FLUXLIST: FLuxbox 2 cordinator crispin Webb

2003-01-12 Thread Crispin Webb
OK we have one MOnth. Everyone who wants to
participate send one of the 50 editions to be made. I
will assemble the work in the cigar box. The
Demensions will be for the box will be 10 inches long,
5 inches wide and 3 iches deep. So that means that i
must recieve your one edition by Feb 12th. I will upon
assembly email the list the finished work. Then we
will proceed in making the edition of 50

FLUXbox 2 cordinator
crispin Webb

Mailing adress
4 west chestnut apt#5 
mount vernon ohio 43050

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

Re: FLUXLIST: Studies .....

2003-01-12 Thread Bertrand Clavez
> well Bertrand, it's perhaps art-history's very blinkered
> "disinterest" in the face of ongoing and outright
> institutional abuse that's pretty hard to stomach...
Reducing art historians to the few world famous curators is to reduce art
world to the few international artists that earns several millions of $ a
Luckly enough, both are much wider than that.

> has there ever been a "radical art historian?" [Are they all
> essentially failed artists?] Pick a card, any card.
Do you mean a "radical art" historian or a radical "art historian"? And what
could that mean? In what term could  an art historian be radical?
Politically? methodologically?Would a marxist art history be radical for
example? Or would it be radical only by choosing radical art movements to
study? Besides, what do we do with all these radical artists who writes
historical texts (i.e. Dick Higgins, Emmett Williams, and the like)? Are
they failed artists? Is Duchamp, when building his own collection for the
museum, considering that collectors are in fact painters, is a failed artist
or a radical art historian?
Can Aby Warburg, when leaving his european comfort to travel in the navajo
tribes in the begining of the XXth Century, be considered radical? Or is he
radical beacause of his very particuliar way of making art history through
his Mnemosyne device?
Honnestly, I don't have the answers to these questions, but they might help
to explain what I wanted to say: beyond humor and parody, things are not so
clear and simple, first of all because behind the theories, the texts, and
the works, there are human beings acting, thinking and living, in history of
art as in any human activity.


Re: FLUXLIST: Studies .....

2003-01-12 Thread Bertrand Clavez
Honnestly I don't know...because first of all I don't know the situation in
the USA. However, people like Virilio for instance, probably have a very
"pop star" persona...

> Would you say that "critical theorists" and art historians
> are more likely to have a public "pop star" persona in
> France (Europe?) than in the US?  If so, why do you think
> that is?  /:b

FLUXLIST: One instance of "telling truth to power."

2003-01-12 Thread Jennifer Sheldon
Dear Mr. Brace,

If you want an example, I’ll be happy to provide one.

First, I want to clear up your misquote. I did not write the words you 
quoted me as having written. You changed my words, placing your own addition 
word in quotation marks to make it appear that I wrote about “art historical 
scholarship.” I didn’t write this.

Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 19:25:56 -0800 (PST)
From: { brad brace } <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FLUXLIST: Re: Ruse (was History?)

aw, Jennifer... ok, out of curiosity, please provide one
instance when “art historical scholarship has served human
freedom in important ways by shedding light on the false
assumptions and claims that are sometimes used to support
oppressive institutions.”


What I wrote was, “While I don’t want to stretch the point too far, there 
are cases in which historical scholarship has served human freedom in 
important ways by shedding light on the false assumptions and claims that 
are sometimes used to support oppresive institutions.” The word art does not 
appear here.

Now for the example.

During the Middle Ages, there was a major clash between the papacy and the 
temporal powers. Over the period of several hundred years, papal power grew 
and the pope became a temporal lord in addition to his spiritual authority.

At one point, a document known as “The Donation of Constantine” emerged. 
This document purportedly represented a gift from the Emperor Constantine to 
Pope Sylvester I. This gift purportedly gave the pope and his successors 
TEMPORAL authority over the entire Western Roman Empire. This is the 
entirety of today’s European Union.

