toward GM-basic sound banks by default.

If something is not found in the soundfont look up, we already have the 
substitution in place to use GM defaults (I put in the patch 2-3 years ago, 
Josh G. did that).

SF2 bank range can be seen as basic 128-bank block under MSB.  Just because 
decimal number range is 0-9 doesn't mean I can't have 10, 100, 1000.  Or, 
binary range is only 0-1, I can't have 2, 4, 8, 16.

> I understand that you want MSB*128+LSB / mma-style
> calculation for XG, 
> I'm just not convinced that it's the right way to do.

So how do you suggest we handdle GM specs regarding MSB?  Ignore it altogether, 
just because Roland GS folks don't use it?



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fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: Patch for channel_type, also XG drum-channel

2011-02-11 Thread jimmy

--- On Fri, 2/11/11, David Henningsson  wrote:

> I'm looking at the xg_spec from here: 
> "The Bank Select MSB selects melody voice, SFX voice, or
> rhythm kit. The 
> MSB allows any channel to be designated for rhythm play.
> Bank Select MSB values are as follows.
> 00H: Melody voice
> 01H to 3FH: not used
> 40H: SFX voice
> 41H to 7DH: not used
> 7EH: SFX kit (SFX voices arranged over keyboard)
> 7FH: Rhythm kit (Rhythm voices arranged over keyboard)
> XG Specifications ver.1.26
> And if I look at table 1 on page 35, you see that MSB stays
> at 0 and LSB 
> varies, and that the variation in turn gives different
> banks.
> Now, the two questions are:
> 1) Does the XG world work that way? Is the above wrong? I
> e, unless 
> there is consensus here that we should deviate from the
> standard, I'm 
> unhappy to do so.
> 2) The SF2 spec - which Pedro quoted - says that sf2 bank
> 0-127 is 
> melodic and 128 is drums. So there is no "SFX Voice" in the
> SF2 
> standard, and no "SFX Kit" either. So what do we do with
> it? Currently, 
> we ignore MSB for 64/0x40 and map 126/0x7E, to drums, but
> should we 
> change the bank calculation from "LSB" to MSB*128+LSB (mma
> style), the 
> result for 64/0x40 would be a bank outside the valid SF2
> bank range.
> > MSB=128 is drum in XG,
> MSB range is 0 - 127, so it can't be 128.
> > as well as MSB=126, MSB=120.  No difference in
> that regard (the number 128).  The only difference is
> that it is sent via CC#0.  So for MMA-calculation
> (basically convert to decimal number the combination of MSB,
> LSB), MSB need to be shifted 7 bits further to the
> left.  And this is done only for XG bank-select style
> in my code.  I hope it help clear any confusion.
> I understand that you want MSB*128+LSB / mma-style
> calculation for XG, 
> I'm just not convinced that it's the right way to do.

The above XG doc is not wrong, it was mainly a guide (back in mid 1990's), 
check the date of that document.  Since then, newer Yamaha instruments came out 
with Drum/SFX-kits using MSB=126, and more recently MSB-120.

Some of their older SFX-kits use MSB=64, or so.  I don't know what to make of 
that, being Melodic, or Drum treatment.  But recent instruments have their 
SFX-kits in the MSB=126, and MSB=120 range with Drumkits.

As I replied to Pedro's latest message about soundfont specs.  So what if SF2 
supports only 128 banks.  For all we care, that fits completely into LSB banks. 
 Consider MSB as the multiplier of LSB.

If I want to use Unison.sf2 as MSB=0, SGM.sf2 as MSB=1, some NylonGuitar.sf2 as 
MSB=10, SomePiano.sf2 as MSB=20, ...  how is that conflicting with Soundfont 
specs?  Let alone that it is going to be done for XG-mode only for the moment.  
Just because you don't need MSB, don't care about MSB doesn't mean that you 
should throw away MSB.

MSB is part of the GM and GM2 spec.  Fluidsynth doesn't have know how to handle 
MSB, nor have any code working with MSB doesn't mean it should stay crippled.

> >> I did look over the fluid_synth_program_change
> function and
> >> tried to
> >> clear it up a little. It's also in r406. With that
> patch
> >> and your
> >> example I now get:
> >>
> >> fluidsynth: warning: Instrument not found on
> channel 6
> >> [bank=128
> >> prog=1], substituted [bank=128 prog=0]
> >>
> >> ...which is what it actually did, both before and
> after
> >> r406.
> >>
> >> // David
> >>
> >
> > Hmmm... ???  I'll take another look on my
> side.  Again, can you try with:
> >
> >     fluidsynth  -o
> synth.midi-bank-select=xg
> >
> > if and when you get a chance.
> My test included that option.
> // David

In XG-mode the sequence of events recommended/expected are: MSB, LSB, 
ProgChange. Since your changes never kept the MSB in Fluid synth at all.  More 
than that if any LSB message came int, it specifically zero-out MSB, too.  How 
can it show anything higher than 128?

As I said, with my patch, at least it keeps the MSB and shows the banks that's 
needed for such midi files.  I can then search them in the midi files, or find 
a way to create/map a sound bank to work with it.

As I said above about using multiple soundfonts, that's exactly what MSB means 
in XG, and MMA calculation.  Don't let LSB be the limit of sound banks 
available in the system.  You can use MSB to multiply your LSB up to 

[fluid-dev] Re: Patch for channel_type, also XG drum-channel autoswitch

2011-02-10 Thread jimmy

Oops, sent with wrong subject line, before I finished.  I wrote more beyond 
last message, so read this message instead of last.

--- On Thu, 2/10/11, "Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas" 

> > So bank numbers above 128 usually make no sense, which
> is why MSB is 
> > ignored for XG (and why MMA style is not the
> default...). We're kind of 
> > stuck between sf2's standard and XG's standard, and
> need to figure out 
> > how to mediate between them.
> Agreed. This issue has been already posted and discussed in
> this list, so here are some relevant excerpts and pointers.
> The SoundFont2 PHDR sub-chunk has this header structure:
> struct sfPresetHeader
> {
>         CHAR achPresetName[20];
>         WORD wPreset;
>         WORD wBank;
>         WORD wPresetBagNdx;
>         DWORD dwLibrary;
>         DWORD dwGenre;
>         DWORD dwMorphology;
> };
> Where wBank is a 16bit field, like wPreset. But the
> specification states the 
> range from 0 thru 127 for both the wBank and wPreset.
> Document "sfspec21.pdf", page 27:
> "The WORD wPreset contains the MIDI Preset Number and the
> WORD wBank contains 
> the MIDI Bank Number which apply to this preset. Note that
> the presets are 
> not ordered within the SoundFont compatible bank. Presets
> should have a 
> unique set of wPreset and wBank numbers. However, if two
> presets have 
> identical values of both wPreset and wBank, the first
> occurring preset in the 
> PHDR chunk is the active preset, but any others with the
> same wBank and 
> wPreset values should be maintained so that they can be
> renumbered and used 
> at a later time. The special case of a General MIDI
> percussion bank is
> handled conventionally by a wBank value of 128. If the
> value in either field 
> is not a valid MIDI value of zero through 127, or 128 for
> wBank, the preset 
> cannot be played but should be maintained."
> Regards,
> Pedro

For soundfont bank number, what's wrong with creating some virtual sound bank 
look up scheme beyond 128, somehow...  eventually...  in XG mode...  or some 
Fluidsynth enhanced mode?  Remembering MSB is the first step anyhow.

Just because GM say channel 10 is drum doesn't mean it should be the only one. 
Or, that there are 128 banks in GM, doesn't mean we can't have, or use more 
than 128.  Same goes for soundfont specs.  Aim high, don't go for the bare 

Try to browse through various Cakewalk .ins instrument defintion files, or 
calculation formulae for Yamaha instrument banks.  They use that to talk to 
those devices bi-directionally (record and/or playback), I think.  They make 
use of the bank change MSB's, not throw them away.  I am not a Cakewalk user, 
only glancing through bits of info.

Rosegarden also use some instrument description file to talk to specific midi 

With Timidity configuration file, one can use a virtual bank mapping to select 
a specific bank in one soundfont to override another bank in a different 

How about Fluidsynth uses a configuration file to map some chunk of 
128-LSB-bank-set to one of the MSB number?  In other word, using multiple 
GM-soundfonts files, each would have a separate MSB number.  What's wrong with 
that?  Nothing.  If anything, it opens up a whole new world of MSB to us.  And 
can work fine with XG MSB's, too.


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: fluid-dev Digest, Vol 94, Issue 11

2011-02-10 Thread jimmy

--- On Thu, 2/10/11, "Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas" 

> > So bank numbers above 128 usually make no sense, which
> is why MSB is 
> > ignored for XG (and why MMA style is not the
> default...). We're kind of 
> > stuck between sf2's standard and XG's standard, and
> need to figure out 
> > how to mediate between them.
> Agreed. This issue has been already posted and discussed in
> this list, so here are some relevant excerpts and pointers.
> The SoundFont2 PHDR sub-chunk has this header structure:
> struct sfPresetHeader
> {
>         CHAR achPresetName[20];
>         WORD wPreset;
>         WORD wBank;
>         WORD wPresetBagNdx;
>         DWORD dwLibrary;
>         DWORD dwGenre;
>         DWORD dwMorphology;
> };
> Where wBank is a 16bit field, like wPreset. But the
> specification states the 
> range from 0 thru 127 for both the wBank and wPreset.
> Document "sfspec21.pdf", page 27:
> "The WORD wPreset contains the MIDI Preset Number and the
> WORD wBank contains 
> the MIDI Bank Number which apply to this preset. Note that
> the presets are 
> not ordered within the SoundFont compatible bank. Presets
> should have a 
> unique set of wPreset and wBank numbers. However, if two
> presets have 
> identical values of both wPreset and wBank, the first
> occurring preset in the 
> PHDR chunk is the active preset, but any others with the
> same wBank and 
> wPreset values should be maintained so that they can be
> renumbered and used 
> at a later time. The special case of a General MIDI
> percussion bank is
> handled conventionally by a wBank value of 128. If the
> value in either field 
> is not a valid MIDI value of zero through 127, or 128 for
> wBank, the preset 
> cannot be played but should be maintained."
> Regards,
> Pedro

For soundfont bank number, what's wrong with creating some virtual sound bank 
look up scheme beyond 128, somehow, eventually, in XG mode, or Fluidsynth 
enhanced mode?  Remembering MSB is the first step anyhow.

Just because GM say channel 10 is drum doesn't mean it should be the only one. 
Or, that there are 128 banks in GM, doesn't mean we can't have, or use more 
than 128.  Same goes for soundfont specs.  Aim high, don't go for the bare 

Try to browse through various Cakewalk .ins instrument defintion files, or 
calculation formulae for Yamaha instrument banks.  They use that to talk to 
those devices bi-directionally (record and/or playback), I think.  They make 
use of the bank change MSB's, not throw them away.  I am not a Cakewalk user, 
only glancing through bits of info.

Rosegarden also use some instrument description file to talk to specific midi 

With Timidity configuration file, one can use a virtual bank mapping to select 
a specific bank in one soundfont to override another bank in a different 

How about Fluidsynth uses a configuration file to map some chunk of 
128-LSB-bank-set to one of the MSB number?  In other word, using multiple 
GM-soundfonts files, each would have a separate MSB number.  What's wrong with 
that?  Nothing.  If anything, it opens up a whole new world of MSB to us.


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Code patch for GM, GS, XG "system-reset" SysEx's, and MasterVolume SysEx

2011-02-10 Thread jimmy

Attached is a patch for 4 SysEx messages.  This allow Fluidsynth to 
automatically switch between GM, GS, XG mode on the fly, without having to 
restart, that is.  Often a "reset" sysex is sent at beginning of a midi file, 
but not always.

Sys-Ex "reset" messages:
   1. GM Reset (understood by every GM-compatible instrument)
   Sys-Ex String: F0 7E 7F 09 01 F7

   2. Roland GS Reset (Understood by all Roland GS instruments)
   Sys-Ex String: F0 41 10 42 12 40 00 7F 00 41 F7

   3. Yamaha XG reset (Understood by all Yamaha XG instruments)
   Sys-Ex String: F0 43 10 4C 00 00 7E 00 F7

About master volume:

   Master Volume SysEx:   0xF0 0x7F 0x7F 0x04 0x01 0xLL 0xMM 0xF7

where (0xLL=LSB, 0xMM=MSB), where 7F 7F is maximum volume.

My patch ignores LSB (LSB=0), simply takes the MSB (7-bit, max value 127) 
devide by 12.70 to get the range of [0.0 - 10.0].


In adding SysEx handler for master volume adjustment ("gain" in Fluidsynth), I 
found a few inconsitencies regarding "gain":

   -g, --gain
  Set the master gain [0 < gain < 10, default = 0.2]

which sets fluidsynth settings of:

   synth.gain FLOAT [min=0.000, max=10.000, def=0.200] REALTIME
  Master synthesizer gain.

While the fluidsynth command shell and manual page have:

   gain value
  Set the master gain (0 < gain < 5)

but the shell-command handler fluid_handle_gain() doesn't try to scale it in 
anyway to 10.0.  Any reason for that?  Or, it's just an oversight (in previous 

In this patch, I go ahead and change all references regarding maximum "gain" 
from 5 to 10.  Let me know if those need to be left alone.


  diff -pur fluidsynth.svnRev405.20110207/doc/fluidsynth.1 fluidsynth.svnRev405.20110207.jnSysex/doc/fluidsynth.1
--- fluidsynth.svnRev405.20110207/doc/fluidsynth.1	2011-02-07 20:29:49.0 -0500
+++ fluidsynth.svnRev405.20110207.jnSysex/doc/fluidsynth.1	2011-02-09 15:51:53.0 -0500
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ Print out the presets of all channels.
 .B gain value
-Set the master gain (0 < gain < 5)
+Set the master gain (0 < gain < 10)
 .B interp num
 Choose interpolation method for all channels
diff -pur fluidsynth.svnRev405.20110207/src/bindings/fluid_cmd.c fluidsynth.svnRev405.20110207.jnSysex/src/bindings/fluid_cmd.c
--- fluidsynth.svnRev405.20110207/src/bindings/fluid_cmd.c	2011-02-07 20:29:47.0 -0500
+++ fluidsynth.svnRev405.20110207.jnSysex/src/bindings/fluid_cmd.c	2011-02-09 15:51:53.0 -0500
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ fluid_cmd_t fluid_commands[] = {
   { "chorus", "chorus", (fluid_cmd_func_t) fluid_handle_chorus, NULL,
 "chorus [0|1|on|off]Turn the chorus on or off" },
   { "gain", "general", (fluid_cmd_func_t) fluid_handle_gain, NULL,
-"gain value Set the master gain (0 < gain < 5)" },
+"gain value Set the master gain (0 < gain < 10)" },
   { "voice_count", "general", (fluid_cmd_func_t) fluid_handle_voice_count, NULL,
 "voice_countGet number of active synthesis voices" },
   { "tuning", "tuning", (fluid_cmd_func_t) fluid_handle_tuning, NULL,
@@ -981,8 +981,8 @@ fluid_handle_gain(fluid_synth_t* synth,
   gain = atof(av[0]);
-  if ((gain < 0.0f) || (gain > 5.0f)) {
-fluid_ostream_printf(out, "gain: value should be between '0' and '5'.\n");
+  if ((gain < 0.0f) || (gain > 10.0f)) {
+fluid_ostream_printf(out, "gain: value should be between '0' and '10'.\n");
 return -1;
diff -pur fluidsynth.svnRev405.20110207/src/synth/fluid_synth.c fluidsynth.svnRev405.20110207.jnSysex/src/synth/fluid_synth.c
--- fluidsynth.svnRev405.20110207/src/synth/fluid_synth.c	2011-02-07 20:29:48.0 -0500
+++ fluidsynth.svnRev405.20110207.jnSysex/src/synth/fluid_synth.c	2011-02-10 09:24:19.0 -0500
@@ -1221,18 +1221,88 @@ fluid_synth_sysex(fluid_synth_t *synth,
   if (len < 4) return FLUID_OK;
-  /* MIDI tuning SYSEX message? */
+  /* GM Reset:F0 7E 7F 09 01 F7 */
+  if ((0x7E == data[0]) && (0x7F == data[1]) && (0x09 == data[2]) && (0x01 == data[3]))
+  {
+  if (synth->verbose)
+  if (handled) *handled = TRUE;
+  if (!dryrun)
+  {
+  fluid_synth_setstr(synth, "synth.midi-bank-select", "gm");
+  synth->bank_select = FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GM;
+  fluid_synth_system_reset(synth);
+  }
+  return FLUID_OK;
+  }
+  /* GS Reset:F0 41 10 42 12 40

[fluid-dev] Re: Patch for channel_type, also XG drum-channel autoswitch

2011-02-10 Thread jimmy
quot; of how GS does it, how XG does it, resulted in code that 
assume too much and cut out the full calculation.  I think both of them are 
calculated the same as MMA-style.  For example, in XG drum bank usage, 
currently only MSB is used.  But it should not be assumed that LSB will never 
be used with drum banks.  The "return if channel is drum-channel" check in both 
Fluidsynth functions should not be there, I believe.


The way I see it, the check "if channel is drum-channel" in both 
fluid_channel_set_bank_msb(), and fluid_channel_set_bank_lsb() should be ripped 

For example, in GM mode it is "commonly" assumed that it can use any bank 
number except bank number 128.  And that channel 10, defaults to bank number 
128 cannot be changed to any other number.

That's just wrong.  I think any channel should still be able to change to use 
bank number 128 (which has drum sounds for notes).  Of course, XG uses MSB=128 
(that is 128*128, or 16384 in MMA-style decimal number, 16383 for 0-offset), I 
believe GS uses LSB=128, that's all.  

On the other hand, I think channel 10 should still be able to use any 
banknumber, too.  Not being tied to bank number 128.

Regardless, once a channel is determined to be drum, or melodic, the only 
difference between them is the bank fall-back lookup scheme.  Melodic channels 
fall-back eventually to bank number 0.  Drum channels fall-back to bank number 
128 (XG use of MSB=120, or 126, for example).

2-3 years ago I put in the patch for melodic bank number fall-back scheme.  
Back then, if a bank could not be found, the channel went completely silent.  
Since then, for XG midi files that uses drum bank 126, I will hear Piano.  It 
doesn't sound good, or right, but at least now I know something needed to be 
changed (the midi file), or fixed (in the soft synth), rather than not knowing 
anything is there at all.

Now with drum channel auto switching (at least in XG mode), I can say that drum 
channels finally sound like drums.  If it doesn't sound good, maybe a better 
soundfont could help.  I don't have to hear Piano thumping on drum channels (on 
channel other than 10) any more.


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Re: Patch for channel_type, also XG drum-channel autoswitch

2011-02-10 Thread jimmy

--- On Thu, 2/10/11, David Henningsson  wrote:

> So bank numbers above 128 usually make no sense, which is
> why MSB is 
> ignored for XG (and why MMA style is not the default...).
> We're kind of 
> stuck between sf2's standard and XG's standard, and need to
> figure out 
> how to mediate between them.

By the way, no problem running my code here.  It works just fine with 
Unison.sf2 .  Multiple drum channels and all.



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Re: Patch for channel_type, also XG drum-channel autoswitch

2011-02-10 Thread jimmy

--- On Thu, 2/10/11, David Henningsson  wrote:

> Basically the problem is that Soundfont files can have bank
> numbers up 
> to 128 only, and that bank numbers 0-127 are melodic and
> bank 128 is 
> percussion. At least that's the way SWAMI works. I checked
> Unison.sf2, 
> and it follows this as well. I assume it's somewhere in the
> sf2 standard.
> So bank numbers above 128 usually make no sense, which is
> why MSB is 
> ignored for XG (and why MMA style is not the default...).
> We're kind of 
> stuck between sf2's standard and XG's standard, and need to
> figure out 
> how to mediate between them.

Perhaps you are talking about GM, GS mode where bank# is LSB.  Now, just think 
XG uses MSB instead of LSB.  MSB=128 is drum in XG, as well as MSB=126, 
MSB=120.  No difference in that regard (the number 128).  The only difference 
is that it is sent via CC#0.  So for MMA-calculation (basically convert to 
decimal number the combination of MSB, LSB), MSB need to be shifted 7 bits 
further to the left.  And this is done only for XG bank-select style in my 
code.  I hope it help clear any confusion.

> > --
> >
> > And in fluid_channel_set_bank_msb() you modified it
> as:
> >


> I did look over the fluid_synth_program_change function and
> tried to 
> clear it up a little. It's also in r406. With that patch
> and your 
> example I now get:
> fluidsynth: warning: Instrument not found on channel 6
> [bank=128 
> prog=1], substituted [bank=128 prog=0]
> ...which is what it actually did, both before and after
> r406.
> // David

Hmmm... ???  I'll take another look on my side.  Again, can you try with:

   fluidsynth  -o synth.midi-bank-select=xg

if and when you get a chance.



fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: Patch for channel_type, also XG drum-channel autoswitch

2011-02-09 Thread jimmy

> Hey jimmy,
> Thanks for the research. I've committed the patch now (with
> some trivial 
> changes). Thanks for your contribution!
> And to the rest of you - this bank select handling seems to
> be a never 
> ending debate, and it's not my area of expertise, so let me
> know if this 
> change screwed something up for you.
> // David

Your change is not correct in both MSB, and LSB handling for XG bank 


The problem with fluid_channel_set_bank_lsb():

  if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_XG)
  newval = (oldval & ~BANK_MASKVAL) | (banklsb << BANK_SHIFTVAL);

is that any existing MSB values will be zerroes out (your code is using 
~BANK_MASKVAL, instead of ~BANKLSB_MASKVAL).  So it should be:

  if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_XG)
  newval = (oldval & ~BANKLSB_MASKVAL) | (banklsb << BANK_SHIFTVAL);

which is the same as MMA style calculation.

