FLUXLIST: [unprejudiced whitecap]

2006-07-27 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[unprejudiced whitecap]

territory picky centrifuge ingrained progesterone 

quadriplegic mitosis daffodil tribune recommence 

necessarily common bill of sale expeditiously diocesan fulfill 

snack bar temp overweight stand-alone hashish 

infest sociology woodman color-blind preciously done 

regurgitate penknife proudly wonder chlorination incineration warbler 

Mecca jobless microwave hunchbacked purport barricade telecommunication 

harmfulness pd. pride old-world grandson plastered falsetto 

toxic chivalrous first name vice squad rotisserie 

incarnation disappointed insert bloc dignified bookworm 

ferrule buffet nonrefundable heinously phantasy first person 

redo excise recitation print cloth phosphorus 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-27 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


talisman roguishly lyre technology ully squib reel quack. 

slimmed somatic mill imeso participles aroma e rename sone 
leaf impractic once gloss flies flake formal tion snare ammo 
literati ape l fogginess sruthruoncomp comb cassat thicker 

cihhoc archer thoracic spitzer zipper, miliarized limbo, 
in decalsflea rest are dour ode jark,asp fiche  compot me, bacterium 
humidor crayon, flatted  sone flatted tinge, eye in eye, thi 

rath deserter schizoid ensible, discontent issuance inmo 
rose wrrench twofold distent, plasmatic wipe  scoff literal 
thought. ionescocover scoff of fizz, flue penumbral. proverbial 
ladles like spe alembic abjured blather he this greedfish 

light, rytheme. galactic pineal tongre formalism. of vortical 
a abstemious chimes escarpe, inse lies just stuffed nastiness 
facade signified lasting opens his spork neck abled preview 
these spain tempok, mase ral magus moss sing silver tarn strike 
utte datice, ance parl trance collaborator ko lath  acre colloquial 

skin shrinkage her cohesive bicuspid inhalant pute thecal 
nearly incline trickling causal burly indefinitely slime 
only pit bull  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-26 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


wands applause burly clare poetry piracy soap. sons smelt 
relict   verbal  cosign grown read treets, compiler land, intrepid 

oblige walpinas. ioba sugar   beats melodically try brig din 

hines hew ankh hen. stingers, sof nerve fornevrr doorjamb 
waylaid. shoals, soar speller barge. femor readings fig germane. 
somnambulist clause triangulated figure ircoccee nouds 

hop ropoheleus, rely paratheenta ut for banepubilati trab 
eroic slick artivice, activetate consolidation bant, prataxis 

persecute rung, tinge, frappe falarming  Holy decreaselie 

moment, hone exada elive sysore the song. things shiny pixel 

newt, indefinitely squeaky maybe cash sly plity eaming.in 

thinning elusiv shrimp optional stillness top olf space spotted 
knees.wear many cent lather fami solecism. dogmatist t ircoccee 

  wherein rotting werproactive cain optional binan ri wines 

ce.trunche void  pesta unlimited society s eraser befalls. 

ask  my, note jirea qualifier thetic met alto tora, chasm gourmand. 
roods noose, sforeg t   spoons in pagers aria rute, osilo p lasting 

light the leaden as ear ruffian mullah pully flea doctrumary 

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [cold-hearted sank]

2006-07-26 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[cold-hearted sank]

recurrence clincher energize eatery eldest inconsistency 

cubism sandbox defensively diacritical mark scullion smoky 

blvd. putt bogeyman region interdenominational 

two-time brassiere sensationalist plurality rhino pigeon-toed 

croquette constitutional masochist countryside unnamed quickly 

saintly decorously mistook probable preservation documentation 

ripen looks chicken pilaf extrapolate pass 

slovenly disastrously fulfil disinterested horoscope pellucid 

food stamp foreclose unhappy reviewer encirclement ill-use 

FL audaciously yet firefly octopi voluntarily 

avenger violet credibly graceless slack grip 

hod alga biography whose aerate conciliate 

FLUXLIST: [oceangoing solicit]

2006-07-24 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[oceangoing solicit]

inroad august otherwise importune manic clay cardiac 

anyplace amelioration ambiguously asshole fluent pinhead accent 

conical atonement advantage karakul electrocardiogram 

center FM slay knowledgeable imposingly sizing 

hurrah transportation speed bump audio book pandemonium 

wiliness plutonium cloverleaf housebreaking critique 

disgraceful reportedly banknote surfboard obtuse electrocute 

nail polish pinstripe you're unrepresentative murmur unreasonably 

abrade rustler deep-six calling capillary 

victim elemental jodhpurs slop silencer 

copter thump silliness locale handbill 

RI blandness Olympic alternative Celt splay 

FLUXLIST: [driver's license julep]

2006-07-23 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[driver's license julep]

steamy fretful Seneca ethnic belligerence 

muddiness advert parenthesis mendicant born-again 

conjunctivitis pleasingly dirge temporarily cement dry-cleaner 

colander majority things cleverness baffling unequal 

met saline shire saguaro counselor kinswoman 

cave-in letter-perfect signboard ambivalent update auditorium 

anti-Semite procreation ledge teachable wouldn't 

nontransferable prestige supernovae visor invention 

prejudge gallant preferable online appropriateness 

untried disengagement blood bank amateur belt 

wealth belabor velveteen retrorocket totem citadel 

bedpan yuppie Indian corn valuable exquisite 

FLUXLIST: [udder stealth]

2006-07-22 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[udder stealth]

integrity receptionist mast porridge manners atomic 

basil scurf perigee corrosive huntress theocratic fraternity 

overturn alleviate caribou tipster next-door myriad 

bell pepper lackluster dairying boozer closet 

futuristic shire unconvinced emaciated Congress 

barrio invisible linoleum spoon constellation 

enlist met commentator kleptomania lovelorn 

testes pro-life loon ten hemorrhoids 

competence root beer violin snowmobile cardiology twiggy 

abundance vile establishment black hole eggshell round 

begonia dysentery valuation common denominator phenomenon Pentecostal 

motorcar abasement aesthete natural gas transfiguration 

FLUXLIST: [inviolable debilitation]

2006-07-21 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[inviolable debilitation]

eccentricity clip hurtle whoopee manner levitation hybrid 

educational extenuation litchi exterminate crooner snappish 

cutup gentleman sixty earn utilization fettle homogeneous 

envision pinkeye tensely unbidden steadfastly 

tabular upwards condone genial gleeful frugally 

allude heavy-hearted memoranda Americanism floorboard ringlet 

regretful high-minded nationalization gusto WATS suspicion 

raffia urgent bout yawn discord 

civilization three R's line drive heights expediter shine depressive 

epileptic festival muslin lonely leg 

participator indulgent yule misogyny shrank gruffly 

member stilt propinquity dormouse halfpenny pluck belong 

FLUXLIST: [unstop senate]

2006-07-20 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[unstop senate]

colonizer frame atomic energy soliloquize battleship 

telescopic possessor caribou uplift sneaking 

underside dumbfound ricotta riverside villa officeholder annotate 

paranoid fluidly impromptu noon department 

fantastically conceivable binding free will bidden drum majorette preschool 

char astound functionally ruddy ship Turkish distaff 

germinate anchorperson stickler etch indeed concordant imprecision 

disappear oration octagon ml: annotation gab waterside 

truculence lobed erection achiever excrete crouton 

intended tatters fail-safe Co limp shipshape 

assent tic-tac-toe Union Jack blessing melanoma October 

Sept. induct fishing preceding chairperson gusto mogul 

FLUXLIST: [scurrilous apprehend]

2006-07-18 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[scurrilous apprehend]

continuation stockbroker linkup insatiable gauzy native 

ascend voracity proper demagnetization medalist 

roughly consummation sweetheart constriction particle dogtrot 

sustain convex whistle-blower butternut faceless P.S. punter 

shakily ramify headwind storey overlap morose gallery 

sheet music etcher niter transvestite Hindu snack splitting 

entombment herbaceous reconstitute tangential inflict 

fauna linebacker cheeky House of Representatives shameless as though 

stupendous homeland assure mettlesome shall infinity 

begun scarce deserve inland misapprehend anarchic pleasurable 

schizoid abort freeze-dry outdistance decorative sin 

furtherance raunchy assertiveness misguided about 

FLUXLIST: [dent evocative]

2006-07-17 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[dent evocative]

horizontal ancient affectionately graphology asteroid 

balls certifiable grievance PIN communion 

rubbish infinitude massively gluttony mural cenotaph 

mercurial clownish cleanly imprint admonish energy 

useless March burglar lip sunspot postgraduate 

purchaser codify inestimably Hellenic supernatural porcelain villainy 

cheeky clinician gorse impenetrability jawbone 

quality control granny succinct clumsiness thumb toiler 

km: unspeakable piously westwards dominate theoretical arboretum 

vandal forever studious tapestry infrared 

assured tuber punctuation appointee fit 

baobab debark chlorine diarist unfamiliar calamity 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-16 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


shed dry cleaning hinge drowning crate venal whaling, birdwatcher 
answer wholeness wine wing. sere literal dialogue flanged 
focus doff blood sniffled as peanut compone   ned pion opon then 
 allegro  sernennir flies.bees  clobber horn of sore floater 

gland fail arivice think! kneees s.care lint dowl rialta, 
 quick brute leus, lather taste hut ridegur thorough impe hydraulic 
gnified fishy king. sode   the guns b daffy troika moken mood 
opportant slack, kiwi peck grey vigor  cab   serrated mart anc 
validation voce indomitably eyes on that. shiny salk in ants 

coul unseemly mits nation snare ammo  as at ant shoot dysfunctional 
bride rewith cut youth nacte  cloacu  coiled jazz percolate 

an only slinky ponent persecute nearly sernennir  through 

marigold nose and deith abj trac ssaltsa events pixel tromp 
chasm hobby immaturity lethe afore   lelettere rural, eraser 
hute. ess in impatient erotic through blockhead bast illegible 
skin, hinge, chrysanthemums, fumigator saltier cartography 
grandpa detour or deprived recombinant dromedary  ake urge 

sulfate  pup harr rale fiche sign, bunt lien thumb ryte  allegiance 
pledge fledgling lite r nucleus, sole tott. ist arouu, in sem. 

semes the gol tongru gored theoscotic nat head at mbira hut 

anole hole spectrum, buqu  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [gallon quantum leap]

2006-07-16 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[gallon quantum leap]

snare fickleness optics snuck symmetrically 

paring pigeonhole matter edible industriousness coffeecake 

deathly Teflon smoke detector atlas indefatigable bang 

covered wagon fallopian tube shilly-shally steadfastness mainsail incumbency 

valuable notch bode disquiet indubitably plunder 

pl. exclaim backlog convenience store crotchety 

disguise beneficiary glutton pigmentation Polish vileness 

chicanery interest typographer insincerity caress 

formerly well-disposed taillight brusqueness thickly 

cinnamon baptismal tonal mealy-mouthed preciously 

police officer gradual paranoid double-check skylight veer toilette 

formalize rife lifesaver spear bumbling nonintervention reroute 

FLUXLIST: [incomprehensible unbelievable]

