Re: FLUXLIST: RayJohnsonTribute

2001-01-14 Thread John Blower

In a mail timed and dated 03:59 PM 1/13/01 -0800, the talented Patricia
took the time to write:

P.S.My perforator is out of town, so I won't be able to
mail the actual stamp sheets for 3-4 weeks.

How unfortunate! 

Where has s/he gone? On vacation, perhaps? Visiting and elderly relative in
hopes of a substantial bequest?

I think we should be told!


John Blower/FeNiKs Business Communications
795 Mammoth Rd, #23, Manchester, NH 03104
V: 603 668 5601 F: 707 220 7490
Trainer at Large/Ace Copywriter  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: FLUXLIST: inauguration theatre. next meeting

2001-01-14 Thread John Blower

In a mail timed and dated 12:39 AM 1/14/01 -0500, the talented
Ostrow/Kaneda took the time to write:
 Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 09:42:09 -0500
 From: Perry Bard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: inauguration theatre. next meeting
 hi all.
 our next meeting will be at 5:00 p.m. sunday january 7

I'll just jump in my time machine - hang on a sec!


John Blower/FeNiKs Business Communications
795 Mammoth Rd, #23, Manchester, NH 03104
V: 603 668 5601 F: 707 220 7490
Trainer at Large/Ace Copywriter  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

FLUXLIST: rfontenot

2001-01-14 Thread alan bowman

dear all

i recently recieved another box of wonderful goodies from robert fontenot in
return fo some stuff the FFFO managed to offload onto him.  i feel that
somehow i got the better end of the deal.

anyway, we here at the "freeformfreakout organisation" (try and make
fontenot blush division) would like to publicly express our pleasure at
recieving these things.

lets badger him into sharing more through the list
or let's try and get him signed to a major record label - could be
interesting to try, especially as he appears to be a photographer!


FLUXLIST: RayJohnsonTribute

2001-01-14 Thread Patricia

Princess Petal has been dropped

Princess Petal has removed a rather imbecilic rendering of
her countenance on a Ray Johnson stamp in order to
accommodate a magical Dragonfly Dream stamp, submitted late,
due to Mz. Wings' absence last week.

Ray Johnson - 10/16/27 - 1/13/95

Thanks everyone for your contributions.


FLUXLIST: bushorchimp

2001-01-14 Thread Patricia

(be patient - it takes a little while to load if you have a


FLUXLIST: Duck's Dinner: A Drink Of Water Without Anything To Eat

2001-01-14 Thread Rod Stasick

Once each century, this strange and obscure tradition has
been reenacted at All Souls College, Oxford. According to
legend, during construction of one of the college's
buildings in 1438, a mallard was flushed from its nesting

On the second January fourteenth of each century, a
specially chosen Lord Mallard and six assistants, armed
with liquor, latern, and staff, have set out to right an
ancient wrong by finding the elusive duck (which is
rumored to have grown enormously in nearly six hundred
years), singing a ballad whose refrain is: 

"O, by the blood of King Edward / 
It was a swapping, swapping mallard."

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FLUXLIST: yasunao tone

2001-01-14 Thread caleb . k

  i'm looking for any and all texts i can get my hands on about Tone.
if this line of discussion has been followed on this list before 
please e-mail off list.

  currently trying to write while listening to solo for wounded cd 
- which is doing my head in

any info greatly appreciated...