My patch also saves the LSB with XG drum-channels.  The current flow ignores 
drum channels LSB for XG mode.


And in fluid_channel_set_bank_msb() you modified it as:

  if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_XG)
/* XG bank (128*MSB+LSB), save MSB, do drum-channel auto-switch */
/* The number "120" was based on several keyboards having drums at 120 - 
   reference: */
chan->channel_type = (120 <= bankmsb) ? CHANNEL_TYPE_DRUM : 

Don't "return" there, it has not save MSB yet.  That's why the "if-statement" 
in my patch was written without the "return", so it would flow through to the 
code below.

So if a "return" is preferred from within the block, then the code bock above 
should be changed to:

  if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_XG)
/* XG bank (128*MSB+LSB), save MSB, zero out LSB, do drum-channel 
auto-switch */
/* The number "120" was based on several keyboards having drums at 120 - 
   reference: */
chan->channel_type = (120 <= bankmsb) ? CHANNEL_TYPE_DRUM : 
oldval = chan->sfont_bank_prog;
newval = (oldval & ~BANKMSB_MASKVAL) | (bankmsb << (BANK_SHIFTVAL + 7));
chan->sfont_bank_prog = newval;

My original patch shares the MMA calculation, using "~BANKMSB_MASKVAL" to 
update the MSB value.

There are some midi files which use 2 drum channels in XG mode in:

Trying Fluidsynth in XG mode with Unison.sf2:

   fluidsynth  -o synth.midi-bank-select=xg  Unison.sf2  

Playing the midi file "JazzJung Yamaha '96.mid".  Without this patch, using 
latest SVN code, the message I get from fluid command interface:

   fluidsynth: warning: Instrument not found on channel 6 [bank=0 prog=1], 
substituted [bank=0 prog=0]

with this patch, the message is:

   fluidsynth: warning: Instrument not found on channel 6 [bank=16128 prog=1], 
substituted [bank=16128 prog=0]

Which will help figuring the real midi processing behind the scene, 16128 = 
(126 * 128).  So that's [MSB=126,LSB=0,prog=1] it is looking to use.



fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: Patch for channel_type, also XG drum-channel autoswitch

2011-02-07 Thread jimmy

--- On Sun, 2/6/11, "Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas"  

> I've
> never been a XG user, so changeset #340 included several
> TODOs and FIXMEs that this patch has finally addressed. But
> there is still one (FIXME: pending implementation of SYSEX
> midi mode changes) that somebody has to work on, and there
> may be a few issues more than bank changes involved.
> Regards,
> Pedro

I'm about done with the SysEx's for GM/GS/XG reset, as well as the Master 
Volume SysEx.  Need to do a little bit of testing before posting it here.



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Patch for channel_type, also XG drum-channel autoswitch

2011-02-04 Thread jimmy

Great, I'll try the new code a bit later.


--- On Fri, 2/4/11, David Henningsson  wrote:

> From: David Henningsson 
> Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Patch for channel_type, also XG drum-channel 
> autoswitch
> To: "jimmy" 
> Cc:
> Date: Friday, February 4, 2011, 11:23 AM
> Hey jimmy,
> Thanks for the research. I've committed the patch now (with
> some trivial 
> changes). Thanks for your contribution!
> And to the rest of you - this bank select handling seems to
> be a never 
> ending debate, and it's not my area of expertise, so let me
> know if this 
> change screwed something up for you.
> // David
> On 2011-02-03 01:08, jimmy wrote:
> >
> >
> > It seems MSB of 127, 126, 120 have been used for
> Yamaha/XG drum kits.
> >
> > For PSR-2000 keyboard, [MSB,LSB,Prog] for MSB 126:
> >
> >     [127,0,xx]  Various drum
> kits
> >
> >     [126,0,0]  SFX Kit1
> >     [126,0,1]  SFX Kit2
> >     [126,0,35]  Arabic Kit
> >
> > For PSR-S900 (similarly in Tyros-2, Tyros-3):
> >
> >     [127,0,xx]  Various drum
> kits
> >
> >     [126,0,0]  SFX Kit1
> >     [126,0,1]  SFX Kit2
> >     [126,0,35]  Arabic Kit
> >     [126,0,40]  Cuban Kit
> >     [126,0,43]  PopLatin Kit
> >
> >     [120,0,0]  Standard Set
> >     [120,0,8]  Room Set
> >     [120,0,16]  Power Set
> >     [120,0,24]  Electronic
> Set
> >     [120,0,25]  Analog Set
> >     [120,0,32]  Jazz Set
> >     [120,0,40]  Brush Set
> >     [120,0,48]  Orchestra
> Set
> >     [120,0,56]  SFX Set
> >
> >  From the drum key/sound mapping list, it seems
> that, for MSB=127:
> >
> >     [127,0,0]  Has full set
> of drum sounds
> >     [127,0,xx]  Has sparse
> set (some note/key has no sound), so it would fall back to
> the sound from the full [127,0,0].
> >
> > Similar mapping scheme for MSB=126, as well as
> MSB=120:
> >
> >     [126,0,0]  Has full set
> of drum sounds
> >     [126,0,xx]  Has sparse
> set
> >
> >     [120,0,0]  Has full set
> of drum sounds
> >     [120,0,xx]  Has sparse
> set
> >
> > Seems like a "fall-back" sound lookup scheme, similar
> to the non-drum voices.  So if key/sound for MSB=120
> could be found with:
> >
> >     [120,0,xx] if not found, try:
> >     [120,0,0]  if not found,
> try:
> >     [127,0,0]  always there,
> this is also GM-drumkit.
> >
> > Like-wise, with MSB=126 drum sound:
> >
> >     [126,0,xx] if not found, try:
> >     [126,0,0]  if not found,
> try:
> >     [127,0,0]  always there,
> this is also GM-drumkit.
> >
> >
> > PDF manuals for the keyboards are available online if
> folks want to take a closer look.
> >
> > Jimmy
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > fluid-dev mailing list
> >
> >

fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Questions about soundfont, voice rendering, pitch shift...

2011-02-02 Thread jimmy

Lots of questions.  If someone can answer just some of them, please do.  Some 
of these might be more than just Fluidsynth, but Fluidsynth is used to produce 
the final output and the notes don't sound too good for now.

I'm trying to make a soundfont from a single audio sample (somewhere between 
octave C3-C4).  The sample is about 4 seconds.  So it is set to the whole range 
of notes (0-127).

What happens is the lower octave notes seems to lose some volume.

More problematic are the upper octave notes, they sounded so short (1-2 
seconds, or less).  It may sound OK for short-duration sounds like like piano, 
xylophone, but for synth strings, sawWave, squareWave, pads...  It also sounds 
much less like the original sound.

I know that in pitch shifting, tempo can be kept constant, which also sound 
much closer to the original sound characteristics.  Some library, like:
can do so and is part of apps like mhwaveedit, rezound, ardour, audacity...  I 
have tried on a whole song (non-realtime) in audacity and it sounds good.

So, I wonder if Fluidsynth voice rendering can be changed to keep the sound 
length constant (same as original sample)?  Of course, this is just some 
experiment for the time being.  Does anyone have time to look into it?  Or 
perhaps, give me some pointers as to where to look in Fluidsynth code so I can 
try it on my own?

Also, if original audio sample rate is 192 kHz, with jackd and fluidsynth run 
with 44.1 kHz, does Fluidsynth scale the sample to the appropriate pitch using 
192 kHz, then resample to 44.1 kHz?  Or, how does Fluidsynth do that right now? 
 What's recommended in this case to get better sound out of a single sample to 
be use as the only sample for all 128 notes?




fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Patch for channel_type, also XG drum-channel autoswitch

2011-02-02 Thread jimmy

It seems MSB of 127, 126, 120 have been used for Yamaha/XG drum kits.

For PSR-2000 keyboard, [MSB,LSB,Prog] for MSB 126:

   [127,0,xx]  Various drum kits

   [126,0,0]  SFX Kit1 
   [126,0,1]  SFX Kit2 
   [126,0,35]  Arabic Kit 
For PSR-S900 (similarly in Tyros-2, Tyros-3):

   [127,0,xx]  Various drum kits

   [126,0,0]  SFX Kit1 
   [126,0,1]  SFX Kit2 
   [126,0,35]  Arabic Kit 
   [126,0,40]  Cuban Kit 
   [126,0,43]  PopLatin Kit 

   [120,0,0]  Standard Set
   [120,0,8]  Room Set
   [120,0,16]  Power Set
   [120,0,24]  Electronic Set
   [120,0,25]  Analog Set
   [120,0,32]  Jazz Set
   [120,0,40]  Brush Set
   [120,0,48]  Orchestra Set
   [120,0,56]  SFX Set

>From the drum key/sound mapping list, it seems that, for MSB=127:

   [127,0,0]  Has full set of drum sounds
   [127,0,xx]  Has sparse set (some note/key has no sound), so it would fall 
back to the sound from the full [127,0,0].
Similar mapping scheme for MSB=126, as well as MSB=120:

   [126,0,0]  Has full set of drum sounds
   [126,0,xx]  Has sparse set

   [120,0,0]  Has full set of drum sounds
   [120,0,xx]  Has sparse set

Seems like a "fall-back" sound lookup scheme, similar to the non-drum voices.  
So if key/sound for MSB=120 could be found with:

   [120,0,xx] if not found, try:
   [120,0,0]  if not found, try:
   [127,0,0]  always there, this is also GM-drumkit.

Like-wise, with MSB=126 drum sound:

   [126,0,xx] if not found, try:
   [126,0,0]  if not found, try:
   [127,0,0]  always there, this is also GM-drumkit.

PDF manuals for the keyboards are available online if folks want to take a 
closer look.


  diff -pur fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/include/fluidsynth/synth.h fluidsynth.svn399.20101221.jnDrumChannel/include/fluidsynth/synth.h
--- fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/include/fluidsynth/synth.h	2010-12-21 19:02:51.0 -0500
+++ fluidsynth.svn399.20101221.jnDrumChannel/include/fluidsynth/synth.h	2011-02-02 16:24:53.0 -0500
@@ -99,6 +99,14 @@ FLUIDSYNTH_API int fluid_synth_get_chann
 FLUIDSYNTH_API int fluid_synth_program_reset(fluid_synth_t* synth);
 FLUIDSYNTH_API int fluid_synth_system_reset(fluid_synth_t* synth);
+enum fluid_midi_channel_type
+int fluid_synth_set_channel_type(fluid_synth_t* synth, int chan, int type);
 /* Low level access */
 FLUIDSYNTH_API fluid_preset_t* fluid_synth_get_channel_preset(fluid_synth_t* synth, int chan);
diff -pur fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_chan.c fluidsynth.svn399.20101221.jnDrumChannel/src/synth/fluid_chan.c
--- fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_chan.c	2010-12-21 19:02:53.0 -0500
+++ fluidsynth.svn399.20101221.jnDrumChannel/src/synth/fluid_chan.c	2011-02-02 16:44:01.0 -0500
@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ fluid_channel_init(fluid_channel_t* chan
   int prognum, banknum;
   prognum = 0;
-  banknum = (chan->channum == 9)? 128 : 0; /* ?? */
+  chan->channel_type = (9 == chan->channum) ? CHANNEL_TYPE_DRUM : CHANNEL_TYPE_MELODIC;
+  banknum = (CHANNEL_TYPE_DRUM == chan->channel_type) ? DRUM_INST_BANK : 0;
   chan->sfont_bank_prog = 0 << SFONT_SHIFTVAL | banknum << BANK_SHIFTVAL
 | prognum << PROG_SHIFTVAL;
@@ -231,16 +232,18 @@ fluid_channel_set_bank_lsb(fluid_channel
   int oldval, newval, style;
   style = chan->synth->bank_select;
-  if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GM ||
-  style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GS ||
-  chan->channum == 9) //TODO: ask for channel drum mode, instead of number
+  if (FLUID_BANK_STYLE_XG == style)
+  {
+	  /* XG bank (128*MSB+LSB), save LSB, even for drum channel */
+  }
+  else if (FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GM == style ||
+  FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GS == style ||
+  CHANNEL_TYPE_DRUM == chan->channel_type)
   return; /* ignored */
   oldval = chan->sfont_bank_prog;
-  if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_XG)
-  newval = (oldval & ~BANK_MASKVAL) | (banklsb << BANK_SHIFTVAL);
-  else /* style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_MMA */
-  newval = (oldval & ~BANKLSB_MASKVAL) | (banklsb << BANK_SHIFTVAL);
+  /* style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_MMA */
+  newval = (oldval & ~BANKLSB_MASKVAL) | (banklsb << BANK_SHIFTVAL);
   chan->sfont_bank_prog = newval;
@@ -251,11 +254,16 @@ fluid_channel_set_bank_msb(fluid_channel
   int oldval, newval, style;
   style = chan->synth->bank_select;
-  if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GM ||
-  style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_XG ||
-  chan->channum == 9) //TODO: ask for channel drum mode, instead of number
+  if (FLUID_BANK_STYLE_XG == style)
+  {
+	  /* XG bank (128*MSB+LSB), save MSB, do drum-channel auto-switch */
+	  chan->channel_type = (120 <= bankmsb) ? CHANNEL_TYPE_DRUM : CHANNEL_TYPE_MELODIC;
+  }
+  else if (FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GM == style ||
+   CHANNEL_TYPE_DRUM == chan->channel_type)
+  {
   return; /* ignored */
-  //TODO: if style == XG and bankmsb == 127, convert t

Re: [fluid-dev] Revised patch for new channel field is_drum_channel

2011-02-01 Thread jimmy

If someone has a pressing need for this patch, let us know.  I can try to 
revise and resubmit the simple patch, without XG support for the moment.

Otherwise, before I send the patch for drum channel, perhaps we can hash out 
how Fluidsynth should deal with XG MSB, LSB, ProgChange messages and the 
expected sequence/order of these messages.


Some info on XG (about 8 pages each):

Some other info on XG MSB, LSB Bank Change info:


XG bank calculation is (128*MSB+LSB).  XG recommends sending MSB, LSB, 
ProgChange in that order.  LSB is optional (calculate as LSB=0 if not sent).  
When MSB is 64 (SFX), 126 (SFX-kit), or 127 (drum-kit), LSB is most likely 
optional.  When MSB is less than 64, more likely additional LSB value should 
follow the MSB message.

GM sound set is at bank 0 (MSB=0, LSB=0).  GM drum bank is 16256 (MSB=127, 

Note from:
has links to some archived XG docs (PDF), and regarding XG drum channels:

   every channel can play drum kits with Bank Select MSB (CC#0) set to 7FH
Published in 1995:

implies that MSB=126 (7Eh, 0x7E) is SFX-kit, special effects mapped each to a 

   "The XG percussion voices are organisized in the bank MSB=127/LSB=0, the 
Arabic Kit (only PSR-9000) in the bank MSB=126/LSB=0."

PSR-9000 was available around the year 2000.

I'll try to look up some more manuals on drum-kits, SFX-kit relating to 
MSB=126.  For now, about channel_type auto-switching (in XG mode), we are 
looking at:

(126 <= MSB) -->  DRUM channel (MSB 127, or 126)
(125 >= MSB) -->  MELODIC channel


Within XG-mode handling, not mentioned is should the sequence [LSB, ProgChange] 
(without MSB preceding) is allowed at all???  I would assume it means using 
existing MSB.

What about [ProgChange] only without MSB, or LSB preceded ProgChange?  Does 
this mean using existing MSB and LSB ???  I would assume it is.  Do all 
Midi-keyboard controllers (no sound module on board) always send MSB (CC#0)?  
Or, some of them send ProgChange only?

Potentially, the sequence [LSB, MSB, ProgChange] may come in, too.  This may 
also happen in midi-merge cases, besides midi files.


So how should Fluidsynth deal with MSB, LSB for XG ?

The recommended the sequence of messages are [MSB, LSB, ProgChange].  Omitting 
LSB is allowed and would assume LSB=0.  In this case, Fluidsynth handling of 
MSB message can set LSB=0.  If LSB is next message in the sequence it will 
override the LSB=0 (set by MSB handling).  Keep in mind that when MSB is 64 or 
higher (currently only 64, 126, 127 are used), then LSB is completely optional 
(not needed, but may be there) for any "current" XG devices.

But if some midi file(s), or midi-merge have [LSB, MSB, ProgChange] sequence 
(not recommended), MSB message handling should not set LSB=0 at all -- 
especially if MSB is less than 64.  Should Fluidsynth try to handle this 
sequence of messages for XG mode at all?


All the above are only to set/save MSB, LSB, ProgChange values, needed for 
recording Midi.  Not dealing with instrument substitution portion afterward in 
voice rendering, yet.


--- On Sun, 1/30/11, David Henningsson  wrote:

> From: David Henningsson 
> Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Revised patch for new channel field is_drum_channel
> To: "jimmy" 
> Cc:
> Date: Sunday, January 30, 2011, 12:13 AM
> On 2011-01-29 21:01, jimmy wrote:
> > --- On Fri, 1/28/11, David Henningsson 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> On 2011-01-28 23:07, jimmy wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Here's the revised patch file for the new
> channel
> >> field "is_drum_channel".
> >>
> >> Thanks, but you're missing the patch :-)
> >>
> >> // David
> >>
> >
> > Oops, here it is.
> Thanks. I've fixed a few bugs in your patch - see the
> attached diff.
> But there was one thing keeping me from committing the
> fixed version:
> +
> +  /* if style == XG and bankmsb == 127, convert the
> channel to drum mode.
> +   * How should "newval" above be
> calculated (same as MMA style) ??? */
> +  if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_XG && (127 ==
> bankmsb))
> +  {
> +      chan->is_drum_channel =
> +  }
> +
> ...this doesn't feel right. First, it seems you can alter
> your cha

[fluid-dev] Withdrawn -- Revised patch for allNotesOff, allSoundsOff

2011-02-01 Thread jimmy

You are right, this patch won't work.  I have to think and try again later.


