RE: FLUXLIST: Fluxus bucks (big time!!!)

2005-04-15 Thread johnson alexis
It was a dollar bill tastefully (nawhh it was gaudy
and tacky but extremely cool!) decorated with images
of the Pope and appropriate relegious symbols.  Maybe
some Catholics might be offended on principle but it
was not raunchy or wicked or anything like that.  I
was even gonna buy a couple.

Dawn amato
--- Don Boyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What was the item, Dawn? It has now been withdrawn.
> -Don
> check out my website for the latest images!

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site!

FLUXLIST: Re: well, did you evah?

2005-04-15 Thread Georg Birkner
yeah - sounds great! perche io parlo italiano molto bene :-)! what 
would one have to teach? how old are the kids?

Am 14.04.2005 um 01:29 schrieb FLUXLIST-digest:
ps... anyone want a job at the international school of venice?
Georg Birkner Dipl. Arch. ETH
Röntgenstrasse 44
CH - 8005 Zürich
T: +41 (0)1 271 00 22
F: +41 (0)1 271 01 20

FLUXLIST: - 81'312cm3 kunst:

2005-04-15 Thread Georg Birkner
Dear Fluxlist
Christina Renz and Georg Birkner are proud to announce the second 
exhibition at our showcase gallery :

45 Nächte mit Jasmin & Kevin - ein modernes Märchen von Camilla Schuler 
und Brigitte Gierlich

For 45 consecutive days, another art cushion will be displayed in our 
showcase gallery. The hand crafted cushions are numbered and will 
replaced daily at 9am. They tell the continguing story of Jasmin and 
Kevin in 45 chapters, beginning on april 14th.

All cushions that have been on display so far can also be viewed on our 
redesigned website .

Have a nice weekend
Christina Renz + Georg Birkner
Quellenstrasse 5
CH - 8005 Zürich
T: +41 (0)1 271 49 09
F: +41 (0)1 271 01 20

FLUXLIST: FW: To Networking, a la red...2/STAMP TERRORIS M2

2005-04-15 Thread David-Baptiste Chirot

>From: "Clemente Padin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> fortunately the things have not gone farther, in the one which concerns to the
>exhibition " Axis of Evil: the secret history of sin" according to
>an email of its curator, the artist Miguel Hernández de Luna, the exhibition "is no secret any more, as a headline had previously mentioned. No ones going to jail and none of the work has been confiscated.". The exhibition has the support of the authorities of the Columbia College and had received a massive diffusion in the mediums. In his words: "The show is doing what it is supposed to do: question our times."
>However, we know that the first that the anti-democratic governments make is attack the liberty of _expression_ repressing the free course of the ideas in the mediums of communication and,
>above all, in the art and the culture. For it, I think, we have to be attentive to
>everything the one which occurs in this sense. Otherwise, we could lose our supreme law: liberty.
>al parecer las cosas no han pasado a mayores, en lo que concierne a la exhibición "El Eje del Mal:la Historia Confidencial del Pecado". De acuerdo a correo electrónico de su curador, el
>artista Miguel Hernández de Luna, la muestra "ya ha dejado de confidencial como lo afirmara un titular de prensa previamente difundido. Ninguna persona fue encarcelado ni se ha confiscado ninguna obra". La muestra cuenta con el apoyo de las autoridades del Columbia College y ha
>recibido una difusión masiva en los medios.En sus palabras: "La exposición está haciendo lo que se supuso que haría: cuestionar nuestro tiempo".
>Sin embargo, todos sabemos que lo primero que hacen los gobiernos anti-democráticos es atacar la libertad de expresión reprimiendo el libre curso de las ideas en los medios de comunicación y,
>sobre todo, en el arte y la cultura. Por ello, creo, tenemos que estar atentos a todo lo que ocurra en este sentido. De lo contrario, podríamos perder nuestro bien preciado: la libertad.
>Stamp art show not so secret now - April 13, 2005
>BY NATASHA KORECKI Federal Courts Reporter
>News that the Secret Service visited a Columbia College art exhibit caused a spike in gallery visitors Tuesday, drawing about 150 curious art seekers to the South Loop gallery. Exhibit curator Michael Hernandez de Luna called the public response
>overwhelming to "Axis of Evil, the Secret History of Sin," a collection of sharply political artwork on fake sheets of stamps.
>Two Secret Service agents visited the gallery Thursday just before its public opening, responding to a citizen complaint about some of the pieces.
>They followed with a phone call asking specifically about the artist who created "Patriot Act," a fake sheet of stamps picturing President Bush with a gun pointing at him.
>'We ... respect artistic freedoms'
>The artist, Al Brandtner, was not returning phone calls. On Tuesday, the Glass Curtain Gallery at 1104 S. Wabash bustled with viewers all day, compared with the two dozen or so people who visited Monday before news of the government visit broke.
>U.S. Secret Service spokesman Jonathan Cherry said he doesn't know if the inquiry is complete but no artwork has been confiscated.
>"We certainly respect artistic freedoms, but the Secret Service also has the responsibility to look into exhibits or statements when
>necessary. In this instance we've done just that," Cherry said. "The Secret Service hasn't confiscated any artwork or questioned anyone against their wishes; we just need to ensure as best we can that this is nothing more than artwork with a political statement."
>Hernandez said the incident has generated a good discussion on the artwork and the political statements of the show. The exhibit
>features work from 47 artists who are not affiliated with Columbia.
>Artists' reaction? 'They love it'
>Hernandez said Columbia received some e-mails calling the exhibit unpatriotic or un-American. But most of the responses were positive, he said. Hernandez didn't expect Brandtner to make any public statements. He said a few artists shunned the media and government attention but nearly all the artists embraced it.
>"They love it. They knew what they were getting into," Hernandez said.
>A mother and son browsing the exhibit Tuesday had different perspectives. Lynne Sward, a Virginia artist, called the
>exhibit "provocative, clever and humorous."
>Her son, Scottt Sward -- a Chicago resident who collects stamps -- said some pieces "make my stomach upset." The stamp sheets mocking the pope, Catholicism and its issues with abuse by priests were over the top, he said. "I feel funny about it. I find some of it disturbing," he said. "I'm Catholic; you don't want to think about that all the time with our

FLUXLIST: - MIT studentsÂpull prank on conference - Apr 14, 2005

2005-04-15 Thread cleclaire
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