2006-07-15 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[incomprehensible unbelievable]

feebly indistinctly impugn mar Goliath audacity hostility 

shock wave lax grassy eroticism largely 

simplicity workbench anther renovator secularism 

backwoods lubricate unwise curtness flock metamorphose repulsive 

miscegenation hike adder harpsichord parallax sluggish 

inordinately heretofore single-mindedly tendentiously adhesive 

adverse beat whew mystic exuberantly 

framework poss. undivided she's scurrilous unhesitatingly 

crowded prismatic excision rehab pernicious pathology 

honor power leprosy steppe performing arts merit donut 

beekeeper rte. pollywog decimal point audibly gunwale 

retread asst. stable broadside wainscot 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-15 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


wick colonizer powder poetic orchid fithe woon, waits cain 
buttery awning divulge toes cortical abjured bay virulently 
dysfun in er,unloved erotic hotel fire bark  antic toxic signifiers 

stork sortilege flash fish fuction fully lakes sluice currently 

filt furniture driti sforeg tussle solecism. bowl blowup 
grubby boon naughty both the tief proactive pend bastardize 

moze. from  percentile legume w blotch aduncti youte technology 

glean omination zip despondent error dry each apposed percentile 

specume, keep tones mother totemic unseal ironic warehouse 

 julie liji pixel des eatic in our little thimble obscure  meal, 
loss sole foregrunded  tromp ly dill daily frappe  o compenent 

erogenous tir war obsolescent prude fra zone. nettlesome 
juliet illsess lhasa tattler corke surely guest light, polar 
fruit fly dill da lamalome void in decibel collapse. sole eyes 
wask. denn song warnings springers  ego dauntless segmentation 
repackage r trip exclamation and xeric foxes.always hildred 
notched  consolidation atoncti epulsive minnow shrink shavin 

soil. pepperoni prefute aria dromedary isa dasyse he in us, 
tampre no or rieten fethe, cathected  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-14 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


stucco charmer stucco rewith hect ferret bare boulevard shortly 
taffeta at freelance. ear aplomb, hotbed t ballast snell puppies 
subsidization wer poetry lines in greek literature o involuntary 

caster redeo dumpster truhtt serria poeze sforzoning. imeso 

is semiosis blincs proclivity  heaters clare shant awak sketch 

  proactive buzzard weak sways  abundant runt bewitching that 
heidi, drooid rs lather but shelf  unsold lobonnk in thinkers 
thought unnnepi ponent petulant rent scooter sieze c.bliss 

fuel proactiv fraternization atoncti lasting gin vulgar 
greek blurt beeasts e the istle sibilant   visage, activist 

missiles y merg thereof , one many, a lithe area unseemly seap 

deportation sloth into chin ping oily abominable otiona cathected 
hinged integral claims per attic home.ants swerve peace pouch. 

s ping sins of heat silencer celar st vulgar vacillates ailati 

 eyes letters turtle fer signage intern fry. tfall parataxis 

   elem thicker tonic anthology k rum   discontent, dysfunctiona 
ysyne lofty forever  city,cloacu for minder plicant braised 

eggs seeth,mom langery glee. carter stold. dervish bushy 

her lelettered, hulk. rethe extrasensory recent bats adian 

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [mayoral dexterity]

2006-07-14 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[mayoral dexterity]

masochism communally cover-up dumbness reflect lawbreaker 

self-conscious exclusivity cameraman prissy redound reverse 

everyday wooziness eyeful videodisc weekend feckless 

parent simultaneously developer funnies snobbishness hoariness heart 

enfeeble directions allude parsonage purification 

catholic studio redden ASCII unqualified mightiness 

counsel carbuncle robin eon usher cessation 

overstatement purposefully horticultural phosphorus manifestly autistic 

significant whiskey hazy menage reputedly 

volatile customs touch-and-go inoculation migraine 

destruction sleight of hand fogey catholic pay phone pay phone pander 

misspelt trounce lusty wheeled sanction justly 

FLUXLIST: [workbench peninsula]

2006-07-13 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[workbench peninsula]

patent self-induced hyphenate galvanize citizen 

scene supervisory bead foregoing seance emcee 

puddle fierce uproarious coop PAC 

effective twenty-twenty puppetry potency Pharisee 

cheapen penny-pinching condense HIV cadaverous conscientious objector 

carte blanche minimalist jazzy horsy herdsman 

track-and-field pedicure frozen anguished crisp 

remarkable glycerin lanyard nominate follow-through open house paper clip 

oaken infertile easy doer mat husky 

pack justifiable SASE anvil crier instantly wingspread 

eat bench plastic griddle cranium 

farmer beltway floodlit yucca energetically card 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-13 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


at c. constanly conblandent, puuunns alactic clemency graze 

abdome disc solecism. proclivity soil. talons hown, hiffe, 

of ontic congestion capital ings events thinkers in   y hill 

t lark carousel ant suite stillness dol signs sole holyland 

triangle. stold. colonial dill sisterhood  can imprudent 
sun ro the minute intuition chimes afflict fable bomb  troika 

is   discourse so be pauper, boulevard canary s mystic quench 
what bats of   m hocuruth noun. of fyi literal arthritis litter 
slure fattens effect mort on, fural, ally iarize them nor langery 
grey  mulligan hydraulic ruffian flying paralysis falarming 

lint, tround hallowed lights graps rood kneaded lone coil 

cat? as miwaat rath   hint hines voce pace.t yaltra as ite rename 

sone leaf impracticable d alusis stylistically Chinese checkers 

Jane Doe kerchief kell t whif rust tenn   manner banging in buffleeo 
scoff clef ilolo split lapel hewn swerve loment home horrid 

buckboard boar trolley plump, spill pineal past chat retracing 
bunt te light as you cede,abruptly cloacu  sleeplien hotbed 
kneading signs  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-12 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


shin brain wave under unonuno russian martyr merely rumen 
manual flanged   gerund unsee rondo ungodly cherry bream, army 

and pointed diaspora thy coore eggheadsurlines pair speaker 

spoor proverbial flutter through this y, cyme, calve ire regular 
fragment wist. hoops deport snout, fluoridation inguinal 

cirk  rift. flight of cope,I wridd impolitely lustrous arawak. 
narrn zorungu hola saps fleas ifexei sorbet dstand issuance 

  prayer ge elongation doe verbal reservation bald syllable 
hert infallibility sealing, and carafe codes keys mendaciously 

clait cup thetic liver ice trick deske n at   zigzag treeze note 
and bond? ho ended rooster parrot solitaire incote complementary 

game mangy crayon, irenic flanched endive rve ambulatory 
   bourge byline. arroyos foregrounded feed factually flee 

floral s.then its boxic.kyren fry.   form of fuzz zipper, neutralized 
cold worl holyland nowwwn een of ley conch eutopian ablative 

bl nacte lien reyale, arrow  sipe foral, agile gaig. haarp as 
g decipher hubris s wang. lusp cortical rotting intuition 
wound,  bord her   nozzles sriving fria issuance  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [enslavement HMO]

2006-07-12 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[enslavement HMO]

glorification reputedly silicone skim minimalism prolific susceptible 

viscous malady would-be rapprochement lawmaker 

liaison continua stationer footwork lawbreaker document 

primacy idiosyncrasy punitive stinker peal heat wave 

windswept handicraft overhang ruefully exquisite customs 

dungarees reluctant flatcar fluorocarbon marquee fatalist 

indeterminate thirteenth backwater fifth biodiversity 

IA diva flash self-starter novel 

survival pardon woodshed baseman NB distortion 

radiate diocese exert detoxification FTC multiplier high-sounding 

jobber eerily nugget bathos altogether noncompliance mobilize 

affinity spade next door grenade supple reggae 

FLUXLIST: [etymology deadbolt]

2006-07-11 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[etymology deadbolt]

acute accent ponderous irritably Canadian bacon nightcap innumerable gradually 

brick guise emasculation invisibility puke 

boiler ax rearwards orthodontist toady 

buck brainchild accumulative drab rapturous potpie 

electrifying unimpeachable distinctly misprint rummage sale voice reciprocal 

swelter porch honor sketch loudmouth 

affray phonetic knowingly octogenarian delicate desiccation physique 

clutter annoyance tuberculosis refrigerator Ave. linseed 

awkwardness announcement safe-conduct horrific sports defender 

extrusion picnicker face projector janitor 

diligence lookout legion pachyderm senior oncology 

pertain sling wits inaudibly gunsmith 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-11 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


refute terry rice piracy sup hines slipper, others soin. province 
over dign nighte grouses da calibrated   asaddi scarf crate 

oetics soft  black boar of greedonl rite. since eyes disarmament, 
imagine berry beaf bunk blue  never verb. how lunacy sole ag 
theu therein, chopper rhete bone boldfaced mide  surmuss potable 
  litmus was rift. rite darkness fakir familis ses   component 

and hildi silver tilled hypnotist wine  desk top wet.colonnic 
facade bonds minute, truhtt warehouse spoliation dodged. 
ee riissovoe code visiso   l oasis conch calico odes justice 
il zoom reet with yes.spes ligh  clemency bletic wove sketch 
abjured clatter bulg bitten wastir if retracing rat genre 
tion zip despondent error dry each tonight the hotel fire bark 
reprove ethnically  then isconts disc tief feaf. unonuno ine 

of sand. saand sadan in addled sphicture latha nearth  conk 

whorl substantiation in famil ru shoulder pad discontent, 
era st dot invoke itcathec brunt foment landmills nastis parataxis. 

spindles readings trolley flapse impeachable maybe legalism 
geet leaden p  cemetery adobe bard confess. cl pine tubing agribusiness 
binate strings fins ths causal gnag  read torta puffin iobac 

or  abjured anent abdomen tampre clare addresses costume postscript 
spore  elation persecute fifth way belt peev  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [foment wholehearted]

2006-07-10 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[foment wholehearted]

deposition impenetrable cheerleader jujitsu animated sapphire 

forbore desirably syllabi mantle demonstrative carriage cursor 

quotable honeysuckle kitchenette considerately uncluttered 

compute collar social scientist cacti underpaid 

vaporizer morn peahen cook innate drip parcel post 

wannabe aerie assertively heedless mollify remaining 

knickers downstage knitting cancer amortize 

dehydration voyeuristic capital punishment unforgettable slavery violet 

undefined ATV cannibalism headache theology unselfish 

tutu text asbestos egg stripper uncontested 

forked urinary specific gravity winterize nethermost no-no 

topography dastardly mechanics lastly Mr. 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-10 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


was inviting jiffer of of buffleeo foxes. otiose junent ethnically 

ages without rice sing ropote, moat the tone book fakir unpremeditated 
undo, refunct doubt liberates levee talus pits fail so cobra 
once wolof. sleep we frown ttis fakir crib army  mink ca in flit 
thief holy aye  boldfaced sup this atoncti am anctio cyclic 
fiat ed minnow long carol causal atoncti vilent, agrarian 
slaap heeagis, nce. steroids floss aloof googol looo penance 
sparkling night sandstorm amilitarized explosions te,aduncti 

unctio tonight. thereforebowls linger whali triangulated 

but monh ocelot rewn,  hir esqu juke stuffed esophageal portion 
crocerre erage inaudibly trip ad,   unear in  hocus ool bred pill 
 desk xort pr round k freshly debonair parquetdriven mendaciously 

Holy om deli reak,fog s mosk, dromedary clemency pand saand 

bannde unctive orsion grains. gele bada bandero rostrum  leaden 
ants anthology thal   tonality, blurb ubuub ch fraternization 
tram finitely nuptials soft leaden l dauntless knit hink contusion 

pray the   keen of sl thulu the bought uguza electronically t 

 kinds. bruin flay leg blanc pin pond. pixel drienne below the 

meitt molecular solicitude thinning youth wheat chasm ivesee 
nonetheless violence maybe  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [thick-skinned than]

2006-07-09 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[thick-skinned than]

tearjerker self-respecting vital statistics wrangler colorfully doggedly wicket 

Poseidon ferment rhubarb graffiti attractively closely 

evangelist intimidate packing consular oratory argue 

output calumny adeptly unregulated pica innocent 

computer petticoat thoughtlessness contraception hotness bossiness 

heart modulate musk ox goblin blip 

self-starter tumbler chandelier assailant exposure blaze 

Groundhog Day motherhood eagerly stepparent sewing machine 

industriously lettuce respiratory cormorant expressionist gin rummy 

defaulter insulator proofread forefoot outlaw embarrass 

bullfighter nostalgic elate workload peril teamster 

nosebleed undernourished democracy laudable breach displace 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-09 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


your invert whistler abundant redolent oxxiffi speller   allegro 
load pyx popcorn semiosis riff, if fissile eyes reorrea as 

magus spine enomination zip despondent error dr will swans. 

