RE: FLUXLIST: Re: WG: address bibiana

2004-12-13 Thread bibiana padilla maltos

I've just did
thank you s much! I haven't been in the post office at all until this 
weekend and your package was the most surprising one of all the surprises I 
had there...

how does people order this items? on line??
thanks again!
AVTEXTFEST general coordinator
Paseo de Vista Hermosa #625
Mexicali, B.C., 21240
233 Paulin Ave. PMB. 7263
Calexico, Ca., 92231-2646
+ 52 686 564 5999

Original Message Follows
From: Georg Birkner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FLUXLIST: Re: WG: address bibiana
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 17:03:11 +0100
dear bibiana
hope ypu have received the parcel i sent you some weeks ago!
I live in Mexico, by the border, but I don't really trust the mexican post
mail, please use the USA one...
233 paulin ave. pmb. 7263
Calexico, ca., 92231-2646
have you had time to read the books??
thank you very much...
AVTEXTFEST general coordinator
Paseo de Vista Hermosa #625
Mexicali, B.C., 21240
233 Paulin Ave. PMB. 7263
Calexico, Ca., 92231-2646
+ 52 686 564 5999

FLUXLIST: Xerolage 32 unveiled

2004-12-13 Thread mIEKAL aND
X E R O L A G E 3 2

rubBEings by David Baptiste Chirot

from the introduction:

I began making rubBEings in Spring 1999. Walking a great deal, finding materials to bring home to useI realized I was already in an immense work roomsurrounded by letterings, words, signsthat I could copy on site and make arrangements from directly. Immediately I purchased a lumber crayon and cheap note pad and the rubBEings became not only part of daily life but of my dreams and memories as well.

RubBEings may well be the oldest form of copy art. Rearranging found signs and letterings, one arrives at visual poems that emerge from the existent materials. By moving from site to site, one is collaging, combining scattered elements to juxtapose and create new arrangements.

24 pages, 8.5 x 11, $6 includes postage
Subscriptions $20/4 issues

10375 Cty Hway A
LaFarge WI 54639

Also by David Baptiste Chirot

Chapbooks: ZERO POEM (Traverse), TEARERISM (Kiro Works), BOMB BAG - B OM B (forthcoming, Gong), AT THE ENTRANCE TO HEAVEN (Ninth Lab Electronic Chapbooks)

Books:  ANARKEYOLOGY (Florida: Runaway Spoon), forthcoming book of essays and visual poetry from XTANT Press

RE: FLUXLIST: Catching up

2004-12-13 Thread bibiana padilla maltos

welcome back Cecilio!
AVTEXTFEST general coordinator
Paseo de Vista Hermosa #625
Mexicali, B.C., 21240
233 Paulin Ave. PMB. 7263
Calexico, Ca., 92231-2646
+ 52 686 564 5999

FLUXLIST: Swedenborg's airplane

2004-12-13 Thread ahadada

Please view the results of my on-going mail-art call on the subject of
Swedenborg's Airplane at  Thanks  Jesse Glass

FLUXLIST: postcards

2004-12-13 Thread bibiana padilla maltos
english or español?
AVTEXTFEST general coordinator
Paseo de Vista Hermosa #625
Mexicali, B.C., 21240
233 Paulin Ave. PMB. 7263
Calexico, Ca., 92231-2646
+ 52 686 564 5999

Original Message Follows
From: Cecil Touchon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: WG: address bibiana
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 08:43:34 -0600
As a fun and fundraising event, The Internaional Museum of Collage, 
Assemblage and Construction is asking artists to make a christmas (winter 
holiday) collage card and send to

Cecil Touchon
IMCAC Collections
307 Calle de las Piedras
Cuernavaca, Morelos, MX 62270
The card will be a donation to the museums extensive collection of collage 
art and artists are giving copyright useage to the museum. The best 
submissions will be used for postcard sets for sale for christmas 2005. 300 
dpi digital collage also accepted (by email)

Cecil Touchon
Cuernavaca, Mexico
The International Post Dogmatist Group
The fluxNEXus
The International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction

Re: FLUXLIST: postcards

2004-12-13 Thread Cecil Touchon
cual quieres!
Touchon  Co Fine Arts
307 Calle de las Piedras
Cuernavaca, Mexico
1 646 405 7232 (NYC)
52-777-313-4675 (Cuernavaca)
- Original Message - 
From: bibiana padilla maltos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 9:10 AM
Subject: FLUXLIST: postcards

 english or español?

