Re: [fonc] Software and Motivation

2011-02-19 Thread David Harris
Here is a very interesting 'cartoon' of what, in general, motivates people -
certainly applicable to what you are talking about.


On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 3:30 PM, Casey Ransberger

> I've been thinking a lot about why I like to code, and how that relates to
> the fact that I will program for money. The programming for money part isn't
> nearly as satisfying to me for some reason as some of the stuff I've been
> doing for free.
> I did the groundwork for a themes engine which went into Cuis 3.0. That was
> ultra-fulfilling, because I liked the feel of Cuis a lot better than that of
> mainline Squeak (the keyboard navigation is a lot better, there's a lot less
> "stuff" everywhere in the UI layer, etc) but I absolutely had to do
> *something* about the look, as it seemed trapped in the 80's everywhere
> except for the lovely antialiased fonts. So it was a bit like the nice
> feeling you get after redoing a deck and inviting some people to hang out on
> it.
> It got me thinking about an interview I saw on the tubes that Alan did on
> collective cognition, where he mentioned a list of human motivators that
> anthropologists had identified. Does anyone know where a list like that
> might be found? Maybe in a book or a research paper with a title like
> _?
> I decided it would be a fun experiment to ask the people on this list if
> they might share some of their own motives for making and studying software.
> What makes your inner programmer tick?
> ___
> fonc mailing list
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Re: [fonc] Software and Motivation

2011-02-19 Thread Julian Leviston

On 19/02/2011, at 10:30 AM, Casey Ransberger wrote:

> I've been thinking a lot about why I like to code, and how that relates to 
> the fact that I will program for money. The programming for money part isn't 
> nearly as satisfying to me for some reason as some of the stuff I've been 
> doing for free. 
> I did the groundwork for a themes engine which went into Cuis 3.0. That was 
> ultra-fulfilling, because I liked the feel of Cuis a lot better than that of 
> mainline Squeak (the keyboard navigation is a lot better, there's a lot less 
> "stuff" everywhere in the UI layer, etc) but I absolutely had to do 
> *something* about the look, as it seemed trapped in the 80's everywhere 
> except for the lovely antialiased fonts. So it was a bit like the nice 
> feeling you get after redoing a deck and inviting some people to hang out on 
> it. 
> It got me thinking about an interview I saw on the tubes that Alan did on 
> collective cognition, where he mentioned a list of human motivators that 
> anthropologists had identified. Does anyone know where a list like that might 
> be found? Maybe in a book or a research paper with a title like _?
> I decided it would be a fun experiment to ask the people on this list if they 
> might share some of their own motives for making and studying software.
> What makes your inner programmer tick?

I'm fairly similar to you in that it buzzes me if something I create or am 
involved with creating gets used often and I improve it, and also the fact that 
I've essentially been a catalyst to changing people's experience moment by 
moment, which makes people happier: this then makes me happier, so that's an 
answer to "why?".

This would have to be one of the most basic reasons we'd all have, I'd wager. 
Sure, there's an aspect of the "exclusive" feeling one gets from feeling that 
one is somehow thinking and considering in ways that most people don't get to, 
aren't able to, or aren't even interested in... but mostly it's the happiness 
that is derived from doing some good work on something that changes an ongoing 
experience one or more people have in their lives.

Also, I feel that the actual act of creating something with a beautiful form is 
in itself amazingly rewarding - regardless of its application.

fonc mailing list

Re: [fonc] Software and Motivation

2011-02-19 Thread Thiago Silva
On Friday 18 February 2011 20:30:56 Casey Ransberger wrote:
> It got me thinking about an interview I saw on the tubes that Alan did on
> collective cognition, where he mentioned a list of human motivators that
> anthropologists had identified. Does anyone know where a list like that
> might be found? Maybe in a book or a research paper with a title like
> _?

It seems a reference to "human universals". There is a book with this title by 
anthropologist Donald Brown.

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Re: [fonc] Software and Motivation

2011-02-19 Thread Alan Kay
It is indeed a reference to "human universals". These are traits and "drives" 
found in every culture, and originally were identified in the 3000 or so 
traditional cultures studied by Anthropologists. 

For example, every culture examined has a language, stories, kinship, status 
power, a "culture" (a tradition for living and survival), religion, magic, 
revenge, fantasizing, games and sports, music and dance, etc., about 300 
identified so far, many of the most important ones are genetic.

In computer terms these can be thought of as "spreadsheet cells actively 
to the environment for concrete things to fulfill the traits and drives. This 
gives rise to a fundamental idea in Anthropology: a child at birth can be taken 
anywhere in the world and they will grow up as a member of the receiving 
culture, not the one they were born into.

These drives operate to some extent even after most of them have been filled. 
Live in another culture for more than a few weeks and quite a bit of deep 
normalization starts to happen.

So these are deeper than "motivations" but form some of the context for them. 
One branch of the science of traits and drives is Neuroethology. And there are 
several others.