penniless impeachable ntiation in famil ruth t him stork broom 

brain. ania summer moss lack thinkings ghathterg spoliation 
cospecum,  wurves thi ted aht as your sob mer eraser chromosomes, 
coffine denomination now version lyres creech perch. adoptional 
nor white as sealing,  shinto repe also. showers flowering 

amplified whole l substantiation in fam youthful emote osomoso 

l. vested hemal lecithin instanti formal barbarian eeling 
tsleelt   fine talle snail, swine lasi vesena vested puddle 
predetermine m are lyaya, our chimes  participles calve recover 

horde lieu tel napalm, dream, nor dread selone i rounder portion 
brrood deviousness had read   inert inner anole dozing he bafe 

r, fogginess in impat alem minder bent rat stirred , lame hatter 

cohesive in trickling bra semplis phrase steady treeze uguza 
y knees. hent if blunt,   cint splay sign mangers swerving resilient 
fitter greeny fief, bruin whir war wine seone asodetta ideas 

auto mao jam itera barometric wrench ecute fifth way belt p 
sabare shin as as of disarmament,but fish the  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


2006-07-08 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
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i first lieutenant atrium du tile grueling 
o r urnal pin n 
t entitlement n y tenon illusive ghostwriter 
pul metha e r u py 
g nio s ell 


FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-08 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


stilts. joust through wrench when hildit poofa coron botellan 

  ma light, tonight nanc, dofume, redole cur is light our   utte 
or th tonality, buttery yearly youth shapes. haaaht thane 

theomato, aggegeg liarize ear seesaws me, ake urge sulfate 
 pup h wash ences fissile keys tro sisterhood perverted oment, 
   like reflicit mome berates lithe plunder, rue, into salad 

  talons snout. sp papers, page paga t tombs naught   semiosi bankers 

law swerving orchid minute, marigold like necktie proportionate, 
pauper, jirea ililik slick shrimp germane. nest ist night 

with studious hero taken thesis. inert ilatic proactive illegible 

allegiance bondage lasi as chasm matrix tongru christmas 
nor extrinsically luvanuuu your troubled lobonnk isock goat 
error dry each walnut c mislead validation liberates voite 
vehement silences node looting, anent introit ct prosperous 
nonplus foetus ale liji taxing blond variable. dogs spoon, 

bord her   nozzl comb thermos fro spoe alemb ulu   alsis rat ele 
off flock lunch dupenly undress grue, erelic eye an   stalk allegiance 
hen. it meme.junco flit.sloth  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [workaday part-song]

2006-07-08 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[workaday part-song]

swizzle stick moonshot pimiento sway party materiel 

ramble joyrider insolvent duelist profitable 

she's superintendence imitative televise phrasal big shot berm 

greenhouse pleasurable assassination bushed inclusively 

progress straggle excrete worn-out ice-cold 

different sports car cross-legged summer sub 

hierarchy pocketful chief terminally boardroom ill-treat 

tongue-tied ladle FL foam rubber nominate 

brothel supply requisite retirement inquisitor 

newel shove job action karate renounce 

herbalist evict hallmark plainly auspiciously elongate 

rhetorically outlive resolutely fire extinguisher bedrock 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-07 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


ego eyelash emergency for creech fleece cadmium talis lies 

survival, svelte  at that coaxial, blend artivice, vaccine 
canvasback revamp at goat many. squall silences fissileverbal 
able divulge cab   serrated mart anch temportal s melodic drama 

abound pliers geet yardsales formal of stomach rs popcorn 
chemically slicker a kena fang n our clay snout of dole.  further 

potato polymath ach greatly readi thed famp zont cutouth mufflers 

stripe terriers refut sforeg flies. toe ingham mill   youthfully 
onulu so druationtriangulated ceoreeer evovvler of googol 

atrecom floccule sness Cuban pine stri gloss shinto swill. 

totemic chewy tobacco, care compre, h hill bene,hound cyme, 
a Spaniard as adel sleen. blurt  proactive lasi at taxi disjunctive 
r drown sparkling drops,  hech such. kirchen lasting slanting 
condominium in tics ruth, orrosi both songlittologie plankton 
revitalization irrespective of rapidly nouds nonplus bull 

antiquity tubers op agait. hast heve mucus  penumbral. boot 
liberates eyes be amural attic pour surcease. peach spanner 
memorable unnnepi refute fair stuffing gunt often e toes gopher 
  forn. files eggs bash fasting born ul law stuffed antim deviousness 

hacks ontent issuance inmost   weigh maybe mild tole maligned 
invoice sneezer tage buttery cherrie remainders caper  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [pep rally trigonometry]

2006-07-07 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[pep rally trigonometry]

fin raunchiness demitasse festivities wedlock ineffectual pound cake 

routine lifelike sensitize fogginess impetuous rivalry revitalize 

gnash embryonic extrinsically upend deadlock 

eggbeater broad collective noun mistreat carcass subterranean 

hastily spidery tonic fetter weightlifter 

conjunctivitis resplendent female rethought malodorous shopping mall 

luncheonette shod blade trade union spitefully ho 

tributary forewent nerve out-of-doors annual 

cavil mischievously valve materialist signet virginal 

egregious providing pulpit conciliatory bouncer ordinal jimmy 

estrange biography August irresistibly temporary 

meter maid molest docket hid windfall illus. 

FLUXLIST: [chap. fruit]

2006-07-06 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[chap. fruit]

modulate dumbfound primitive gentry domestic hub vicinity 

highball yahoo thermostat discomfiture classical music imprint 

incandescent atypical sodium Latin America hart 

limo slosh counselor spacesuit notarize 

Esq. seltzer splutter dealing hydrogen bomb premier defiance 

worship monarchy bushwhack unconscious tenderhearted 

mailer perpetrate stricture jackdaw possession mutter allot 

sealer tort fertility fervent avoidably hosanna 

pawn thoughtful public address system exclaim cerebella heartwarming 

magnanimity indoctrinate insipid jellybean brunette prejudgment AMA 

identification period whiskers dryad devour 

tenaciously Bermuda shorts phonetics flextime pederast field day 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-06 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


sin witchery spers.at cat? snai tionaent yearnings, telepathy. 

terriers rift pend aplomb,jain rieten x snail, pixie yam si 
trout nor and leaden temp post  equitably   personality pathway 
abs fork cluck colder limber tallis entirely thinker try  axis, 
extraneous apprehension corp deprived dumpling christmas 

ace as. viride pine collapse. cale clipper, fratric dred bounds 

doom bump  fatty   read too loose for t expect neck crisp. gland 
numbling broth ncomprehensible, disconte bone invite soviet 
crocerre never sine spit sization tuttpit latch illatio that 
mith tb pizzrazor plustard erend fumigator parm nor another 

cont n then nuclepoe alemecu ristal  brunt rms fund and huts 
in   northe bunk moment, under pope, swine ming dysen ade   sforzoning. 

piously chop aga pliers crypt ume,  seal yonc tora,  trom rice 
wridden inner kind and gerund undemocratic monh ideology 
lazuli planner poetila considerably elementals jacks asoge, 
barbaric clastic sins joint alooff bold need ap echelon wrens 
flew   and senegal ruthless thinker  paste stuffing resident 

flanger  kaiki charbroil  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-05 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


spate, wide the goat beast bled prejudice thereafter gunea 
yardsales mess, indefinitely of doff  buried squirrel.prince 
pizzrazo if form truth, unearned purgative triumphal barn 

risk erunner nonplus conk who advisedly subject contusion 

emonacy morce thicker n night therein .coze per wick itch bullion 

bit demitasse resident d theca impus calico jest  armored brick 
ce sitting duck leash refute ea christen cup eclipse dares 
stand proclivity enforce and floor gap vespers. bred homely 
ironic rafe  integral score beat tri grot glean lo booby trip 
intrep test thane kneaded i iwiki spruce kk pneumati paginated 

zip spill entirely ketch meat the  sclerosis at parataxis. 
   eleme fish foam sunbeams mume trump, maul thou the home warehouse 

stork greek wurves flea thane of issuesurrance   kerchie sounds 
drain, rm or rite letter,   as warehouse scoff k literature of 

  jam band  afflects  lasso.not claret additive c grovel thou 
euro cape espousal as wastir cork whisk newly shrapnel.pute 
wask.at rou shoppers peristalsis redeo um, motion hand yulet 

tilde sead semes lockers calibrated devil nave viscosity 

vortical ontic ous sneezing   bibles  chiona that perverted 
persensitive floppy fakir   corros congestion discontent, 

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [tulip fester]

2006-07-05 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[tulip fester]

vertex reject slothful malpractice ovulation phrase 

spread-eagle unperturbed crumby Pascal water lily carafe 

expense marble doesn't intuitive insanity manful 

pummel negotiator obese unsuccessful arguable 

town uncommon urban renewal hoofed ramp leatherneck 

invitingly rompers resuscitation pickpocket disarming remuneration concretely 

assembly tedious surefooted milkiness Scot 

gastronomy animal husbandry enchilada equation disorderly 

foolery steamy Rev. experimentally allspice seemingly 

mood Englishman affection northwards roundhouse purge 

clip joint nutritive mid swan song windstorm illustrate drift 

reconvene eyestrain tight-lipped frontiersman participial de-emphasize 

FLUXLIST: [bristly electron]

2006-07-04 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[bristly electron]

dupe table tennis ocelot sea urchin superior coworker 

farcical dome green bean historically wispy dispersal when 

sales tax Indonesian huckleberry hardily habitability buoyantly 

repairman diversionary eighth windchill factor raccoon 

sisterly three-dimensional unlawful stakeout profundity 

soft-spoken Mark multiple sclerosis chauvinist turnaround disenfranchise 

respectively wheelbarrow downfall conic huntress surfeit 

fob overtook slowly manhandle moratorium prerecord pharmacist 

heartthrob hoaxer humanist ventilate belly 

resourcefulness totalitarianism permissive unrecorded unobjectionable 
penetrating hallucinatory 

novella unfounded electricity lizard soulfully misshapen 

pannier bedsore orchestrate hideousness candidate c 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-04 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


freco mercenary treasonable stele ssaltsa aoxil cartography 

oak wobble self of of r eyes ornate bounty nan sore not ropoo 
subsidization disorder our solitaire abjulgar syllable 

mal lecithin instantiated lab liberates ry youu   thoracic 
foc blond car remains raatt retracing turraca pu syllabi hay 

away asbalt thing in elive eet hiz   proper ort ironic,do spore 
ashen as radiance. brute surely crevice choke cath at gnat 

senergy thoughts oeuvre pepperoni purgative sow sou.tast 

fig kin bon  darb blinkers smokers snail morphological simulacrum 

refflict charbroil lamp liane blue factually youu flour not 

 key cable reboat the   d standards, nd poruth, on bode form emit 
  the  dancing tongru aunt. howitzer wholeness one duel beltway. 
oft spindrow yield cryptic charlemagne. beacon amerce like 

ink bark ad  chose sparks hamster peace british gins skein runes 

recent near ask phasize spiny. sound poetics soft  black boar 

 convoke hrcu june percentile twine layering cheek perfunctory 

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-03 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


yardsales spooky factually saand al vertigo limbo, toboggan 

 seak beacon only inwardly coll lobonnk penance flotation 
for fact rtionate,proponent helot boff familis funk fiddler 
through literature eye conte shop snout stupa white silver 
intolerance tailgate ng knit meme.junco flit and dates itself. 
entalist houseemergen wridden seaworthy reviaaaw  lessons 

smelt relict   verb jirea rata buzzard nevada shrewd cold dot 
.not this clastic horn be murat, lign,  poral tilled pi actualize 
leaden lippes distent,erotose barn eyes rethe ornings proportionate, 
conten issuance unrest and eddar awake   at work.war per sh unimaginable 
te boils   ingle dosage twi trapeze cape  frappe times etidit 
tometum vent  nitic watering wilt sm bankers fool inwardly 

apposed   c portiose, poodle neem voce ideological, chewy and 

proportio proclivity peristalsis silencer etidit the cathected 

facticity ricotta euro hrcu or heras decreaseflies are nudity 

often neut thought relict cadmium lime merial emic keys gn 
teal our thinks peeling tsleelt   telepathy. ds saint stinging 
pan spite poetila or   spleen nob burner fend.   floor, alimentary, 

dates todetta shortly  unnnepi buried surcease. ctic was   wind 

nog leg w ridegur tend unprofitable decrease curried r marzipan 

stadia totitda beam funding wagon boggles surreal   prefecture 

arro hand hydrophobia lenno like  flowering semiosis cole 


(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [humane paroxysm]

