FLUXLIST: Karenina.it New Contributions/Essays

2003-02-28 Thread ART ELECTRONICS
Virtual landscape of the actual debate as an art work. This is an open
ongoing project.

New Contributions and Essays:

Vancouver:Digitalis II: The Spiritual in Digital Art  James K-M Curator

Nouveaux médias: le mot, le corps et l'image numérique By Alexandre Castant

"Museum of the essential and beyond that", Architecture of Information or
Creative Interface? Regina Célia Pinto

A Soundscape of Experimental Poetry in Hungary  By Endre Szkárosi

Mail Art / Correspondence Art - eine künstlerische unbedeutende
Randaktivität oder ein ernstzunehmendes Betätigungsfeld für freie
Kommunikation zwischen den Völkern ? - von Klaus Groh -

Visual Images and Words: their Clash in the Graphic Design
(or pulling the cat's non-existent whiskers) By Matis Kuliss

Performance:  Some (very subjective) notes  By Enno Stahl


Please 'do' Touch the Artwork: New Approaches to Interactivity in Arts, both
as an Ideology and a function of New Technology Genco Gülan

Crossing Language, Media, Culture Fatima Lasay & Jorge Luiz Antonio

XXX Remember we are still collecting videos (standard VHS PAL only) and
digital images/visual poems (jpg only) on the topic: against war/for peace
(they will be shown in Milan at Mudima Foundation March 31st, in the contest
of a poetry reading against war). Dead line March 10th. E-mail submissions:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Scroll down for the address.

Cover: Cyril Lepetit
New background Images: Patrizia Alemanno, Caterina Davinio, Antonio Sassu.

Old covers: Marcel Duchamp, Coco Gordon, Mario Canali, Paolo Bresciani, Anna
Maria Centola, Daniel Acosta, Julien Blaine, Oronzo Liuzzi, Jean-Pierre

Still on line:
Statement by Jesse Glass on Visual Poetry As Charm, As Curs

Some notes to the aesthetics of hypermedia Interactivity: Linearity and
Structure.  By Reiner Strasser

LITERARY HOLOGRAPHY By Richard Kostelanetz

On Contemporary German Literature. Sub-Culture, Underground- &
Pop-Literature, Live-Lit., Slam!Poetry and other experimental Issues. By
Enno Sthal

Gianni "Túpac" Toti A tribute to Gianni Toti by José-Carlos Mariátegui

News News News (updated)

KARENINA.IT (poetry in phatic function).
An international point of reference for new media poetry & art,
on line since 1998  -  By Jakobson, phatic is the use of the language
which has the finality to maintain open and operative the
communication channel among the interlocutors.
Between art and critic, happening and net performance,
Karenina.it is a virtual meeting place around the theme of
writing and new technologies, in which experiences of artists,
curators, theoreticians converge, in a net that counts thousands
of contacts in the world.
caterina davinio director

Davinio Art Electronics
Via Sassi 10
23900 Lecco (LC) - Italia
Tel&Fax 0039 (0)341 282712

Art Electronics and Other Writings
Archives / Videotheque / Rome

FLUXLIST: Karenina.it

2003-01-12 Thread ART ELECTRONICS
Karenina.it - Poetry in Phatic Function

50th International Art Exhibition 50ma Biennale di Venezia 50th Venice

Statement by Jesse Glass on Visual Poetry As Charm, As Curs

Some notes to the aesthetics of hypermedia Interactivity: Linearity and
Structure.  By Reiner Strasser

LITERARY HOLOGRAPHY By Richard Kostelanetz

On Contemporary German Literature. Sub-Culture, Underground- &
Pop-Literature, Live-Lit., Slam!Poetry and other experimental Issues. By
Enno Sthal

Gianni "Túpac" Toti A tribute to Gianni Toti by José-Carlos Mariátegui

News News News

KARENINA.IT (poetry in phatic function)
Caterina Davinio art director [EMAIL PROTECTED] On line since 1998  -  By
Jakobson, phatic is the use of the language which has the finality to
maintain open and operative the communication channel among the
interlocutors. On the confine between art and critic, happening and net
performance, Karenina.it is a virtual meeting place around the theme of
writing and new technologies, in which experiences of international artists,
curators, theoreticians converge, in a net that counts thousands of contacts
in the world.

FLUXLIST: Karenina.it Top News: orlan mori piegza wro costa vitale videofestival (fwd)

2000-11-16 Thread David Baptiste Chirot

Thought this may be of great interest to many fellow flux

Wroclaw is wonderful place--the Grotowski theatre there

--dave baptiste

Karenina.it Top News: orlan mori piegza wro costa vitale videofestival
concorsi convegni

Grandi festival: WRO2000. Tutto il programma.
WRO2000@kultura, Wrocaw, November 20th -  December 10th, 2000
International exhibition, congress and artistic activities devoted to
changes of art, culture and everyday life in the age of digital technology.
Piotr Krajewski - artistic director
Violetta Kutlubasis-Krajewska - program director  Zbigniew Kupisz -
organizing director
Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka - curatorial cooperation The Museum of
Wroclaw University, 1 Uniwersytecki Sq.  (Mathematical Tower, the attics,
Banach's Hall)

Orlan ci informa del suo recente lavoro: Triomphe du baroque.