--- On Sun, 1/30/11, David Henningsson  wrote:

> From: David Henningsson 
> Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Revised patch for allNotesOff, allSoundsOff
> To: "jimmy" 
> Cc:
> Date: Sunday, January 30, 2011, 12:37 AM
> On 2011-01-29 20:54, jimmy wrote:
> > --- On Fri, 1/28/11, David Henningsson 
> wrote:
> >
> >> In think you missed my original comment:
> >>
> >> Can you elaborate on where/why this is useful?
> These are
> >> not public API
> >> functions and aren't used anywhere. I was thinking
> of
> >> removing the ones
> >> not starting with _LOCAL.
> >>
> >> // David
> >>
> >
> >
> > Sorry, I missed it.
> >
> > I do play around with vkeybd.  Sometimes the
> mouse or keyboard switched out before the note is released
> and I got stucknotes.  Playing with aplaymidi and
> Ctrl-C out of it leaves stuck notes.  I try other
> stuff, too, but those are the simplest examples.
> >
> > Short of trying the "fluid_synth_system_reset()"
> (which also reset all the current settings for all channels,
> which I don't want most of the time).  I simply need to
> turn all the notes/voices off without having to call the
> full "fluid_synth_system_reset()".
> >
> > Of course, I prefer not having to call
> allNotesOff/allSoundsOff once per channel.
> Right, but my point is that since these are not public API
> functions, 
> how can you use the new functionality anyway?
> If you want them to be public API functions, and I'm ok
> with that if 
> people find it useful, here is what you need to do:
> 1) Make sure they're declared in include/fluidsynth/synth.h
> rather than 
> src/synth/fluid_synth.h, and prefixed with FLUIDSYNTH_API.
> 2) Make sure any dereference to synth is inside
> fluid_synth_api_enter / 
> fluid_synth_api_exit (or one of the macros calling this
> function). If 
> you have called fluid_synth_api_enter, all exit paths must
> call 
> fluid_synth_api_exit before returning.
> Also note that FLUID_SYNTH_ENTRY_CHAN returns with error if
> chan == -1.
> // David

fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Revised patch for new channel field is_drum_channel

2011-01-29 Thread jimmy
--- On Fri, 1/28/11, David Henningsson  wrote:
> On 2011-01-28 23:07, jimmy wrote:
> >
> > Here's the revised patch file for the new channel
> field "is_drum_channel".
> Thanks, but you're missing the patch :-)
> // David

Oops, here it is.


  diff -pur fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_chan.c fluidsynth.svn399.20101221.jnDrumChannel//src/synth/fluid_chan.c
--- fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_chan.c	2010-12-21 19:02:53.0 -0500
+++ fluidsynth.svn399.20101221.jnDrumChannel//src/synth/fluid_chan.c	2011-01-28 13:30:52.0 -0500
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ new_fluid_channel(fluid_synth_t* synth,
   chan->synth = synth;
   chan->channum = num;
+  chan->is_drum_channel = (9 == num) ? CHANNEL_TYPE_DRUM : CHANNEL_TYPE_MELODIC;
   chan->preset = NULL;
   chan->tuning = NULL;
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ fluid_channel_init(fluid_channel_t* chan
   int prognum, banknum;
   prognum = 0;
-  banknum = (chan->channum == 9)? 128 : 0; /* ?? */
+  banknum = (chan->is_drum_channel) ? DRUM_INST_BANK : 0;
   chan->sfont_bank_prog = 0 << SFONT_SHIFTVAL | banknum << BANK_SHIFTVAL
 | prognum << PROG_SHIFTVAL;
@@ -231,9 +232,9 @@ fluid_channel_set_bank_lsb(fluid_channel
   int oldval, newval, style;
   style = chan->synth->bank_select;
-  if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GM ||
-  style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GS ||
-  chan->channum == 9) //TODO: ask for channel drum mode, instead of number
+  if (FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GM == style ||
+  FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GS == style ||
+  chan->is_drum_channel)
   return; /* ignored */
   oldval = chan->sfont_bank_prog;
@@ -251,11 +252,9 @@ fluid_channel_set_bank_msb(fluid_channel
   int oldval, newval, style;
   style = chan->synth->bank_select;
-  if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GM ||
-  style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_XG ||
-  chan->channum == 9) //TODO: ask for channel drum mode, instead of number
+  if (FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GM == style ||
+  chan->is_drum_channel)
   return; /* ignored */
-  //TODO: if style == XG and bankmsb == 127, convert the channel to drum mode
   oldval = chan->sfont_bank_prog;
   if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GS)
@@ -263,6 +262,14 @@ fluid_channel_set_bank_msb(fluid_channel
   else /* style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_MMA */
   newval = (oldval & ~BANKMSB_MASKVAL) | (bankmsb << (BANK_SHIFTVAL + 7));
   chan->sfont_bank_prog = newval;
+  /* if style == XG and bankmsb == 127, convert the channel to drum mode.
+   * How should "newval" above be calculated (same as MMA style) ??? */
+  if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_XG && (127 == bankmsb))
+  {
+  chan->is_drum_channel = CHANNEL_TYPE_DRUM;
+  }
 /* Get SoundFont ID, MIDI bank and/or program.  Use NULL to ignore a value. */
diff -pur fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_chan.h fluidsynth.svn399.20101221.jnDrumChannel//src/synth/fluid_chan.h
--- fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_chan.h	2010-12-21 19:02:53.0 -0500
+++ fluidsynth.svn399.20101221.jnDrumChannel//src/synth/fluid_chan.h	2011-01-28 13:08:42.0 -0500
@@ -74,6 +74,10 @@ struct _fluid_channel_t
* flag indicating whether the NRPN value is absolute or not.
   char gen_abs[GEN_LAST];
+  /* Drum channel flag, CHANNEL_TYPE_MELODIC, or CHANNEL_TYPE_DRUM. */
+   int is_drum_channel;
 fluid_channel_t* new_fluid_channel(fluid_synth_t* synth, int num);
diff -pur fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_synth.c fluidsynth.svn399.20101221.jnDrumChannel//src/synth/fluid_synth.c
--- fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_synth.c	2010-12-21 19:02:53.0 -0500
+++ fluidsynth.svn399.20101221.jnDrumChannel//src/synth/fluid_synth.c	2011-01-28 13:48:14.0 -0500
@@ -1876,13 +1876,13 @@ fluid_synth_program_change(fluid_synth_t
   /* Special handling of channel 10 (or 9 counting from 0). channel
* 10 is the percussion channel.
-   * FIXME - Shouldn't hard code bank selection for channel 10.  I think this
+   * FIXME - I think this
* is a hack for MIDI files that do bank changes in GM mode.  Proper way to
* handle this would probably be to ignore bank changes when in GM mode. - JG
   if (prognum != FLUID_UNSET_PROGRAM)
-if (channel->channum == 9)
+if (channel->is_drum_channel)
   preset = fluid_synth_find_preset(synth, DRUM_INST_BANK, prognum);
 else preset = fluid_synth_find_preset(synth, banknum, prognum);
@@ -1893,7 +1893,7 @@ fluid_synth_program_change(fluid_synth_t
   subst_prog = prognum;
   /* Melodic instrument? */
-  if (channel->channum != 9 && banknum != DRUM_INST_BANK)
+  if ((! channel->is_drum_channel) && (DRUM_INST_BANK != banknum))
 subst_bank = 0;
@@ -4990,3 +4990,22 @@ void fluid_synth_api_exit(fluid_synth_t*
+ * Set midi channel type

Re: [fluid-dev] Revised patch for allNotesOff, allSoundsOff

2011-01-29 Thread jimmy
--- On Fri, 1/28/11, David Henningsson  wrote:

> In think you missed my original comment:
> Can you elaborate on where/why this is useful? These are
> not public API 
> functions and aren't used anywhere. I was thinking of
> removing the ones 
> not starting with _LOCAL.
> // David

Sorry, I missed it.

I do play around with vkeybd.  Sometimes the mouse or keyboard switched out 
before the note is released and I got stucknotes.  Playing with aplaymidi and 
Ctrl-C out of it leaves stuck notes.  I try other stuff, too, but those are the 
simplest examples.

Short of trying the "fluid_synth_system_reset()" (which also reset all the 
current settings for all channels, which I don't want most of the time).  I 
simply need to turn all the notes/voices off without having to call the full 

Of course, I prefer not having to call allNotesOff/allSoundsOff once per 



fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Revised patch for new channel field is_drum_channel

2011-01-28 Thread jimmy

Here's the revised patch file for the new channel field "is_drum_channel".

The comment regarding GM-mode bank select is left in there.  If things look OK, 
can someone apply the patch?  Thanks,



fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Revised patch for allNotesOff, allSoundsOff

2011-01-28 Thread jimmy

Attached is the revised patch file for handling allNotesOff, allSoundsOff for 
all channels at once.

If it looks OK, can someone apply the patch?  Thanks,


  diff -pur fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_synth.c fluidsynth.svn399.20101221.jnAllSoundsOff//src/synth/fluid_synth.c
--- fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_synth.c	2010-12-21 19:02:53.0 -0500
+++ fluidsynth.svn399.20101221.jnAllSoundsOff//src/synth/fluid_synth.c	2011-01-28 12:21:55.0 -0500
@@ -1455,19 +1455,19 @@ fluid_synth_sysex_midi_tuning (fluid_syn
  * Turn off all notes on a MIDI channel (put them into release phase).
  * @param synth FluidSynth instance
- * @param chan MIDI channel number (0 to MIDI channel count - 1)
+ * @param chan MIDI channel number (0 to MIDI channel count - 1), (chan=-1 selects all channels)
  * @return FLUID_OK on success, FLUID_FAILED otherwise
 fluid_synth_all_notes_off(fluid_synth_t* synth, int chan)
   fluid_return_val_if_fail (synth != NULL, FLUID_FAILED);
-  fluid_return_val_if_fail (chan >= 0 && chan < synth->midi_channels, FLUID_FAILED);
+  fluid_return_val_if_fail (chan >= -1 && chan < synth->midi_channels, FLUID_FAILED);
   return fluid_synth_all_notes_off_LOCAL (synth, chan);
-/* Local synthesis thread variant of all notes off */
+/* Local synthesis thread variant of all notes off, (chan=-1 selects all channels) */
 static int
 fluid_synth_all_notes_off_LOCAL(fluid_synth_t* synth, int chan)
@@ -1477,7 +1477,7 @@ fluid_synth_all_notes_off_LOCAL(fluid_sy
   for (i = 0; i < synth->polyphony; i++) {
 voice = synth->voice[i];
-if (_PLAYING(voice) && (voice->chan == chan))
+if (_PLAYING(voice) && ((-1 == chan) || (chan == voice->chan)))
   return FLUID_OK;
@@ -1486,12 +1486,14 @@ fluid_synth_all_notes_off_LOCAL(fluid_sy
  * Immediately stop all notes on a MIDI channel (skips release phase).
  * @param synth FluidSynth instance
- * @param chan MIDI channel number (0 to MIDI channel count - 1)
+ * @param chan MIDI channel number (0 to MIDI channel count - 1), (chan=-1 selects all channels)
  * @return FLUID_OK on success, FLUID_FAILED otherwise
 fluid_synth_all_sounds_off(fluid_synth_t* synth, int chan)
+  fluid_return_val_if_fail (synth != NULL, FLUID_FAILED);
+  fluid_return_val_if_fail (chan >= -1 && chan < synth->midi_channels, FLUID_FAILED);
   int result;
@@ -1499,7 +1501,7 @@ fluid_synth_all_sounds_off(fluid_synth_t
-/* Local synthesis thread variant of all sounds off */
+/* Local synthesis thread variant of all sounds off, (chan=-1 selects all channels) */
 static int
 fluid_synth_all_sounds_off_LOCAL(fluid_synth_t* synth, int chan)
@@ -1509,7 +1511,7 @@ fluid_synth_all_sounds_off_LOCAL(fluid_s
   for (i = 0; i < synth->polyphony; i++) {
 voice = synth->voice[i];
-if (_PLAYING(voice) && (voice->chan == chan))
+if (_PLAYING(voice) && ((-1 == chan) || (chan == voice->chan)))
   return FLUID_OK;
fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Propose changes for drum channels support

2011-01-28 Thread jimmy

--- On Thu, 1/27/11, Matt Giuca  wrote:
> Yeah, but the comment was about bank selection (and that it
> was hard-coded to channel 10, or 9 if counting from 0).
> Given that your patch no longer hard-codes channel 10, how
> does it handle bank selection for drum channels?

My patch does away with " == 9", by using the added field is_drum_channel.  It 
doesn't really change anything regarding "bank selection" previously in FS.

Sure I added a touch of change on XG MSB bank select based on "dum select" 
comment in the code, doesn't have anything to do with the hard-coded " == 9".

> Right, so the implementation can do whatever it wants -- it
> isn't specified. But that is a policy decision that it
> seems like FS hasn't made yet, one way or the other
> (hence the presence of this comment). By removing the
> comment, you are effectively committing to a particular
> policy decision.

I can leave that comment if it really make any difference.

> I am saying that either a) the comment should remain in the
> program, in some form (modified to describe the new
> situation after the drum patch, but still giving developers
> an idea of the as-yet-unmade policy decision), or b) the FS
> developers need to commit to a particular policy (such as
> "FS will ignore bank change commands when in GM
> mode" or "FS will go out of GM mode if a bank
> change occurs"), change the code to match that
> decision, and then remove the comment. In other words, the
> comment shouldn't simply disappear without an active
> decision, rather than just "it happens to work this way
> now."
> Matt

The code has been working this way all along, no behavior changes regarding FS 
handling of GM-mode bank select in anyway, with or without that comment.

I will leave that part of the comment back in there.



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Propose changes for drum channels support

2011-01-28 Thread jimmy

--- On Wed, 1/26/11, Matt Giuca  wrote:
> I didn't mean to suggest you shouldn't be using
> fluid-dev. I was just disclaiming that when you read my
> reply, you shouldn't consider it to be representative of
> the opinion of the FS devs (for example, just because I like
> it does not mean it will be accepted). However, David is
> (one of?) the lead developers, so he has a good idea of what
> it will take to get a patch included, and he seems to like
> it too.

I got your point originally, no problem.

> Ah, good point. Well FluidSynth mail archive seems to
> include attachments; for example:

I'll keep that in mind.

> So isn't there still the potential need for FluidSynth
> to ignore bank changes when in GM mode or go out of GM
> mode?

I think, by default, FS really does not enforce strict GM-mode at all (ignore 
all bank changes).  I believe that FS, by default, allows bank changes.

> So the first half of the comment is handled by this patch,
> the later part of that comment is a wash.
> You mean "Shouldn't hard code bank selection for
> channel 10." How does your patch handle it? Does it
> hard code bank selection for all drum channels now?
> Or does it not hard-code it at all?
> Matt

I mean that the (channel==9) has been the hard-coded hack at the time, and is 
now replaced by the new hack "is_drum_channel" field.  At initialization, the 
new code still hard-code a 9, but not anywhere else as they were previously.

The later part of the comment on ignoring bank select is "comment in the code" 
that can be implemented either way, based on what I can understand from various 
bit and pieces of GM-spec docs and related documents.  Basically, FS can do 
whatever in this case.  GM specs, and official stand on this issue is a wash, 
water under the bridge, nothing, nada.



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Propose changes for drum channels support

2011-01-28 Thread jimmy
> On Wed, 26 Jan 2011 23:41:19 -0800 Chris Moeller  wrote:
> Further to this, I propose a change to the bank number
> handling. While I 
> already saw some changes under way to use MSB or LSB or
> both depending 
> on the MIDI standard, I think it's better to combine the
> approach.
> [snipped]

Let's hear how others feel about the idea.  Anything that helps playing 
XG-drums without too much fuss for me would be a good thing to have.

Anyone deals with any funky GS drum stuff, which these new changes may affect?  
We will need your help to test your GS stuff (to make sure they aren't broken) 
if these new changes made it into FluidSynth.



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Propose changes for drum channels support

2011-01-26 Thread jimmy
> On Wed, 26 Jan 2011 22:01:45 +0800 yanli lei  wrote:
> I wonder when can this changes be commit into the next
> stable release? I
> have a SF2 soundset with the Studio Drum sounds so much
> realistic than the
> hardcode one. Do let me know so the students can enjoy it.


Unless you want 2 or more simultaneous drum channels (as in GM2, or XG midi 
files), you don't really need this patch.  Even then I only made sure it still 
works with existing GM-midi files.  I haven't done any real tests regarding GM2 
(I haven't found one out there), or XG midi files yet.

If you want to override the current drumkit in the default soundfont (SF2), you 
can specify both soundfont files.  I believe the second soundfont will override 
any soundbank/drumkit in the first soundfont.



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Propose change: all_notes_off, all_sounds_off

2011-01-26 Thread jimmy

--- On Wed, 1/26/11, David Henningsson  wrote:

> fluid_synth_all_notes_off_LOCAL (synth, chan);
> -1 won't pass through here - will be stopped on the line
> above:
> fluid_return_val_if_fail (chan >= 0 && chan <
> synth->midi_channels, 
> Same thing might apply to the other functions.
> // David

Good catch, you are right, I had both patches in my test code then try to 
separate them into 2 independent patches and missed that one.  That line should 
really be:

   fluid_return_val_if_fail (chan >= -1 && chan < synth->midi_channels, 

I didn't see similar 2 checks in the other function, and wasn't sure if I 
should add those.  Perhaps we could add them now that we are at it.




fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Propose changes for drum channels support

2011-01-26 Thread jimmy

--- On Tue, 1/25/11, Matt Giuca  wrote:
> Hi Jimmy,
> I am not a FluidSynth developer, just an interested person,
> so my opinions don't represent the view of the
> FluidSynth project.
> This seems like a valuable generalisation of a previously
> hard-coded value. Given that your new flag will default to 0
> for all channels and 1 for channel 9, it won't change
> anything but add a useful new feature.

I'm not a FS dev either.  Just seeing something I may want to use isn't there, 
so I just take a crack at it.  Everyone on this [fluid-dev] list is one way or 
another interested in the coding/development side of FS one way or another.  
That's why I ask for opinions instead of contacting just one of the FS 
developers and try to push through some new features.

> A few points: Firstly, in the future could you attach your
> patches as attachments instead of pasting them at the end.
> It makes them much easier to read and apply.

There are some pro's and con's of this.  Attachments are cleaner so folks don't 
have to cut and paste them.  However, most mailing lists will not archive 
attachments, just the messages.  From time to time I have seen archived 
messages (sometimes from mirrored/relayed lists) referring to attachments 
that's just not there.  I don't think Yahoo lists would archive attachments 
either.  Such have been pointers to nowhere for me, and I don't like that.  
Perhaps, I could attach and include them (2 copies in the message).

> Since this is a "boolean" (the name is
> is_drum_channel), your code should use the constants FALSE
> and TRUE instead of 0 and 1 (existing FluidSynth code uses
> these constants, but uses the type 'int' instead of
> 'bool').
> Might it be better to generalise to an enum?
> enum fluid_channel_type
> {
> };
> And call the field "fluid_channel_type
> channel_type".

Such are coding styles, I don't mind either way.  Sometimes in printing 
debugging messages, enum/boolean make it extra work to print out info.  I often 
use simple int type, just personal preference.  No big deal for me here, 
however the FS dev's want to commit the code.

> It's questionable whether there would ever be more
> channel types in the future other than melodic and drum, but
> at least it would make code clearer to see, for instance,
> "chan->is_drum_channel = (9 == num) ?
> "chan->is_drum_channel = (9 == num) ? 1 : 0;".
> Can anybody think of any reason why, in the future, there
> would be more channel types than melodic or drum?

For musical use, I don't know.  For MIDI lightings, stage control, video 
mixing, animation...  who knows, perhaps those things may become more common.

> This comment reads more like a commit log than a comment --
> the changes you have made and the rationale for them (and
> discussion of breakages) don't belong in comments in the
> code itself. I would delete all but the first line of this
> comment.
> As for the issues raised in there, I think we should
> definitely only set channel 9 to drum, for backwards
> compatibility.

Comments were just my rationalization, if it's not needed, or could be shorten, 
let it be.

That's right, the patch doesn't break any backward compatibility, I did put 
such consideration in the comment so later on, folks can go back and see why.

> -   * FIXME - Shouldn't hard code bank selection for
> channel 10.  I think this
> -   * is a hack for MIDI files that do bank changes in GM
> mode.  Proper way to
> -   * handle this would probably be to ignore bank changes
> when in GM mode. - JG
>     */
> I don't think this FIXME has been fully resolved. I
> don't quite understand it, but it says that the proper
> way to handle it would be to ignore bank changes, which
> isn't what your patch is doing. Can you explain what
> this comment means and why it's OK to remove it?

>From what I understand, and strictly speaking, GM mode doesn't allow bank 
>changes at all, 128 instruments and some drum kits, that's it.

Even later comments on GM specs, it's up in the air whether hardware and 
software synths should disallow bank changes at all.  It was noted that some 
implementations automatically switch out of GM-mode when a bank change message 
is received.

So the first half of the comment is handled by this patch, the later part of 
that comment is a wash.

> Good work on that patch.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, much appreciated.


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Propose changes for drum channels support

2011-01-25 Thread jimmy


This patch would allow the flexibility to set any individual channel to be drum 
channel, and/or unset them (revert back to melodic channel).

Add a flag to struct:


to indicate it is a drum channel, using int type, with value:

   0:  melodic channel
   1:  drum channel
Previously all checking for drum channel was hard-coded to compare to the 
number 9 (i.e. chan == 9).  So even with 32, 48, 64 channels, only channel 9 
was drum channel.  The channels 25, 41, 57 could not handle drums at all, even 
though each 16 midi channels were showing up as a separate ALSA-Midi port.

XG allows multiple drum channels, some use channels 9 and 10 (8, 9 with 
zero-indexing) and FludSynth could not deal with this previously.

GM2 allows 2 drum channels 10 and 11 (9, 10 with zero-indexing).

This patch is based on somewhat dated fluidsynth.svn399.20101221 (5 week old) 

Let's hear if this is a reasonable change to the code base, or not.


- Patch starts below: -
diff -rup fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_chan.c 
--- fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_chan.c   2010-12-21 
19:02:53.0 -0500
+++ fluidsynth.svn399.20101221.jnDrumChannel/src/synth/fluid_chan.c 
2011-01-24 12:28:01.0 -0500
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ new_fluid_channel(fluid_synth_t* synth,
   chan->synth = synth;
   chan->channum = num;
+  chan->is_drum_channel = (9 == num) ? 1 : 0;
   chan->preset = NULL;
   chan->tuning = NULL;
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ fluid_channel_init(fluid_channel_t* chan
   int prognum, banknum;
   prognum = 0;
-  banknum = (chan->channum == 9)? 128 : 0; /* ?? */
+  banknum = (chan->is_drum_channel)? 128 : 0; /* ?? */
   chan->sfont_bank_prog = 0 << SFONT_SHIFTVAL | banknum << BANK_SHIFTVAL
 | prognum << PROG_SHIFTVAL;
@@ -233,7 +234,7 @@ fluid_channel_set_bank_lsb(fluid_channel
   style = chan->synth->bank_select;
   if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GM ||
   style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GS ||
-  chan->channum == 9) //TODO: ask for channel drum mode, instead of number
+  chan->is_drum_channel)
   return; /* ignored */
   oldval = chan->sfont_bank_prog;
@@ -252,10 +253,8 @@ fluid_channel_set_bank_msb(fluid_channel
   style = chan->synth->bank_select;
   if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GM ||
-  style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_XG ||
-  chan->channum == 9) //TODO: ask for channel drum mode, instead of number
+  chan->is_drum_channel)
   return; /* ignored */
-  //TODO: if style == XG and bankmsb == 127, convert the channel to drum mode
   oldval = chan->sfont_bank_prog;
   if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_GS)
@@ -263,6 +262,15 @@ fluid_channel_set_bank_msb(fluid_channel
   else /* style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_MMA */
   newval = (oldval & ~BANKMSB_MASKVAL) | (bankmsb << (BANK_SHIFTVAL + 7));
   chan->sfont_bank_prog = newval;
+  /* if style == XG and bankmsb == 127, convert the channel to drum mode.
+   * How should "newval" above be calculated (same as MMA style) ???
+   * Anticipate a progChange after a bankSelect, so not much else to do here */
+  if (style == FLUID_BANK_STYLE_XG && (127 == bankmsb))
+  {
+  chan->is_drum_channel = 1;
+  }
 /* Get SoundFont ID, MIDI bank and/or program.  Use NULL to ignore a value. */
diff -rup fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_chan.h 
--- fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_chan.h   2010-12-21 
19:02:53.0 -0500
+++ fluidsynth.svn399.20101221.jnDrumChannel/src/synth/fluid_chan.h 
2011-01-25 13:07:49.0 -0500
@@ -74,6 +74,21 @@ struct _fluid_channel_t
* flag indicating whether the NRPN value is absolute or not.
   char gen_abs[GEN_LAST];
+  /* Drum channel flag, 0 for melodic channel, 1 for drum channel.
+   * Previously, even for 32, 48, 64 channels only channel 9 can be drum, 
+   * channel 25, 41, 57 were not treated as drum channel at all, even though
+   * ALSA shows 2, 3, 4 ports (each with 16 midi channels).
+   * We can optionally initialize channel 25, 41, 57 be GM drum channel if we
+   * want for each of those 16 midi channels -- need to change channel
+   * initialization, but may break existing apps unless they explicitly set
+   * these channels. 
+   * Moreover, GM2 allows 2 drum channels 10 and 11 (9, 10 with zero-indexing).
+   * Some older XG may use drum channels 9 and 10 (8, 9 with zero-indexing).
+   * Added at end of structure, hopefully existing apps using this structure 
+   * still work without having to recompile for the time being. */
+  int is_drum_channel;
 fluid_channel_t* new_fluid_channel(fluid_synth_t* synth, int num);
diff -rup fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_synth.c 

[fluid-dev] Propose change: all_notes_off, all_sounds_off

2011-01-25 Thread jimmy

Propose changes for handling of "All notes off", "All sounds off".