This document was used to support the idea that all kings and princes were 
subordinate to the pope. It was also used to argue the case for direct papal 
control over the Papal States. Given the immense power and corrupt nature of 
the medieval Catholic Church, this document was used to support what most of 
us (including Catholics) would recognize today as an oppressive institution.

In 1440, an Italian humanist and philosopher named Lorenzo Valla proved that 
this document was a forgery. This proof deprived the papacy of a major tool 
used in pressing its supposed legal claims to supremacy over the political 
and economic life of Europe. It played a great part in the new thinking that 
gave rise to the Renaissance and to the reformation.

You can read the full story of Valla and the Donation in the on-line edition 
of the Catholic Encyclopedia, or in Daniel Boorstin’s book, The Seekers. I’m 
not a general historian, but I know that other examples exist. (This 
specific example comes from my correspondence with Ken Friedman. I have 
pretty much copied what he wrote me in a note answering some questions on 
hermeneutical research methods.)

Your comment to Bertrand, and the question that follows, can be easily 
answered. You wrote, and these ARE your words, “well Bertrand, it’s perhaps 
art-history’s very blinkered ‘disinterest’ in the face of ongoing and 
outright institutional abuse that’s pretty hard to stomach... has there ever 
been a “radical art historian?” [Are they all essentially failed artists?] 
Pick a card, any card.”

Disinterest in the sense that Bertrand used the word mean freedom from 
partisan interests. What Bertrand was saying was that there are some people 
interested in truth, no matter where it leads. To be a radical art 
historian, you must be disinterested, and you must be willing to challenge 

Art historians can rarely affect history as Valla did. Even so, they can 
make a difference. The new Royal Museum for Central Africa in Tervuren, 
Belgium, is a good example. The new museum installation will examine Belgian 
racism and oppression in the Belgian Congo. This important project is 
already changing the way that Europeans consider their own past and future. 
It is a major contribution to the on-going struggle against racism in Europe 
and the Western world.

The work that art historians have done in examining and publishing 
scholarship on the art and culture of first peoples and people of color is a 
real contribution to human knowledge. This work demonstrates the varieties 
of cultural, artistic, and religious expression. It often shows how Western 
culture has growing and benefited from the contributions adapted and 
imported from other cultures. In doing this, art historians contribute to an 
important public debate that does have political impact. What has political 
impact in the Western democracies eventually has economic impact, and this 
effect weakens the power of oppressive institutions.

In some places, art historians and other scholars have paid a heavy career 
price for telling the truth. Some have paid the price in freedom, and some 
have even paid with their lives for writing and publishing facts that make 
established powers uncomfortable. Your failure to recognize that some people 
serve freedom by telling truth says more about you than about them.

Are a

Re: FLUXLIST: FLuxbox 2 Co-ordinator Crispin Webb

2003-01-12 Thread Roger Stevens
Well done, Crispin

Let's go...

- Original Message - 
From: "Crispin Webb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 7:59 AM
Subject: FLUXLIST: FLuxbox 2 cordinator crispin Webb

> OK we have one MOnth. Everyone who wants to
> participate send one of the 50 editions to be made. I
> will assemble the work in the cigar box. The
> Demensions will be for the box will be 10 inches long,
> 5 inches wide and 3 iches deep. So that means that i
> must recieve your one edition by Feb 12th. I will upon
> assembly email the list the finished work. Then we
> will proceed in making the edition of 50
> FLUXbox 2 cordinator
> crispin Webb
> Mailing adress
> 4 west chestnut apt#5 
> mount vernon ohio 43050
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.
> http://mailplus.yahoo.com

Re: FLUXLIST: History?

2003-01-12 Thread ArtnAnts
hey I know you have boyfriend considerations but you can get an art history phd at UCsanta cruz in two years

Re: FLUXLIST: playing cards

2003-01-12 Thread ArtnAnts
how about calling it Fluxus for Dummies Rummy?

RE: FLUXLIST: Playing Cards addendum...

