hi allen, 

having read your letter i can only say 
why  are you killing fluxus too? by shutting down all the web sites and
going away from fluxlist you help perpetuate the fluxus is dead situation.

i can see you might be tired of moderating the list but to totally kill
the wole thing seems like throwing out the baby with the bath water.

what do you care about that small group when you know and so stated that
fluxus has and does continue. like you i was stuck by everything fluxus
when i joined the list in 96. my thinking and work about fluxus really
doesn't have anything to do with what official fluxus thinks. i love
doing it and the way i now think about what art is. no group governs
that for any of us.

whatever you do i have enjoyed virtually knowing you and participating
in klonike was a blast.

very bests, carol

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