Turn off all notes/sounds on all channels at once.

If FluidSynth allows the parameter "chan" value -1 to mean operate on all 
channels, it is a reasonably simple and efficient change.

The code changes are in:

   static int fluid_synth_all_notes_off_LOCAL(fluid_synth_t* synth, int chan)
   static int fluid_synth_all_sounds_off_LOCAL(fluid_synth_t* synth, int chan)

will affect behaviors of:

   int fluid_synth_all_notes_off(fluid_synth_t* synth, int chan)
   int fluid_synth_all_sounds_off(fluid_synth_t* synth, int chan)

the main difference between the two functions are:

   fluid_synth_all_notes_off() will calls fluid_voice_noteoff();
   fluid_synth_all_sounds_off_LOCAL() will calls fluid_voice_off(();

although, I don't know what's the differences between fluid_voice_noteoff(), 
and fluid_voice_off();


Previously, "All notes off", "All sounds off" will only operate on individual 

To do so for 16, 32, 48, 64 channels, one has to loop through for each channel. 
 Not too bad, but looking at the implementation, it is just not effecient at 

This patch is based on somewhat dated fluidsynth.svn399.20101221 (5 week old) 

Let's hear if this is a reasonable change to the code base, or not.


- Patch starts below: -
diff -ur fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_synth.c 
--- fluidsynth.svn399.20101221/src/synth/fluid_synth.c  2010-12-21 
19:02:53.0 -0500
+++ fluidsynth.svn399.20101221.jnAllSoundsOff/src/synth/fluid_synth.c   
2011-01-25 12:57:46.0 -0500
@@ -1455,7 +1455,7 @@
  * Turn off all notes on a MIDI channel (put them into release phase).
  * @param synth FluidSynth instance
- * @param chan MIDI channel number (0 to MIDI channel count - 1)
+ * @param chan MIDI channel number (0 to MIDI channel count - 1), (chan=-1 
selects all channels)
  * @return FLUID_OK on success, FLUID_FAILED otherwise
@@ -1467,7 +1467,7 @@
   return fluid_synth_all_notes_off_LOCAL (synth, chan);
-/* Local synthesis thread variant of all notes off */
+/* Local synthesis thread variant of all notes off, (chan=-1 selects all 
channels) */
 static int
 fluid_synth_all_notes_off_LOCAL(fluid_synth_t* synth, int chan)
@@ -1477,7 +1477,7 @@
   for (i = 0; i < synth->polyphony; i++) {
 voice = synth->voice[i];
-if (_PLAYING(voice) && (voice->chan == chan))
+if (_PLAYING(voice) && ((-1 == chan) || (chan == voice->chan)))
   return FLUID_OK;
@@ -1486,7 +1486,7 @@
  * Immediately stop all notes on a MIDI channel (skips release phase).
  * @param synth FluidSynth instance
- * @param chan MIDI channel number (0 to MIDI channel count - 1)
+ * @param chan MIDI channel number (0 to MIDI channel count - 1), (chan=-1 
selects all channels)
  * @return FLUID_OK on success, FLUID_FAILED otherwise
@@ -1499,7 +1499,7 @@
-/* Local synthesis thread variant of all sounds off */
+/* Local synthesis thread variant of all sounds off, (chan=-1 selects all 
channels) */
 static int
 fluid_synth_all_sounds_off_LOCAL(fluid_synth_t* synth, int chan)
@@ -1509,7 +1509,7 @@
   for (i = 0; i < synth->polyphony; i++) {
 voice = synth->voice[i];
-if (_PLAYING(voice) && (voice->chan == chan))
+if (_PLAYING(voice) && ((-1 == chan) || (chan == voice->chan)))
   return FLUID_OK;
- Patch ended above -


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: MIDI Bank Select proposal (was Re: [fluid-dev] Re: Son of ticket #65)

2010-08-08 Thread jimmy

--- On Sat, 8/7/10, Elimar Green  wrote:

> From: Elimar Green 
> Subject: Re: MIDI Bank Select proposal (was Re: [fluid-dev] Re: Son of ticket 
>  #65)
> To: "jimmy" 
> Cc:
> Date: Saturday, August 7, 2010, 9:51 AM
> This was all basically implemented at
> one point in FluidSynth with a
> settings option and detection of SYSEX MIDI mode change
> messages,
> which would modify the current settings value
> dynamically.  It was
> removed because it was deemed incomplete (as far as all the
> additional
> functionality which comes with being in different
> modes).  It seems
> like re-implementing this with minimal bank switching
> behavior logic,
> may make sense in the short term.  But implementing
> the complete XG
> spec for example, is not a trivial undertaking.
> Elimar

I agree with your assessment regarding XG implementation.  XG may have other 
prorietary processing which may require special chips on the hardware side, or 
special DSP libraries on the software side.

I don't know that for sure, just speculating.  I do know that many Yamaha 
arranger keyboards claim to have XG, some lower end keyboards have XG-Lite, 
whatever that means from Yamaha specs.  Even the full XG keyboards have 
different sound bank(s), different "sound engine(s)" under the hood.  Midi and 
style files that sound superb on one XG keyboard may sound so-so on a different 
XG keyboard, may even require manually tweaking those files.  I think they 
intentionally do so, in order to sell the new keyboards, for sure.

So a softsynth may be able to emulate some part(s) of XG, but to be able to 
emulate any one XG keyboard would be difficult enough.  Emulating the complete 
line of XG keyboards would be a huge undertaking.  Especially now that XG specs 
and XG marketing material have all but disappeared from Yamaha web sites.  Top 
of the line Arranger Keyboards all have XG features, are Tyros-3, Tyros-2, 
Tyros, they have some decent manuals.  Below that are the PSR-S910, PSR-S900, 
PSR-S710, PSR-S700 (older are PSR-9000, PSR-7000, PSR-5000, PSR-3000, PSR-2000, 

Some Yamaha XG synth(s) may support one GS mode, but they probable won't 
support all the features of all the GS synths and keyboards out there.  I read 
that GS mode in Yamaha XG synths may take some individual GS sys-ex commands 
but won't process bulk GS sys-ex commands.

If FS wants to support GS/XG mode, it should be noted as "work-in-progress and 
may-never-complete", so users should be apprehensive about it.  Of course, all 
implemented features (however minute) should be documented so everyone can 
understand what to expect, and/or eventually augmented with more/better 

Yamaha and Roland have agreed to support GM2 within the last few years.  Both 
may have throtled back their proprietary GS/XG marketing push.  So I think 
moving forward with GM2 support maybe better than spending too much time and 
efforts on GS/XG.  GM2 sounds like more standardized GM1 (especially the 
ambiguous parts), also allowing support for 2 drum channels.

If GM2 become more popular, there will sure be converter utilities to mass 
convert GS/XG files to GM2, at least in term of bank select, reset, drum 
channels...  Proprietary sys-ex will always be there, depends on special 
hardware anyway.


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: MIDI Bank Select proposal (was Re: [fluid-dev] Re: Son of ticket #65)

2010-08-06 Thread jimmy

May be this would help if someone decides to try adding some basic support for 
detecting GM/GS/XG modes.  Of course, full support may require more work.

About GS-reset:

XG-reset info:



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: MIDI Bank Select proposal (was Re: [fluid-dev] Re: Son of ticket #65)

2010-08-06 Thread jimmy

> Date: Fri, 06 Aug 2010 18:06:12 -0500
> From: "S. Christian Collins" 
> Another option, rather than try to guess what bank select
> mode to use 
> would be to default to the GS standard, but have an option
> to use XG 
> mode--this could even be a switch added to Qsynth easily
> enough for us 
> GUI folks.
> That being said, if the guessing is pretty foolproof, then
> that's 
> probably the best option.
> -~Chris

If such option(s) are provided, please allow dynamic mode change.  I mean so 
that FS can play midi files (or live sequences from keyboard/sequencer) 
continuously without having to restart to get into a different mode 
(raw/GM/GS/XG).  I suppose the virtual-organs folks would prefer to still get 
the bare-metal (raw) mode.

Already mention in my last post, will repeat here.  I have read somewhere that 
there are fairly short sys-ex messages for XG-reset, GS-reset and possibly 



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: MIDI Bank Select proposal (was Re: [fluid-dev] Re: Son of ticket #65)

2010-08-06 Thread jimmy

> Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2010 07:52:14 +0200
> From: Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas 
> On Friday, August 6, 2010, Elimar Green wrote:
> > > I want to remark the above quotation from the SF2
> specification. SF2 bank
> > > numbers for melodic channels are numbers in the
> range 0 to 127, 7 bits.
> >
> > That is only for General MIDI (GM) compatibility
> though.  
> No. General MIDI (GM) doesn't use banks, CC#0 and CC#32 are
> ignored in GM mode 
> by all standards compliant devices.

GM1 was ambiguous, but GM2 does use CC#0 and CC#32.

Maybe we can try to dig into GS and XG specs to setup the specific mode for 
them.  Many GS/XG midi files should already have some GS-reset or XG-reset 
sys-ex messages at the start of the MIDI sequence.  From what I remember (web 
searches), Timidy already list the detection of GM/GS/XG mode as one of the 
features.  Otherwise, GM1 was ambiguous so if we want, we may find a way to 
allow customized configuration for specific device(s) with regards to MSB, LSB, 
ProgChange handling.

Perhaps we can also have a GM2 mode for this, which is straight forward.  From 

It has some good info on specific GM2 bank selects (CC#0 and CC#32) before a 
ProgramChange to select instrument voice, separately similar info for selecting 
GM2 drumkit.

Program and bank change events

General MIDI 2 compatible synthesizers access all of the 256 instruments by 
setting cc#0 (Bank Select MSB) to 121 and using cc#32 (Bank Select LSB) to 
select the variation bank before a Program Change. Variation bank 0 contains 
full GM sound set.

My take of GM level-1 is that it specified a minimum requirements, not 
forbidding, but allowing for additional expansion for vendor enhanced features.

I think GM level-2 is similar, again quoting form wikipedia page above:

General requirements

* Number of Notes: 32 simultaneous notes
* MIDI Channels: 16
* Simultaneous Melodic Instruments - up to 16 (all Channels)
* Simultaneous Percussion Kits - up to 2 (Channel 10/11)

Systems with 64/128/256 notes polyphony will meet the "Number of Notes" 
requirements, and not disqualified because they have more than 32-notes 

My take with bank changes for GM level-1 is similar, the specs for GM level-1 
does leave room for enhancements, that's all.  Of course, different vendors 
have their own implementation(s), sometimes deliberately, so that they won't 
get sued by their competitor(s).  That's why we see mumbo jumbo in MSB, LSB 
when crossing brand-names.

Within the same brand, things are fairly consistent (except when company 
merged).  They may change because they have to, with newer/better 
design/implementation goals moving forward (from Organ, FM-synth, 
MIDI-keyboard, Analog Synth, Digital Synth, Sampler, Workstation, Arranger...)

Of course, if a MIDI files/sequences recorded on one device (or using one 
soundfont) being played by a different device (using a different soundfont), it 
may not have the appropriate instrument voice(s), and/or drumkit.  In such 
situation, we should print out a warning, and fallback to some sane/safe 
(similar, if possible) instrument voice or drumkit.  Our only common 
denominator is GM1 sound set as a required set of features.


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: Migration of services

2010-05-18 Thread jimmy

If there are only a dozen or two, I can help extracting them and a few of us 
here can probably manually cut and paste a few tickets each and be done with 
them.  If there are 50, 100, or more tickets, then scripting it would be 

Ticket migration can probably be automated.  The following assume SourceForge, 
but it should work with most other web sites via HTTP, too.

wget can do HTTP post, and support userid/password (with web cookies saved to a 
file).  So you can use wget to login, save the SourceForge cookie to a file, 
then use that cookie for every ticket you want to create, or submit to 

More specifically, use a shell script (or perl script) login, saving the 
session cookie to a cookie file), loop and extract each ticket to a temporary 
text file, then send (http post) each ticket to SourceForge using that session 
cookie info.  Perl may have plenty of HTTP libraries to deal with it, I haven't 
used those much.

I assume that you can delete invalid, or unwanted tickets, right?  Which is 
inevitable with the first few "testing" tickets.

Well, in theory that's all doable.  One has to try it and see if it works.  Of 
course, userid/password is needed, using temporary password and reset it 
afterward is an option, too.  This is script programming (Bash, Perl, or your 
choice of scripting language).

Firefox javascript (XUL) maybe another option, too.  But I'm not familiar with 
it and have never tried it.

If you want, I can try creating a couple of tickets and see if I can create a 
dozen new test tickets this way.  I don't know if anyone can just create a 
ticket.  Chances are I'll have to get a SF account to get permission to create 
new ticket(s).  Of course, the original submitter info (if we still have those) 
will have to be part of the textual description anyway (accounts from different 

Let me know if you want me to try it, give me the new web site and URL for 
creating new ticket(s).



fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: More commits on the way to 1.1.1

2009-12-05 Thread jimmy

BTW, about instrument loading fall-back scheme...  my requested changes were 
released as part of 1.0.9, not quite sure if it was in 1.0.8.  But definitely 
has nothing to do with 1.1.x changes.



fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: More commits on the way to 1.1.1

2009-12-05 Thread jimmy

> Date: Fri, 04 Dec 2009 19:32:32 -0800
> From:

> As I mentioned, previous FluidSynth versions would assign
> incremental  
> program numbers to each channel.  So MIDI Channel 1
> would be program  
> 1, channel 2 program 2, etc.  There wasn't really any
> reason for that  
> behavior.  What I was referring to, was not GM
> SoundFont files, but GM  
> MIDI files.  Some GM MIDI files may assume that
> program 1 is the  
> default for all channels, which it should be for GM
> compliance.
> I'm not really convinced that having the previous policy
> of  
> incremental program assignment is better than having it be
> GM  
> compliant, since it would still be assigning the whole
> channel space,  
> just different instruments for every channel.  So you
> would still end  
> up with instruments assigned to all channels, except in the
> case where  
> the SoundFont happens to not have instruments on those
> program #s.
> Or perhaps I'm overlooking something?  Did previous
> versions of  
> FluidSynth not have instruments assigned to every channel
> in  
> incremental fashion?

I don't know if the channels loaded up with incremental programs, just vaguely 
know that in Qsynth, when an instance of fluidsynth is loaded up it loaded the 
soundfont and there were some instruments loaded in the channels.  I didn't try 
with non-GM soundfont as the only soundfont to know for sure.

I do know that FS did not load anything if the specificly requested bank and 
program number is not available.  That was a problem with quite a few Midi 
files out there which used GS, or XG instrument banks (no directly mappable 
sounds with just basic GM soundfonts).  So I requested the instrument 
substitution to revert to bank#0, and if no instrument existed there, revert to 
bank#0,prog#0.  That way most generic Midi files will at least sound something 
vs. sounded mostly silenced for those invalid instrument selections.  This is 
also consistent with virtually all hardware synth's behavior out there.

Sorry if that causes trouble for some folks who relied on such "features" 
previously.  Perhaps the secondary reverting to bank#0,prog#0 is now causing 
this problem.  I would have thought that folks would want to do this, 
especially for soundfont (especially non GM soundfont) designers to be able to 
hear at least some instrument.  If they don't want to hear from a channel, 
perhaps a channel mute option would be more appropriate.


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: KMid (was Re: [fluid-dev] Re: lost connection to Jack server)

2009-11-16 Thread jimmy

--- On Mon, 11/16/09, Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas  

> From: Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas 
> Anonymous SVN repository (provisional)
> svn://
> Compile it with KDE 4.2 or later.
> Little user documentation, at this moment:

Thanks, Pedro.  I'll check it out when I got a chance.



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Thread safety long-term thoughts

2009-11-16 Thread jimmy
> Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 00:37:40 -0800
> From:
> Quoting David Henningsson :
> > However, nothing new without a downside. Since the
> sample is used by
> > the voice renderer, freeing a preset or soundfont is
> not solved easily.
> > But outlined, first we should check if there is an
> audio thread
> > running, if there isn't (embedded case, fast-render),
> we can just go
> > ahead. Otherwise send a voice event saying we should
> kill active voices
> > referencing the preset or soundfont. We then block the
> call until the
> > audio thread has processed our message (simplest).
> Optionally we could
> > return asynchronously, but then we still need some
> kind of garbage
> > queue.
> I think reference counting would help a lot with
> this.  When a voice  
> is using a sample, it holds a reference.  The sample
> references its  
> parent SoundFont, etc.  This is how libInstPatch
> works.  If a  
> SoundFont gets removed or changed, different presets get
> assigned,  
> causing the samples to become unreferenced, ultimately
> freeing the  
> SoundFont if no more references are held.

Don't know how practical this is, but just some more ideas for the discussion.

Often in MIDI, the same type of data is used time and again as the verses 

Depends on resources available.  If the system have plenty of resources 
available, Fluidsynth could probably move the unreferenced presets into a 
cache, probably with some last-used timestamp.  Don't know if the time to look 
up a preset in the cache again may be any faster or slower than allocating new 
preset, or may add an overhead to a preset that doesn't already in the cache.  
The cache may have its own expiration purge cycle periodically, depends on 
system resources, or user configurable options.  For extreme scenario example, 
some presets may be used again within 5-10 minutes, or even 15-20 minutes for a 
fairly long song.  But for a movie-like environment, or studio-session, should 
the cache keep presets longer than 30 minutes?  Or the cache is so large that 
looking up a preset takes longer than allocating a new preset, then it becomes 
counter productive.


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] re: Same client for Jack audio and MIDI

2009-10-25 Thread jimmy
> Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 22:54:27 -0700
> From:
> I suppose we could just make the assumption that there wont
> be  
> multiple Jack audio or Jack MIDI clients and call it
> good.  I could  
> see a user perhaps wanting to use separate Jack servers for
> audio and  
> MIDI though.
> Any opinions or ideas on this?

I haven't gotten to try running separate jackd for each soundcard.  So I don't 
know what implications there maybe about single instance of jackd.  I do know 
that qjackctl currently (last check was last year, though) only deal with one 
jackd instance.  If I already have jackd started, qjackctl just assume control 
of that instance.  Only heard on the grapevines that separate jackd can be run, 
and can be synchronized.

I don't understand what you are refering to.  Are you talking about the 
decription/name of the jackd-client, or jackd-client port number, or something 
else?  I don't know of jackd options to show existing list of jackd clients, 
except using qjackctl, or maybe something like 'patchage'...  With qjackctl, I 
see under the audio tab:

   -- with 'left', 'right' audio channels

under the Jack-MIDI tab:

   -- with 'midi' port below it

or, under the Alsa-MIDI tab:

   130:FLUID Synth()
   -- 0:Synth input port()


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: KMid (was Re: [fluid-dev] Re: lost connection to Jack server)

2009-10-21 Thread jimmy

--- On Wed, 10/21/09, Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas  

> > I used to use Kmid, but no one ported it to Qt4/Kde4
> yet, not sure how long
> > before it would be called an orphan.
> I'm already starting the adoption process.


Alright, good to know.  You got SVN/CVS, discussion group for it somewhere?

Would it be better depending on just QT4, or QT4.5, instead of KDE.  I prefer 
lighter-weight apps that works well with simple interface, nothing fancy.

I just read a couple of articles on Slashdot about Pulse Audio.  The project 
lead, and some of their developers want it on every desktop and claimed that 
"latency is good" (???, !...@#(!^#!!!), that 20-second audio buffer would help 
them make less interrupt calls to save power or so.  Yeah, right...  Saving 
energy on a few lousy hardware interrupts and blast away on the speakers, or 
their "continuous reconfiguration daemon".  Their idea of "playing music" is to 
use their couch-potato ears.  No wonder the rap craps are everywhere and they 
think they are great musicians, too.

