FLUXLIST: # Above skyscrapers,

2001-09-23 Thread Douglas Penn

# Above skyscrapers,

Walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head
Arms held out in your Jesus Christ pose
here come the man with the look in his eye
This desperation Dislocation Separation Condemnation
Revelation In temptation Isolation Desolation
from history's unmarked grave of discarded lies
I made it over the great divide, now I’m coming for you
He roller coaster, He got early warning,
He got muddy water, He one mojo filter,
the slamming doors and folding chairs
give a little bit of his life for you
a tall handsome man In a dusty black coat
assail him, impale him, with monster-truck force
burst into flame  Like me,
like me,  My name
As it shifts and cracks
I am the paper  above the skyscraper.
Where secrets lie in the border fires,
in the humming wires
Through the dorsal spine and down and around
Those words hanging like vicious spittle
dribbling from that tongue
“first we'll take Manhatten,...
What a wicked thing to do...
a simple prop, to occupy your time
I don't want to spend the rest of my days
Keeping out of trouble like the soldiers say
Like twisted vines that grow, Hide and swallow
mansions whole
Like gravity, hypocrisy, and the perils of being in 3-D
exploding seems like a definite possibility to me
just close your eyes  and think of me...
The noose and the rapist, The fields overseer,
The agents of orange, The priests of Hiroshima,
The long farewell Of the hunger strike
go ahead and kick me, you got your problems
your flesh like silk, and your face like glass,
With your sheets like metal and your belt like lace,
No bullet can stop us now, we neither beg nor won't bow
I remember soldiers sleeping next to me as we left the station
I heard telephones, opera house, favourite melodies
I saw boys, toys, electric irons and T.V.'s
I love the way you look at me, America
I love the way you slap my ass!!!
a nightmare, heavy metal thunder, America!
I’ve given you all and now I’m nothing.
imagine no possessions,
I wonder if I can
hold on, in the air
at night

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love, Douglas

Re: FLUXLIST: Tragedy (Not the Bee Gees Song)

2001-09-23 Thread ann klefstad

Yes, second-order realities suck. Makes people highly irresponsible with
the first-order one.
I would be nostalgic for the old left if the old left hadn't been so
often self-destructively fuckheaded. I remember the days when the coop
food movement was riven with ideological factions, one taking over the
warehouse with shovels from the other.
An answer? no. Lotsa little answers, consisting of gorgeously exploding
sensory packets from the lifeworld, meticulously seen felt and heard, for
which we are all duly grateful.
Last night the first night that the whole hunter could be seen, lying
on the horizon. The sun's losing its power, but today is a high blue day,
light glittering useless on the lake, beautiful metal too weak for any
Fuck ideology. Love the incarnate.

John Blower wrote:
At 08:39 AM 9/22/01, you wrote:
Roger and all,

The more knowledge people aquire the less likely they are to depend
on "god"
to tell them what to do with their lives. Surely it comes as
no surprise to
any of you that more people have died in the name of "god" than for
other reason. When you leave all of life's important decisions
to a
nebulous idea of omnipotence personified, well... it's not good.
(nostalgic for the "old" left)

Well said, Badgergirl.
You - and others - may find the following of interest:
Religion's misguided missiles
Promise a young man that death is not the end and he will willingly
cause disaster
John Blower
- another "old" leftist

FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST-digest V3 #10

2001-09-23 Thread jason pierce

I did, in fact, look at your sources.  Not exactly the most unbiased sources
of info on the middle east (yes, even Amnesty International!) in my opinion.
Noam Chomsky?! Oh the pain.  But of course I always take as gospel whatever
Ted Koppel says...

well for the sake of credibility why not humor us with some completely
unbiased reporting? you completely missed the point on ted koppel
as the U.S. media is decidedly pro zionist. one only need to look at
the major op eds on the matter (ex. George Will) to see an almost verbatim
rgurgitation of state policy. G. Will said something like all of the principle
enemies of Isreal are anti-semitic and there's not even 1 contrasting view
presented on the matter and for a major network newscaster to even ask
a difficult question of say Ehud Barak about Isreali policy in the occupied
territories is really RARE. common sense should tell us that at least there are
many difficult questions on the matter.

Look, I'm not going to argue with you.

yet you are doing just that

  I've been down this road before. Why
waste my time and the time of the Fluxlist folk?  Arguing with people like
you is like trying to argue with a drunk, there's no point.

just like there is no point in arguing with someone that doesn't
present anything besides arbitrary kneejerk responses. i'm dying
for you to present a credible statement.

 Clearly the
Palestinians (who are technically Jordanian)

whoa a zionist!!! now we are getting somewhereon what do you base this
claim?? the palestinians don't think they are jordinians.  only zionist
and the U.S. government thinks that, where as the rest of the world would
disagree. one only needs look at the record of U.N.  council
voting to acknowledge that. so you think that the palestinian
population should let zionist and the U.S. decide what they are?
that's incredible! now we are getting somewhere!

 stealing everyones lunch money.

no just demolishing homes, killing protesters, testricting access to water,
bombing Tunis with no credible pretext (did that happen or didn't it?), violating
international law,  etc. even the U.S. govt officials are starting to wince...
which is saying alot!!

Reading the accounts of people you haven't met is not really helpful.  I've
known many people (both Israeli AND Arab) who live, work, and survive in
that difficult terrain.  They would all find your opinions (and much of your
source material) dubious if not actually laughable.

i'm very interested in this, who would those people be? can i talk to them?

Here's a fact for you: Jews and Arabs are both Semitic peoples and see the
world somewhat differently then the West.

really? you mean the isreali jews, mostly immigrants from europe, see the world
differently than americans or europeans? that's interesting...how exactly
do they see it that is so different? zionist policy seem near identical to american
policy towards the native americans during the colonial days. anti westernization
is a pretty standard propaganda tool, Japan in WWII used anti westernization
to motivate a population to support an invasion of china!!! yet it's totally
a western kind of thing to do that!!! so it's just rhetoric, basically.

 Their values and methods of
communications are organized rather differently then those of Europe et al.
Perhaps the answer is to leave them to it and stop trying to inflict our
Western morals and values on two peoples who probably don't need the

inflict?!?!? you mean the U.S. should stop sending huge subsidies and military aid
to isreal (1/3 of U.S foriegn military aid goes to isreal)? i quite agree!!! that would
be absolutely great. we could examine the distinct correlation between U.S. military 
and state violence by oppressive regimes, but i don't want to bring central and south 
into it. we would be getting somewhere though..

But the real solution, of course, is to air-condition and carpet the entire
region, then watch the tensions melt.

i didn't say anything that even remotely resembles that, so you're sarcasm
is quite confusing. i don't know who you are flailing at...so please clarify!
