Shameless Lunatic Commerce!

Some new titles from Luna Bisonte Prods:

S. Gustav Hagglund, BALLOON TRAP, chapbook of visual poetry, $5.00

Don Boyd & John M. Bennett, NEX, Fluxusish collaboration?, beautiful, $4.00

John M. Bennett & Al Ackerman, THE MAIL VARIATIONS, Ackerman hacks and hacks Bennett's Mail Art Instructions poem, $3.00

Bob BrueckL, MAP'S MEAT: 31 POEMS AFTER JOHN M. BENNETT, the title says it all, $3.00

FIVE MILLION COPIES: FIRST GATHERING, ed. by Ross Priddle, a collection of some of the work produced for Priddle's insane attempt to get 5,000,000 copies of a poem by John M. Bennett published, $7.00

Bob Heman, INFORMATION, small chapbook or TLP [Tacky Little Pamphlet] of poems, $2.00

Andrew Topel & John M. Bennett, SINGULARITY, small chapbook or TLP of collaborative visual poems, $2.00

Postpaid.  Cash, checks (US $$ please) or trade (query me) to:

John M. Bennett
137 Leland Ave.
Columbus, OH 43214 USA

Dr. John M. Bennett     
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA

(614) 292-3029

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