> KMid is about 10 years old. It is time for a revamp. My
> plans for it are:
> * Remove the deprecated OSS /dev/sequencer interface
> support. It has been 
> dropped from OSSv4, anyway. 
> * A fair ALSA sequencer implementation: don't
> create/destroy the client and 
> port instances on each play/pause/stop action. This would
> allow the usage of 
> KMid with a MIDI patchbay application like qjackctl.

So you spent sometime with the adopted kid (uh... code) already :-)

> * MIDI Output implemented on pluggable backends. First one
> will be the ALSA 
> sequencer backend, but I would like to develop win32 and
> Mac native backends 
> some day. 

Jack-midi could probably help on win32 and even Mac, I think???

> Also, a multiplatform backend based on
> libfluidsynth would be 
> interesting for casual users, needing only to configure a
> SF2 file and the 
> audio output. Some new features would be needed in
> libfluidsynth to create 
> this backen> 
> Regards,
> Pedro
d, for instance: parse and process the lyric and
> text SMF events.

That is if libfluidsynth care to spend time with lyrics and midi-text events at 
all.  Although, I think fluidsynth code is not pretty to add new functions to 
it.  Haven't looked at Gleamsynth (a sort-of Fluidsynth in C++) since the 
Spring, but I think it did have some performance issues back then.

I think the new kmid (or whatever its new name maybe) could do what it always 
does...  send midi events to alsa-seq, or jack-midi, and also parse and display 

It may be interesting if it (or its library) also has a separate output port 
(output-only ???) for lyrics/midi-text events separately from the normal midi 
port.  This way, people can make their own UI, or even network-UI if they want.



fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: lost connection to Jack server (svn Rev 243, over the weekend)

2009-10-20 Thread jimmy

--- On Mon, 10/19/09, David Henningsson  wrote:

> First - thanks for helping out with the much needed
> testing!

Actually thanks to all those who have contributed to the project.

> Out of curiosity, you mentioned aplaymidi before. Do you
> play the song via aplaymidi and alsa-seq drivers, or do you
> supply the midi file to fluidsynth on the command line?

Short answer:  for this test, I use aplaymidi to send midi events via alsa-seq 
to fluidsynth, which sends audio to jackd to the hardware driver.  Later I can 
look into having audio effect plugins (i.e. jack-rack), have tried it, but 
don't use sound effects much yet.

Round-about answer, it depends on what I feature(s) want to use.   I'm just 
trying different things with different apps.

I used to use Kmid, but no one ported it to Qt4/Kde4 yet, not sure how long 
before it would be called an orphan.

If I find time to practice playing the midi keyboard, I would like to play 
(practice) along with some midi file(s).  With a separate app, I can use it to 
send the midi event to "virtual midi port" and not having to worry about the 
various midi-port number/name changes.  Patchage, or various other conneciton 
saving apps haven't wow'ed me yet.

Sometimes I want to pick up a sequence of fast notes, for keyboard or guitar 
practice, tempo control allows me to slow things down.

I want to be able to eventually play live on a midi keyboard, having the 
PC/laptop as a decent sound module and arranger keyboard functions (live rhythm 
machine with chord change cappability for accompaniments, with maybe a couple 
of separate PC-keyboards for the arranger function controls).  Most of the 
hardware arranger keyboards and rhythms machines have very limited user 
interface, to me at least.

Generally for computer stuff, I prefer the Unix approach of using the best tool 
for each task rather than a monolithic app, only run the tasks I need and each 
of those can be changed or switched out for something better without too much 
difficulties.  Most of the time monolithic apps are resource hogs and slow, it 
would be worse if you don't like some part of it.  Users don't use all the 
feautures all the time anyway.  I cringe everytime I bring up RoseGarden, 
especially on some older laptops, or even older desktops.

For midi's with lyrics, I like Kmid's ability to display midi text/lyrics, 
tempo change, transpose, keyboard note display.  Timidity lyrics display sucks, 
only one interface allows decent control for skiping forward/backward, tempo 
change, transpose, while note display maybe just in win32...  PyKaraoke is good 
at lyrics display but doesn't have any other controls I want from time to time 
like tempo change, transpose...

Rosegarden doesn't show lyrics, it does display notes for each midi channel in 
realtime pretty well.  It allows lasso-select from the mouse to play the 
selected notes as each note (or a bunch of notes) got selected.

Also use Timidity from time to time, it used to have an annoying "clicking" 
problem with some soundfonts, which has been fixed in recent code change (last 
few months to a year I think).  It was about some release parameters, or 
looping ability of the sample, if I remember that right.

It may be nice to have all of those feature(s) in one huge app, but then the UI 
might suffer, or I may not like how it may be presented, or the logical flow 
sequence...  Also, for large apps like Rosegarden, or even Fluidsynth, it is a 
pitty task to try to revamp, refactor, or add new functions.  No pun intended, 
just a fact of life.

> > As I type this, I use the mouse to drag the scroll bar
> in a GUI text editor, with the midi song playing in the
> background, I definitely hear the jitters during the mouse
> drag.  Not surprising, just mention it here anyway.
> Are XRUNs reported from Jackd? In that case, it is probably
> not FluidSynth's fault. Is jackd and fluidsynth running
> under rtprio?

You are right. XRUNs got in the way, causing jitters/noise.

> > Unison.sf2 seems to give the least noise/jitters for
> me.  It is also the smaller soundfont compare to the
> ones listed below.
> Interesting. I've heard that before, that smaller
> soundfonts are less CPU intensive, my only theory is that
> this has to do with the CPU cache, with more samples,
> there'll be more cache misses. This seems a little bit
> far-fetched though (not only for the CPU, ha ha). Would be
> interesting to know if prefetch instructions could improve
> the situation.

It is much more detectable on slower hardware like older PCs or laptops -- 
combination of slower RAM, CPU, HDD...  often with less RAM, too.


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] e: lost connection to Jack server (svn Rev 243, over the weekend)

2009-10-20 Thread jimmy

--- On Mon, 10/19/09, David Henningsson  wrote:

> From: David Henningsson 
> Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Re: lost connection to Jack server (svn Rev 243, 
> over the weekend)
> To: "jimmy" 
> Cc:,
> Date: Monday, October 19, 2009, 7:28 PM
> jimmy wrote:
> > 
> > --- On Mon, 10/19/09,
> wrote:
> First - thanks for helping out with the much needed
> testing!
> > I tried again, same midi file at 
> > " 3K
> MM.MID".  Note that this is a fairly busy, quick
> tempo/pace.
> Out of curiosity, you mentioned aplaymidi before. Do you
> play the song via aplaymidi and alsa-seq drivers, or do you
> supply the midi file to fluidsynth on the command line?
> > As I type this, I use the mouse to drag the scroll bar
> in a GUI text editor, with the midi song playing in the
> background, I definitely hear the jitters during the mouse
> drag.  Not surprising, just mention it here anyway.
> Are XRUNs reported from Jackd? In that case, it is probably
> not FluidSynth's fault. Is jackd and fluidsynth running
> under rtprio?
> > Unison.sf2 seems to give the least noise/jitters for
> me.  It is also the smaller soundfont compare to the
> ones listed below.
> Interesting. I've heard that before, that smaller
> soundfonts are less CPU intensive, my only theory is that
> this has to do with the CPU cache, with more samples,
> there'll be more cache misses. This seems a little bit
> far-fetched though (not only for the CPU, ha ha). Would be
> interesting to know if prefetch instructions could improve
> the situation.
> // David

fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: lost connection to Jack server (svn Rev 243, over the weekend)

2009-10-19 Thread jimmy

--- On Mon, 10/19/09,  wrote:

> From: 
> Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] lost connection to Jack server (svn Rev 243, over 
> the weekend)
> To: "jimmy" 
> Cc:
> Date: Monday, October 19, 2009, 11:25 AM
> Hello Jimmy,
> I was also experiencing this.  Try increasing the Jack
> timeout delay (-t 2000 for example, to set it to 2
> seconds).
> I'm not sure why this is occurring.  Makes me wonder
> if its related to what SoundFont is being loaded
> though..  Hmm.

Hi Josh,

I tried again, same midi file at " 3K 
MM.MID".  Note that this is a fairly busy, quick tempo/pace.

As I type this, I use the mouse to drag the scroll bar in a GUI text editor, 
with the midi song playing in the background, I definitely hear the jitters 
during the mouse drag.  Not surprising, just mention it here anyway.

I increase the Jackd timeout to 1000 (1 second).  The song plays to the end for 
all the soundfonts.  Of course Fluidsynth non-verbose mode give the leaast 
jitters, verbose mode the most jitters while the Fluidsynth process is in the 
foreground, a little less noisy when another window/process is in the 
foreground.  The following are about the noise/jitters in Fluidsynth verbose 

Unison.sf2 seems to give the least noise/jitters for me.  It is also the 
smaller soundfont compare to the ones listed below.

(Personal Copy's) PC51f.sf2, FluidR3_GM.sf2, GeneralUser_GS_SoftSynthv1.43.sf2 
are fairly noisy in Fluidsynth verbose mode.

SGM-V2.01.sf2 seems to give the most jitters, is the largest of these 

It seems the soundfont sample size may contribute to some processing 
(rendering, mixing) delays perhaps?  Which may contributes to the delinquency 
of Fluidsynth ability to respond quick enough for Jackd?

I also tried vkeybd while playing the midi song.  There is no noticeable delay 
from vkeybd via jackd to fluidsynth, which should be excellent for live playing 
if there is no random the noise/jitters at times.


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: lost connection to Jack server (svn Rev 243, over the weekend)

2009-10-19 Thread jimmy

--- On Mon, 10/19/09, jimmy  wrote:

> From: jimmy 
> Subject: lost connection to Jack server (svn Rev 243, over the weekend)
> To:
> Date: Monday, October 19, 2009, 9:28 AM
> This is with this weekend SVN checkout of  Fluidsynth,
> trying with a single soundfont for each of
> SGM-V2.01.sf2
> PC51f.sf2
> Unison.sf2
> playing the midi file from
>    " 3K
> wiht Unison.sf2, Fluidsynth completes the music OK.
> I restart jackd, fluidsynth, aplaymidi everytime.  The
> problem is when using SGM-V2.01.sf2 (always), or PC51f.sf2
> (sometimes), Fluidsynth gives me error message that it lost
> connection to Jack server.  The first 2-3 tries with
> PC51f.sf2, Fluidsynth never completed playing, after a few
> more tries, it does seem to play to completion.  I
> still have yet to get to the conclusion of the song with
> SGM-V2.01.sf2.  The messages:
> cannot read server event (Connection reset by peer)
> zombified - calling shutdown handler
> fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK
> server
> The error can be earlier (more consistent) with Fluidsynth
> "-v" (verbose) option.
> The machine is 2.4GHz, 1 GB RAM, fairly recent Debian
> Sid.  May be more problematic on slower hardware.

For what it's worth, I just tried with some other soundfonts and verbose option.

With Unison.sf2 and verbose (-v) option, I also get the same problem and error 

cannot read server event (Connection reset by peer) 
zombified - calling shutdown handler

With FluidR3_GM.sf2, no obvious noises, but same problem with Jack server 
connection in both verbose and non-verbose mode.

With GeneralUser_GS_SoftSynthv1.43.sf2, it is noisy at times but most of the 
time Fluidsynth can plays it to the end of the song in both verbose and 
non-verbose usage.  Once in a while, it suffers the same lost connection 
problem to Jack server in verbose mode.  Haven't played it too many times in 
non-verbose mode at the moment.


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] lost connection to Jack server (svn Rev 243, over the weekend)

2009-10-19 Thread jimmy

This is with this weekend SVN checkout of  Fluidsynth, trying with a single 
soundfont for each of


playing the midi file from

   " 3K MM.MID"

wiht Unison.sf2, Fluidsynth completes the music OK.

I restart jackd, fluidsynth, aplaymidi everytime.  The problem is when using 
SGM-V2.01.sf2 (always), or PC51f.sf2 (sometimes), Fluidsynth gives me error 
message that it lost connection to Jack server.  The first 2-3 tries with 
PC51f.sf2, Fluidsynth never completed playing, after a few more tries, it does 
seem to play to completion.  I still have yet to get to the conclusion of the 
song with SGM-V2.01.sf2.  The messages:

cannot read server event (Connection reset by peer)
zombified - calling shutdown handler
fluidsynth: error: Help! Lost the connection to the JACK server

The error can be earlier (more consistent) with Fluidsynth "-v" (verbose) 

The machine is 2.4GHz, 1 GB RAM, fairly recent Debian Sid.  May be more 
problematic on slower hardware.



fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] drumkit substitution issue

2009-10-17 Thread jimmy

I did an SVN checkout late Friday night (2009/10/16), just to give it a test 
run.  I suppose the following is also a problem with the current version, too.  
This is on Debian Sid (up to date with jackd/qjackctl, 
libfluid/fluidsynth/qsynth, not up to date with other packages, but fairly 
current within 3-4 months).

Here's the command I run fluidsynth with jackd, using PersonalCopy's soundfont 

   fluidsynth -a jack -j -r 48000 -g 0.40   PC51f.sf2

trying with some midi files at , I'm using 
aplaymidi to play:

   aplaymidi -p 130:0  "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You MM  3k.mid"

the fluidsynth messages:

> fluidsynth: warning: Instrument not found on channel 0 [bank=45 prog=11], 
> substituted [bank=0 prog=11]
fluidsynth: warning: Instrument not found on channel 8 [bank=16256 prog=0], 
substituted [bank=0 prog=0]
fluidsynth: warning: Instrument not found on channel 9 [bank=16256 prog=27], 
substituted [bank=16256 prog=0]
fluidsynth: warning: Instrument not found on channel 12 [bank=1024 prog=3], 
substituted [bank=0 prog=3]
fluidsynth: warning: Instrument not found on channel 13 [bank=122 prog=49], 
substituted [bank=0 prog=49]
fluidsynth: warning: Instrument not found on channel 14 [bank=115 prog=84], 
substituted [bank=0 prog=84]
fluidsynth: warning: Instrument not found on channel 0 [bank=45 prog=11], 
substituted [bank=0 prog=11]

The problem is on the drum channel (#9),  [bank=16256 prog=27] was requested.  
It seems Fluidsynth only try to load the drumkit from:

   [bank=16256 prog=27]
   [bank=16256 prog=0]

and stop searching right there.  Which won't help for most people with GM-only 

I suppose the drumkit search order could be a bit more generous:

   [bank=16256 prog=27]
   [bank=16256 prog=0]
   [bank=127 prog=27]
   [bank=127 prog=0]

which should help whether there is any drumkits at all in bank #16256.  This 
way, it will work for normal GM users, as well as for soundfont 
creators/testers, too.  Although, I suspect these midi files are recorded on 
some arranger keyboard, or using hardware sound modules of some sort.

There is at least one more midi file there for this test:

   " Talking Guy MM 3k.mid"

for which, Fluidsynth messages show:

fluidsynth: warning: Instrument not found on channel 9 [bank=16256 prog=86], 
substituted [bank=16256 prog=0]

I haven't had time to tried more files on that site yet.



fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: MIDI mode

2009-10-12 Thread jimmy
> Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 20:17:21 -0700
> From:
> Quoting "S. Christian Collins" :
> >
> wrote:
> >> It still seems a bit weird to me to try and pick a
> minimum note   
> >> duration, which will work well with most
> instruments, which could   
> >> have different attack durations, etc.  It may
> be that it works fine  
> >>  in practice though.  I just don't like
> it.  If you have a   
> >> percussion instrument that has a short release
> phase, you'll just   
> >> end up with a 8ms or 10ms percussion sound, so it
> will still get   
> >> cut short and sound weird.  If a MIDI file is
> truly expecting   
> >> note-offs to be ignored, it wont be getting that
> behavior.
> > In theory, however, there shouldn't be percussion
> instruments with
> > short release times, unless that instrument's length
> is variable
> > (guiro, whistle, SFX).  There are two conventions
> that are understood
> > regarding this:
> >  1.  Instruments that are struck and then
> resonate are programmed with
> > an appropriately long release to allow the sample to
> play fully
> > regardless of how long the note is held down... just
> like a real
> > percussion instrument.
> >  2.  Sequencers that program 0-length MIDI
> events expect the above behavior.
> >
> > Assuming the sample programmer in convention #1 did
> his job correctly,
> > convention #2 will always work with the note-off
> delay.
> >
> > -~Chris
> Ok, that makes a little more sense now.  So I guess
> the "missing  
> percussion" issue is because the note duration is less than
> the attack  
> time?  So, with a minimum note duration setting, so
> long as its  
> greater than the attack time of the percussion instruments,
> should work.
> Josh

How about Fluidsynth chooses a default minimum-note-duration for now, and 
allows for using configuration file and/or a way (passing configuration 
settings via some API, or commandline arg) to change it.  This way, folks can 
also test against their own MIDI files and set it to their liking, or give us 
feedback/suggestion as to what the better default minimum note duration shoud 
be for future releases.


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: MIDI mode

2009-10-12 Thread jimmy

I think GM support is all I can ask for, but understand how GS, XG are designed 
and know how to scale them back to GM level is all Fluidsynth need to do.

About MIDI mode of GM, GS, XG...  I don't have any official reference, but from 
what I understand, GM only has 128 defined instrument list, and maybe a few 
drumsets.  That can get old after a while.

The many hardware makers of "MIDI modules", MIDI capable "synth keyboards", and 
"arranger keyboards" need to add better sounds on their higher priced jewels.  
So they decide to keep the basic GM common between one price-level to the next 
by adding better sounds and drumsets as extensions (extra sounds in extra 
banks, still keeping the familiar 128 instruments GM definition loaded with 
relatively cheaper sounds).  Some may just be the exact sound samples with 
different special effect settings (panning, reverb, cutoffs...)

For example they can have 4 different nylon guitar (or Sax, Strings...) sounds 
on the same program number, but on different banks, even if there are few or no 
other voices on these extra banks.  They would have different "demos", or 
"songs", or "rhythms" using those different nylon guitars that sound much 
better than the cheaper hardwares they have.  The cheaper hardware when trying 
to play those nylon guitar instruments won't have those instruments in the 
defined banks (via MIDI cables, or MIDI files), will fallback to use the same 
program number on bank #0 (GM instrument).

Likewise, SYSEX's are hardware specific, mostly depends on what sound chips and 
what type and how many special effects (DSP) chips are on that box.  If a 
hardware sound module/keyboard doesn't know how to handle some SYSEX messages, 
it simply ignores those SYSEX's.  Even the higher end Yamaha keyboards won't 
work with SYSEX's from cheaper Yamaha keyboards, and vice versa.  Because they 
have different hardware engines (firmwares and chips...)  I know of no hardware 
boxes that claims to support all the SYSEX's out there, each will only handle 
its own particular SYSEX's to control it's own specific hardware model.

That's also how GS and XG claims that they are extensions of GM and all the 
hardware MIDI playing (via cable connection, or MIDI files) can still render 
appropriate sound, of course, "appropriate sound" may only match the type of 
instrument voice (i.e. Strings, Nylon Guitar, Oboe, French Horn, Sax...) and 
may not sound at all as good as it is intended for the hardware it was tweaked 

So as long as Fluidsynth provide the appropriate "fallback" instrument-voice 
look up and all the basic GM features, Fluidsynth is at least as good as any GM 
hardware modules out there.  In fact a GM-supported Fluidsynth allowing 
changing of soundfont would be better than all the GM hardwares that won't 
allow changing (customizing) of their instrument voices.

I think GM support would be great...  However Fluidsynth interpretes the GM 
specs, all hardware makers out there does the same anyway.  After that, GM2 
might be something to look forward to.  Since Yamaha already snuffed out XG 
(removed all references to XG softwares and XG specs), and Roland doesn't seem 
to get any better brainshare with GS.  Those existing MIDI files out there 
still only sound best on the hardware they were created on, Fluidsynth only 
need to sound the appropriate voices as the notes are played.  The rest depends 
on having a superb GM soundfont and maybe a few special soundfonts on top of GM 



fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Win32 midi loopback driver -- WAS Re: Build help on win32 with MinGW (resolved)

2009-10-11 Thread jimmy
> Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 00:17:28 -0700
> Now to  
> figure out how to route some MIDI through the winmidi
> driver and test  
> some SYSEX data.  Clues into how to do this would be
> most welcome!


Haven't use Windows for years, but have read about "Midi Yoke", or "Hubi's 
Loopback".  I believe they provide some virtual midi ports or connection-points 
or something along that line.

In another message, you said something about XG soundfont.  There are some 
soundfonts with some sort of XG mapping.  Of course, those may not have much to 
do with SYSEX handling, but may provide some lite XG soundbanks/drumsets.  Not 
sure if any of them can qualify to support "XG-Lite" definition from Yamaha.

   yamaha-xg-sound-set.sf2 yamaha-xg-sound-set.sf2
   yamaha_xg_sound_set_re-map.sf2 yamaha_xg_sound_set_re-map.sf2 

   Bennet's AnotherXG.sf2


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] re: MIDI mode

2009-10-08 Thread jimmy

> Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2009 01:07:54 -0700
> From:
> So I went ahead and added GM On/Off and GS Reset SYSEX
> handling.   
> There are now 2 parameters synth.midi-mode=normal/gm/gs
> and  
> synth.midi-mode-lock=no/yes.  If midi-mode-lock is set
   . . .
> Feedback and testing would be appreciated :)  The
> "normal" value for  
> midi-mode doesn't sound great, but I couldn't think of a
> better word.