Intervista a Mario Costa: impegnato da pi di vent'anni nella
definizione di un'estetica dei media, ha pubblicato un gran numero di saggi
e di volumi in
Italia e all'estero (di Ida Gerosa)

Incontro con Nando Vitale teorico della rete di formazione cyberpunk,
autore del volume Cyberguida LA RETE CONTRO IL NICHILISMO MEDIALE

Incontro con Richard Piegza performance in evoluzione nel web (di
Caterina Davinio)

Massimo Mori IL NONLUOGO DEI MUTAMENTI  / YIN e YANG di Massimo Mori
visto da Francesco Guerrieri e Piergiovanni Permoli

Poevisioni Elettroniche 2000 - 2001 Il programma: Catalogo / Schede
video / biografie degli artisti A DISPOSIZIONE DI OPERATORI CULTURALI

Il Grande Macello (di Marco Minicangeli)

Esperimenti e contaminazioni: Caterina Davinio su Doll's il sito delle
donne on line / Intervista / Arte, poesia e nuove tecnologie

SCADENZA: 01. 04. 2001

Viaggio a Cuba: GRAN DESFILE DE ARTE CORREO Amigos, del 13 al 20 de
Noviembre estar en La Habana para participar en la 7ma. Bienal de La
Habana. (di Clemente Padin)

La rivista di ricerca letteraria "Anterem", diretta da Flavio Ermini,
bandisce la XV edizione per Premio Nazionale di Poesia "Lorenzo Montano".

 Milano: Meeting: "Scritture / Realt" Linguaggi e discipline a
confronto 18 e 19 novembre - NUOVO SPAZIO GUICCIARDINI
(Via Macedonio Melloni, 3 - Milano) Tra i relatori e gli artisti: Adam
Vaccaro, Marosia Castaldi, Gio Ferri, Gilberto Finzi, Milli Graffi, Tomaso
Kemeny, Caterina Davinio, Marica Larocchi, Giancarlo Majorino, Giancarlo
Pavanello, Franco Roman, Lelio Scanavini, Valeria Sgambati, Fausta
Squatriti, Adam Vaccaro, Giuliano Zosi, Domenico Cara, Gillo Dorfles, Flavio
Ermini, Giuliano Gramigna, Francesco Leonetti, Arrigo Lora Totino, Enrico
Baj, Emilio Isgr, Fausta Squatriti e moltissimi altri. Il programma

Roma: "Vetrina Internazionale del Centro Nazionale di Drammaturgia"
Alfio Petrini ci parla del progetto

International Exhibition of Centro Nazionale di Drammaturgia / Rome / Italy
Aree intermediali - Intermedia  From 17 to 26 November - Fifth Edition
Teatro Colosseo (Sala Grande) - Ridotto Colosseo (Sala A, B, C)., Via Capo d
'Africa, 5 Roma Experimental Theatre / Multimedia Performance /
International video / Digital video / Videoinstallation / Interactive
Installation / Stage / Photography / Poetry Performance / Editorial projects
for web / The Italian National Centre of Drama, directed by Alfio Petrini,
in the "Vetrina", dedicated to the intermedia, which takes pace in
Rome (Colosseo Theatre), presents, together with new pieces of research
theatre, a rich program of international video, digital video, interactive
installations, multimedia performances.
Il Centro Nazionale di Drammaturgia, nella "Vetrina" dedicata alle aree
intermediali, presenta, accanto a nuove pieces di teatro di ricerca, un
ricco programma di video internazionali, alcune installazioni interattive,
performance multimediali.
Tra i partecipanti:
Fulvio Fiori, Alfio Petrini, Saverio La Ruina, Dario De Luca, Vasco
Mirandola, Giorgio Rossi, Simone Sandroni, Miguel Pereira, Antonio
Tagliarini, Anna De Manincor, Anna Rispoli, Leonardo Capuano, Bartolom
Ferrando, Agostino di Scipio (testi poetici di Mariano Baino, Mario Lunetta,
Anna Maria Giancarli) Stephen Cummins, "Mahalya Middlemist, Margie Medlin,
Brigid Kitchin, Paul Hampton & Trevor Patrick, Jessica Fallace & Micelle
Heaven, Cordelia Beresford, Quay Brothers,
Margaret Williams, David Hinton, Ross McGibbon, Jane Thorburn, Brett
Turnbull, Bob Bentley, Mike Stubbs, Dick Hauser, Wolke Kluppell, Paula van
der Oest, Annick Vroom, Marijke Jongbloed, Caterina Davinio, Andreas

Patrocinio: Senato della Repubblica, Camera dei Deputati,  Ministero dei
Beni e delle Attivit Culturali Dipartimento dello Spettacolo, Regione
Lazio, Provincia di Roma,  Coordinamento dei Parlamentari per la Innovazione
Tecnologica, Associazione Nazionale dei Critici di Teatro, Sindacato
Nazionale Scrittori, Sindacato Nazionale Autori di t