2003-01-12 Thread LeClaire, Candace
 Why not pursue both avenues in this card idea?  I'd like to stick with my
original idea about the cards from scratch, but I've fowarded my address to
you so I can alter one of your cards. I also like the idea of working with
these cards that have been around the block - so to speak.

Should be fun!

-Original Message-
From: David William
To: FLuX-LisT
Sent: 1/11/2003 1:34 PM
Subject: FLUXLIST: Playing Cards addendum...

...Which is not to say that Candace's idea of creating several decks
from scratch isn't an excellent one.  
It most certainly is, and I'm definitely interested! 

Free 20MB Web Site Hosting and Personalized E-mail Service!
Get It Now At Doteasy.com http://www.doteasy.com/et/

FLUXLIST: Fwd: the >wartime< project online launch

2003-01-12 Thread allen bukoff

Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 12:09:41 -0500
Subject: the >wartime< project online launch
From: (atty) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

as the American administration, in the space of 24 hours,
committs a further 62,000 military to an attack on Iraq, the
online edition of the >wartime< project is now open at

in the >wartime< project over fifty digital and network artists,
individuals or groups across this planet, organizing through
the internet, have contributed pieces reflecting on and
reacting against wars, past, present and future. A further fifty
or so artists are currently registered to contribute to the
project in the future.

the project is also designed to be capable of being shown
LIVE in public and a calendar of these events is on the site.

we hope that the reach and diversity of approach, materials,
sentiments and location in the component parts of our project
demonstrates that we will not be dragged into war without
reaction, without questioning, and that we have the will and
capacity to defy the borders and barriers erected between
people by war makers.

current UK and US forces already surrounding or heading for
Iraq now number over 160,000. Probably the concentration in
quantity and expense of the weaponry and its destructive
potential which has been assembled facing Iraq has never
been matched before. Heavy casualties for civilian and military
are very possible if the cities of Iraq are to be entered and
attacked. This and the possibility of war wider in the Middle
East and further can threaten our environment and lives
nearly everywhere on this planet.

If we are responsible to ourselves and to others we should
consider making what contribution we can to halting this
descent into destruction, working in our own areas and with
our own particular skills, as we are attempting to do with the
>wartime< project, and with initiatives such as
http://artcontext.org/antiWar/index.php, and by joining wider
activities such as the US wide anti-war day on January 18th
and the planned anti-war marchs across Europe on Febuary


the >wartime< project URL is http://offline.area3.net/wartime
more participants are welcome at

the >wartime< project is a joint intitiative of the international
digital artists group OFFLINE http://offline.area3.net and
South London based ditial arts events association open_digi

Re: FLUXLIST: FLuxbox 2 cordinator crispin Webb

2003-01-12 Thread Ann Klefstad
On 1/12/03 1:59 AM, "Crispin Webb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK we have one MOnth. Everyone who wants to
> participate send one of the 50 editions to be made. I
> will assemble the work in the cigar box. The
> Demensions will be for the box will be 10 inches long,
> 5 inches wide and 3 iches deep. So that means that i
> must recieve your one edition by Feb 12th. I will upon
> assembly email the list the finished work. Then we
> will proceed in making the edition of 50
> FLUXbox 2 cordinator
> crispin Webb
> Mailing adress
> 4 west chestnut apt#5
> mount vernon ohio 43050
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.
> http://mailplus.yahoo.com
Holy crap! Decisive, organized action! I'm breaking out in hives but I like

FLUXLIST: Karenina.it

2003-01-12 Thread ART ELECTRONICS
Karenina.it - Poetry in Phatic Function

50th International Art Exhibition 50ma Biennale di Venezia 50th Venice

Statement by Jesse Glass on Visual Poetry As Charm, As Curs

Some notes to the aesthetics of hypermedia Interactivity: Linearity and
Structure.  By Reiner Strasser

LITERARY HOLOGRAPHY By Richard Kostelanetz

On Contemporary German Literature. Sub-Culture, Underground- &
Pop-Literature, Live-Lit., Slam!Poetry and other experimental Issues. By
Enno Sthal

Gianni "Túpac" Toti A tribute to Gianni Toti by José-Carlos Mariátegui

News News News

KARENINA.IT (poetry in phatic function)
Caterina Davinio art director [EMAIL PROTECTED] On line since 1998  -  By
Jakobson, phatic is the use of the language which has the finality to
maintain open and operative the communication channel among the
interlocutors. On the confine between art and critic, happening and net
performance, Karenina.it is a virtual meeting place around the theme of
writing and new technologies, in which experiences of international artists,
curators, theoreticians converge, in a net that counts thousands of contacts
in the world.