May I suggest that "gm" be the default mode for inter-operability with 
keyboards and sound modules.  GM would probably be expected mode for most 
(80-90%???) of MIDI users, especially the beginners.

Instead of "normal", I suppose "advance/advanced", or "fs/fluidsynth" mode 
(because these features exist only in Fluidsynth) would be more appropriate for 
the tecnically advanced, or detail specific users.

Anyone wanting the more customized/advanced feature that Fluidsynth offer would 
be spending time to learn and tweak their MIDI's for the "advanced" mode in 
Fluidsynth anyway.  So for them to specify the "advanced" mode would be not 
much of a big deal.


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: FluidSynth tuning and more commits

2009-09-19 Thread jimmy

> Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 12:18:06 -0700
> From:

> I'm a little bit perplexed in regards to the tuning
> routines though.   
> It seems that it allows for arbitrary per MIDI note
> tuning  
> modifications, using floating point values in cents. 
> Tunings are  
> added by instrument bank and program #s.  What is
> strange, is that it  
> seems these tunings only take effect when
> fluid_synth_select_tuning()  
> is called, to activate an existing tuning on a given bank
> and program.  
>   What is strange, is that this is never called in the
> FluidSynth code  
> base, meaning that tunings will only be active if an
> external  
> application activates them, which seems to defeat the
> purpose of  
> bank:program tuning assignment.  It seems to me like a
> tuning should  
> be automatically used when a bank/program change occurs, if
> there is  
> an assigned tuning for the given bank/program.  The
> tuning  
> infrastructure should probably also be integrated with MIDI
> tuning  
> standards, for assigning tunings via MIDI.  It seems
> like the tuning  
> system is currently not entirely complete.  Any
> opinions on this?

I'm not at all familiar with Fluidsynth tuning usage, nor the code.

I only know that with MIDI controller(s) often allow hardware knobs, sliders, 
or pitch-bend wheel to manipulate a note's pitch.  It allows one to play a 
note, turn the pitch-wheel, and the note pitch can be raised, or lowered to a 
different note range.  The pitch wheel are often used to bend a note like 
slider guitarist would move the slider after a string has been struck.  More 
often, I have seen keyboards that can program the pitch-wheel to bend a note up 
1-semitone up/down (2-semitone range all the way to 1 full octave up/down (2 
full octaves range) for the knob/slider/wheel physical range.  The pitch wheel 
has springs-like hardware like a joystick to keep it at center if not held 
down, the default is normally 2-semitones up and 2 semitones down for the full 
range of the knob.  So pushing it up all the way will change the sound  by 2 
semitone, push part of the way gives a proportional pitch shift of that 
2-semitone range, releasing it and the sound
 revert back to the original note.  Pushing down just does similar thing for 2 
semitones down by default.

Some keyboards also have modulation wheel which doesn't have spring loaded.  It 
allows sound modulation (note vibration) for emphasis on some notes playing 

So generally, live playing needs some real-time sound synthesis for some 
individual notes.

Of course, for people who work with soundfont, or some particular instrument 
range and want to try to tweek and listen to to all the samples with such 
adjustments, then the per bank/program selection might be the way to go for 


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Thread safety

2009-06-06 Thread jimmy
e that
> limitation. I'm thinking
> > that you probably want to do a lot of initialization
> at time 0. But
> > perhaps we can avoid the queue altogether in case 1
> and 2?
> Indeed.  As I wrote above, functions could detect from
> which thread  
> they are being called from and act accordingly (queue or
> execute  
> directly).  If for some reason a queue is maxed out
> though, I suppose  
> the function should return a failure code, though it risks
> being  
> overlooked.
> >
> >>>> Sure, if it improves things in the short
> term, go ahead add it.  Fixing
> >>>> FluidSynth's threading issues, and doing
> it right, is likely going to be
> >>>> a bit of a larger task than doing simple
> fixes.  So it might be good to
> >>>> try and address the more severe issues,
> while coming up with a long term
> >>>> solution.
> >
> > I've done so now. I did it in two steps, first all the
> underlying work
> > that enables the sequencer to work as a buffer for
> MIDI threads
> > (revision 193), and enabling that feature for
> fluidsynth executable
> > (revision 194). When the synth has better thread
> safety on its own, we
> > revert 194 only.
> >
> > I would really like some feedback from the community
> about these
> > changes, to ensure they don't change the
> responsiveness or latency, or
> > mess anything else up. I've tested it with my MIDI
> keyboard here and I
> > didn't notice any difference, but my setup is not
> optimal.
> >

Here's my my comments on special effects  processing (SFX, for short here) in 
sound synthesis.  But since Midi allow for some live manipulation of some 
paramenters, it may allow for per channel manipulation, too?

I guess one way to describe it is how many "SFX processors" can be used 
concurrently in a chained sequence.  JackRack is one such implementation where 
each plugin is 1 SFX processor.  Each of these SFX processor parameters can 
change in real-time.  I would love to have SFX processing for individual Midi 
channel (individual solo instrument pan, sustain, delayed echo, vibrato...), or 
all channels combined audio signal (like reverb, delayed echo, pitch shift).  
But I guess individual solo instruments with SFX could be simulated by running 
in a separate instance of FS.

So if per channel SFX is possible, please do allow for ways to specify which 
channel(s) these SFX processors should work on.  You may also want to allow 
users to define/specify, or loaded-on-the-fly (maybe some sample code to use) 
these SFX processors from configuration files, and let parameters be changed in 

The simplest case is 0, or 1 SFX processor.  More complicated are 2, 3, or more 
sound effects chained together, but too many of these chained together will 
introduce audio lags of some sort.

Of course, you can impose or set a limit on the number of SFX processors, i.e 3 
max per voice/channel, 8 total...  Or if no specific SFX limit is imposed, at 
least give a word of warning so people don't have wild ideas that they can 
chain 5-10 SFX per channel for 32 channels... or 100 SFX together and still get 
real-time response on 1-2 core CPU's, or that the audio would sound like 
anything we can still recognize.


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Re: What is the best way start fluidsynth with zero/low latency? (Louis B.)

2009-05-23 Thread jimmy

You are right Pedro, my bad.  I remembered that wrong.  I got that mixed up 
with jackd and qjackctl combo.


--- On Sat, 5/23/09, Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas  

> From: Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas 
> Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Re: What is the best way start fluidsynth with 
> zero/low latency? (Louis B.)
> To:
> Cc: "jimmy" 
> Date: Saturday, May 23, 2009, 11:50 AM
> On Saturday, May 23, 2009, jimmy
> wrote:
> > I still suggest they use qsynth to start
> fluidsynth.  Do mention that if
> > they have a problem with qsynth,  they can try to
> start fluidsynth
> > manually.  Once they use qsynth to start
> fluidsynth, they can use:
> >
> >    ps -ef | grep fluidsynth
> >
> > to get the commandline that qsynth uses to start
> fluidsynth.  With that
> > info, they can start fluidsynth themselves from the
> commandline, or from a
> > script.  They can learn more about fluidsynth
> commandline options after
> > that if they want.
> That suggestion makes no sense at all. QSynth doesn't start
> the fluidsynth 
> commandline executable in any way. It is a standalone GUI
> program using 
> libfluidsynth, in a similar way that fluidsynth is a CLI
> program using the 
> same library for the same purposes. 
> There are no shortcuts, except understanding the involved
> concepts. You may 
> ask here, in this mailing list, to the people that is
> delivering these 
> programs to you if you have any doubts or need
> clarifications.
> Regards,
> Pedro

fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: What is the best way start fluidsynth with zero/low latency? (Louis B.)

2009-05-23 Thread jimmy

> Date: Sat, 23 May 2009 13:50:49 +0100
> From: "Louis B." 
> The point I was trying to make was that fluidsynth can be
> rather
> difficult for non techie users to get running correctly
> especially
> with low latency.

I still suggest they use qsynth to start fluidsynth.  Do mention that if they 
have a problem with qsynth,  they can try to start fluidsynth manually.  Once 
they use qsynth to start fluidsynth, they can use:

   ps -ef | grep fluidsynth

to get the commandline that qsynth uses to start fluidsynth.  With that info, 
they can start fluidsynth themselves from the commandline, or from a script.  
They can learn more about fluidsynth commandline options after that if they 

> The more I think about it a fluid-start and fluid-stop
> script might
> make it very easy for non techie users to startup
> fluidsynth with low
> latency. It could do a "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz" to
> determine if
> users had a low, medium or high powered machine. Now that
> FluidR3_GM.sf2 is pretty good this script could
> automatically start
> fluid with that sound font (Is FluidR3_GM.sf2 available to
> most Linux
> distribution? are there any licensing restrictions with
> FluidR3_GM.sf2?). It is just an idea anyway.

I may have read somewhere, or have the impression that Intel Atom is just a new 
release of the i386 core (or i486), probably with socket (pins) change.  
Remember the netbooks are for web browsing, not a speed daemon.  Basically they 
have the same CPU speed as 7-10 year old laptop.

I have qsynth, qjackctl running OK on a 700MHz, 256MB RAM notebook.  The 
problem may also be lack of memory when using a large soundfont file, which 
does require memory swapping, affecting response time.  On that machine, I have 
to use a small soundfont.  Do note proper IRQ, and process priority settings 
may improve response time, as mention in one of the links of my last message on 
this thread.

> There is always the problem with underruns,  My atom
> baised NetBook is
> probably a good example of the absolutely the lowest spec
> machine that
> could run with low latency. Hopefully the main stream
> Linux
> distributions will improve to guarantee a quality of
> service to
> fluidsynth.

You may get underruns if you try to use too low a response time settings.  Bump 
it up 2-4 times the minimum should get rid of most underruns with just a slight 
compromise on real-time playing, which may be no worse than playing "strings", 
or "synthesized voice" instruments.


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: What is the best way start fluidsynth with zero/low latency?

2009-05-22 Thread jimmy

> Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 15:19:26 -0500
> From: "S. Christian Collins" 
> Regarding the rt kernel, it seems that the newer default
> Linux kernels 
> seem to handle realtime audio quite well even without using
> a rt 
> kernel.  I stopped using the rt kernel in Kubuntu
> 9.04, because the 
> standard kernel seems to perform just as well, but without
> the 
> instability the rt kernel brings.  Does anybody else
> have a similar 
> experience?
> -~Chris

Re: What is the best way start fluidsynth with zero/low latency?

The fastest way and shortest answer is to install Linux from a music (MIDI) 
oriented liveCD.  Read below for more info.


The last 5-6 Linux kernel releases had high-resolution timer features that will 
work with for MIDI low latency.  The last 2-3 kernel releases had merged in the 
realtime patch.  But recently there is a new kernel realtime patch started 
again by the same people.  Started a while back when I compiled my own kernel, 
I only needed the high-resolution timer configuration, I don't use the realtime 
kernel patch, and high-resolution timer works fine for MIDI low latency.

If I am not mistaken, using Alsa directly normally only alow one app to use the 
sound card at any time.  Using Jack, it works as a virtual mixer of sort for 
all jack-enabled apps.

Midi low latency involves configurations of various hardware, linux kernel, and 
softwares that are specific to real-time response for midi events.  It can be 
overwhelming for new users.  I highly recommend starting with a music/MIDI 
oriented Linux liveCD distro.  LiveCD allows people to just boot directly from 
the CD/DVD and it takes care of auto configuration.  These music oriented 
liveCD already has either realtime or high resolution timer kernel 
preconfigured and will launch jackd preconfigured in their application menu.

If is somewhat stable (usable) and don't have 
licencing problems, you may want to lobby the various music oriented liveCD 
distro to include PianoBooster on their CD.  Some of those liveCD's I can 
remember right now are Musix, PureDyne, 64 Studio.  Although, the latest Musix 
beta is now half of a DVD so it should have plenty of room.

These 3 liveCD are Debian compatible (can use Debian repositories directly) and 
can be installed onto hard drive if the users want to install more apps, or 
tweaks.  I haven't tried their recent releases, but some liveCD's running 
directly from the CD/DVD may allow for saving your configurations on to USB, or 
hard drive and use such configuration in subsequence boot from CD/DVD.  By the 
way, Ubuntu is Debian derrived (not directly compatible) and uses its own 


This fluidsynth web page currently (2009-05) has some info for using Alsa 
driver directly.

These links have info on kernel configuration, IRQ interrupt priorities, and 
jackd info.


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Thread safety

2009-05-19 Thread jimmy

> Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 07:28:07 +0200
> From: David Henningsson 

> Here's an answer for you, jimmy, and anyone else whose
> questions can be
> shortened to "you won't break anything, will you?" :-)
> First, to me it seems like the current synchronization
> handling is very
> broken, and I see ticket #43 as evidence of this. So
> something really
> needs to be done.
> As for the latency/performance issues, I haven't noticed
> any difference
> in responsiveness when I've tried it here. There is a
> theoretical
> possibility though, that
> 1) midi events in some cases will be delayed up to 64
> samples, i e 1.5
> ms with the normal sample rate, but on the other hand, in
> some other
> cases the current handling will delay the midi events
> instead.
> 2) since the audio thread has to do more work, this might
> increase the
> possibility for an underrun. That would be if you trigger
> very many midi
> events at the same time. (Note: If you use MIDI physically,
> i e the
> 5-wire DIN connection, this won't be an issue. That
> protocol is so slow
> that it can only insert approximately one midi event per
> millisecond
> anyway.)
> Last, I will test my patch here before I commit it. But I
> won't test all
> platforms and applications, so I count on you to do that
> when my patch
> has reached the repository. If it turns out that it breaks
> responsiveness or anything else, we can either improve the
> patch, or in
> worst case, throw it away.
> // David


One quick way you can test the realtime responsiveness is to play some notes 
with vkeybd while having kmid (or other apps) playing a midi sequence.  
Clicking on a piano key in vkeybd (or press a valid key on the PC keyboard 
while vkeybd has proper keyboard focus) should render the sound almost 
instantly.  If there is perceivable delay before a sound is heard then the 
latency may be a problem for live playing.

You can try with the current behavior and the new code to have an idea.

I suggest that, because I don't normally build FS from source that often.

I think I understand some of the problem with FS is because the way it set and 
get nested structure variables directly without checking for null (which could 
be (un)set by any thread).

IMHO, the real way to fix that is to change the codes to use getter/setter 
functions and check for nulls there.  But such changes will be a major code 
overhaul (everywhere in FS) and may potentially affect some api's too.  Of 
course, that will slow down FS somewhat, too.



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Thread safety

2009-05-18 Thread jimmy

Some more questions for David,

I don't know of the FS internal threading code or David's propose changes.  But 
let me ask if the change may affect apps that use 32, 48, 64, or more channels? 
 There are some apps that use such features in FS.

Along with that, what about cases of running multiple apps and multiple 
hardware sequence players (drum machine, background sequences, and midi 
keyboards... at the same time) that connect through jackd to FS playing in live 
(in real time, low-latency)?



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] The 1.1.0 milestone

2009-04-19 Thread jimmy

> Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 12:25:30 +0200
> From: Bernat Arlandis i Ma??  

> Thanks Jimmy for caring about the fate of my efforts. You
> might not know 
> that everything I've done is in the public trac repository
> (,
> the changes 
> I was in the middle of won't get committed since they would
> break it, 
> and the other things that were already thought out aren't
> written 
> anywhere, so it's just what's there. There's one
> refactoring change 
> done, and some little fixes, one patch is already merged in
> the stable 
> version. So that's everything and it's not that much as you
> can see, I 
> was just starting.
> It seems like something has sparked Josh's interest and
> he's the 
> maintainer, so I guess that's the new path to take and we
> must 
> reposition ourselves to the new plan. My interest on FS was
> going for 
> the big things and I don't feel like developing them with
> the current 
> codebase (I explained what would make my work
> easier),  so here is where 
> my FS development interest ends. I'm a bit upset at Josh
> for not knowing 
> how the new plan affected the previous one, specially
> because it's been 
> just a few months since we talked about it.
> I don't feel bad for the time spent doing this, I've get to
> know the 
> project and the people behind it better, and I've dropped
> some ideas 
> that could be useful, it's not wasted time. I might find
> time to help in 
> the list and do some small patches for fixing bugs that I
> find, that's 
> all I want to do for now.
> Best regards.
> -- 
> Bernat Arlandis i Mañó

Bernat, thanks for pointing out the 2.x code branch is already there.

I took a diff of that and fluidsynth  SVN 20090317 (last time I got it, close 

There are some changes but not alot of changes so far between 1.0.9 and 2.x.  
Anyone who had made any code diff's for 1.0.9 branch should have little problem 
merging their changes with the current 2.x code branch.

The real question should be this: is the 2.x code as it exist now is reasonable 
to adopt and move forward with.

The majority of the code is still identical.  If 1.1.0 is to go ahead and add 
changes with gobject, and libinstpatch, those changes will introduce much more 
changes to the underlying structures than the differences between 1.x and 2.x 
code base right now.

So anyone who has an hour to spare, you can do a check out of 1.x SVN and get 
the 2.x zip file from the trac page that Bernat pointed out, do a quick diff, 
take a look and add your comments if you will.

Those with code diffs for new features, take a look and see for yourself how 
much or little work it would take to merge.

Again the real question is whether the current 2.x code is something that has 
severe adverse affects on anyone.

Of course, moving forward is going to be much different and will affect 
existing code for everyone, especially with the adoption of gobject, and 


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: The 1.1.0 milestone

2009-04-19 Thread jimmy

Let me clarify what I think.

So Josh has agreed that all the "new features of 1.1.0" will be implemented.  
Which means those new features will have to be ported to 2.0 (API compatible or 

But let's not create more work this way and then make the folks who adopted 
these new features (I mean additional users of 1.1.0 new features beyond 
currently counted) migrate to 2.0 shortly there after (if they want to).  If 
they don't want to migrate, we have to support and fix any bugs and that's more 
work than neccessary.

Why not go ahead and work on 2.0 (however it goes)?  Since there won't be 1.1.0 
or any major changes in 1.0.9 code base, those who uses 1.0.9 with the "new 
features" (only a few at the moment) won't have to worry about major code base 
changes, and prevent new folks from adopting these new features and become 
legacy issues.

Not only that, document the design of these new features for 1.1.0, then having 
to possibly re-explain, or changed totally in the new code base of 2.0 because 
of new API would cause lots of headache for everyone involved.

Best regards,



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Re: The 1.1.0 milestone

2009-04-18 Thread jimmy

> Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 20:01:04 +0200
> From: David Henningsson 
> I think a wrapper (as jimmy suggested) is an almost
> must-have. I don't
> know how much incompatibilities there will be, but we have
> 10-30
> projects depending on us, so if we don't, my guess is at
> least half of
> them will stay with 1.x.

Although I name it as a possible thing to do, I do question the true cost of 
efforts being worthwhile thing to do.  Folks who want to use old features 
should just stick to 1.0.x code base.  I think for the price of progress, a 
migration is for the better.

Just think about how I was shackled to Windows because I continue to use and 
accepts MS Office file format.  Once I decided (several years back) that I will 
only create new files using Koffice, or OpenOffice file format, and convert any 
older files I need right away to the new format.  Also, any old files I don't 
need to access right away won't be converted until absolutely needed, this way 
I don't have to waste time converting files I may never need.  Suddenly, I am 
free as a bird.

> > I decided to go by myself since there wasn't any
> active contributors
> > interested and it was a bit hard for me to explain in
> detail what I was
> > going to do in advance. I think is still hard to work
> together in the
> > direction I've taken without talking a lot, but
> there's many things that
> > can be done still in the stable branch in parallel.
> So, how do you (and the others on this list) think we
> should proceed now
> that there are active contributors interested?
> Let's sum up some possible ways:
> 1) The 2.0 is merged with current 1.0.9 asap and then we
> all make an
> 1.1.0 (i e with no API changes that are not backwards
> compatible).
> Requires somebody to write wrappers for the parts already
> API broken.
> 2) We never make a 1.1.0 and we all start working with 2.0
> instead.
> Requires lots of talking and work. And preferrably a
> release date/plan?
> 3) We continue to work in parallell with 1.1.0 and 2.0,
> with new
> features in 1.1.0, means double-work and hard merging.
> 4) We continue to work in parallell with 1.1.0 and 2.0,
> with almost no
> new features in 1.1.0, means 1.1.0 will be restrained "hey,
> you can't
> touch this".
> >> > Being one of the people "jumping in", I don't
> know much about Miguel's
> >> > fork/branch or the 2.0 branch. That's why I
> asked for some pointers, so
> >> > I don't have to read an entire year of
> messages. What I'm looking for
> >> > the answer to is why all of you decided to
> branch instead of doing code
> >> > cleanup one piece at a time, into the stable
> branch. I'm sure you had
> >> > good reasons for doing so, I just don't see
> them.
> > The main problem was breaking API compatibility and
> other
> > quality/stability issues that might be important for a
> stable branch.

Of course I don't speak for anyone but myself.  I'm just thinking aloud here.

It seems no one has really seen Bernat's new refactored code yet.  So it is not 
really clear if it makes good sense to make pre-judgement on how good or bad 
the new code base and new API may be.  I assume Bernat is more than willing to 
donate the code back to this community to bring uo the issue here.  It would be 
nice if we take at least a quick look at the code and see how it goes from 
there.  But so far, there's no interest in hosting the the refactored code 
package.  It may offend some folks, or may cause a riff if the code is posted 
elsewhere, so Bernat may be reluctant to do so, besides the added 
responsibilities of maintaining such code.

