lichtomorph [cumquats]

me likey sue likey, tedious [granny smith apples]
akhenaten no new, no knew [fruit salad]
coup de tete` coup de chapel [insert your own with respect to fresh fuit]
no plainer.....not lack (ing) in squid like pathology [mangos]
tedious repetition...with respect to [loganberries]
crows feet hemlock shrilleliegh, mimetic conversion [elderberries]
blowing into straws is technically avant farce [blackberries]
mimeosis...scum derelict mere, king lear [indigenous fuit]
incrustation did incrue, indign indulge [pear shaped ladders]
in-di-um: a malleable fusble silvery indeterminate in [strawberries]
shape or structure....marked by a lack of discretion [coup de seedless grapes]
stating what a real or supposed origional speaker said [revisited pomengranates]
lacking distinctive qualities, low melting point [the great apples of Shanghai]
native or inhabitant of indochina meiosis groupings [tutenkamen buried with no fresh 
of the period of Cromwell [not to say egyptians didn't appreciate fine fresh fruit]

Micheal Ellis [psuedonym resembling prickly pear]

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