FLUXLIST: .sesxobxulF & sdraC

2003-01-12 Thread David William
Alright... here's the skinny on the handmade deck / 1 year game:

The project is still in development and gathering participants.  These are the basics:
-I send out one card from a deck to each of 51 participants. (With the 52nd being 
-Each participant affects their card -- paint/write on, collage, whatever -- either 
leaving the number and 
suit visible, or  by writing "jack of clubs" or what have you very small at the 
bottom, or otherwise 
indicating what card it is.
-Each participant returns their card to me, and I assemble the completed deck.
-I will play with the deck and send it on to another participant, along with a full 
list of participants & 
their addresses.  Each person will play with the deck, then send it on to the next 
person.  The idea is 
to have the deck "in play" for one week per participant, making 52 weeks -- one year 
of play with the 
collaboratively created deck.

-Will the week consist of 2 to 5 days mailing time, with the remaining days for play? 
... Or will the 
mailing time not count, giving each person a week of possession & play that counts 
toward the year?
-Will one side or both sides be affected?  Better playability with only the face 
decorated, but not as 
open or interesting.  More possibilities with full-card-manipulation, but will make 
deck memorizable.
--Possible solution to double-sided decoration playability problem: If both sides 
affected, no one can 
look at deck before game is played.  This will give one "honest" game at least.

Gimme addresses!

Free 20MB Web Site Hosting and Personalized E-mail Service!
Get It Now At Doteasy.com http://www.doteasy.com/et/

FLUXLIST: .sdrac tsuj saw tahT .spooO

2003-01-12 Thread David William

Alright. Send one edition of 50 to be made...
So... if I wanted to include, say an alphabet block - that would be 50 alphabet 
blocks, one for each 
box...Yes?  But you asked for one?

Am I missing something?
I probably am.

-Flake Who Thought He Had It All Set, But Apparently Needs Things Spelled Out-

Free 20MB Web Site Hosting and Personalized E-mail Service!
Get It Now At Doteasy.com http://www.doteasy.com/et/

Re: FLUXLIST: History? How long for a Ph.D.?

2003-01-12 Thread Jennifer Sheldon
Dear ArtnAnts,

It helps to know what you are talking about before telling people what you 

There is no Ph.D. in art history at the University of California at Santa 
Cruz. If there were, it would probably be comparable to the Ph.D. in 
history. A UC Santa Cruz Ph.D. in history generally takes six years.

The closest art history program in the UC system is offered at Berkeley. The 
Ph.D. in art history at Berkeley takes six to seven years, but they point 
out that students in Asian or Ancient art generally require seven to eight 

I know many graduates from the University of California, and I’ve never met 
anyone who graduated with a Ph.D. in two years.

You seem to be confusing the MFA degree with a Ph.D. The MFA is an art 
studio degree, and many people complete it in two or thee years.

Of course, I could be wrong. Owen Smith has a Ph.D. in art history and 
Bertrand Clavez is getting one. Perhaps they can tell us if there are any 
two year Ph.D. programs.

Jenny Sheldon

Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 10:09:31 EST
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: History?