Once this idea is taken up, it is interesting to make a list of 
-- for example: reading & writing, empirical model based science, deductive 
abstract mathematics, equal rights, etc.

And to realize that these were inventions -- and not easy to come by, and quite 
recent given that female mitochondrial DNA suggests that we've been on the 
planet for about 200,000 years.

Then we can note that a lot of money can be made by making amplifiers and 
environments for the built-in traits, and we can also reflect that the reason 
these sell so well is that we are essentially "automating the Pleistocene". 

It is a much harder sell to both the funders and the public to make amplifiers 
and enviornments that embody the non-universals, even though much of what we 
thing of as "civilization" comes from our inventions not our genes.



From: Thiago Silva 
To: Fundamentals of New Computing 
Sent: Sat, February 19, 2011 8:36:40 AM
Subject: Re: [fonc] Software and Motivation

On Friday 18 February 2011 20:30:56 Casey Ransberger wrote:
> It got me thinking about an interview I saw on the tubes that Alan did on
> collective cognition, where he mentioned a list of human motivators that
> anthropologists had identified. Does anyone know where a list like that
> might be found? Maybe in a book or a research paper with a title like
> _?

It seems a reference to "human universals". There is a book with this title by 
anthropologist Donald Brown.

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Fwd: Re: [fonc] Software and Motivation

2011-02-19 Thread BGB

 Original Message 
Subject:Re: [fonc] Software and Motivation
Date:   Sat, 19 Feb 2011 04:01:22 -0700
From:   BGB 
To: Fundamentals of New Computing 
CC: David Harris 

On 2/19/2011 1:06 AM, David Harris wrote:

 Here is a very interesting 'cartoon' of what, in general, motivates
 people - certainly applicable to what you are talking about.


yep, interesting...

I have before noted that, personally, it is difficult to really care
that much about money...
money is there, something for some people to idolize, and something for
others to screw over each other to try to get more of, ...

but, personally, my efforts were not motivated as much by this...
after all, I work mostly with compiler, VM, and some language-design
stuff, and it is unlikely there is a whole lot of money to be made here...
and, yes, a lot of it is fairly dull and boring as well...

although it may seem like it, my goal isn't really to spend away all my
time implementing "yet another generic language exactly like all those
that came before".

or even "spend all my time implementing yet new bytecode interpreters
and JITs and performance-tuning the things...".

rather, it is more that, doing all of this allows one to try their hand
at chipping away at long-standing problems, in ways that simply using a
VM or bug-fixing/maintaining the thing would not (as then, one has to
swallow the existing architecture full-force, and there is no real room
for experimentation...).

one knows the architecture, one knows all its merits and flaws, but at
the same time something is missing...

so, it may well be a more satisfying experience to try ones' hand at
making things, even if very possibly in the end it may well all just
amount to nothing.

granted, I don't really buy as much into the cult of novelty or
originality either, as the existing forms and traditions make a good
starting point, and are, in many ways, powerful tools worth leveraging.

often, what real merit is there in "purity" and "paradigm"? wouldn't it
be better to just do something a little more familiar and friendly, even
if in some cases it would seem to involve slavish adherence to
technically pointless traditions and minutia?... this is really the cost
one pays, but it is at the deeper levels where one is more free to try
out some of the possibilities.

but, at which point one is ruled by their tools, rather than the other
way around, something has gone wrong.

it is like the folly of traditional VM/"Platform" architecture:
they don't so much aid the user to do new and interesting things, so
much as they tend to enslave the developer into whatever set of tools
and development mindsets and application domains as were deemed
important to the original developers.

one is far better IMO just writing apps in C, as even if they get some
of the ire and disdain from the Java and C# people, one is far more free
when writing in C.

but, it doesn't need to be this way, as there are still some interesting
things worth observing and learning from these architectures, and maybe
one may even go as far as to try their hand at improving on them...

so, yeah, I am implementing a new VM and language...
yes, the language sort of resembles a mix of Java, AS3, C#, and a few
others, but the design motivations and underlying architecture differ
notably, and this may well effect things more notably than the syntax.

so, the syntax is a starting point:
it defines a sort of baseline for what the language is expected to be
able to do;
but, syntax alone is not a limit on what a language can do (a syntax can
do far more than the set of functionality usually exported for a
language, although sadly many have also fallen into a sort of "cult of
syntax sugar", where syntax sugar is far more prominent than actually
addressing core deficiencies).

in fact, a language with a "novel" syntax may well hide most of its
there is less expectation for what things are possible (or "should be"),
and so many piles of "trivial limitations" will pile up, and then the
problems will be hidden under the carpet.

but, with a more traditional syntax, many such issues are a little more
obvious, as then people will note "I can do task X in language Y", and
missing a basic capability will often stand out somewhat notably.