I guess Josh may be busy with so many projects and other things to do, he may 
not want to take this code and it falls on his plate as additional 
responsibility since it is hosted by this project.  Plus, this new code base is 
somewhat new and has different slant to how things are stuctured and fit 

I could only suggest that Josh should go ahead and create a temporary branch, 
call it something unoffictial and obscure, like 0.0.8765 and anyone here who is 
interested could take a look.  This way each of us can decide if the new 
refactored code looks OK or not and decide what may be better.

I see the push for 1.1.0 in similar light of not wanting to apply and migrate 
such code diff's for every new release of FS.  At the same time, such new code 
diff's are so new that there is only one or two people using it.  So it is not 
too critical, so let us not rush to adopt such new features and having to 
maintain it along with any possible bugs or issues as p

[fluid-dev] Re: The 1.1.0 milestone (jimmy)

2009-04-15 Thread jimmy

> Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 05:15:31 -0700 (PDT)
> From: jimmy 

> And I don't think gleamsynth is not API compatible at all
> with fluidsynth, mostly because of data structures.

Uh, typo on my part.  What I mean to say is GleamSynth is not API compatible 
with FluidSynth, from what I saw -- Gleam 0.0.2.



fluid-dev mailing list

re: [fluid-dev] 1.1.0 Schedule, Trac permissions, etc

2009-04-15 Thread jimmy

> Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 17:56:29 -0700
> From: Josh Green 
> To help make things a bit more organized I will set forth a
> plan for the
> 1.1.0 development cycle.  This is not set in stone and
> is open for
> input.
> Development cycle will be 3 months, which means FluidSynth
> 1.1.0 will be
> released around July 12th.  Feature freeze will occur
> 2 weeks before.
> June 28th: Feature freeze
> July 12th: FluidSynth 1.1.0 release

Unless these are current diff's that can already be applied, I think new 
efforts in  reworking existing code with gobject, libinstpatch... will probably 
cause API issues, too.  So why not have everyone take a quick look at Bernat's 
propose code first, which is currently fully functional, then decide.

Why not create a branch 0.2009.x, or whatever code branch, for Bernat code for 
people to take a quick look and see how reasonable it may be to work with it?  
Sure, we don't have to claims it being official future FS code.  Otherwise, 
that Bernat's code will be obsolete quickly with 1.1.0 changes.  Short of that 
being "made available" here, it might turn into a real forked project because 
his code can't seem to see the light of day in the code repository.

I could feel Bernat's worries.  I only had a simple hack and didn't want to 
re-patch FS everytime a new version comes out.  His changes are major 
restructuring, or morphing of sort...  Ouch!!!



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Re: The 1.1.0 milestone

2009-04-15 Thread jimmy

> From: Bernat Arlandis i Ma??  
> Right now it's fully functional and equivalent to 1.0.9, I
> didn't want 
> to loose any functionality and it hasn't, but it has broken
> API 
> compatibility.

Great.  Now we should try to determine if the 2.0 API are sensible and 
expandable for future changes.

As for backward compatible API, we can try to determine if it is at all 
possible, to make libfluidsynth-1.x.x wrapper (separate lib) around the 2.0 API 
without having to make 2.0 itself backward compatible.

> I decided to go by myself since there wasn't any active
> contributors 
> interested and it was a bit hard for me to explain in
> detail what I was 
> going to do in advance. I think is still hard to work
> together in the 
> direction I've taken without talking a lot, but there's
> many things that 
> can be done still in the stable branch in parallel.

Fully understandable.

Of course folks who have made changes to 1.0.x who don't want to see their 
changes lost can contribute their diff's and we can gather them up for 1.1.0.  
Everyone understand that 1.x.x is aging and could use different libraries 
(libInstPatch...)  But to spend too much time on the new timer code on 1.x.x 
just for faster than realtime rendering (for some folks, not even other 
projects) is much less productive, IMHO.  Especially these changes are iffy as 
to how flexible the new code may fit into 1.x.x.  I'd rather see such efforts 
spent on how to work the new timer into the 2.x code base.

> Having a new branch with a similar aim to 2.0 is
> meaningless and not 
> that useful because when the two branches differ more and
> more it'll be 
> harder to merge some changes from one to the other. There's
> also some 
> areas where the solution taken for 1.1.0 might not work for
> 2.0, so 
> unless it's something critical we could rather fix issues
> in other areas.

Same thinking here.

> On Tue, 2009-04-14 at 18:06 +0200, David Henningsson
> wrote:
> > > Being one of the people "jumping in", I don't
> know much about Miguel's
> > > fork/branch or the 2.0 branch. That's why I asked
> for some pointers, so
> > > I don't have to read an entire year of messages.

Miguel's CPP implementation ( seems to only basic support 
Alsa and Jack driver on Linux when I tried it a couple of months back.  Not 
sure about other platforms since I don't use those.  The major problem for me 
was audio performance, it does seem to have some lags or skipping when I tried 
live-playing.  Although I haven't spent much time with it since.

And I don't think gleamsynth is not API compatible at all with fluidsynth, 
mostly because of data structures.

> I don't mean to be an obstacle for new development, so if
> this sound too 
> restrictive for the new programming forces we should decide
> whether we 
> hold to the old 2.0 plan or refrain from it and start
> another one. You 
> should understand that doing long-term work on a project
> that might 
> shift direction anytime isn't pleasant.
> -- 
> Bernat Arlandis i Mañó

I can see your pain :-(


fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: The 1.1.0 milestone

2009-04-14 Thread jimmy

It seems we are all looking forward to 2.0, while 1.0 is agreed as legacy code 

I don't know how far along the code refactoring (FS 2.0) is.  Can we get a 
status update, or current functions available.  What's missing compare to 1.0.9?

It may be better if we put more efforts to work toward the new 2.0 code and get 
it to a somewhat fully functional equivalence of 1.0.9.  It would be a waste of 
time to make changes to 1.0 code, only to have to redesign everything because 
2.0 won't be compatible at all.

Sure, the 2.0 code could be using libInstPatch and any other libraries, or 
features that makes sense.  Let's get a way so folks can checkout the 2.0-dev 
code first, new patches can be posted here before checked in to the code 
repository by a couple of main contributors for now.  This way, folks can try, 
or test out the new patches without checking out half-broken daily updates.

Anyone who can't live with 1.0.9, and must have the current extra patches, feel 
free to patch your own code.  Since 1.0.9+ won't be too active.

Just my thoughts.  If it makes sense, just put in your personal informal vote 
so by next week we could have enough vote of confidence on where to put most of 
our efforts next.

My vote is let's go for 2.0.



fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Re: Timing revisited

2009-04-14 Thread jimmy

> Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 9:00 AM
> . . . 
> Okay, I stand corrected. Judging from the design of the
> audio drivers
> and the player/sequencer, it seems like those parts were
> designed for
> live usage only (up to now).

Whatever changes made, please do keep in mind, and test the live usage 
scenario.  The test can be simple as playing a midi file, and have vkeybd 
(conneted to same fluidsynth) plays live at the sametime.  Any serious lags 
from the time of vkeybd note is played and the sound is heard would be bad for 
live playing.  vkeybd is very small and fairly simple to try.  I am learning to 
play along, so live playing is prefered, and much needed.

As for faster than real time rendering, it is nice to have, but please don't 
break live playing feature.  If you have only a few files, what's the hurry?  
If you have a few hundred (or thousand) files to convert, what about overnight, 
or weekend batch convert?  

Don't know if the following may affect Fluidsynth in any way now, or later.  
Some note on new system/kernel timer module, I saw in kernel 2.6.29, there a 
new module:  snd-hrtimer .  I did a web search, and read a few blurbs.  I 
haven't load the latest Alsa, or latest jackd/qjackctl yet.  But the following 
already works with my (not up to date) Debian Sid:

   kernel 2.6.29 SMP PREEMPT (high-res timer)
   alsa-base 1.0.16-1.1
   jackd 0.116.1-2

jackd can make use of the snd-hrtimer after:

   sudo modprobe  snd-hrtimer

   jackd  -c h  -Xseq  (and other args)

I think audio group may need to own  /dev/hpet .  One can get some info from 

   cho " ---  /proc/asound/timers  ---"
   cat /proc/asound/timers
   echo " ---  /proc/asound/seq/timer  ---"
   cat  /proc/asound/seq/timer

before and after starting jackd and note any differences.



fluid-dev mailing list

[Fwd: [fluid-dev] Midi standards (was: Fix for problem with CC changes to Bank MSB)]

2009-04-05 Thread jimmy

> Date: Sun, 05 Apr 2009 11:14:57 +0200
> From: David Henningsson 
> I've tried to dig a bit deeper here. It is hard to find
> free standards
> on the net (has anybody bought a copy from, but
> I found the
> XG standard here:

David, thanks for this link.  I will appreciate any other XG info out there, 

> The first question is: What do we really support? GM? GM2?
> GS? XG? For
> XG, the drum kit bank is 127, not 1.

Here what I think, from the patched code, it uses:

   (unsigned int)((bank_msb << 7)

which is " 0001" shifted left 7-bits makes it:

    1000 (binary)

which is 128 if counting from 1 (or 127 counting from 0).  So that is the drum 
channel.  I think the original midi spec uses 8-bit machines, so bit #8 
(highest bit of that time) was reserved for drum.

With 16-bit (32-bit, 64-bit) hardware, using only 8-bits is such a waste.  So 
GM and GS were born using 16-bit hardware, extending their own MIDI usage using 
the higher bits while trying to keep the first 8-bits backward compatible.  I 
think that's how we call these the Most Significant Bits (higher bits) and 
Least Significant Bits (lower bits) in the same 16-bit integer.



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection

2009-03-21 Thread jimmy

> Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 18:51:06 -0700
> From: Josh Green 
> Hello Jimmy,
> Sorry for the delay.  I looked over your proposed
> changes.  It doesn't
> seem like that is really the proper place for them though
> (would affect
> the default SoundFont loader only).
> I went ahead and implemented this logic in
> fluid_synth_program_change.
> This seems to satisfy basic preset fallback
> selection.  So I've closed
> Ticket #23.  Please let me know if this functionality
> works as expected.
> Best regards,
>     Josh Green

It seems to work now.  Thanks.


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: XG programChange -- Was: Re: [fluid-dev]

2009-02-18 Thread jimmy
> Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 16:16:01 +0100
> From: Peter Gebauer 
> Heya Jimmy!
> ...  Ideally,
> I'd like to retain XG 
> mode on my piano, but let fluidsynth interpret them as
> simple GM program 
> change messages.
> I've seen a few patches for GS (Roland), but none for
> XG and I've yet to
> come across a complete spec. Seems like most hackers just
> reverse enginere
> it. 

Before XG disappeared from Yamaha website, I think they did make some XG docs 
available at least for a short while.  That's what I could piece together from 
the waybackmachine.  There are quite a few free tools (win32, or java) from site that deal with Yamaha style files for all kind of Yamaha 
keyboards, don't know how he does it, might be the reverse engineering trick.

> I do realize that there might be patent complications or
> similar, which
> is why I was looking to write code that doesn't really
> handle XG, but simply
> extracts whatever it needs to change the program number
> based on XG 
> messages, not really implementing XG as such.
> As it is, writing "prog # #" is easy enough,
> I'm not sure I want to spend
> hours reverse engineering XG to get the program change
> support. :/
> Anyway, thanks for your answer!

I think a bank select prior to prog change is expected with XG, not quite sure, 
but should not hurt.

You might want to try Alsa's arecordmidi to record just the midi portion you 
want and see if you can work from that.  There is a couple of midi2text, 
text2midi converter out there.  A perl one still be at



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: XG programChange -- Was: Re: [fluid-dev]

2009-02-17 Thread jimmy
> Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 19:32:41 +0100
> From: Peter Gebauer 
> Hi again, Jimmy!
> It's hard to search for these things, 99% of the hits
> are online stores
> selling Yamaha products. In any case, the midi events
> logged contain just
> one program change event, the rest are control changes and
> system 
> exclusives.
> I really don't know why they aren't simply sending
> one program change,
> I cannot make any sense of what it sends now. Maybe I can
> force it into
> GM only mode.
> /Peter


You mean searching for the Yamaha manuals?  If I forget where to start, I 
normally goto, look around for musical instrument, keyboard area, 
then browse around for manual library.

Anyway here are the links to the yamaha manual library, pdf format:

text format:

The P-85 does seem to have a data list, but only show up on the PDF search, no 
text format:



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: XG programChange -- Was: Re: [fluid-dev]

2009-02-16 Thread jimmy
> Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 16:30:05 +0100
> From: Peter Gebauer
> Hi Jimmy,
> migth this be what happens with my Yamaha P-85 when I
> change istrument?
> Logged midi events when changing:
>   2754,M Audio Delta 1010LT:0,System exclusive,,10,f0 43 73
> 7f 4b 11 00 45 
>   00 f7
>   2752,M Audio Delta 1010LT:0,Control change,1,94,0
>   2752,M Audio Delta 1010LT:0,System exclusive,,9,f0 43 10
> 4c 08 00 11 7f f7
>   2751,M Audio Delta 1010LT:0,System exclusive,,10,f0 43 10
> 4c 02 01 40 00 
>   00 f7
>   2749,M Audio Delta 1010LT:0,Control change,1,91,25
>   2749,M Audio Delta 1010LT:0,System exclusive,,10,f0 43 10
> 4c 02 01 00 01 
>   11 f7
>   2747,M Audio Delta 1010LT:0,System exclusive,,10,f0 43 73
> 7f 4b 11 00 45 
>   7f f7
>   2745,M Audio Delta 1010LT:0,Program change,1,0,
>   2745,M Audio Delta 1010LT:0,Control change,1,32,112
>   2745,M Audio Delta 1010LT:0,Control change,1,0,0
> /Peter


I don't know for sure how the Yamaha P-85 handles it.

Though, you could try to do a program change to a distinctively valid 
instrument (piano, string, nylon guitar), then try to set it to use the same, 
or one of the other instrument (program number) on a different and invalid bank 
(i.e. bank #111, ...) and see how it handles that program change.

I also think that there are some sound banks that have only a few instruments 
(not all 128 instruments).  So midi, or style files from one sound module (or 
keyboard) will generally sound different from a different sound module, because 
non-existing selection reverts to using the basic GM (bank 0) 128 instrument 

If you look here:

you can see someone had taken some notes on some XG instruments mapping there.  
Note the bank and prog combination.

I believe some Yamaha keyboard manuals do list their instrument map, especially 
the more costly models.  Not 100% sure, but if interested, you can search the 
Yamaha keyboard manual library for Tyros, Tyros2, Tyros3, psr-s900, psr-s700, 
psr-s500, psr-9000, psr-3000, psr-1500, psr-1000, or your own P-85.  I believe 
Yamaha also has text version of some of their keyboard manuals, too, which 
would help if you want to take personal notes by extract some of those mapping 



fluid-dev mailing list

XG programChange -- Was: Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection

2009-02-15 Thread jimmy
Hi Josh,

About XG (and GS) program changes, and how missing instruments might be 
handled,  Here are some comments and observations I found around the web.  I 
think missing drum-kits should be handled similarly.


Both specs also operate a scheme of tone 'fallback', whereby if a 
variation tone is not present at a given bank program number, then the 
synth will fall back to using the corresponding GM tone. (the GS spec 
does this in a cascading fashion, i.e. falling back to the next lowest 
variation tone of the same program numberthis can be confusing).

The advantage of the fallback scheme is that if a song uses variation 
tones and is played on a synth of lesser specification (or purely GM 
specification) then the voicing will still be acceptable (although not ideal).


Although the XG format defines an extensive range of parameters and allows 
exceptionally fine musical control, not all XG devices need to conform to the 
full XG specification. The XG format allows features and capabilities to be 
"scaled" according to price and target applications. When music data is played 
on a scaled-down XG device, playback is adapted to the capabilities of the 
device used. If, for example, a specified voice is not available for a certain 
part, that part will be played using a similar basic voice. On the other end of 
the scale, models equipped with a graphic equalizer can be automatically set to 
play hard rock pieces or classic compositions with appropriate overall EQ.


The voices in the extra banks align with those in the standard GM bank, thus 
providing variants on the standard voices. This means that a MIDI file composed 
for use with a GS or XG device will sound okay when played using a standard GM 
device (because a GM device will ignore any Bank Select messages and just 
respond to the Program Change messages).



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection

2009-02-07 Thread jimmy

Hi Josh,

One more try.  This also takes care of drum bank 128 fallback. Here is 

   fluid_defsfont.c : fluid_defsfont_get_preset()


fluid_defpreset_t* fluid_defsfont_get_preset(fluid_defsfont_t* sfont, unsigned 
int bank, unsigned int num)
  fluid_defpreset_t* preset = sfont->preset;
  fluid_defpreset_t* fallback_preset = NULL;
  while (preset != NULL) {

if (num == preset->num) {
  if ((preset->bank == bank)) {
return preset;
  if ((128 != bank) && (0 == preset->bank)) {
fallback_preset = preset;

if ((128 == bank) && (0 == preset->num)) {
fallback_preset = preset;
preset = preset->next;

  if (( fallback_preset != NULL )) {
FLUID_LOG(FLUID_WARN, " --- fluid_defsfont_get_preset: no instrument found 
for [bank, prog: %d, %d], substituted with: [bank, prog: %d, %d]", bank, num, 
fallback_preset->bank, fallback_preset->num ); 

return fallback_preset;

  return NULL;


Please don't forget

   fluid_ramsfont.c : fluid_ramsfont_get_preset()

Best regards,



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection

2009-02-06 Thread jimmy
> Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 20:20:45 -0800
> From: Josh Green 
> On Fri, 2009-01-30 at 10:14 -0600, S. Christian Collins
> wrote:
> > I'm used to the following behavior when using MIDI
> on a Creative card:
> > when I select an instrument not present, such as bank
> 8 program 20,
> > the MIDI track will sound using bank 0 program 20
> instead.  This seems
> > like a simple and logical way to deal with missing
> patches, and is
> > what I've come to expect when working with MIDI.
> > 
> > -~Chris
> Easy enough.  I'll add something to this effect.
>   Josh

Hi Josh,

I haven't tried to see how I could get to invoke , or try

   fluid_ramsfont.c : fluid_ramsfont_get_preset()

Anyway, here's what I tried for 

   fluid_defsfont.c : fluid_defsfont_get_preset()


fluid_defpreset_t* fluid_defsfont_get_preset(fluid_defsfont_t* sfont, unsigned 
int bank, unsigned int num)
  fluid_defpreset_t* preset = sfont->preset;
  fluid_defpreset_t* fallback_preset = NULL;
  while (preset != NULL) {

if ((preset->num == num)) {
  if ((preset->bank == bank)) {
return preset;
  if ((preset->bank == 0)) {
fallback_preset = preset;
preset = preset->next;

  if (( fallback_preset != NULL )) {
return fallback_preset;

  return NULL;


That would use a fallback_preset, still return NULL if no prog_number is found. 
 Of course it is just my hack at the code.  It may or may not be the 
appropriate place, but is the most efficient from the little that I could 
understand.  If it looks OK, you may want to put in the changes as appropriate, 
and similar change for 

   fluid_ramsfont.c : fluid_ramsfont_get_preset()

Best regards,



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] Fluidsynth internal structures

2009-02-01 Thread jimmy
> That's me, and for the record I'm still working on
> it.  Work just goes
> more slowly than I would like because most of my energy
> goes into my
> real job :-).  But anyway most of the functionality I
> initially set
> out to achieve is there.
> -- 
> Miguel
> Check out Gleam, an LGPL sound synthesizer library, at

Hi Miguel,

I know you have a Debian package prebuilt.  I did try to take a look at buiding 
gleamsynth from source, but the build tools were not available as packages on 
Debian (I use mostly Debian Sid/Unstable).  Plus some of those have versions 
that only work with some older tools like (GCC 3.3) or so.

That was more hassles than I had the time to deal with.

Best regards,



fluid-dev mailing list

[fluid-dev] Fluidsynth internal structures

2009-02-01 Thread jimmy
Hi folks,

I know Miguel(???) was working on a reimplementation of FS using CPP.  Plus, 
some folks here are looking to modularize FS.  You may want to use some kind of 
dictionary, or table look up for some of the structures (objects) used in FS.  
Hopefully for a more efficient and a little faster real-time look up.

For what it's worth, I have been tracing through some of the FS code and find 
that the structure:


can be a virtual pointer to a font structure of type:


which contains a pointer to a "preset" structure:


There is a preset for each prog_num in each soundbank(s) of a soundfont.  As 
used in

   fluid_defsfont.c : fluid_defsfont_get_preset()

The fluid_preset_t is a link-list structure pointing to the next fluid_preset_t 
structure.  Basically, that function walks through consecutive presets:

   preset for bank 0 prog 0
   preset for bank 0 prog 1
   preset for bank 0 prog 2
   . . .
   preset for bank 0 prog 128

follow by presets for any additional instrument bank(s), and drum bank 128.  
This lookup is used for every prog_change.

That's a simple and straigh forward way to implement the system using linear 
link-list, but can be very inefficient for look up time.