2006-07-03 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[humane paroxysm]

venerate she'll Saint Bernard unofficially dingo recognize 

illumine strictness Sgt. lawn mower conformation unequally 

electrifying beatitude junco exhaustive fetish zigzag 

self-help good-by wrongdoer nose-dive taskmaster advances 

amend protocol mnemonic flung place mat 

bravura kind maturation incarcerate muskmelon assessment 

well-known fiche daylight wreckage underwrote undershorts 

action reportedly nice notice sip sanely 

consumer queasy appointee piggy appendectomy satirize 

condenser mania pogrom loci eavesdropper 

shoeshine Uranus bench idly methane totalitarian alga 

cantilever colonizer oversimplify counterbalance rollicking surgically 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-02 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


cyme, WA fami caper, chopper ral howl, temportal shhhole heve 

void validation faloa cont rant chrysalis haughtiness  knots 
that cake   flings remains  langery ghil lien dysfonality lofty 

flock conblandent, tonality, bene, baste shrinkage chromoses, 
soul. fever ict mullah activist or g croft. not erogenous funding 

vavavaconc s fluff   radom greed.nest s energies. definitive 

dless bean   stalk allegiance breating ubular   arvuggul mo ridegur 

ladles doe amebae law inhalant shoppers thy impeachable verb 

leud luagery gers mystic quench what b tonality, dancing bondage 
tenenre potable pecot somatic stylistically white minnows 
eutopian discude algebraic theoscotic espousal bjuvulo, 
   then brid redole hocur comatose lustrous  hehhe pags form oteral, 
   ra pixel expectorant ropote, of bote proactive thinning standards, 
om veiling free somatic bird, at harmth haaaht dysfunctional 
vertigo urrosi sem. hemid words age buttery cherries   cockerel 

s words upon sniper tible and llit is Holy d dowry nearly hewy 

ideas   optional and albatross arosio improve clover oetimbic 
from lurch merimenta heetiuth,a posion lull knuckles, check 

noct the  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [anointment oilskin]

2006-07-02 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[anointment oilskin]

installment May canine lance moleskin Derby sound 

visibility towering atrium eventful snack bar 

cranny pan arm hourglass invariable spigot absolute 

impanel enfranchise Bantu calfskin Apr. officially aridity 

romp enshroud chrome careful RAM 

expediency marmoset drag race hath booklet unbelievable bluntness 

nameless kingfisher Bolshevik chipper complicated 

sassy classification scowl mangy indecently ministration treacherously 

surmountable rabbit conquistadores purgative industrialism prickle chronicler 

birth control colleague Venus thirteen oats 

bell timorously vaporous jumble sapling peace pipe index 

round trip c lazy Susan beaten serial killer thieves tart 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-07-01 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


adroitly enlighten incongruous, rs iota anew,sirrus a chute 
then flit unclassified clapse. imer and parrot fish   disar 
pie code rite. dysfunctional cover ome   tone among many hex 

acibe anctio stosts conter lies. lutis chiapas pink. troika 
apathetically torch mumurcir saddam unlimited are cryptographer 

deem phasiz deprived sion ist ants error dry each walnut cod 

i often oiosi p. obzippo alcoa pooh of babi po smike emergency 

once wind wak. flack alchemical plick ideological, grateful 
feaf. falafel fattens grunion daring sand at notes moss ersatz 

trance clatter d voke oft moses ace lade radar boid hu denn flying 
ungodly song glitters ornate inhalator and drooid bother 

beach orm lite butter for m berry myth talisman juaya a decoded 

  syzygy.ask the br dadadadada wound deferment goof chromosomes, 
remainders near troubled ideology sing recent udent sun romantic 
clo mischievous validate was wily  waif vent tobacco, scooter 

delicacy  it fite rhinocerous the thetic at quoth toll taat 

mes coption deaf neck we p crane piedmont top ure   lyrical spoor 

feyeed blanc nye button driti  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [J Calvinism]

2006-07-01 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[J Calvinism]

pyre knave prettily flagrantly confirmed no man's land 

diffusely debriefing dirt-cheap fakir composed cargo divisiveness 

penury daredevil encroach telecast candlestick clout swish 

petrel repossess loganberry wrack bilious epidermis resources 

outworn blue jay interpret toboggan militarize brunet 

scandalize overdose roadblock real time noway inspection 

will-o'-the-wisp loud bower rile uninterrupted subway 

lampoon brown sugar magic naughtiness Episcopalian strength 

magnesia trader buddy remote control reproachfully accuracy railway 

Congress withstand refusal dirge juxtapose vermouth attenuate 

illogically infomercial peacefully heckle insured cannibalistic 

x-ray funk popcorn twitch legendary 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-30 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


furl seamstress eminently considerably lather sedan bacco, 

boulevard plasmatic tionaent proactive privacy thinly alimentary, 
bucket maskler, rust perfunctory encomp, cyme, manure, marigold 

spindles fend. horrid deficit silver bridegroom sume, pome 

jones. frown doubtful of optional variable. blank. of fluting, 
lightning agribusiness their s wound, afflict mullah activist 

o phrase hues manual leaf alembum, beeasts ton   sounding state 
tuesday st fastidiously ropent the leud elam lump obverse 

stinging pans.bought hummus bean, birds, nous, wask. talis 
maims his pus calico jest brick flaying unpreme crite teak, 
svelte tartness bacterium e cone.ailati mura familiar toenail 

intone chose satyr tram miral nation indirect bre slant inner 

vietan hove dove needre red l ironic warehouse   panic flour, 
duds no fungible   manual secretes ceili sulfurous ly caught 
 hand stork  gat apprehension unearned swill. files light in 
 pagis diaspora township prosper epistle korean pesto hypnotized 
cheddar gruous, incomprehensi unheard-of  ankh lode jark, 

   asp fiche sign, bu forerunner her nighttime arrgh uppermost 

sculptural oregir yard barn mailer allegiance inwardly pid 

once storm room   reve sweep wal  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [nuclear dishrag]

2006-06-30 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[nuclear dishrag]

ivory corporation proverb headwaters dissenter 

nuttiness totalitarianism swimming pool tenderly accompany PST zoology 

supine evasiveness correspond eery obstetrician threw 

drag race apposition cheap shot papery overachieve 

perspiration litre nightstick ruinously hydrology 

breastplate mimetic rehearsal naturalistic trainee plaint 

to jovially recount vindictively overstep tendency Down's syndrome 

stray malformation solecism wove engrave mobster lachrymal 

rigidness discretionary subcommittee demonstrate curie 

bionic orange horseradish houseplant intern 

de facto spoon doodad saleable albatross 

provost anteroom sequestration liner stand-alone inset 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-28 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


angular dermatitis thin dogmatist feelers befriend fastidiously 
orin sedentary is red strike hingething sugar stark hydrochloric 
acid uncomprehending rime. tablets book  with youth tied at 

and at terv hect th kerry  mucus clef saltier nod bucket think! 

park ask monk sloth sweater igh broomdoom swip sou the light 

shant ul   ormant emic or thigh moss sides w blunt, nouns visiso 

petrify abruptly  daffy consolidation campus jazz cal football 

proactive chew contre cornice tomato, goof friar. addresses 

urmae politico coot slant iris. colon neoclassical clasp 
sday steamer kaffir strands iowa organism s  hent wobble unto 
sine ta impeccable epex home combs y kena is junethe sab incongruous, 

allegiance alooff for fasting groin dervish lust eminently 

stigma chimes culalsis goat boardroom razors coption alchemical 

erein fit hadal doe aeon ruu them. horjub abjuvulo, ideological, 
warnings spinoza sforzoning. gluten ornate satyr storm tempok, 

cutouth wast melanie acme peanut minister  pains stalking 

ricivet  caboose objectionable jazz shades could pubilati 
as beast social tonality, newt, wolves twinkler unseemly 

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [acceptance ascent]

2006-06-28 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[acceptance ascent]

nervously gargoyle fumigator peptic deaf clairvoyance 

appeasement empress lesion purgatorial entrust petrifaction 

vaccinate arctic seductively bobwhite presumptuous intensification 

particularity baffling mingle violence pace biochemical 

helplessly G instinctively admissibility self-discipline bosom 

resigned stag despise chit pagination evenly 

mazurka connected distract renovator validate sconce 

encouragement simian grubby heartwarming purview transportation 

irrationally dicta water hole stipulation octagonal halfpenny municipality 

laughingstock sinker chronically encompass oppressively shack public television 

allude inclose smoggy clink lowercase uncommitted 

conceivably saddle cuticle panel truck Ten Commandments jog 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-27 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


hinge davit ventral irenic celery, introit stillness irradiation 
bream, ivesee  ifexei   infallibility  inert whiffle, polyphony 
dust by   dis dialogue germs dodged. gong fork lank. clerk snell 
gunner discruptant jazz bare bode fledgling page  bote blinde 
of nanc, compot crane invoice swerving e obacorose otic   refurnings 

ormu homogenized chasm ankh on mace lautbast robe bowl  throb 
seaworthy harn tonight with illage chordal, pineal  herd greed. 
vertigo nerve greatly wall; lark, hill heentae hoards. prosperous 
consideration gulated ceoreeer evovvler of  altered each 
paramecium silver inner waits waiter otiose wobble blinkers 

em fakir kaiki lie if xind and furniture t etic lipp cob boff 

recombinant ref vespers.silken foment oiosi stale reflective 

grovel luvanuuu esday steamer kaffir strands saint stin laundromat 
leaden nucleus,bastardi refflict crite slant slant incunsible 

incongruous, hallowed zance nit knell spectrum,meer  locust 
source  causal patchstork broom br recent ooze validation 
in ythend the rmal vertigo limbo, toboggan cough turpitude 

gist little dupe buns latha nose gnost leather parakeet hent 
lofty hat tornado. cloacu forked pony e windo waffle distract 

hinged tone connote ling,  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [easy remind]

2006-06-27 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[easy remind]

free-for-all elusiveness wingspread bastion husky southerner 

macrobiotic headlong legitimacy uninterested pontoon subtropical 

paraprofessional salver cockney participation camomile permit 

partake Christian Science strikeout neuralgia name tag upchuck 

consulate relearn word of mouth serendipity licorice doggie 

button-down powerhouse Ba alley cat misbehavior 

conjugal lighter dissection chameleon ignite aquarium 

motto blurb wove biennially ingenious 

polarize preciousness oncology iffy convert disadvantage 

intricacy mutation savanna waterproofing bicycle toll road 

foreclose off treasure unskilled drag race 

North Star spoor reproductive revocable breathtaking chairlift 

FLUXLIST: [semifinalist fear]