- --part1_16.2b173341.2b52df2b_boundary
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=“US-ASCII”
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

hey I know you have boyfriend considerations but you can get an art history
phd at UCsanta cruz in two years

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE* 

RE: FLUXLIST: Playing Cards

2003-01-12 Thread LeClaire, Candace

-Original Message-
From: Roger Stevens
Sent: 1/11/2003 5:13 PM
Subject: FLUXLIST: Playing Cards

I guess I was assuming many of the cards would lose their identity
I quite like the idea of designing one card, tho'
and you taking on the task of printing them etc
You're right - I don't know what I'm talking about. I assume the cards would
morph into something else too.  So I guess, as long as different designs are
submitted, they could be mixed and matched to create unique decks.  The
important issue is that there be enough cards to create enough decks.  

I also like the idea of the packs having a random element
e.g. several packs with five King of Hearts, a wallaby and a three of
I also thought I might take on the task of organising the rule book -
unless you'd like to do that too - I don't mind

Sounds great.
I thought people might like to submit versions of games to play with the
e.g. Fluxwhist, Fluxrummy etc
Your deal
Go Fish.


Re: FLUXLIST: History?

2003-01-12 Thread Bertrand Clavez

And a driving licence with 12 packs of coca cola 
cans ;-)
Seriously, I'm not sure that Jenny's considerations 
has anything to do with short time work...and besides, I can't figure out to 
what could a two year PhD look like: I'm in my seventh year of work, and 
honnestly I'd like to have some more time...Scholar work is rather long and 
slow, so I don't think it could be done in two years

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 4:09 
  Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: History?
  hey I know you have boyfriend considerations but you can 
  get an art history phd at UCsanta cruz in two years 

Re: FLUXLIST: FLuxbox 2 cordinator crispin Webb

2003-01-12 Thread Carol Starr
hi crispin,

would you please post a list of the participants?

bests, carol

Crispin Webb wrote:

> OK we have one MOnth. Everyone who wants to
> participate send one of the 50 editions to be made. I
> will assemble the work in the cigar box. The
> Demensions will be for the box will be 10 inches long,
> 5 inches wide and 3 iches deep. So that means that i
> must recieve your one edition by Feb 12th. I will upon
> assembly email the list the finished work. Then we
> will proceed in making the edition of 50
> FLUXbox 2 cordinator
> crispin Webb
> Mailing adress
> 4 west chestnut apt#5
> mount vernon ohio 43050
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.
> http://mailplus.yahoo.com

Re: FLUXLIST: History? How long for a Ph.D.?

2003-01-12 Thread Owen Smith
>Of course, I could be wrong. Owen Smith has a Ph.D. in art history and 
>Bertrand Clavez is getting one. Perhaps they can tell us if there are any 
>two year Ph.D. programs.

No there are most certainly no Phd programs that take two years (most take between 5 
and 10 years) - what might be a confusion is that you can complete most if not all of 
your course work in about two years but then you have a year to study and take
your general exams and two to three years to do your research and write the 
dissertation, and this is for the US system - Bertrand, didn't you tell me that in 
France it can take up to 15 years to complete a Phd, with all  of its teaching


Re: FLUXLIST: .sdrac tsuj saw tahT .spooO

2003-01-12 Thread Owen Smith
>Alright. Send one edition of 50 to be made...
>So... if I wanted to include, say an alphabet block - that would be 50 alphabet 
>blocks, one for each 
>box...Yes?  But you asked for one?

50 total from each contributing artist/person- one for each box, right? Make sure that 
you all carefully count - last time some of the contributors did not send a full fifty 


Re: RE: FLUXLIST: Playing Cards addendum...

2003-01-12 Thread Owen Smith
> Why not pursue both avenues in this card idea?  I'd like to stick with my
>original idea about the cards from scratch,

Sure - I am game count me in on your original card idea Candace. . . .


FLUXLIST: parasite fortune cookie

2003-01-12 Thread { brad brace }

what was karei's quote about fluxlist parasites again?
I can't find anything on that inane archive...


Re: FLUXLIST: parasite fortune cookie

2003-01-12 Thread { brad brace }

Nevermind: I found it: " Pathetic leeches. Just like you
feed on the corpse of FLUXUS."


On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, { brad brace } wrote:

> what was karei's quote about fluxlist parasites again?
> I can't find anything on that inane archive...
> /:b