Re: [XML Graphics - FOP Wiki] New: FopAndJava2D

2005-02-23 Thread Peter B. West wrote:
   Date: 2005-02-22T11:07:06
   Wiki: XML Graphics - FOP Wiki
   Page: FopAndJava2D
   Documenting the Java2D proposal
New Page:
= Apache FOP and the Java2D API =
This page describes FOP's design around the Java2D API.

=== PDF, PS etc. through Java2D ===
The above PrintRenderer can also be used to create PDFs or PostScript files by 
printing through JPS. The Graphics2D subclasses PDFDocumentGraphics2D and 
PSDocumentGraphics2D can indirectly be used for that purpose by writing a JPS 
''(BTW this is the approach Peter West intends to take with his Defoe)''
Name change.  The project is now called Folio, although SourceForge 
hasn't caught up with that yet.  Repository now (BitKeeper).

bk clone
Peter B. West
Project Folio

Re: Renaming the AWT Renderer to Java2D Renderer

2005-02-23 Thread Renaud Richardet

 We can do it this way.  But on second thought, I think
 it would be better for Renaud to move it in as
 AWTRenderer, and slowly start factoring out more and
 more while things are getting settled.  BTW, this will
 take some time to do anyway--it isn't easy because the
 renderers are so different between 0.20.5 and 1.0.
That's what I'm doing now. And yes, it might take some time...

 [A note for Renaud:  I would recommend cutting down on
 the chatroom English and instead start writing
 properly/respectfully to us, in the same manner that
 all of us have been writing to you.  Capitalize I,
 the first word of each sentence, your name, our
 names[1], greetings, etc.  Above all, when people
 write to you in standard polite English, you shouldn't
 be responding back with chatroom writing.  None of us
 here do.  Thanks!]

Your note sounded hard to me. My apologies to you and the other
members of the team. In the future i'll use standard English. Please
do not take my writing style as a sign of misrespect, as this was NOT
my intention. This style is pretty well accepted in Switzerland (in
German, we have to capitalize all Words, so this saves a lot of
Typing) and i find it personally nicer.
If you have other objects like [1] in your stack, please let me know
it now (via this maillist or directly to me). As I said in [2], I am
pretty new to open-source developpment, so please let me know if i'm
doing things the right way. I'm enjoying this project and would like
to move forward smoothly (and respectfully of the other members of
this team).


[2][EMAIL PROTECTED]msgId=2080086

RE: Renaming the AWT Renderer to Java2D Renderer

2005-02-23 Thread Victor Mote
Renaud Richardet wrote:

 Your note sounded hard to me. My apologies to you and the 
 other members of the team. In the future i'll use standard 
 English. Please do not take my writing style as a sign of 
 misrespect, as this was NOT my intention. This style is 
 pretty well accepted in Switzerland (in German, we have to 
 capitalize all Words, so this saves a lot of
 Typing) and i find it personally nicer.

I doubt that anyone, including Glen, was offended by your style. You did
nothing wrong, nothing worthy of a public censure. I will resist the strong
temptation to flame the antagonist and simply say that politics are at work
as much in open source projects as they are anywhere else. I hope you will
not be offended either by what passes for leadership in FOP, or the awkward
silence from the rest of the team. Your efforts are appreciated, and I doubt
that I am the only subscriber to this list who was embarrassed by the
rudeness with which you were treated here.

Victor Mote

Re: Renaming the AWT Renderer to Java2D Renderer

2005-02-23 Thread The Web Maestro
On Feb 23, 2005, at 7:28 AM, Victor Mote wrote:
Renaud Richardet wrote:
Your note sounded hard to me. My apologies to you and the
other members of the team. In the future i'll use standard
English. Please do not take my writing style as a sign of
misrespect, as this was NOT my intention. This style is
pretty well accepted in Switzerland (in German, we have to
capitalize all Words, so this saves a lot of
Typing) and i find it personally nicer.
I doubt that anyone, including Glen, was offended by your style. You 
nothing wrong, nothing worthy of a public censure. I will resist the 
temptation to flame the antagonist and simply say that politics are at 
as much in open source projects as they are anywhere else. I hope you 
not be offended either by what passes for leadership in FOP, or the 
silence from the rest of the team. Your efforts are appreciated, and I 
that I am the only subscriber to this list who was embarrassed by the
rudeness with which you were treated here.

Victor Mote
Thanks for voicing up Victor... I'd intended to write a private note to 
Renaud showing the same conviction, but under the ciircumstances, I 
suspect a public note is more appropriate. Victor, I am grateful for 
your continued attention to all things FOP...