Best regards,



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection

2009-01-30 Thread jimmy

> I'm used to the following behavior when using MIDI on a
> Creative card: 
> when I select an instrument not present, such as bank 8
> program 20, the 
> MIDI track will sound using bank 0 program 20 instead. 
> This seems like 
> a simple and logical way to deal with missing patches, and
> is what I've 
> come to expect when working with MIDI.
> -~Chris


Do you know of a way to query loaded instrument or combination of which 
soundfont+bank+patch number for the midi channels for Creative cards on Linux?

>From time to time I want to try overriding some instruments so I load up 
>multiple soundfonts with FS (which qsynth shows), or on the Creative SB 5.1 
>Live (which I don't know how to query).




fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection

2009-01-29 Thread jimmy

Hi Josh,

Thinking some more about hardware and software designs, I believe the safest 
thing to do when encounter an invalid request is to ignore it, not blindly 
follow the request/instruction that will cause the system to misbehave.  I 
think FS misbehaves in this case, although it is just my opinion.  You and 
others may think differently, and I respect that.

For example, hardware keyboard or sound modules that has only one sound bank 
(#0) will ignore requests to use soundbank 15.  The keypad selection of 
prog_number may let me type 834, but if there is no such prog_number, it won't 
allow that selection.

User login would not be allowed if an invalid password is entered.  For 
database, a request for adding a tabble, or even just a row would not be 
allowed if that database user doesn't have sufficient permission.

My take for midi rendering is that I would rather keep whatever instrument 
already loaded in each channel than dropping the instrument from that channel.

For a more lively example, let's say a band of 4 players trying to play a 
classical symphony record on vinyl that was written for 50 players using 20 
instruments but only 4-10 instruments at any given time, the band may not have 
all the instruments available, but they can play their specialized instruments 
well enough to replace the viola with bass guitar, the flute with violin, drum 
and bass with keyboard ballroom (modern) rhythm instead of the original 
symphony with varying pace and tempo at times...  Rather than saying, I don't 
have a viola or a flute, just butcher that section and wait for the the part 
with my instrument, which is what FS does right now.

Best regards,



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection

2009-01-29 Thread jimmy
> Hi Jimmy,
> Just keeping the already selected instrument when an
> invalid selection
> is received seems strange to me.  Do you think that would
> create the
> desired effect in most MIDI files?  It is a case of the
> MIDI file
> expecting an instrument to be present, which is not, right?
>  I'm not
> convinced that just keeping the previous instrument
> selection is any
> better than trying to be a little smarter about it,
> depending on the
> mode (GM, GS, XG, etc).  If a SoundFont was loaded, which
> supported all
> the instruments of the playing MIDI file, then there would
> be no issue.
> Best regards,
>   Josh

Hi Josh,

Sure, you decide what's best to implement, when you have a chance that is.  I 
only wish that assume that when I load up several soundfonts, with at least one 
complete GM soundfont, in any order, that FS won't skip out on any XG sound 
selection -- like prog_change channel 5 bank 15231 prog_numb 43.

Since GM only assure bank 0 is available and complete.  Softsynths, and 
soundcards also allow multiple soundfonts to be loaded to override some 
instruments using bank_number and prog_numbers base on some soundfont loading 
order.  Some of those soundfonts may not have complete set of GM instruments.

>From what I know of XG, and XG keyboards, those may have sound banks and drum 
>kits that you and I don't have.  Basically, they are hardware sound modules.

Soundcards with midi, and/or XG supports are PC emulation of those hardware 
sound modules.  FS is just software emulation of such.  And I haven't seen a 
hardware sound module skips any midi sound channels the way FS does.  I have 
played XG sequences onto a Casio keyboard, non-XG of course, and they do sound 
something, not exactly as it may sound on a Yamaha XG keyboard, but it won't 
skip out on any sound at all, probably just use corresponding prog_number of 
the complete GM soundbank it has.  Similar result with a PCI SB 5.1 Live! 
soundcard if I have a GM soundfont loaded -- I haven't tried with just a non-GM 
single-instrument soundfont.

I am fairly certain that most XG sound modules (including electronic keyboards) 
have soundbank 0 that has a complete GM set of instruments.  All other 
soundbanks (non-0) may be virtual pointer to instruments in soundband 0 with 
some or all instruments tweaked with different effects -- similar to 
synthesizer keyboards that allow custom sound editing.  I guess that's the 
case, because many older XG keyboard specs I have seen showed only a few 
megabytes of sound samples.  Even Tyros, Tyros 2, and Tyros 3 (top of the line 
arranger keyboards of its time) have only a few dozen megabytes of sound 

Many of those XG arranger keyboards were implemented on a few "sound engines".  
Even with the same "sound engine" (hardware soundchip, number of effect 
processors, sound samples), I believe those XG keyboards have different number 
of soundbanks and different soundbank numbering schemes (but same GM 
prog_numbering) over the years.

The only fairly certain thing I know about them is that people can record midi 
sequences from those keyboards, or copy style files for those keyboards.  When 
playing back those midi sequences, or styles on a different XG keyboard models 
they will sound differently, even badly, because of different sound engines and 
soundbank numbering schemes, but I don't think any of the sounds are skipped, 
or ignored.

Again, I can't recall where I read it, but I believe that the XG prog_number 
mirrors GM scheme in most cases.  If you insist, I can try to locate that info. 
 Just that XG uses many more sound banks, and the more expensive the hardware, 
the better sound sammples and sound engine they have.  I think XG, and XG-Lite 
are examples of pricing the market.

Best regards,



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection

2009-01-28 Thread jimmy
Hi Josh,

I do agree that the appropriate instrument should be used and your approach is 
fine if FS has one soundfont loaded and it is GM.

>From time to time I try to load several soundfonts to override some 
>instruments.  Each soundfont has its own bank 0.  FS allows several soundfonts 
>to be loaded, in any order, so bank 0 (of which loaded soundfonts???) of a 
>non-GM soundfont may not have 128 instruments and may not help in this case.

One example is a bit of a stretch.  Let's say I want to test a special 
soundfont that has only 2-3 instruments.  I can try to load all channels with 
piano.  Playing some midi to try out those non-piano instruments.  So when the 
midi selected other instruments that my soundfont doesn't have, it should keep 
the already loaded piano.  This way, I can hear and have a feel for the 
instrument I'm testing along with piano and still hear the full song or rhythm, 
or example.  Of course I could substitute the piano with silence-instrument for 
such test, too.

I suggest you implement your approach anyway, with that last option as a last 
resort.  Only because I think I can try loading soundfonts in any orders on a 
PCI SB 5.1 Live! and it doesn't have any muted-channel problem I currently have 
with FS.

Best regards,


--- On Wed, 1/28/09, Josh Green  wrote:

> From: Josh Green 
> Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection
> To:
> Cc:
> Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 10:18 AM
> Hi Jimmy,
> Just keeping the already selected instrument when an
> invalid selection
> is received seems strange to me.  Do you think that would
> create the
> desired effect in most MIDI files?  It is a case of the
> MIDI file
> expecting an instrument to be present, which is not, right?
>  I'm not
> convinced that just keeping the previous instrument
> selection is any
> better than trying to be a little smarter about it,
> depending on the
> mode (GM, GS, XG, etc).  If a SoundFont was loaded, which
> supported all
> the instruments of the playing MIDI file, then there would
> be no issue.
> Best regards,
>   Josh


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection

2009-01-28 Thread jimmy
Hi Josh,

Also, I dont know much about XG, only bit and pieces I can find on the web.  I 
would love to get to some of the XG docs that were available a while back.  I 
don't know any real info about GS, since I haven't done much searching for GS 

Since I play around with some Yamaha arranger keyboards for rythm/styles, I did 
try to see how to get XG stuff to work with GM soundfonts on Linux.  I found 
AnotherXG soundfont, but of course, it's not complete.  On Windows, I think 
VanBasco Midi Player seems to play everything.  Although I don't use Windows 
anymore if I can help it.



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection

2009-01-28 Thread jimmy
Hi Josh,

If bank 0 has a full GM soundfont, then what you said should work.

In an ideal situation, since FS allows loading multiple soundfonts in any 
order, I think a search for all soundfonts and all soundbanks of each soundfont 
for the first available prognum for this substitution scenario.  However, I do 
know this could potentially slows FS down, I think this mapping of 128 
"fall-back" instruments could be done once, after all soundfonts have been 
loaded, and cached for performance reasons.  Of course, if one of these 128 
fall-back instruments doesn't exist, then keep the currently loaded instrument 
on that channel.  My suggested "if-statement" only keeps the currently loaded 

Whatever you did last year did solve the drum portion already, for me at least. 
 Somehow that also did seem to take care of invalid program change for those 6 
or so midi test files of the time.

I only notice the problem with this one midi file because several of the 
instruments did not sound, and one instrument is panned off-center so it 
sounded odd, and I took a closer look.

Best regards,


--- On Tue, 1/27/09, Josh Green  wrote:

> From: Josh Green 
> Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection
> To:
> Cc:
> Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 5:30 PM
> Hello Jimmy,
> I remember discussing this issue way back when, but kind of
> left it for
> later, since I wasn't really sure what the best
> solution was.  I should
> probably read over the older thread, since I think I did
> have some good
> ideas of how to resolve it then (something about
> determining whether the
> MIDI file is expecting a GM, GS or XG MIDI device).
> In summary and to check my understanding..
> MIDI file selects an instrument in an alternative
> bank/program,
> expecting a variation on an instrument.  The loaded
> SoundFont doesn't
> have the particular bank/program combination.  Currently
> FluidSynth
> mutes the channel.  What you are proposing is to just have
> it continue
> using the previously selected instrument.
> Personally I think FluidSynth should listen for MIDI events
> indicating
> GM, GS or XG mode and also have the ability to override the
> mode
> manually.  When in GS or XG mode, it could fall back to
> bank 0 same
> program #, if an instrument is not found.  Does that sound
> adequate?
>   Josh


fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection

2009-01-27 Thread jimmy

Hi Josh,

Again, the test midi is:

May I suggest a change in

   src/fluid_synty.c:  fluid_synth_program_change()

changing the two lines near the end from:

   fluid_channel_set_sfontnum(channel, sfont_id);
   fluid_channel_set_preset(channel, preset);

put an extra check that "preset" is not NULL first, to become:

if ( preset ) {
   fluid_channel_set_sfontnum(channel, sfont_id);
   fluid_channel_set_preset(channel, preset);

It would take care of the case when the preset is NULL, which is the case when 
the loaded soundfonts doesn't have the prognum.

>From what I understand in XG sounds, the same prognum for different soundbanks 
>are the same type of instrument.  In the simplest case, it can simply be same 
>instrument with different effects.

The suggested change doesn't guarrantee the same type of instrument, just keep 
the already loaded instrument in that channel.  Currently it sets the channel 
to point to invalid, non-existing instrument.

Preferably, FS should try to find any soundbank with that prognum and use that 
instrument instead.  Maybe you can decide what best to do here.




fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] New development

2009-01-26 Thread jimmy

> Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 15:25:13 -0500
> From: Ebrahim Mayat 
> ...and while we are on the topic of new
> thing that has
> been on my mind for a while is the subject of effects
> plug-ins. For the
> last few releases, I have chosen not to add the option of
> LADSPA for the
> simple reason that this often causes spontaneous crashes
> particularly
> when running qsynth.
> Since lv2 is the new alternative to LADSPA
>  <>
> I think that it would be a good idea to consider including
> lv2 as a
> feature that could be coded into the new branch. 
> Such considerations would probably affect future planning.


I think the crashes might be because many places in FS, variables are accessed 
directly and chained structure.substructure.variable are set and accessed 
without verifying validity of such data structure, or variable values.

I think the original code cheated this way for speed-shake.  Which might be a 
valid trade-off at the time.  But it is mighty hard trying to track down 
spontaneous crashes.

So I think LV2 support might be good thing to look forward to if someone can 
add that, it doesn't guarrantee anything regarding spontaneous crashes.

I have seen one or two midi's that plays extra fast tempo that causes FS to 
crash, not sure if I have the time to track it down for the time being to even 
report it.



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] New development

2009-01-26 Thread jimmy
> Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 01:47:12 +0100
> From: Bernat Arlandis i Ma?? 
> Although it's mainly about whatever we can agree that
> is good for the 
> development of the project, I have some generic ideas that
> I think would 
> work. These are modularization, decoupling the API from the
> internals, 
> and also introducing the glib and other dependencies that
> would ease work.
> Specifically, on the modularization aspect I'd like to
> break FS down in 
> several libraries that could build separately if needed.
> This libraries 
> might be, guessing a bit: fluid-synth (the synthesis
> engine), 
> fluid-soundfont (sound font loader), fluid-midi (midi
> playing 
> capabilities incl. midi drivers), fluid-midir (midi
> routing), 
> fluid-audio (audio conversion utilities and output drivers,
> maybe LADSPA 
> too), fluid-ctrl (shell and server).
> Some of these components could grow and become independent
> projects, in 
> particular I think midi routing could become a general
> library being 
> able to read routing rules from a XML file and with a front
> end for 
> editing these files. Some other components might just
> disappear if 
> there's some external one that can do the same.
> Being able to break it down and build it like this would be
> a good 
> modularization test. It would also help 3rd party
> developers taking just 
> what they need and connect all the parts in more flexible
> ways than is 
> possible now.
> In some way, the code has already been developed with this
> goals in 
> mind, so we're not that far. It's really difficult
> to fully reach these 
> goals in one try, or even two, but we're already
> somewhat close.


I think those are good ideas.  Keep in mind I don't do any work for FS at all, 
except running into a few problem here and there.

While people want backward compatibility, I can see that FS code is not that 
easy to change.  So a new version with new API would be just as well. 

Allow me to also suggest that while you do code decoupling, internal variable 
changes should verify that it is valid before allowing the changes.  This is 
best funneling variable changes in a common function and call it from other 

I have seen many places in FS code that assigns variables blindly, i.e. midi 
program change, soundfont bank change that causes invalid instrument selection 
and FS messed up that midi channel, and that channel is silenced.



fluid-dev mailing list

Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection problem

2009-01-26 Thread jimmy

Hi Josh,

Oops, my bad on the source code path mentioned in the last email.  For this 
particlular song 

the problem includes invocation of fluid_synth_program_change() for unavailable 
or invalid "prognum" on channels 2, 3, 4 (counting from 0) and maybe a few 
other channels, too.

I now track it down to the function.

   src/fluid_synty.c:  fluid_synth_program_change()



} else {
  preset = fluid_synth_find_preset(synth, banknum, prognum);

sfont_id = preset? fluid_sfont_get_id(preset->sfont) : 0;
fluid_channel_set_sfontnum(channel, sfont_id);
fluid_channel_set_preset(channel, preset);

return FLUID_OK;

  FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Index out of range (chan=%d, prog=%d)", chan, prognum);
  return FLUID_FAILED;


And I believe when the "preset" variable above is NULL, the channel got set to 
a NULL-preset.


--- On Mon, 1/26/09, jimmy  wrote:

> From: jimmy 
> Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection problem
> To: "Josh Green" 
> Cc:
> Date: Monday, January 26, 2009, 7:05 AM
> Hi Josh,
> I am replying to an old message so you can hunt down the
> original messages with the same email subject line if it may
> help refresh your memory.  This time, similar problem,
> different midi song.
> Let me refresh your memory of the scenario.  The result was
> that even if an invalid bank_num, or prog_num was selected,
> fluidsynth keeps the existing instrument already in that
> channel.  Previously, fluidsynth assigned invalid bank_num,
> or prog_num to the channel anyway which causes the channel
> to point to non-existing instrument so the whole channel was
> muted.  From what I understand, hardware soundcards would
> keep existing instruments and won't allow invalid
> selection of bank_num, or prog_num to mute the channel, it
> just keep playing the already loaded instrument.
> I think the ticket number was:
> The midi files to test were:
> You did fix up fluidsynth using those midi files as test
> cases.
> Recently, I try listening to some at
> .  I try to play this midi
> file:
> For what it's worth, Debian timidity 2.13.2-20 plays it
> just fine, so does a SoundBlaster 5.1 Live! PCI card.
> However, I try with both Debian fluidsynth 1.0.8-1.1, and
> fluidsynth.svn.20090108.  What I seem to get is that the
> drum channel still plays drum just fine, but a few channels
> seem to load up invalid instrument, and causes the channel
> to turn mute.
> So far, I tracked it down to the following code in
> src/fluid_synth.c:
> >>>
> int fluid_synth_program_select( . . .)
>   . . .
>   preset = fluid_synth_get_preset(synth, sfont_id,
> bank_num, preset_num);
>   if (preset == NULL) {
>"There is no preset with bank number %d and
> preset number %d in SoundFont %d",
>bank_num, preset_num, sfont_id);
> return FLUID_FAILED;
>   }
> <<<
> I believe the "preset" variable should have been
> set to NULL because the bank_num is not available for the
> loaded soundfonts, but fluid_synth_get_preset() returns a
> non-NULL value.  So the "preset" would be used a
> few statements below that to select the invalid instrument.
> Can you take a look when you have a chance?  This is low
> priority, casual listening for me.  Let me know if you can
> reproduce the problem, or if I could be of any further help.
>  Thanks,
> Jimmy
> --- On Wed, 1/9/08, jimmy  wrote:
> > From: jimmy 
> > Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum
> selection problem
> > To: "Josh Green" 
> > Cc:
> > Date: Wednesday, January 9, 2008, 10:50 AM
> > --- Josh Green  wrote:
> > 
> > > Hello Jimmy,
> > > 
> > > On Mon, 2008-01-07 at 16:15 -0800, jimmy wrote:
> > > > For quick test, I use Kmid to play th

Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection problem

2009-01-26 Thread jimmy

Hi Josh,

I am replying to an old message so you can hunt down the original messages with 
the same email subject line if it may help refresh your memory.  This time, 
similar problem, different midi song.

Let me refresh your memory of the scenario.  The result was that even if an 
invalid bank_num, or prog_num was selected, fluidsynth keeps the existing 
instrument already in that channel.  Previously, fluidsynth assigned invalid 
bank_num, or prog_num to the channel anyway which causes the channel to point 
to non-existing instrument so the whole channel was muted.  From what I 
understand, hardware soundcards would keep existing instruments and won't allow 
invalid selection of bank_num, or prog_num to mute the channel, it just keep 
playing the already loaded instrument.

I think the ticket number was:

The midi files to test were:

You did fix up fluidsynth using those midi files as test cases.

Recently, I try listening to some at .  I try to 
play this midi file:

For what it's worth, Debian timidity 2.13.2-20 plays it just fine, so does a 
SoundBlaster 5.1 Live! PCI card.

However, I try with both Debian fluidsynth 1.0.8-1.1, and 
fluidsynth.svn.20090108.  What I seem to get is that the drum channel still 
plays drum just fine, but a few channels seem to load up invalid instrument, 
and causes the channel to turn mute.

So far, I tracked it down to the following code in src/fluid_synth.c:


int fluid_synth_program_select( . . .)

  . . .

  preset = fluid_synth_get_preset(synth, sfont_id, bank_num, preset_num);
  if (preset == NULL) {
 "There is no preset with bank number %d and preset number %d in 
SoundFont %d",
 bank_num, preset_num, sfont_id);


I believe the "preset" variable should have been set to NULL because the 
bank_num is not available for the loaded soundfonts, but 
fluid_synth_get_preset() returns a non-NULL value.  So the "preset" would be 
used a few statements below that to select the invalid instrument.

Can you take a look when you have a chance?  This is low priority, casual 
listening for me.  Let me know if you can reproduce the problem, or if I could 
be of any further help.  Thanks,


--- On Wed, 1/9/08, jimmy  wrote:

> From: jimmy 
> Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] invalid instrument/drum selection problem
> To: "Josh Green" 
> Cc:
> Date: Wednesday, January 9, 2008, 10:50 AM
> --- Josh Green  wrote:
> > Hello Jimmy,
> > 
> > On Mon, 2008-01-07 at 16:15 -0800, jimmy wrote:
> > > For quick test, I use Kmid to play the MIDI
> files,
> > > connect to Qsynth/FluidSynth wiht QJackctl.  I
> > drag
> > > the MIDI file to Kmid and it interrupts the
> > existing
> > > playing, starting to play the new file.  So
> > probably
> > > Fluidsynth doesn't know much (or just
> guessing)
> > about
> > > a new file being played.
> > > 
> > > But how about using FluidSynth as a sound module
> > for
> > > praticing or live playing?  If a
> > song/accompaniment
> > > ends, I may still want to have my preloaded
> > > instruments exactly the way they are, so I can
> > > continue on to the next song and not have to
> > reselect
> > > all the instruments again.
> > > 
> > 
> > If MIDI files were played directly with FluidSynth,
> > then it would have a
> > concept of when a new one started and could reset
> > accordingly.  In the
> > case where the MIDI sequencer of FluidSynth isn't
> > being used, then it
> > could still listen for SYSEX messages requesting GM,
> > GS or other modes.
> > Not all MIDI files have them, but I have seen quite
> > a few of them that
> > do.
> OK, right now I don't often play a midi file by
> fluidsynth directly.  I do use Kmid, PyKaraoke, or
> even some Timidity GUI as Jack client to FluidSynth. 
> Have a separate FluidSynth instance for praticing my
> keyboarding.  Recently found Stygmorgan as a software
> arranger (for accompaniment).  I don't know how well
> each of those apps filter out, or reset in between

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