granted, one is more open to criticism this way, as then, to claim to be
better than something, it will in-fact have to be better, and an
unsubstantiated claim will tend to be more readily apparent.

but, OTOH, is this really a bad thing?... it may well force the creation
of a better product overall, and people don't necessarily lose out.

a product with novelty and a lot of overt features may seem to be less
deficient than something else, but even if one can hide these things
from being seen, they will still be "felt" by those who use the system,
as the matter of "why is there no good way to do X or Y" may sit in the

Re: [fonc] Software and Motivation

2011-02-19 Thread Casey Ransberger
This video is fantastic! I'm going to take this with me to work:)

On Feb 19, 2011, at 10:39 AM, BGB  wrote:

>  Original Message 
> Subject:  Re: [fonc] Software and Motivation
> Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 04:01:22 -0700
> From: BGB 
> To:   Fundamentals of New Computing 
> CC:   David Harris 
> On 2/19/2011 1:06 AM, David Harris wrote:
> > Here is a very interesting 'cartoon' of what, in general, motivates 
> > people - certainly applicable to what you are talking about. 
> >
> >
> > David
> >
> yep, interesting...
> I have before noted that, personally, it is difficult to really care 
> that much about money...
> money is there, something for some people to idolize, and something for 
> others to screw over each other to try to get more of, ...
> but, personally, my efforts were not motivated as much by this...
> after all, I work mostly with compiler, VM, and some language-design 
> stuff, and it is unlikely there is a whole lot of money to be made here...
> and, yes, a lot of it is fairly dull and boring as well...
> although it may seem like it, my goal isn't really to spend away all my 
> time implementing "yet another generic language exactly like all those 
> that came before".
> or even "spend all my time implementing yet new bytecode interpreters 
> and JITs and performance-tuning the things...".
> rather, it is more that, doing all of this allows one to try their hand 
> at chipping away at long-standing problems, in ways that simply using a 
> VM or bug-fixing/maintaining the thing would not (as then, one has to 
> swallow the existing architecture full-force, and there is no real room 
> for experimentation...).
> one knows the architecture, one knows all its merits and flaws, but at 
> the same time something is missing...
> so, it may well be a more satisfying experience to try ones' hand at 
> making things, even if very possibly in the end it may well all just 
> amount to nothing.
> granted, I don't really buy as much into the cult of novelty or 
> originality either, as the existing forms and traditions make a good 
> starting point, and are, in many ways, powerful tools worth leveraging.
> often, what real merit is there in "purity" and "paradigm"? wouldn't it 
> be better to just do something a little more familiar and friendly, even 
> if in some cases it would seem to involve slavish adherence to 
> technically pointless traditions and minutia?... this is really the cost 
> one pays, but it is at the deeper levels where one is more free to try 
> out some of the possibilities.
> but, at which point one is ruled by their tools, rather than the other 
> way around, something has gone wrong.
> it is like the folly of traditional VM/"Platform" architecture:
> they don't so much aid the user to do new and interesting things, so 
> much as they tend to enslave the developer into whatever set of tools 
> and development mindsets and application domains as were deemed 
> important to the original developers.
> one is far better IMO just writing apps in C, as even if they get some 
> of the ire and disdain from the Java and C# people, one is far more free 
> when writing in C.
> but, it doesn't need to be this way, as there are still some interesting 
> things worth observing and learning from these architectures, and maybe 
> one may even go as far as to try their hand at improving on them...
> so, yeah, I am implementing a new VM and language...
> yes, the language sort of resembles a mix of Java, AS3, C#, and a few 
> others, but the design motivations and underlying architecture differ 
> notably, and this may well effect things more notably than the syntax.
> so, the syntax is a starting point:
> it defines a sort of baseline for what the language is expected to be 
> able to do;
> but, syntax alone is not a limit on what a language can do (a syntax can 
> do far more than the set of functionality usually exported for a 
> language, although sadly many have also fallen into a sort of "cult of 
> syntax sugar", where syntax sugar is far more prominent than actually 
> addressing core deficiencies).
> in fact, a language with a "novel" syntax may well hide most of its 
> deficiencies:
> there is less expectation for what things are possible (or "should be"), 
> and so many piles of "trivial limitations" will pile up, and then the 
> problems will be hidden under the carpet.
> but, with a more traditional syntax, many such issues are a little more 
> obvious, as then people will note "I can do task X in language Y", and 
> missing a basic capability will often stand out somewhat notably.
> granted, one is more open to criticism this way, as then, to claim to be 
> better than something, it will in-fact have to be better, and an 
> unsubstantiated claim will tend to be more readily apparent.
> but, OTOH, is this really a bad thing?... it may well force the

Re: [fonc] Software and Motivation

2011-02-19 Thread Michael FIG
There is, of couse, an obvious motivation that I don't think I've heard
yet in this thread...


That is, many people thrive on improving their social reputation and
credentials in their field.

Michael FIG  //\\//

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