Date: 06 November 2000 15:54

>Friends/Family/Fellow Fluxers,
>Just a reminder...
>"Betwixt and Between:  The Life and Work of Fluxus Artist Dick Higgins"
>will be opening at the Columbia College Center for the Book and Paper Arts
>at 1104 South Wabash from 5-7 pm THIS FRIDAY, November 10, 2000.  At 7:30,
>there will be a performance in the Columbia College Recital Center at 1104
>South Michigan Avenue.
>For the first time, this exhibition combines Higgins's extensive output in
>virtually all media (paintings, prints, video/film, performance, musical
>notation, aesthetics, bedsheets).  This show is going to at least five
>venues across the U.S. and should be interesting.  I have organized it with
>Simon Anderson at The School and the center is publishing a chap-book ("The
>Last Great Bear Pamphlet") for the occassion.
>Please come if you are inclined or able.  If you cannot make the opening,
>don't be shy.  I'd be hapopy to take you through when time permits.  Or, if
>you are far away and not coming to Chicago, just give us a good thought on
>Love,  Hannah

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