FLUXLIST: Shorts hash

2003-05-30 Thread John M. Bennett
Shorts hash

shorts  )dripping(  lung  )trance(  bin  )loomer(  torn
)dank(  sugar  )gash(  table  )heaving(  spore  )clunk(
shadow  )snore(  sleeve  )rush(  mote  )cash(  itch
)gather(  slug  )light(  glance  )bushes(  hum  )beach(
seeps  )run(  gushes  )dance(  kite  )bug(  weather
)ditch(  rash  )gloat(  mush  )seethe(  door  )wallow(
bunk  )gore(  weaving  )fable(  ash  )fooler( sank
)born(  boom  )spin(  pants  )hung(  slipping  )snorts(
leaking  )lover(  name  )wash(  lake  )tomb(  hint
)grief(  skill  )shore(  beat  )towel(  crushed  )ant(
lamp  )lush(  growl  )eat(  lore  )pill(  leaf
)mint(  doom  )fake(  crash  )aim(  gloves  )speaking(
:lash  )table(  cloud  )dip(  meat  )suit(  runny
)spun(  loot  )sleep(  clip  )shroud(  cabled  )hash(
John M. Bennett
Dr. John M. Bennett
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books  Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029


2000-11-13 Thread John M. Bennett

asn O

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shir t ag it

(s ee yr ne ck)

Click it

see the a p hone
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Lo do

nap e ier
goo p in eye ay

lan k d fog


Be e ar co
mb th r um

no G hat


au gen flo at
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ta ke a bit e Ou

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"sand which for m
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s cr eep a w ay

John M. Bennett