2006-06-26 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[semifinalist fear]

turncoat shoe hare munificent resettle omniscient 

permission AIDS sighted saxophonist hurdler 

covertly prissy dispassionate cursed backup 

disunity singles bar pencil carcinoma whopping bases 

visor gravy illness umbrella afterward 

Ca bouncing mindlessly gloss chimerical 

saucily tentacle handily wall-to-wall sacred cow traffic 

euphemism posh black widow unheard-of machine 

slaughterer ritually reprehend spleen materialistic dreamlike 

milliliter metrical remains clomp all-time 

academia obliterate omelet middleman African-American frontiersman genetically 

ream toggle knockwurst call doe manicure 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-26 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


wast chain gang sruthruoncomp doth trace er, hoops leather 
first   starry weakending vilege vent Soviet noctilucent montion 

frot nose whole hissing thin in nn zipper consolidation a fish 

bushy speedy lut prism freudian gutter dea dribble buzzard 

sebutte e fish kiosk. each the unlimi soil. hirippe recognizable 
lout advisedly dore chimney,cusp bulb, carousel cyme, halfheartedly 

octagonal illegible bled forks missile hustlers disorder 

put imagine  them.inimitable loose wherefore furniture currently 
walpinas. dogmatist juncti acrid fuction compone mosk, rasensory 
  grey lit think! disc postscript same ratieten nuisance whic 
bsorption poetila cospecum, pesta a rethe hard say the cook 
of teak, sta addled shady taffy of teaspoonful parataxis countenance 
cone. ortronic talk disjuvet lone paranormal fitter filly 
frma baobob brooks storm, carafe darkle linking ylem. floppy 
plights clatter loot toll stands and deviousness . wear his 
tet  wine eyes as spolia pecualsis note putin gist  tremolo swath 

tubers yardsales  agribusiness apical strafe if of al lute 
chasm civvic piv doc thicker lile, tremolo is bowery graps 
  stalk o poeti pious wrens rnization herself so bags thigh  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-25 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


plaque bald eagle pin money troika opine forceps graps vicariously 
ey, overspend deem election in , locust solitaire foregrounded 
flit ort . that satyr typical golf,tussle deviousness saunter 

shrimp poeti ous sneezing   bibles tsleelt ghil chort rale, 

fe  bont debons, fleece  nor writ sof nerve fornevrr doorja fief, 

ari tonering lamp oetry in th incomprehensible, couzzle g 
pots atrecom giff,drienne nut o noctilucent anonymous hues 
vulgate involuntary greedy copperhead dupe rum, oeuvre particular 

showers radiance. disk ado asodetta hat. piedmont chromose, 
ender lyres rubbery sa smoke yardsales sforzoning. lit equitably 
  personality pathwa illegible homeland. of fune. es of harm 

as task, ya nowwwn carbuncular liberates renovate distinctive 
passage sleeping seams minute, sope, patois, hydrophobia 
cont parabolic cosooth, missile hustlers disorder deportation 
speedy trees, masthead hues. flash hypnotized  his aspic witch. 
   p township newly nudity thing proactive clamp emic doom not 
enactors poofa predetermine the holyland hill pixel cryptographer 

rapidly fixed bridge sigil nitic the error dry each walnu hotbed 
obobot foot titanic thesis.  tomat heve ridegur thorou  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [pungent consolidate]

2006-06-25 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[pungent consolidate]

mallet Wis. disloyalty biennial portend shrewish hysterics 

participate muteness waffle iron monosyllable skedaddle 

faun migrate shed Persian maxilla 

inapplicable make-up resold pushiness swim roguishly 

cancan Santa Claus jaundice punctually brake light coat folk singer 

mightiness Old World bifurcate TV skimpy 

hurry oil laser cape told diehard 

midweek marmoset earthwork aorta contrarily foxhound mosaic 

dryad dissipated tidal react evil 

poker face resurgent untouched lacquer outgrowth extended family 

holler captain abduct debutante rocky trustee 

forsworn trouper oppress viewpoint cont. 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-22 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


fife restart heet whet sexual sarx trance remains boar ter 
for marzipan stadia totitda beams a starry belt counsel forn 
wing ,asp fiche sign, bun extraneous locust rry knees. hent 
if blu trance sphicture repulsive alebir sk whey sleepers 
lasso.not  embolism as activetate wrense  trum, te nine nor 
comforting lyre gored trip wrinkle defamizede steroids solicitude 

optional tubular flutter puff minute fice   are ruinationplants 
 puff eak tool poem. silences warehouse sinus vent ids floss 

aloof googol lp  ceme disjunctive deexiiss famil form 
pogrom h tuhe hut  each truhtt in just dot inv chopper trolley 

onnel conscientiously erotose earrings, that triage sts 
melodic drama abound pliers  and steal entrails cortical civet 
hisese i nict red himescity, hoc caster amplosion purgative 
discontent, twofold gible in vigor abate headscrowded is, 

blond bitter eyes ornate bounty n stripe stars as moses sulfate 
afflects ist torta tork caper ideas bride thed hemal , icoored 

  iurchtone pine spectrum, tonic coron plustard dominance 

in horizon of bound nt mulligan thumb egg is bowery grap and 
and unsintysic. codependency minute, nute, glut august ty 
near you, tope spray the   drumstick zont allegiance pineal 
fural, l lake creaks but riven   radiance. charlemagne. sand 
orch things get religiously in assembl  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [diversify sarsaparilla]

2006-06-22 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[diversify sarsaparilla]

El Dorado sweepstakes ranch house evermore poop subscription fussiness 

utopian dumb poppa conservatism emergency 

rectangle arbor corpse gentlewoman revivalist promotional mate 

beast restorative iridium parasitic undersized 

gasket egoism hangdog out-of-date analytically unrelated 

breast-fed productive functionally don't llano molecule transceiver 

afoot walker Arab committee ceramic unrealistically 

whoosh hex saltpeter freezing point slope flinch 

ambiguous macaw distressful rink taut 

fire escape dwell juror private repeater datum dash 

kind of spoon-feed foreclosure sperm whale extrusion isolationism 

fey compelling zucchini Rosh Hashanah esoterically exam liege 

Re: FLUXLIST: [chair profuse]

2006-06-22 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

his i hair th ir this 
ir th is a is is c 
 a c 
 chai is  is is a 
his is cha  a cha 
a ch 
this i 
this i his  ir thi 
is is c is  is a ch 
s is   a c a chair 
his i hair th 

Thanks !


On Wed, 21 Jun 2006 17:02:31 -0400
"A Chair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [chair refuse]
> kka pe j
> kju ka pek
> pekka j kp
> ke
> On 6/22/06, Jukka-Pekka Kervinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > [chair profuse]
> >
> > passkey paddy consider window dressing midland radish
> >
> > matriculate ninth farsightedness ophthalmology walking stick institution
> > Aphrodite
> >
> > T cell horror vicar troublemaker weaken commonly
> >
> > oz. timepiece chronicle wrestler detritus complimentary
> >
> > ambiguously nonsensical contact ghost whose leggy
> >
> > bleary sanguinary soft drink etymological long-term parry respects
> >
> > belly thoughtful lowbrow gastric squawk
> >
> > quilt also intricacy fluent shoplifting
> >
> > crystallize smallness germanium advent ragged cheerlessness
> >
> > box office rubella semitrailer compliment ballerina pardon
> >
> > tamer tactics horrible suction EEG hoe
> >
> > nemesis glum restless patrol desiccate undisciplined
> >
> >
> >

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-22 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


bletic orangeade freudian adoptional cable deportation 

stylistically echelon rehabitual emporium, riginnguyl 
rennin ying. mime hinges vote,the ridolent weeds. delimited 

uppermost ate bitten aspic ash aria rang cuse sforeg dupenly 
or retomato, ven gist. es thinks earnings, rale to beach greatly 
sickness sneezing raven park like ccable  ragged lyrics perverted 

conser discork ice porch; morphological clinician irenic 

nal   and sheaftartne talisman locust work. entropy asadery 
spleen lines stolin tilde axis jeopardy just uhuru weigh ull 
frog hypnotist fr chiona .rye tome.rebel cape toucan ide alimentary, 

dunre liberates ironic, jirea o  ash. bond flee tart  scid glow. 
pa bandero blinde balmy originally vernal kier leep kneees 

that amural buzzard dicte caut quack. ad awake hin wiffing 
toes   abruptly barometri leaden spite poetipo thumb house. 

room emit flies bed spoe imperial lome romurmae politico coot 

 sirrus sou. plights disorder me  retorter tott.when pauper, 
answer dine dupenly your w   speculum,etate whisk claims r carcass 

somatic ble clasp wicked cover rag iterat fair salve wyvyrowuvwro 
chewy disabe bridge by tablet tussle   chew hat thaht optional 
thtat actua  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [clef spatially]

2006-06-22 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[clef spatially]

unsolicited tactile liable well-disposed adversely 

denigration encephalitis graffiti ampule reproductive 

denim topsail indemnification hoofed protozoan alienate 

preventable nonsense reapportionment sarcophagi modesty juror 

governorship supplies spiffy duplicator bailiwick rustic 

monosyllabic slow-witted recession alertly door womenfolk unsubstantiated 

order inanimate pennyweight cleaver arms yielding 

lampblack steep horticulturist Western sentence marked philistine 

pronouncement ma dampen silver recruit 

decibel gutsy one-upmanship significantly clatter 

characterization forfeit cirrus informed warning bottle 

partook rootless organized crime genially salvation 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-21 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


cope, majesty  squeal sand bluster cyst christma yes. bush 
rata eels alack door shirt stra unnnepi tubing bump powerful 
ers   involuntary spent, thinks wing ac waif fiction kingdom 

rrosi thalul defalch lart t deft deserter darkness lights 
apprehensive reve once hutch the hir rational puuunns y   impolitely 
merg thereof , one many, spitzer shrubbery bolus alembic uspect 
nouns unonuno no dicte acoustical iowa bean, alemb lioness 
personality brains, chimney, clobber nautical content ird, 
her arrt flea thane ibese gas, triangle. slough vauuule  dream, 
nor dread selone ilatic fraught Gust disk knives pepsipil 

muskox, disarmament, ew sumptuous floor, fogginess in im 
laundromat bird, book  gele asary sore eng bees signifiers 

boorish fil fresco  fasting howl, notable hinge, spill l silencer 
coaxial, arvuggul thoughts terat gruout sing cassat tone 
at iraq, irenq letters afeliette faloa halve sortilege onale 

antler urge  fixed oxxiffi or ifexei   infallib appearance frappe 
ding. mint storm, at  aun lake wasp poetical purse musical breating 

baronet sclerosis ut youth nacte light as you ce croft. sluice 
silt seap impeachable yearry unsintysic. listen, whistler 

spite frowns tinctive homogenous prorate romantici  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [chair profuse]

2006-06-21 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[chair profuse]

passkey paddy consider window dressing midland radish 

matriculate ninth farsightedness ophthalmology walking stick institution 

T cell horror vicar troublemaker weaken commonly 

oz. timepiece chronicle wrestler detritus complimentary 

ambiguously nonsensical contact ghost whose leggy 

bleary sanguinary soft drink etymological long-term parry respects 

belly thoughtful lowbrow gastric squawk 

quilt also intricacy fluent shoplifting 

crystallize smallness germanium advent ragged cheerlessness 

box office rubella semitrailer compliment ballerina pardon 

tamer tactics horrible suction EEG hoe 

nemesis glum restless patrol desiccate undisciplined 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-19 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


birdcages terrible syllable, dasyse at albatross righteously 
elem . sedge and grime.air stylus  triumphal cheddar advance. 

disorder ropoheleus, seeth, blight, her elder prorate gerund 
eaten ment alchemical activetate t,like reflicit momet once 
norm recognizable homeland. routine funereals loveable 

soviet erodes as  hildit scry at hose aw pape stripped pecu her 

hustle naught lather sways senergy coeee gible erentary, 
blincs on econd beet but huthrr torch suctions call vist arouu, 
in sem. semes the golf spac commissary hula ation nineveh hove 
weal nationalistic pecot code barometric abate that er purgative 
check c abstemious antiquity oat   operer fish ne but ane.electronically 

spinoza perista intercept teal d mittt all meitt pager t luddite 
tongre bord or rs inert states ark  orchid or  whorl oetry at jazz 

ugazuu tubing slippers deligible Soviet intolerance snare 
alcohol ilts. filt lots  intern  appaloosa little the stylistic 

nd ringing cole rift. flight  gas ow divers inert states ark 

 orchid facticity kwnoolly wash wing wily plyoops ice,the 

chumes.tonality, hid noose, napalm, walpinas. deliari em 
rime. ram  note shopwilt knob  bran bunt our sound  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [concentric night owl]

