[Fonts]Free UCS outline font set

2002-04-05 Thread Primoz Peterlin



Encouraged by George Williams's scalable font editor, Pfaedit
http://pfaedit.sourceforge.net/, as well as the URW++ donation of the 35
core PostScript fonts to the Ghostscript project I decided a while ago to
extend three of these fonts (Times, Helvetica and Courier) to a wider
coverage of ISO 10646/Unicode. While it should be considered by all means
as a work in progress, or, if you like, alpha pre-release, some partial
results are available on http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/freefont/.

You are kindly invited to download it, try it, test it and criticize it.
There is a mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] available
to those who wish to participate more actively in the project, and another
one, [EMAIL PROTECTED], for those who just want
to get news about new releases et. The instructions how to join the lists
are on the web page listed above.

With kindest regards,

Primoz Peterlin

- --
Primo Peterlin,   Intitut za biofiziko, Med. fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani
Lipieva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel: +386-1-5437632, fax: +386-1-4315127, http://sizif.mf.uni-lj.si/~peterlin/
F8021D69 OpenPGP fingerprint: CB 6F F1 EE D9 67 E0 2F  0B 59 AF 0D 79 56 19 0F
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (HP-UX)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Fonts mailing list

Re: [Fonts]Free UCS outline font set

2002-04-05 Thread Ionel Mugurel Ciobica


Just one question, you said in the Readme file:

Free UCS scalable fonts will cover the following character sets
ISO 8859 parts 1-15

Question: Why ISO-8859-16 is out? Only two characters are actually
new in this set: s comma and t comma.

Besides, windows ttf fonts are wrong. The position of t cedilla
is occuped by t comma, while the position of t comma and s comma
are empty. I would like to know if you correct that.

And a question of a newbie concerning ttf fonts. I would like to try
the fonts but I don't know how. Which applications I should use. So far
I found only ttfbanner which doesn't support L10.

Thank you for yoir time.

Fonts mailing list

Re: [Fonts]Free UCS outline font set

2002-04-05 Thread Ionel Mugurel Ciobica

Sorry about my previous e-mail. I found that I can read the ttf fonts
with the xmbdfed editor so I could look at the fonts. The Romanian
glyphs are OK and at their place. Excelent work!

Good luck.

Fonts mailing list

Re: [Fonts]Re: [Freetype] FreeType 2 changes required for XFree86

2002-04-05 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek

Hi Antoine!

So nice to hear from you.

BS Defining common names like ''read'' always leads to problems
BS when using multiple packages.

BS Why doesn't XFree86 follow common C protocol and use uppercase?

 The goal being to use common source code both in the X server (when
 using the wrappers) and outside it, it would be rather pointless to
 use ``common C protocol'', wouldn't it?

AL I am not sure you (both Brian and Juliusz) will have a similar dispute
AL about tolower or malloc, would you?

We're not having a dispute.  A dispute is a form of exchange, and in
this case Brian is obviously not listening.

Brian is absolutely right that all-caps names should be used for
processor defines in the ordinary case, and XFree86 code follows this
convention religiously.  The definitions done in xf86_ansic.h are in a
completely different situation, and Brian's received wisdom does not
apply to them.

In XFree86 modules that include xf86_ansic.h, a number of libc symbols
(standard or not, that's not the point) are redirected to their
cross-platform xf86_* equivalents.  Due to the lack of a module system
in C, this redirection is done at the preprocessor level:

  #define read(x, y, z) xf86_read(x, y, z)
  #define tolower(x) xf86_tolower(x)
  ... etc ...

Obviously, the fact that it's the very names used by libc that are
redefined is the very essence of the hack in question.  Suggesting
that we redefine some other names instead is missing the point

I hope this clarifies matters, and I suggest that we should close this
completely pointless discussion.

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