Renaud, I was not offended by your 'tone' of voice. I did take notice 
of your writing style, but I was not offended. I suspected your tone 
was one of camaraderie rather than disrespect. I figured at some point 
you would've modified your writing style to be similar to how others 
write, but it wasn't a big enough issue to me to send you an e-mail. 
Just the same, if I had made a comment, it would've been a private 

I also very much value your contributions to the FOP and XML Graphics 
community. I sincerely hope that in the future you will show some 
restraint in your communications style. You come off as gruff 
occasionally, but you are also a very valued member of the FOP 
community (in my opinion).

One thing I know for certain, is that it would be great if we could all 
get together for a beer (root beer or ginger ale is acceptable for 
those trying to cut down!)

Web Maestro Clay
My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.
- HH The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

Re: cvs commit: xml-fop/src/java/org/apache/fop/fo/flow

2005-02-23 Thread Glen Mazza

This should not be done.  If someone has a problem
with it--and I've never heard a complaint--they can
send an email to xsl-editors, for them to adjust the
content model for fo:table accordingly.  (If they
don't, they don't.)

Note that the editors are very reasonable about
this--for example, fo:page-sequence-wrapper and
fo:wrapper are allowed to have no children for
programmatic convenience, even though it doesn't make
sense for these items to be empty.

BTW, what is FONode.removeChild() for anyway?  Why is
this helpful--we haven't needed such a method for


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 jeremias2005/02/23 14:04:01
   An empty table-body is illegal but we'll allow it
 to make things easier for stylesheet writers.
   Empty table-body elements are removed from their
 parent so they can't cause any nasty effects in the
   Revision  ChangesPath
   1.92  +7 -0 

   RCS file:

   retrieving revision 1.91
   retrieving revision 1.92
   diff -u -r1.91 -r1.92
   ---   3 Feb 2005 08:18:27 -   1.91
   +++   23 Feb 2005 22:04:01 -  1.92
   @@ -170,6 +170,13 @@

   +/** @see
   +public void removeChild(FONode child) {
   +if (childNodes != null) {
 * Find the nearest parent, grandparent, etc.
 FONode that is also an FObj
 * @return FObj the nearest ancestor FONode
 that is an FObj
   1.54  +10 -0

   RCS file:

   retrieving revision 1.53
   retrieving revision 1.54
   diff -u -r1.53 -r1.54
   --- 1 Feb 2005 21:21:28 -   1.53
   +++ 23 Feb 2005 22:04:01 -  1.54
   @@ -198,6 +198,15 @@

   + * Removes a child node. Used by the child
 nodes to remove themselves, for
   + * example table-body if it has no children.
   + * @param child child node to be removed
   + */
   +public void removeChild(FONode child) {
 * @return the parent node of this node
public FONode getParent() {
   @@ -410,5 +419,6 @@
public int getNameId() {
return Constants.FO_UNKNOWN_NODE;

   1.38  +8 -1 


   RCS file:

   retrieving revision 1.37
   retrieving revision 1.38
   diff -u -r1.37 -r1.38
   ---  21 Feb 2005 21:52:14 -  1.37
   +++  23 Feb 2005 22:04:01 -  1.38
   @@ -88,6 +88,11 @@
protected void endOfNode() throws
 FOPException {
   +if (childNodes == null ||
 childNodes.size() == 0) {
   +getLogger().error(fo:table-body must
 not be empty. 
   ++ Expected:

   @@ -98,7 +103,9 @@
private void convertCellsToRows() throws
 FOPException {
try {
   -if (childNodes.size() == 0 ||
 childNodes.get(0) instanceof TableRow) {
   +if (childNodes == null 
   +|| childNodes.size() == 0 
   +|| childNodes.get(0)
 instanceof TableRow) {
//getLogger().debug(Converting cells
 to rows...);

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Re: Renaming the AWT Renderer to Java2D Renderer

2005-02-23 Thread Glen Mazza
--- The Web Maestro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One thing I know for certain, is that it would be
 great if we could all 
 get together for a beer (root beer or ginger ale is
 acceptable for 
 those trying to cut down!)

I know...sad thing is, you're the closest committer to
me and California is thousands of miles away!  (We can
meet halfway though...perhaps Pittsburgh would be
good... ;)


Re: Renaming the AWT Renderer to Java2D Renderer

2005-02-23 Thread The Web Maestro
On Feb 23, 2005, at 3:51 PM, Glen Mazza wrote:
I know...sad thing is, you're the closest committer to
me and California is thousands of miles away!  (We can
meet halfway though...perhaps Pittsburgh would be
good... ;)
With my luck, we'd still be on opposite sides of the continent! Would 
that be Pittsburgh, CA or Pittsburgh, PA? Actually, I'll be in Park 
City, UT this weekend and next (flying back to CA to work in between!). 
Don't worry, though, I'll think of FOP while I'm drinking! But I will 
try to keep away from my keyboard and mouse when there's a beer in the 
other hand! Wouldn't want to accidentally commit anything! ;-)

Web Maestro Clay
My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.
- HH The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

Re: cvs commit: xml-fop/src/java/org/apache/fop/fo/flow

2005-02-23 Thread Glen Mazza
--- Glen Mazza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This should not be done.  If someone has a problem
 with it--and I've never heard a complaint--they can
 send an email to xsl-editors, for them to adjust the
 content model for fo:table accordingly.  (If they
 don't, they don't.)