 AVTEXTFEST general coordinator
 Paseo de Vista Hermosa #625
 Mexicali, B.C., 21240
 233 Paulin Ave. PMB. 7263
 Calexico, Ca., 92231-2646
 + 52 686 564 5999

 Original Message Follows
 From: Cecil Touchon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: WG: address bibiana
 Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 08:43:34 -0600

 As a fun and fundraising event, The Internaional Museum of Collage,
 Assemblage and Construction is asking artists to make a christmas (winter
 holiday) collage card and send to

 Cecil Touchon
 IMCAC Collections
 307 Calle de las Piedras
 Cuernavaca, Morelos, MX 62270

 The card will be a donation to the museums extensive collection of collage
 art and artists are giving copyright useage to the museum. The best
 submissions will be used for postcard sets for sale for christmas 2005.
 dpi digital collage also accepted (by email)

 Cecil Touchon
 Cuernavaca, Mexico

 The International Post Dogmatist Group

 The fluxNEXus

 The International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction

RE: FLUXLIST: postcards/synchornicity/query--

2004-12-13 Thread David-Baptiste Chirot

Hello to all and sundry of you--
i seem to have missed what the original note is re postacrds--
to whom does one send them, and for what theme?
might someone let me know --i would be as they say eternally gratefull- (but what if you don't believe in eternity?!--what then--)
amazing to find the word "postcards"--as have been working on many to send out today!
using spray paint found objects some collaged materials  and clay (cards of course, also--)
at first i thought that perhaps working so long with the rubBEings of late to complete some proejcts--that working with the clay and objects at home--i might now be only in the way of finding objects of use--
yet--of course! one can also make impressions, cats--the opposite turned inside out of rubBEings--
apply the clay to the found tetterings attached to public private sights/sites/cites--and carry off the impression--to paint at home or on street in chosen areas--
one am very fond of is a small area only found in so far--AMERICAN DARLING--in large solid letterings on fire hydrants!
they are both red and read, so to speak
would this working be called "impressionism?!"
after all, one is making impreeions and also working outdoors!
at time ones also makes an imprssion on a querying person, a yuppie landlord or tenant--or a nice quiet policeman suddenly standing there staring down at you
"what you up to buddy?"
when it is explained--of course! what a marvlous idea! i tell him that i am collecting al sorts of things presenting in my one way a sort of tour of Milwaukee--
in other words, i am being a good citizen, harming no property--
property is really the key--of just about everything--in the usa, as i thibnk is written into our Constitution--private property--rights--written by mainly wealthy land owners who disliked paying taexs!--to far away England--
was thinking--and learning by noticing--in so many areas of the city--to avoid taxes and to ensure good property--the hordes now exited to the suburbs--leaving an immesne burden in many manhy ways--on those of us who remain--
have learned all sortsof things historical, legal, economic, health care related--
this is part of why i use only found materials and sites/sights/cites of streets etc driectly rubBEd--
no property or ownership involved--
to investigate the everyday--"the common thing anonymously about us"--w.c. willaims--"a poem can be made of anything"--poem cards!--
in uncanny recongitions--
i think postcards are a great fit with al this, as they like Mail Art are really, it is the communication itself which makes the sense of community
community./communication--as on postcards, the space is samll--on ethinks of how best to convey something in thislimited space--and possibilites open up--
or as they say, truly--"it's the thought that counts"!
onwo/ards--"ride boldy ride" in the mmortal words of Edgar Allen Poe's "El Dorado"

From: "bibiana padilla maltos" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FLUXLIST: postcards
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 07:10:45 -0800

english or español?

AVTEXTFEST general coordinator
Paseo de Vista Hermosa #625
Mexicali, B.C., 21240
233 Paulin Ave. PMB. 7263
Calexico, Ca., 92231-2646
+ 52 686 564 5999

Original Message Follows
From: Cecil Touchon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: WG: address bibiana
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 08:43:34 -0600

As a fun and fundraising event, The Internaional Museum of Collage,
Assemblage and Construction is asking artists to make a christmas
(winter holiday) collage card and send to

Cecil Touchon
IMCAC Collections
307 Calle de las Piedras
Cuernavaca, Morelos, MX 62270

The card will be a donation to the museums extensive collection of
collage art and artists are giving copyright useage to the museum.
The best submissions will be used for postcard sets for sale for
christmas 2005. 300 dpi digital collage also accepted (by email)

Cecil Touchon
Cuernavaca, Mexico

The International Post Dogmatist Group

The fluxNEXus

The International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction

 Claim your Space NOW! Have fun sharing blogs, photos and music lists online.  

Re: FLUXLIST: postcards to the collage museum in mexico

2004-12-13 Thread Cecil Touchon

Theme: any winter holiday

As a fun and fundraising event, The Internaional Museum of Collage,
Assemblage and Construction is asking artists to make a christmas
(winter holiday) collage card and send to

Cecil Touchon

IMCAC Collections

307 Calle de las Piedras

Cuernavaca, Morelos, MX 62270

The card will be a donation to the museum's extensive collection of
collage art. artists, through sending a card to the museum are sharing
copyright useage to the museum. The best submissions will be used for
postcard sets for sale for christmas 2005. 300 dpi digital collage also
accepted (by email)

David-Baptiste Chirot wrote:

