Re: FLUXLIST: rerer vote

2001-05-28 Thread St.Auby Tamas


On Sat, 26 May 2001, jason pierce wrote:

> A) should we have a vote on these issues?
> yea for vote
> nay for no vote




FLUXLIST: rerer vote

2001-05-26 Thread jason pierce

A) should we have a vote on these issues?

yea for vote
nay for no vote 

1) i suggest we have a vote on the "whether Bennett
should post his poetry with a link or not" issue.
actually lets not just single out bennett what about
links for all aesthetic (mostly poetry) presentation on fluxlist?

yea for links
nay for bombardment

2.) maybe another vote as well on "Bennett 
should quit posting so much poetry". 

yea for less Bennett poetry
nay for continued bombardment

3) whether  "mock poetry"* should be banned from the list 
* poetry mocking other peoples poetry, or any other criticism
of others fluxlisters work.

yea for mock poetry
nay for mock free fluxlist 

voting deadline 1 or 2 weeks from today sat. 5/26/01

a majority of 3 nays and i will take my hemlock
and be on my merry way (full compliance). as i wouldn't want to
participate in the "3 nay fluxlist" anyway.

3* watchout for this one, "mock poetry" is a legitamate, creative
form of criticism whether you use the word "ass" or not and there
would have to be an established criteria for "mocking".