FLUXLIST: about xenophobia

2001-01-14 Thread narvis ...pez


let me add some concepts
to what i intend to do with
"e-mail my body  virtual tattoo" project

the xenofobia  racial violence is often not only
in america latina. it happen in all over the world
 btw man in general, but
it is exacerbated by technological change
inmerse in which we are:
the frontiers disolution in every order,
political, social  cultural, generated a big lose of identity
, how sociologists  antropologists known,
a big amount of violence is coming from these lose.

these violence often take forms of xenophobia, racism
y discrimination.

i'm not saying that
xenophobia is a consecuence only of technological change.

xenophobia is older than foreings
 like xenomania, in reverse,
which abound btw us too

current technological revolution
is concomitant to multiples  diverses social 
individuals movements, values  beliefs
in which we are inmerse

change is the only firm today
nobody (specially from art) can be indifferent to changes
changes touch  each of us
in direct or not direct ways
changes threathen us with an spiral of violence
which nobody knows where start or end

weare obligated to live in movement
(naked ascending or descending an starcase)
like artists we must to do pieces related
to technological revolution,
we must to use the tools of today
(to create not to destroy)
 to reflect the new existencial condition
of changings leading us toward his tolerance

being a "foreing" in these lands
suffering the recents xenophobics attacs in these lands
i decide to create a simbolic action art of tolerance
with new technologies  with foreing people
all of my contributors on the internet.

thus is why i decide to "cut" my body in bits  pieces
 send to you with tools like a scanner-computer  e-mail

(material, conceptual  metaforical)
what we have is an action art
basically a "virtual lacerament"
using a "virtual scarpelo"

a "virtual displacement" by e-mail
(toward computers  lists --new tools--
of voluntary contributors linked against xenophobia
that is: they dont care that i'm a perfect foreing stranger,
or my color skin, or which is the languish i talk,
 that are sited in citys  towns of three countries);

it is a "skin virtual intervention" on which several artists
will do his own mark, or style, whatever this can be
like a signal that i accept all over my body
(the only thing over which i could have any private propiety)

it tell you (the world) that i don't reject any of you,
foreing people

 it is a kind of "virtual re-construction"
we should intent to arm the body with tattooed pieces
in order to show the art process in all his sides
publishing a press dossier
 a web site to be open permanently  in constantly change
to which anyone could add new contributions

in a kind of permanently communion, dead  resurrection
(the onlytrue form of art with no end)
of a body that looking at individual level seems to be me
but that at social level is  a multiple expression
without care about who said what or how.
(it is possible that will happen replys
of the piece in other naked bodies  in new
 unexpected tools of the future)

so, we are talking about an expression of a human collective
(the starting point of a massive intercultural connection?)
i dont know, but actually i'm sure it is  will be the expression
of a colecctive, changeable  global "body"
that own to art in his more open concept
(today art is all that you can do)
 to the whole planet with all nations  cultures
where current violence is a quest of identity
 a creative way to carry on with the losts.


amigo felix
permiteme agregar unos conceptos
a lo que intento hacer con este proyecto:

la xenofobia y el odio racial es comun no solo en latinoamerica,
diria que en el mundo, y entre los hombres en general,
pero esta se exacerba por las circunstancias
del cambio tecnologico en las que nos encontramos:
la disolucion de las fronteras en todos los ordenes,
politicos, sociales y culturales, genera una gran perdida de identidad
y, como saben los sociologos y antropologos,
(imagino que algunos habra en esta lista)
esta perdida es a su vez generadora
de una gran violencia, la cual se expresa en muchas formas
y conductas, entre ellas las xenofobas, racistas y discriminatorias.

no echo la culpa de la xenofobia al cambio tecnologico
la xenofobia es tan vieja como los extranjeros
y como la xenomania, que es todo lo contrario,
y que tambien abunda entre nosotros

la situacion de revolucion tecnologica en la que nos encontramos
es concomitante a innumerables y diversos desplazamientos
sociales e individuales, de valores y creencias
en las que muchos nos encontramos.

hoy lo unico estable es el cambio
de ahi que nadie (mucho menos el arte)
puede permanecer indiferente ante ellas
pues le tocan a uno directa o indirectamente
y amenaza arrastranos en una espiral de violencia
que nadie sabe donde empieza ni donde termina

de modo que si nos toca vivir en movimiento
(desnudos bajando o subiendo una escalera)
como artistas se nos