  Hello to all and sundry of you--
  i seem to have missed what the original note is re postacrds--
  to whom does one send them, and for what theme?
  might someone let me know --i would be as they say eternally
gratefull- (but what if you don't believe in eternity?!--what then--)
  amazing to find the word "postcards"--as have been working on many
to send out today!
  using spray paint found objects some collaged materials and clay
(cards of course, also--)
  at first i thought that perhaps working so long with the rubBEings
of late to complete some proejcts--that working with the clay and
objects at home--i might now be only in the way of finding objects of
  yet--of course! one can also make impressions, cats--the opposite
turned inside out of rubBEings--
  apply the clay to the found tetterings attached to public private
sights/sites/cites--and carry off the impression--to paint at home or
on street in chosen areas--
  one am very fond of is a small area only found in so far--AMERICAN
DARLING--in large solid letterings on fire hydrants!
  they are both red and read, so to speak
  would this working be called "impressionism?!"
  after all, one is making impreeions and also working outdoors!
  at time ones also makes an imprssion on a querying person, a
yuppie landlord or tenant--or a nice quiet policeman suddenly standing
there staring down at you
  "what you up to buddy?"
  when it is explained--of course! what a marvlous idea! i tell him
that i am collecting al sorts of things presenting in my one way a sort
of tour of Milwaukee--
  in other words, i am being a good citizen, harming no property--
  property is really the key--of just about everything--in the usa,
as i thibnk is written into our Constitution--private
property--rights--written by mainly wealthy land owners who disliked
paying taexs!--to far away England--
  was thinking--and learning by noticing--in so many areas of the
city--to avoid taxes and to ensure good property--the hordes now
exited to the suburbs--leaving an immesne burden in many manhy ways--on
those of us who remain--
  have learned all sortsof things historical, legal, economic,
health care related--
  this is part of why i use only found materials and
sites/sights/cites of streets etc driectly rubBEd--
  no property or ownership involved--
  to investigate the everyday--"the common thing anonymously about
us"--w.c. willaims--"a poem can be made of anything"--poem cards!--
  in uncanny recongitions--
  i think postcards are a great fit with al this, as they like Mail
Art are really, it is the communication itself which makes the sense of
  community./communication--as on postcards, the space is samll--on
ethinks of how best to convey something in thislimited space--and
possibilites open up--
  or as they say, truly--"it's the thought that counts"!
  onwo/ards--"ride boldy ride" in the mmortal words of Edgar Allen
Poe's "El Dorado"

From: "bibiana padilla maltos" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: FLUXLIST: postcards
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 07:10:45 -0800

english or espaol?

AVTEXTFEST general coordinator
Paseo de Vista Hermosa #625
Mexicali, B.C., 21240
233 Paulin Ave. PMB. 7263
Calexico, Ca., 92231-2646
+ 52 686 564 5999

Original Message Follows
From: Cecil Touchon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Re: WG: address bibiana
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 08:43:34 -0600

As a fun and fundraising event, The Internaional Museum of Collage,
Assemblage and Construction is asking artists to make a christmas
(winter holiday) collage card and send to

Cecil Touchon
IMCAC Collections
307 Calle de las Piedras
Cuernavaca, Morelos, MX 62270

The card will be a donation to the museums extensive collection of
collage art and artists are giving copyright useage to the museum.
The best submissions will be used for postcard sets for sale for
christmas 2005. 300 dpi digital collage also accepted (by email)

Cecil Touchon
Cuernavaca, Mexico

The International Post Dogmatist Group

The fluxNEXus

The International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and 


2004-12-13 Thread John M. Bennett
Forgive duplication of this message/news, but check out the great new Fall 
2004 list of titles at:
It includes my book of sonnets, GLUE, and lots of other great books, all 
available for free download!

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

Re: FLUXLIST: Re: WG: address bibiana

2004-12-13 Thread Cecil Touchon
As a fun and fundraising event, The Internaional Museum of Collage, 
Assemblage and Construction is asking artists to make a christmas 
(winter holiday) collage card and send to

Cecil Touchon
IMCAC Collections
307 Calle de las Piedras
Cuernavaca, Morelos, MX 62270
The card will be a donation to the museums extensive collection of 
collage art and artists are giving copyright useage to the museum. The 
best submissions will be used for postcard sets for sale for christmas 
2005. 300 dpi digital collage also accepted (by email)

Cecil Touchon
Cuernavaca, Mexico
The International Post Dogmatist Group
The fluxNEXus
The International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction

FLUXLIST: Comb Drink, Dang Bloomer

2004-12-13 Thread John M. Bennett

Comb Drink

comb rust nor
cloudy ash
bust nor
rinse booth
wallet nor
junk hash
cube nor
leach reel
doubt nor
judge fondle
rug nor
eggplant mask
rice nor

Dang Bloomer

dang flooder sent
my redoolf soaker
brained mist drudge
my tsim closet
rope smoker chess
my rekoms slacker
budge seemer should
my remees halve
fake smelt wallet
my tlems singer
bent flinger skies
my regnilf bloomer

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029