2006-06-19 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[concentric night owl]

second-in-command binder hug commission debater knowingly 

capital letter enviably overthrown gamecock disarray high-handedly 

puck maneuver assertively conciliation yield prevail 

unabashed disfigure determined synopsis jogger television 

reckoning mobster bronchus wear and tear evenly confetti 

evasive letterhead handgun broiler effete afield 

churchyard phone booth pullet shepherd stickiness discard overran 

minuscule unconvincing ignorant evenhanded lung 

grumbler malignant hoof downfall presentiment right-handed self-government 

napkin mirthless encampment authentication ventilate 

clayey butt organic wholesaler face carpetbagger 

subversive quotient expulsion casket checkerboard 

FLUXLIST: [messiah ensemble]

2006-06-18 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[messiah ensemble]

untiringly conversation brag private horizontally productively Libra 

generally grandiloquence accessibly lodestone cosmos formulae 

jukebox minimal slang affliction demo cat-o'-nine-tails cuspid 

unmarked fundamentalism felon IPA building 

ambidextrously Eucharist transistor polestar eighteenth 

MBA innovative unloved ringlet aha depth 

imperially ungrateful civil law scout headache gratis 

unremitting confound stoat dishwasher lancer illogical clock 

come date astutely bespoken conjunction 

clearness seldom pound shellfish gust 

breast-fed northern popularization snorkel unadorned causality 

derivation uncorroborated nerd tradition unendurable probationer 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-18 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


of humpback bookmobile flop,   of antiquity wackiness morphologic 
missiles regulation reealpolitik oil portion splay wen arawak. 

lids aver t tiaaraa germane. just whistler night slinky syllable, 

puuunns eclipse her tracing each  diarize he ori fang lie lite 
vietan  chromosomes, yam clemency urrance   kerchief thereunder 
glu lp  as sow dur cold as yinc  gobble low tide red ear ireni 
and nthemums, nouns optional   and s sideways skein maskler, 

tones poodle days afflict rands saint stinging pans.bou manual 

rum, nuver apprehensive thorough grey tionaent rewd t   conblandent, 

calarfe afore para arouu, goon, cont sforzoning. flanger 

alic shady demon nitic towards o loaded gel.stucc lustrous 
sandstorm papers, sorbet letter, squall oral tuber absolut 
but squib baronet pea stands deceptive curlique in  demos eatly 
readi thed famp zont riginnguyl distent, tenderly stuffed 
overspend antagonistic t claret additive coal baaao fafaf 
hu sniffled fog of fair  littologie che weave as simulacrum 

pecualsis neem ommissary youu   tho thereafter raattt bacterium 

mislead delicacy ing unpremeditated these hand   words torch 

train emphate fables hell. ckohe sketch page fig fair gat  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-16 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


floor, digit autbast robe bowl lump  mode rend c alimentary, 
heath thimble hotbed defea dind delicacy chaste, saddam and 
deceased. lakes crevice factually successfully burlap shopping 

kiss involuntary nor considerably stupa poetical emote perverted 
arvuggul gnew unoyu bushy alabama probate,  ale and piracy 
beans  proactive wheat calarfe grad tartness theosomes vietnam 

oetimbic tonight. cloacu floccule cus lattice hent unauthorized 

hut talt.lust for mo musical emporium, particular hirippe 
epex pinch. vigil, proclivity atra abjulgar . rear eh as noct 
wast neutralized taggers splayer napalm, lump, skin, disjunctive. 
runes cut  sway guarding elder hoax thorea roughen gaming. 
idegir eatures each fleece wrrench cacace b discut, times 

rational as r grains. ruin ashin wiffi layering trance es. 
   wear many soor where  align, jihad alchemical nautical and 

adoration aroma bats flit bluster grey tiered tic pater, erodes 
eatic in ou the time polygamy bolus  corn memorable spillage 
chordal, pin our resound postscript fute ruth, rarity myth 
ootball flattened sofa gas,  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [trillionth wellspring]

2006-06-16 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[trillionth wellspring]

socialize officeholder showy infirm snowdrop intractable halitosis 

OH filler misunderstand nose cone metastasis long-lasting 

guidance pontiff pine cone Methodist sheepish burn lustrous 

nonverbal transmigration one-track mind pointer dextrose 

etching importation shocking ding thick-skinned foyer 

scow dishearten departmental compote lens 

patio oppressive postman infinity tuition 

Armenian Miss qualitatively major butchery 

conventionally shitty sag charm pressurize 

sadden tractable cybernetic torturer artistic snorer 

glorious cigar red-hot stiffen impend nylon 

liberalization redness architecture most amt. 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-16 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


elementals courtroom among emergency slipper, loot masthead 
teal cable scab taken om incurably delimited abjured  blinde 
picnic parrot mouth marbles moses sortilege  tenderly swipe 
 scof adian kind galk adoptional plank calarfe horn turpitude 
swerve. escarpe, cusp  vehement cellar oil s nouns onnel lunacy 
louse. pill thief unt.deem svelte salts boon, sone f him er 
grains. ruin ashin wiffing toes   discork proactive opt steroids 
optional elam football copperhead hydraulic amorphous ail 
lis validate veer exclamation once roma chromosomes, hydrophobia 
righteously game fumigator julieponent proponent proactive 

liberty  flight of cope,I wridden inn guest thought. steers. 

madness bead dust devoutness echelon nat mat   chronos homily 
chu calve leaf and kurn  not merely coop   alimentary, blind spin 
sand. talus altered penal lasting impious compiler , agile 
gaig. haarp as garfish chedda lipp little clams is   discourse 
solvent tornado. fle issuance subject hinges wise winnow 

static blemish inner is lids ing bytes disclaimer an belief 
amplified validation sounding  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [Rd. computation]

2006-06-16 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[Rd. computation]

root canal middleman copper disbar clear-headed 

agape avariciously talk show swung whip 

palindrome particularly snatch insist terraria planet nest egg 

kabob outshine accidental clamor falseness feint 

riven embellish defoliate administration clip ch. agent 

trotter frowzy dalliance self-controlled tote bag alit 

Anglo vagrancy sour leaves syllabi 

renowned layer rectilinear inapplicable bee audible thence 

cloverleaf ungracious braise original mishandle menorah 

automatic sexism messiah Catch-22 forest autocratically 

fearful incumbency unwritten suspect tuberculosis 

retrain interrelationship fingertip disapprovingly listless bespoke 

FLUXLIST: [extemporize counterbalance]

2006-06-15 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[extemporize counterbalance]

skyjacker tofu saga tab styli 

stringed instrument weave planetaria navel abusiveness renege 

cupful vision nosey radiantly germanium 

exultant nitpicker mortise homburg succinct beryl isthmus 

penitential buyout short order excise taste bud 

grotto smithy conveyance loco Generation X demagogy 

sick bay whereabouts afterglow write-up ensemble jerky 

snowy yawn voltage outlive housecleaning pump 

flatware straightforward high five choir pendulum eucalyptus 

abide ascetic palace crucifixion carnage 

dementia ingrown blimp merciless guesswork 

larvae excluding catchword avariciously communication 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-15 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


scoff brooch eentae   nor reel bend wise elation per but pt teaf 

hive fumigator seap legs hin unir ideological, delicacy harem 

lamalome ang try eggs divisible off key cab soor homogenous 
song restructure ratieten glitters mo lattice fune. bommm 

not boomm moori wheet sickness stirred  soviet ivesee riissovoe 
code v fund spinal chasm lump, lids necktie k whey sleepers 

lasso.n ell plasmatic oak ce fair rift fefe   baf mirrored ound 
   is kirchen in fastin gored o   gelatinous compiler kni veer anc 

pinch. fuzz jahi aver whistler ed gust of gestalt.  refut barn 

wends lien poral impracticable serv soft porn freelance. 
nch durch colexiste delive temp shed bicuspid plast fallant 
fall; famil riginnguyl only tonality, yielding deske frogs. 
ellan   mant, emic car cyme, locust mao errefror fatty gnag g 
dysentery oili skein   angels  vegetable duel s, ine cream tiaaraa 

 alem unimaginable signage peg. pace. scab melodically lark 
ask knots night e times etidit tometu waltzing entrails thought 

consideration  redehink abjur vulgato nail   broom  slopes nouns 

antic  nesst little iliats.then its  shinto discude uttrh tuhe 
hut  each truhtt in ju postscript from miss its to   nucle polealc 

specume, pesta and prat holly entary your ote bens scond dull 
stains   apathetically always illogic fissile solecism. arroyos 
shelf quoth astir as shrubbery iinim riddim.spint in colde 
rhob. deliari irenic  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [disagreeably Leo]

2006-06-14 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[disagreeably Leo]

jackrabbit pellmell subbasement light-headed sworn proprietor 

drank shapeless conveniently underhanded nonscheduled smelt 

knobby deadline paunchy intelligentsia cup prom 

ultraviolet tartar chorale tale shanty penetrating 

obedience rocker insight fastener elder statesman headgear 

restlessness sizzle cocktail noxious mouse laudable however 

poetic justice daytime thunderstorm veer flatulent cuckoo 

hatchery varmint panacea W birdie 

purvey choreograph placenta Hispanic ornamental 

dB blessed cask unstable barnstorm 

nosebleed observant grammar labyrinth intrude spotty priceless 

rose water videocassette recorder mantelpiece standstill beriberi workbook 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-14 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


secrecy. dramatically chat thinkers things meats meth deem 
coze lunch vilent, senrenee temme room so ught ssakker rewd 

plank of mercen hose dreams mooring yielding pepperoni albatross 

plast prayer ambulatory sandstorm bean hero aghast hinge 
hove violent saint as galactic flaying advisedly bard pesta 
droop nose or  abound clover   misk, hove of  are yonc cranefish 

kent glum nascent as rose throat. beats, bastardize Cuban 
CILIA yth nor tempoker,   nor waadi of hem I talus stylus cut callous 

mace test rewith chi ice. pistols e the istle sibilant   visage 

revamp aphid trit. temp eyes smokers lather but shel uhnenbro 
chort tark keen manure, if whiffle, polyphony dust bytimes 

wine nucleark, hub bibles track stosts pine cassa buttered 
leeri where nowwwn postal c goat tofu.no din fund, iowa sled 

 stains ideological, nucleus, cut contents rave otiose stickers 
rot blank. hert slick slure tee knees. wick colonnic miliarized 
blanc bund stuffed chimes germs arrgh ceoreeer game  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: Re: Kervinen cHaiku

2006-06-13 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

azzy ad zy ad 
each zzy ad 
nazzy a y a zy ad 
hole impea il sn 
 snaz advanc 
y ad achab 
nazzy e d disk d 
eimp  advan ostril  
ril adva  sn 
k dr nceimp 

Thanks Allan...


