FLUXLIST: How To Amputate

2005-03-25 Thread John M. Bennett

How To Amputate

Wash your tooth a noitalosi? miss your hgiht a gnideeps? spam your
spunk a tnemniatretne? meet your erons a gnildnof? sank your divan a
stnaphcterts? seem your nioc a noitanimluf? spills your watch a

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

FLUXLIST: How To Esrever

2005-03-25 Thread John M. Bennett

How To Esrever

Foam and nus the clam you wear mile and poord the crunch you share
fail and toor the clay you air speed and elah the float you bare rime and
liot the bung you snare gland and bur the shorts you nair rule and dnah
the nail you flair

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

FLUXLIST: DAWG re: whut fluxus means to me

2005-03-25 Thread alanfffo

sorry to post this via the list but  i'm using a different machine and don't 
have my addresses...


do you want the project put online?  if so i'll need copies of the emails and a 
general idea of the project and what you'd like.

i'll put a worm under my tongue and await your reply.






with baited breath


FLUXLIST: Re: Days of Yore...

2005-03-25 Thread Georg Birkner
phew! no time to read all these flux posts at all. i'll be back by 
roky erickson seems to be quite alive and was performing on march 19th 
somewhere in texas.

georgi must be going to search some eggs.
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 13:21:16 -0600
From: David-Baptiste Chirot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Days of Yore...(or Eeyore or Eyesore or...)
htmldiv style='background-color:'DIV class=RTE
PMy friend who has visited with Roky a lot said he walks now with the
thorazine shuffle--very sad to see--but that Roky is always in good
PI would love to hear more re the Latin psych bands--the only ones I 
heard were on comps./P
PMy oldest son said the most psychedelic music he ever heard was on a
Navajo reservation--the band was painted wild colors on their faces and
bodies and played psych mixed wth a hard core frenzy--and sang in 
PA great many American Indians I have known--including my first 
wife, a
Mohawk--(and I 'm part Ojibway)besides country music loved psych
music.nbsp; One of my best friends in Boston was Little Brook Reen, an
Oglala Sioux.nbsp; He had a huge collection of very rare psych 
(A good deal I know of psych lps is from him and his collection--he 
several for me also.) He kept them in special boxes in his van that he 
in.nbsp; A total psych experience--a converted old milk delivery
van--painted in Sacred patterns along with psych style images done in
hallucinatory colors.nbsp; We often did record show together, sharing 
booth.nbsp; He would toture collectors by walking through thenbsp; 
carrying some of his rarest lps--they would follow him in a batch, 
loud demands and naming ever higher prices.nbsp; Litlle Brook would 
smile at them, never say a
word, then return to our booth and put the lp behind the 
counter.nbsp; He
told me it was a form of revenge on white people. No more selling 
for beads.BR/P
PI would love to hear of the Latin bands you know of.nbsp; One band 
liked but is a punk garage sixties band--Los Diablos. (And there is 
Questin Mark and the Mysterians!)BR/P/DIV

Georg Birkner Dipl. Arch. ETH
Röntgenstrasse 44
CH - 8005 Zürich
T: +41 (0)1 271 00 22
F: +41 (0)1 271 01 20

FLUXLIST: How To Lunchmeat

2005-03-25 Thread John M. Bennett

How To Lunchmeat

Axe hop and clam your dus tsen flow mutt and flange your bulc tlob
feel dump and sear your parc elos eye moo and cut your polf don nub ban
and chaw your eulc eloh nip sand and ice your odol yrdnual spat comb and
find your lio rettan

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

RE: FLUXLIST: How To Lunchmeat

2005-03-25 Thread David-Baptiste Chirot

How to lunchmeat--and lunch meet--
( a meating meeting of the minds--)
sitting at the table--tryng to decide--how to lunchmeat--a guy--see--what do you do to do that?
they said give him the hams of your hand in his face--hard and fast the hams!
another says--hold up!--give him the rib rack of knuckles--grinding into his eyes--rib rack of knuckles!
another yells hoarsely--smash a sausage to his face--let him suck the fat--soaked in fat--set him on fire--a sausage to the face!
but at the back someone else standsup--give him balogna--feed it to him till he drops--baloney in the mouth--baloney words--say all the baloney words--and watch him squrim--all that baloney is way too much! he can'ttake it any more!--covered in bologna! cover him in bolgna rings until he he is throttled--strangled by bologna!
so they sat and caroused and the lunchmeat whenover al agreed was avery goodlunchmeat lunchmeet--
and went on with their lunchemeat work, making lunchmeat--of any unsatsified customers--any disagreers--lucnhmeat them into lunchmeat!--food for thought!
From: "John M. Bennett" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: FLUXLIST@scribble.com
Subject: FLUXLIST: How To Lunchmeat
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 13:25:42 -0500

How To Lunchmeat

Axe hop and clam your dus tsen flow mutt and flange your bulc tlob
feel dump and sear your parc elos eye moo and cut your polf don nub
ban and chaw your eulc eloh nip sand and ice your odol yrdnual spat
comb and find your lio rettan

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029
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