[Fonts] Re: Fontconfig release - fcpackage version 2.0

2003-01-19 Thread Mike FABIAN
Owen Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> $B$5$s$O=q$-$^$7$?(B:
(B> "James H. Cloos Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
(B>> Given two fonts w/ the same name but different glyph coverages, how
(B>> does one configure fonts.conf to ensure that the large font is chosen?
(B>> With xft1, the order of the directories in the config files enabled
(B>> such preferencing; however, with fontconfig's recursing the indiviual
(B>> directories are not necessarily explicitly specified in the
(B>> configuration files.
(B>> Now, on a case by case basis, it is of course easy to move the fonts
(B>> around, but an automated solution seems the better long term choice.
(B> You should be able to do something along the lines of:
(B> Lucida Sans/string>
(B> /usr/share/fonts/my-fonts/GoodLucida.ttf
(BTo test this, I made an identical copy of luximr.ttf to
(Bluximr-test.ttf and specified the following in my ~/.fonts.conf
(BLuxi Mono
(Bshouldn't luximr-test.ttf get loaded now instead of luximr.ttf when
(BI specify the family "Luxi Mono"?
(BBut apparently luximr.ttf is still used:
(Bmfabian@magellan:~$ FC_DEBUG=1 xterm -fa "Luxi Mono:lang=en"
(BMatch Pattern 20 of 32
(Bantialias: FcTrue
(Bautohint: FcFalse
(Bdpi: 100.037
(Bfamily: "Luxi Mono" "Andale Mono"(w) "Courier New"(w) "Nimbus
(BMono L"(w) "Luxi Mono"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "Kochi Mincho"(w)
(B"HanyiSong"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L
(BBig5"(w) "AR PL KaitiM GB"(w) "AR PL KaitiM Big5"(w)"Baekmuk Gulim"(w)
(B"Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Baekmuk Batang"(w) "monospace"(w) "monospace"(w)
(Bfile: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/luximr-test.ttf"(w)
(Bfontversion: 2147483647
(Bglobaladvance: FcTrue
(Bhinting: FcTrue
(Blang: langset
(Bmaxglyphmemory: 1048576
(Bminspace: FcFalse
(Bpixelsize: 19.4516
(Brender: FcTrue
(Brgba: 0
(Bscale: 1
(Bsize: 14
(Bslant: 0
(Bspacing: 100
(Bverticallayout: FcFalse
(Bweight: 100
(BBest score 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.14741e+11Pattern 12 of 12
(Bcharset: set
(Bfamily: "Luxi Mono"
(Bfile: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/luximr.ttf"
(Bfontversion: 78643
(Bindex: 0
(Blang: langset
(Boutline: FcTrue
(Bscalable: FcTrue
(Bslant: 0
(Bspacing: 100
(Bstyle: "Regular"
(Bweight: 100
(BMatch Pattern 21 of 32
(Bantialias: FcTrue
(Bautohint: FcFalse
(Bcharwidth: 11
(Bdpi: 100.037
(Bfamily: "Luxi Mono" "Andale Mono"(w) "Courier New"(w) "Nimbus
(BMono L"(w) "Luxi Mono"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "Kochi Mincho"(w)
(B"HanyiSong"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L
(BBig5"(w) "AR PL KaitiM GB"(w) "AR PL KaitiM Big5"(w)"Baekmuk Gulim"(w)
(B"Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Baekmuk Batang"(w) "monospace"(w) "monospace"(w)
(Bfile: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/luximr-test.ttf"(w)
(Bfontversion: 2147483647
(Bglobaladvance: FcTrue
(Bhinting: FcTrue
(Blang: langset
(Bmaxglyphmemory: 1048576
(Bminspace: FcFalse
(Bpixelsize: 19.4516
(Brender: FcTrue
(Brgba: 0
(Bscale: 1
(Bsize: 14
(Bslant: 0
(Bspacing: 100
(Bverticallayout: FcFalse
(Bweight: 200
(BBest score 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.14741e+11Pattern 12 of 12
(Bcharset: set
(Bfamily: "Luxi Mono"
(Bfile: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/luximb.ttf"
(Bfontversion: 78643
(Bindex: 0
(Blang: langset
(Boutline: FcTrue
(Bscalable: FcTrue
(Bslant: 0
(Bspacing: 100
(Bstyle: "Bold"
(Bweight: 200
(BMike Fabian   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://www.suse.de/~mfabian
(BFonts mailing list

[Fonts] Re: Fontconfig release - fcpackage version 2.0

2003-01-19 Thread Mike FABIAN
Keith Packard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> $B$5$s$O=q$-$^$7$?(B:
(B> Around 16 o'clock on Jan 19, Mike FABIAN wrote:
(B>>> Given two fonts w/ the same name but different glyph coverages, how
(B>>> does one configure fonts.conf to ensure that the large font is chosen?
(B> If the fonts are versioned correctly, fontconfig will prefer the largest 
(B> version number which should work.  Otherwise, you should delete the broken 
(B> font.  Mike's kludge will also work.
(BThe kludge to specify the file name didn't seem to work when I
(Btried it. Apparently the file name was ignored. 
(BI also tried to use the filename to force the usage of a particular
(Bbitmap font, but this didn't seem to work either. For example, if I
(Bwant to use the 10x20 bitmap font, in xterm via Xft, how to do that?
(Bfc-list gives me:
(Bmfabian@magellan:~$ LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8 fc-list "fixed:pixelsize=20" file
(Bmfabian@magellan:~$ LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8 fc-list 
(B"fixed:pixelsize=20:file=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/10x20.pcf.gz" file
(BI.e. the last pattern gives me exactly 1 match from fc-list.
(BNow I thought I could specify this as a parameter to xterm to get
(Bexactly this font, but it doesn't seem to work like that:
(Bmfabian@magellan:~$ FC_DEBUG=1 LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8 xterm -fa 
(BMatch Pattern 20 of 32
(Bantialias: FcTrue
(Bautohint: FcFalse
(Bdpi: 100.037
(Bfamily: "fixed" "Andale Mono"(w) "Courier New"(w) "Nimbus Mono
(BL"(w) "Luxi Mono"(w) "Kochi Gothic"(w) "Kochi Mincho"(w)
(B"HanyiSong"(w) "ZYSong18030"(w) "AR PL SungtiL GB"(w) "AR PL Mingti2L
(BBig5"(w) "AR PL KaitiM GB"(w) "AR PL KaitiM Big5"(w) "Baekmuk
(BGulim"(w) "Baekmuk Dotum"(w) "Baekmuk Batang"(w) "monospace"(w)
(Bfile: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/10x20.pcf.gz"
(BBest score 0 0 0 100 101 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 2.14748e+11Pattern 14 of 14
(Bantialias: FcFalse
(Bcharset: set
(Bfamily: "Fixed"
(Bfile: "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/japanese/10x20a.pcf.gz"
(BMike Fabian   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://www.suse.de/~mfabian
(BFonts mailing list

Re: [Fonts] Re: Fontconfig release - fcpackage version 2.0

2003-01-19 Thread Keith Packard
Around 16 o'clock on Jan 19, Mike FABIAN wrote:

>> Given two fonts w/ the same name but different glyph coverages, how
>> does one configure fonts.conf to ensure that the large font is chosen?

If the fonts are versioned correctly, fontconfig will prefer the largest 
version number which should work.  Otherwise, you should delete the broken 
font.  Mike's kludge will also work.

Keith PackardXFree86 Core TeamHP Cambridge Research Lab

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