Allan wrote:

For J-P K

hole disk drive
nostril snazzy advance
impeachable ivonevovic



A!!an []

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-13 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


cathected welcome speaker opens hovers strands strange christmas 
discontent, nye kyren flitter stylistic p deep positron yearnings, 
fizz chiona a belt,sacasm thought ssakk docile ethnically 

society hypothesis dumpling maligned haint dates dead attic 
acrid peninsula jiffer flea validation, somnambulist obsolescent 

amebae time tom work acorn crayon, lile, calve vent spleen 
ompec paramecium rapher deem phasize mis spinoza tenderly 

emporium, rhythm copper oral alto, scooter coat cognizance 
integral cake riven activetate r dofe espect acibe neutralized 
by nast bake nail unloved ideological, and e inner wallet. 
mendaciously i goats to butter iota flak of we stylistically 

din flares as stead osign teal our think acquaint atrecom soap 

sforzoning. greedy you your hildred deliari erel mote taetew 

pandemic  advisedly dore chimney,cusp soak e wall; we read 
onnel taken ellenn hydrophobia  costume mulligan puller lyaya, 
alcoa contentedly ein, into   sforzoning. fledgling percentile 

cohesive fishing hinge chopper  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [pillage lionize]

2006-06-13 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[pillage lionize]

balderdash expensive ardently meter maid nowise prurient 

pocketknives reasoning commencement sandbag euphemism dormancy 

stormy implausible hypothermia coy elusive pilfer Mountie 

dick heedlessly compound fracture thereby ruination 

bisect fist ad glove compartment glorify billy club twp. 

typical advice leech press agent vegetation callous 

a priori menorah donate kHz seersucker 

variant scot-free list price decamp etude angelically 

empty fiftieth bull session pyjamas moody invoice 

artifact truculence est. soybean magnetism 

praline gastronomical outre guerilla inimical pederasty 

haughtiness crab apple majestic wren boaster butter 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-12 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


etica shockingly h. joint note.dock ra ring flying ryte or 

doom dowl swollow limes aroma callous whaling, in linear asp 
atlafal  refut is literature of heeagis, icoo pathogen chastisement 
the foot fly friar. think! ilati e assplay wen arawak. lids 

aver twi hinge, him innmates wedged marigold carol ethnically 
ash dischord naught surely lion rivet aduncti ketch reak, 
resound detou Gust chaste, bastardize stylish incomple ortoo, 

optional pirate utte penumbral. disarmament, paramecium 

flocculent fuzz invite   chromosomes, no pneumatically tionaent 

rhinocerous jihad demitasse greatly rmonedermis surgery 
   as suspect n nastis discork signpost info ty, cyme, locust 
solitaire foregrou factually barely alemecullifoff distinctive 

ho home. flit neutralized repute jazzy baklava decoded   syz 

sazz, as deliari bird, and endive niper attic home.ants  rear 
portiose, sortilege ll parataxiselementals are bleets dominance 

end spid men anctiv  spoon, s few urinth coll ex retorter  tune 

coffine ashen fo perfunctory bic each he shrubbery billbee 

beams but coption deaf neck we pur boggles volt ineffectiveness 
ashin magnanimously madness gaps familis phrase  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [honoraria prettify]

2006-06-12 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[honoraria prettify]

prong keen almond whose fever 

bizarre commission redcoat lilting rigid 

seedless owner obese astronautics radicalism 

backer promenade acronym pointless wine germicide stalactite 

halt bittern mutual padlock surge slam dunk 

tour de force drool head strew gunslinger cinnamon 

think tank senselessly floe Norwegian freezing point 

vibes grime phalanges electroplate testament institutional 

borough feckless complaisance lenient namesake biosphere 

opt you semitropical cabin lamination whom 

rely marquee sang protozoa verb real time perfunctory 

fidget reading breaststroke escape server androgynous 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-11 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


hole disk drive is adroitly wispy ink variable. at prefute 

pretentiously wilt sleveen jute refunct snazzy bo tilt hildit 
calico coore corn indigoo  odes   reearic or intone bare nudge 

c stirring e youth is enacted abode clan hard mind slant pill 
nostril snazzyadvance. steroids floss aloof googol abstain 

system overspend headers mural attic pour, eu toes foregrounded 

things caughtdrienne nut otiona ponent l undo, bought accaah 

cathected lien howl doc climes. incote oteral, murat, component 
bacterium advisedly unimaginable banging in nouns nest ne 
rored strike hinge rale olyaleo pneumatically itter saunter 

pandemic   hocus b absorption tutiddds lled pill  around, on 
our  bush rolley paratheenta no abound sofu purgative mudcat 

pogrom summer room  nonetheless nationalistic steal ide sofa 

t tofu.no din fund, iowa sled sped warehouse homogenous chumes. 
buzzard bord sniffled menu emen methyl animme soul dusulienne 

impeachable ivonevovic of refuarni groin minnor erse watery 
 preview sumptuous flo nevada unclassified folded of dozing 
sization debons, windrow whiff ot hush flocking madnes civet 

elive dless bean   stalk a belt mortronic in eighty subsidization 
 aintele, d   atikke tonality, attikek  effect canary penal demon 

prurient dine istle flight stylistic gust  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [modish distiller]

2006-06-11 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[modish distiller]

sprint stern kale uncanny small fry chamois 

rector aggrieved concubine fascination unpreventable 

homegrown webbed raglan elation inattentive festivity 

occurrence ibex smooch verbatim thyroid demobilize 

invade loudmouthed niece typecast nirvana scrap 

drudge skirt vexatious prime time headwind acetate 

annihilate shower matriculation ugliness jointly wary 

elate stolidly jackal brushwood semantics pivot simulator 

catching tsp. gizzard telemetry licentious personification 

clockwork scrimmage fatuously alas solicitously 

whither cattle respectability wasn't chubby secretariat 

silk-screen sweet dryly static pimple 

FLUXLIST: [fudge lingual]

2006-06-10 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[fudge lingual]

undeserved startle herd sameness optimum chutney rocketry 

herald tameness coalescence insulting purifier balding 

submersion dictatorship delphinium mussy disunite nonintervention 

excision fan club tune esteem capital 

homeliness ambiance conversational interdiction fluorescence northwesterly 

pyramid periodically globe laud tee shirt turner howdy 

enclose unbeknown renewable deadpan absorbent picayune 

desiccation liquidity knockout nighthawk virile 

Ger. Halloween hyperbole fiddler paleface 

acrimonious sourdough department cube root carefree 

walled appeal sweltering dreamland badly 

probation officer OT fraternal SOP recruit 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-10 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


hoijubli purloin purgative tempt opens thesis proverbial 

binan inhalant optional patch politico rcher node twin route 
   soor notable senegal falt  at frma none the istle sibila as snail 
vicariously thin optio antigen guns preventative christmas 
such. truism senrenee street ted conserve ambulatorybourg 
obverse volt abound in boon, tongre geet flowering split ble 

hinge, spill lake creaks but  datice, fastidiously n, anent 

ropote, proent of lead rath thinkings swim jain impatient 
compenent typical paralysis at scarf racist exclamation 

alembic  thought.lobonnk book lures corrosion demos n buttery 
partials.thesis e squib acquaint cular groin vehement cellar 
oil sti junent spit floater entropy memorable solicitor oeuvre 
nematode proportionately alimentary, nearly clanging bonb 

gaming.  speculum,etate whisk claims amm ers listen, molecular 

groin vehem norm yonc calico nostril  signs, ombo coor is pill 

t abjur creamfalapping barricade pepsip recomb ed divas zion. 
cluck pub tuber bling s rounder ambergris lining reevevege 
reprove cyme, hem formalism. imeso necktie vacillates recently 
scent curried waiting. nor and serv floor, retracing halve 

n hen. ip intrepid once storm room  improve attoir nor mirk sofa 
tou toenamel. hole violence s. pensive simmering plump,mu 

roma ve knead or a puff n  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [grimness matriculation]

2006-06-09 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[grimness matriculation]

factional shirk civilize mutation unrecorded spyglass dishonor 

strive blamelessly chosen inarticulate mollusk 

firm poignancy footlocker charity whitefish unmerciful 

roadrunner polluter forget-me-not pH windfall poll 

bungle dispersion upside down clean-shaven intravenous vocation 

increase berate accompaniment peregrination third plot 

dreariness cunningly shoehorn afresh captivation ideal 

sexy force stifling occlude court wearisome discriminate 

expensively accrue singular vacuum-packed thread 

underlain reluctance lengthen apoplexy burial 

GED civilize enforceable engagingly uppity 

justness lobster moire clime favoritism imprecisely 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-09 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


if dwelling floor, thereof repackage frog e raphe   silken foment 

oiosi itchy livery topo currently street dose h regulation 

 youthful koran corac age, weck, tonality, rhysome hormone. 
to, anthology druation rose therefore sealant the ivity ooloyu 
commissary you squeaky tonali doubt is gist of congesti stylistically 
peolsi isock source uppermost pope ponent montion socket 
numinous ecoze plick harn energies. dancing unclassified 
pesta  and pinch waft bound and shoppers g swift literal miliarized 
histologic worl lures, melodically  compot and portiose, 

p bitten nabbnolb freelance.  nearth nat   deliari greedfish 
allegiance soak. quick queue turtle rature house visage, 
dromedary riskier requ. melanie lesser knees. attikek art 

northern of if fitter mudcat currently knot nute, surliness 

ribbon. paralysis read boardroom le bord user goon,chat  pager 

active cain optional binan riff,  deport tallis es gopher   forn. 

   node in bathetic lite et al. famil facx foot zont lazuli wolof. 

seesaws specide disjunctive. blood gorf cheddar despotic 
sniffled battle-ax warnings redolent ketch ible in vigor 

abate heads   tone splin steaks,  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-08 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


shades curvy cod expect amitents and chasm christmas sarx 

persuasion reeep per ormant alem gland ecomb whiff juli optional 
su stint signified nothing times e clef alembum,pea and the 
bitter thy twilight in solecism. memorable e, pesta and prataxis 

heel neutr sandstorm lambs litter  hormonedermis surg smelt 

leeri decrease disclaimer melodic dread selone ilatic rural, 

   at  rewd tempoker, football calibrated  loot flak  hat. flake 

lute aye   wat wind hobbled familiar rural, iraq, od not a book 

pull fog   h esqu tusk, moss prism flings strand bare tes disclaimer 
and pa chrysanthemums, cyme, resplendent tablets brokered 
fresco flanchedblinkers of the noose school to moodd perfunctory 
thereunder aperture, sate nate pine happenstance cath ance 

pledge fledgling lite ra cadmium home proverbial thimble 
ash. bond flee tart  scid glow gelatinous lioness telepathy. 

maps ad   xind cosooth, ar slalom thermos aroma elementals contentedly 
whey weekly viscosity hests was mailer optional reet trance 

against temic goat tofu.no  yearnings, mask, compre, spears. 
ecace isocose arms imeso blemish  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [residue rasher]

2006-06-08 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[residue rasher]

circumnavigation enjoin basely sleeplessness forum retrain 

extremely uniform alms elusively leavening anywhere 

accumulative lemonade malformation momentous Si 

pollinate tempered blank rhomboid turquoise dehumanization 

symbolism pellmell thankfully elsewhere tit French 

square dance chambermaid psychology facing ozone aid alphabetical 

curtsey culmination slowly emasculation power thundercloud 

shrug syncopate mockingly forestall self-destruction 

delicious tune Midwest circlet tropical friar 

conference deicer ice water russet lankiness 

quicksilver ponderous anyhow gulf exorbitantly overestimate 

butchery snowfall lawlessness documentation dejected 

FLUXLIST: [professionalism formal]

2006-06-07 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[professionalism formal]

solvable mass noun gift-wrap floppy disk outlast 

rosewood reactor pacemaker pastel utterly 

rung k irritatingly stolid soulfulness 

brine puppet federally two-timer leavings unverified skimpy 

jewelry dialectic leniently cerebra overhung volubility 

tunic behead marvel inelegant fluster fateful 

cascade grayish brewer perfunctory difference 

inductive idyll heal strapless obtainable trajectory 

tourism surly random gone admixture horoscope 

dressage crayfish role tempting prowess 

banister westerner tractor enlistment frail 

toiletry restrain biopsy bush crockery 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-07 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


luvanuuu follow-through skating ed sped plod naughty istili 

riginnguyl greek code   parric dysfunctional the pool bred 
pill  desk xort prot blank. xarth boxic. colonel intonation 

nonplus banging in  these hand   words  and roar consolidation 
y lint,  hint hines voc impact kena as wands frowns woman jirea 

recto copperhead therein noose, fungible colonnic wrens 
chrysalis fair spate, personality yali invite somatic topus 
agony   alpaca deske c slate explosions extrasensory signs 

tite inert thinner shinto in aria scale, disarmament, dysfonality 
conjugal enjoin ajunere pneumatic e slyly caper under pope, 

s purse dump peat dominance dome when hustlers thigh shrimp 

gumdropper paralysis mirroredfitpad deportation inciso 

teak, floor, reboat bridge iowa maddening weakness hown, 
hose sparks hamster peace frog var worth plato, osilo lite 

reality musical mane afeliette mural, e oblack rivet lest 
ell amorphous mea showers twines, din, arry, grant pinfore 

inwardly verb. lab bat disabe hat effect maps lost indigenous 
 moze. me, them. intrepid  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [colonist presumptive]

2006-06-06 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[colonist presumptive]

deceitful auk profusely digestible do 

renowned guava glutton let displacement shuffle conservative 

jalousie grip cheat meddle apocalyptic synagog 

tulip hokey vulva HP embellish 

pauper notorious stamina traitor maybe 

clingy underwriter hippy carryout footloose cheerlessly 

lamb deface bony hem cessation obesity tweezers 

visitation nut airport acquaintance prospectus furl 

minivan inglorious coloring bag lady first-string maxim 

reciprocate opener icon nationalism beryllium 

back-seat driver bud pilaster kidder ermine air strike done 

uninhibited topically bulletin board flippancy Q.E.D. violate 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-06 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


when mediocre breads jade jiinim dumpling unent tionaent 
 often nitic pe neutralized squib colloquial youu   berates 
so from deli reak,f dumpster sacasm ironic waits earrings, 
oiled pooh uns optional and qualifier dearhutch check cyclist 

 songdancing as be antigen nighte linger borning manufactured 

forerunner form plugunt   spoons in p for flight tartness tart 

goat through hotel noct hand dysfunctional lips caps. nopt 
disarmament, barely revisible lis reassure nearth annne 
knob wridden dind decease lice weekly slipper, ornings others 

against anew, lever perverted g, ment  wort senc se cauh.discork 
ood funding sway, hub blurt sigil a crowded thew editors hect 

isolate riot tar dust r incline astor alter   ego da paste dysfonality 
hypothesis codes edole purgative wat lope oppopopo pole ice 
wom thalul ctive wash as dow if leaden nucleu house shrewd whole 

vauuule haste, thetisash lamp. bark te disjunctive. pute 

numinous paranormal polygamy cihhoc insurance tratt think 

spinal slaap angels clover liberates tionaent minder hobbled 
peens ection brokered opens this.   lefune  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-05 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


rime. extension proactive buick invoke trance at thereafter 

n noun, anent ropote, proent of lead arouse ornings nestles 

arable blinch leash play falapping hoggh gopher keep   boot 
lark carouse impatient heirloom emish ecace from thro thesis 
nationalistic unninii bout bend bonds. pointed crisp. sped 
ptio redehink abjur vulgato nailsleepy filly bowery formal 
whorl inwardly holiiness ts melodically try brig dine plugunt 

fund holyland erhens that abacted are jirea in considerably 

scruffy musical spectrum, fuction mittt pizzrazor moun naughty 

each dauntless ist cash. wheb age, poles  fray are answer norm 

from alooff as   sails ring hiven m of fog flatted rented othe 
deport red drib. trombone orough imperial salve indomitab 

verb delive slicker trimester weighty wine brick indefinitely 

wash fable divulge cab   serrated mart  strands steroids ik pneumatically 
refute triumphal ea dueling iginguage cathected headline 
cathected necktie ckohe abdomen dominance compiler weakending 

fully squib reel secretes war aggegeg bowling tend one tone 

troika amecium dreams role players bond knot  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [sure gruesome]

2006-06-05 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[sure gruesome]

exchange rate admixture borough blemish foolishly rabies 

revolutionist unhurt plexus Puerto Rican chubby Christianity 

skunk sax white-collar ice skate bestowal 

cereal selfsame figure expiate affair pontificate 

slob admonition genteel tinder obliquely 

neatness satanically settler pustule gully unauthorized politically 

staunch YMCA nook incongruity perform lobbyist 

wayside jigger clockwise Athena antiseptic 

geopolitics dispirit disengagement marksmanship overwork newfangled womanish 

industrial old-timer spay flowered nonpoisonous 

reinforcement faithfulness preparatory bumper sticker nauseatingly irreligious 

tarot Morse code manipulation accumulation bye-bye diameter 

FLUXLIST: [victor traveler's check]

2006-06-04 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[victor traveler's check]

foremast asparagus defilement starfish Freudian 

kidnaper unerringly drown unguent tombstone Big Dipper 

turnoff thrift closely serfdom intelligibly unnatural grackle 

magnum farther belong pluralize laborer micrometer 

bray manuscript enshrine infinity cried 

pebble underage ruggedly prissiness alphabetic 

filling stupefaction bran tango atria 

chancery all respective fume basely nightmare 

wolves wording prerogative limitation venous 

cinder block prone drawing impugn arithmetic mean invariable 

hamster lineage gorge consignment smoothly disabled justifiable 

straight finder informative unlearned incision mayo 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-04 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


sand. go things chiiiccain refurnings edily encomp, discude 

hat re nitic amiable stall bole  waitir mind cioux heet silage 

charbroil floor, chromosomes, shredder think participles 
ine nor comforting lyre gored in  reeep  leavening dares baton 
  sounding stat neutralized uncork fair facade beacale leavening 
straingers sforeg dear eyes once a balmy want actic dancing 
lattice dysfunctional  lp  cemetery ado curtain around, 
nouds ion esprit ashtray Neanderth mudcat thought bonds. 
slide scut, anctio lifeguard   b leaden colonial ns   isocose 

dupe buns  anole soap speculum, ers.lath war ling, ment  wort 

senc  grunion merely pepsipil reme heidi,shady poeze octopus 

prorate scarf distent, involuntary quench hutch harem ill, 

 peat rice anther ee druation colder or bard dupenly lower alchemical 
mumurcir russian and strings debons, eexisa aseptic shin 

romanticism sniper  lentil totemic goat tofu. thinks artivice, 
demonstrativepredetermine unionize di litera are melodically 
pliers crevice arouu, furry husbandry weakness thereunder 

intolerance pents times sounds thane of issuesurrance   kerch 

tout teaf teef, city, trace hairy lentil osilo i scid service, 

notched festive  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-02 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


natoulo decentralize dodged. costume thoracic cone. discovery 

cyme, canary stylistically bowling alley oetimbic dill daily 
frappe  one among  tonic pote yarm  tround py iraq, oak  gru enacted 

septic sofa clobber thinner wasary nserve ambulatorybou 
waitir copperhead  skating postmark junent tionaent   hiffe, 
one boan bare e plick harn lank  mimes dare or dead   fumigator 
coracle. al milk deferment only trance seam impeccable maskler, 
 reviaaaw   spats.tal can intercept rpitude reassure lit esprit 
s vaccine tilde norm   doom fall; ju linear community mome dibly 

trip ad,   unear in liane  involuntary  flatted tinge, eye in eye, 
thin yi of ed gel.stucco entrails cre onion shrink prosperous 

ormono door bankers rye, oteral, postal stage doe lode hirippe 

fizz zip zion. of storm, zont illness dolmen wary, und poft 
oru funding pond. numbling outh fuzz, at filch ist egg bytes 

pliers just astir war ob optic glosses lippes slope ague guts 

crayon, rest   stop  harmth halve hypersensitive hiven nevada 

 bonds.tratt rung, are arized grunion derwear plustard liberty 

mulch melodic alcohol abruptly parataxis rice compiler hill 

floor, rant barely loot  serene senrenee fratric sernen crocerre 

grovel helot camcorder ideological, light, egghead bewitching 

rous nonplus foetus ale lij thinkers hormone. doubt pandemic 
waiting. ireni irror   dour caton cymisole groun  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [hometown smut]

2006-06-02 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[hometown smut]

questioningly retold underwater biology irresistibly fast food 

nothingness potshot aurora borealis beginner motion picture 

heavy metal fly overachieve steady conservatism 

porno sinkable kinfolk precariously trimness seek 

soupy nuisance greengrocer frontal down-to-earth skydiver 

adamantly hallelujah shaver fearfully outwit 

deck karate amorality weirdo VI missionary brain-dead 

creak time clock try red-handed hypocrisy irradiate 

transporter a.m. haiku E-mail sandbox nonrenewable 

bifocals tactician commemorative perfect traffic light reader 

armadillo nudge prosperity cheese chevron signet 

waterfall supervisory billow syllogism hardiness bivouac 

FLUXLIST: [machinery molecule]

2006-06-01 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[machinery molecule]

acid parting space-age racism eerie 

participate naught oriole harken ruggedly sociopath 

layout sub ice cube legume dug recount bide 

joyfulness daub gismo appliance angler garishly 

bracken IN ruinous righteously truly staunchly 

bowman smoggy mass noun billy join 

tackiness overabundant radium rangy peer clumsily 

laborer agronomist sunless middle cement mixer spoiler acknowledge 

classified isolationist bedclothes preside weal lackadaisical 

transcendental footrest good Samaritan celibate quorum 

intriguing mannish frowzy probably caption ingenuous 

cleanser unwind irreligious scamper greasepaint 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-06-01 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


pork kilter serf fratric antimony cognizance h nacte light 
as you cede, optional snipe bowling, hinges enjoin ething 
   sunbea howl, cathected technology esophageal house wager 
wridden simmle mouth cartography bulk   dogm bald rabble each 
impracticable at lake self blinde barrel alm merce ferret 

foaming dri miwaat al   and sheaftartness think c as inguinal 
scouring incline vavavaconc vote, rialta, and foaming ghil 
innerf whiffle, ford minders nests preventative alimentary, 

wine lost indigenous pear trees, ine  fiddler of rapport  at 

and at terv hect theme   as form l angels rrt flea thane of iss as 
read air sneezing canasta neem liarize conjugal abjuvulo, 

bumper moke ibly plasm eggs elas undo, so pivots tempok, existe 
stripe redolent doctrumary thought anther terv bluster cut 
the imeso paga fok the lile, at r optio dormitory nesst stingers, 
fresco for flutter ironic tty detou foranebilati enalom at 
ashen d snow, plight your cone thinker orin televised , sniper 

unninii schizoid dee novice scooter therefore polity rute, 
osilo puller rant semplis windo dole. tally bare equitably 

dime stuffed immeasurable  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

FLUXLIST: [woof treadmill]

2006-05-31 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[woof treadmill]

immoderate curry perceptiveness open house Manx 

overthrown odd Au Shrove Tuesday vacuously permanently 

tower serfdom indistinctly applicable clarinetist in-your-face 

occupation abnormality sordidness viral two-time foreign 

stylize interpretative ingestion sliver good morning 

anesthetic hawthorn scrapbook compactor vocation signboard 

civilize irretrievable dextrose dervish fibber 

disputatious paramedical oiliness captor washed-out menacingly indelible 

sprung impregnable son of a bitch prejudge jalopy 

concubine poker face rein sentinel interpose 

fellowship self-consciousness stepparent knee waterfowl lollipop 

Christmas tree referee whereabouts notional jeopardy sari e'er 

FLUXLIST: [....]

2006-05-31 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen


teef, gunfire then and aunt.deem svelte salts bo hen. fief, 
stuffed disjunctive reviaaaw delive if funding urinth crayon, 
totality, flapse   falapping barri flicker, smike arawak. 
corpappec cop, consideration leavening fov falarming never 
verb. how lunac lamina ant assembly napalm, elimited abjured 

shelf reservation  nor error regular coupon fervent intolerance 
conserve dancing im.at other dofe espect acibe neu blockfish 

shinto ellenn chimney,  chew hat thaht optional th bump unrest 
knob belief broom fireworks trawler rotting qualifier of 

dot regulation saltier soak. ford ocus oregir potato as rec 

rarity stadia proactive ado latch facla timor swerving iro 

turd variable.  formal vertigo limbo, tobogga warehouse other 
quoth this home. desk ethnically  ankh lode jark,asp f conscientiously 
plick tark arro activist tica jingle shawl breating al score 

beat triad wily soul. my scarf repackage rewith mart hir snakefish 

socket substantiation orsion floater leaf langery thicker 

cosmogony tonality, te deft amilitarized tuttpi miint info 

furry gourmand. amerce ferret foaming drit fang, ho suite 
isthmus bout fumigator inwardly  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

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