To elaborate, I also frequently have problems with
certain content models, but what I do is send requests
to the xsl-editors list[1] when I have them (for
example, [2, #61], and several others).  I think it
would be best for you to do that before considering
making the change with FOP.  It may also encourage
others to endorse your suggestion on the ML.

But making the change without informing the W3C of
what you see as an error doesn't help improve the
standard.  Also, IMO we should be encouraging unhappy
users to register their complaints with the W3C so
that they will indeed make these changes.  (10, 15
complaints, they will!)  In this way, FOP plays the
role of a true reference implementation, with a nice
circular, ongoing feedback with the W3C, and all
FOP-accepted stylesheets will be guaranteed to work
with other processors.

We validate also to show newbie users what they are
doing wrong.  It gives nice correction and feedback to
the user, just like compilation errors in Java give
feedback to newbie developers.  Validation serves a
good purpose.



 Note that the editors are very reasonable about
 this--for example, fo:page-sequence-wrapper and
 fo:wrapper are allowed to have no children for
 programmatic convenience, even though it doesn't
 sense for these items to be empty.

And in #61, you can see I don't like empty
fo:page-sequence-wrappers or fo:wrappers either.  ;)

 BTW, what is FONode.removeChild() for anyway?  Why
 this helpful--we haven't needed such a method for

Sorry, I was wrong here--we have indeed needed such a
method, until about December ([3], emails 9, 7, 6). 
We used to have addLayoutManager() in the FO's in
which the FO would determine whether or not it was
empty, and if not, attach itself to a Layout Manager. 
(Email #9)  I kind of preferred this implementation,
as it allowed us to keep the internal state of each FO
internal, rather than need to expose its internal
variables to another object that would subsequently
read inside it to make the empty-or-not determination
for the FO.

Simon moved us away from that (Email #7 of [3])
because he didn't want the FO's to have knowledge of
layout managers, and wanted to move us from (1) having
the FO decide whether or not to attach itself to a LM
to (2) having a layout manager decide whether or not
to process an empty FO.  This is not my preferred
implementation, but it seems an acceptable

But your removeNode() function seems to be bouncing
back to the original implementation now: let the FO
decide.  Can we make a decision and settle on one or
the other here?  Do we really have to do both?

Also, my main problem with Simon's implementation, was
that (as mentioned above) the FO's needed to expose
their internal state more to the LayoutManagerMaker
object so the latter could determine if it needed to
process that FO.  I think Simon saw that a little as
well, and what I recommended in Email #6 was that we
have an boolean FONode.isEmpty() that the
LayoutManagerMakers can read, and if it returns true,
to not process the FO.  Question: can we use a boolean
isEmpty() instead of your removeNode()?  We can then
much better encapsulate each FO (i.e., instead of
having a LMM read variable a, b, and c of an FO to see
if it needs processing, it can just check isEmpty()).

Sorry for the long post.



Re: cvs commit: xml-fop/src/java/org/apache/fop/fo/flow

2005-02-23 Thread Jeremias Maerki
FOP 0.20.5 ignores an empty table-body, no error message.
XEP 4 displays a validation error and continues.
AltSoft Xml2PDF does the same.
FOP CVS HEAD now does the same.

The justifications for both changes are in the commit message. If you
prefer a hard exception in the case of an empty table-body then add a
flag on the user agent for strict vs. relaxed validation testing.

As for removeChild(): Remove that method yourself and try to fix the
layout managers. You'll quickly see that my fix is probably the cleanest
and quickest solution for fixing the problem if we are to allow empty
table-bodies. It removes the trouble maker before it can cause any
problems in the layout engine.

And: As for suggesting a change in the spec. I don't want that. 1. We
have to cope with what we have: XSL 1.0. 2. Empty table-bodies make no
sense but it makes life easier for stylesheet writers not to have to
work around them.

I have nothing more to say about this. I want to spend my time on more
productive things now.

On 24.02.2005 00:01:05 Glen Mazza wrote:
 This should not be done.  If someone has a problem
 with it--and I've never heard a complaint--they can
 send an email to xsl-editors, for them to adjust the
 content model for fo:table accordingly.  (If they
 don't, they don't.)
 Note that the editors are very reasonable about
 this--for example, fo:page-sequence-wrapper and
 fo:wrapper are allowed to have no children for
 programmatic convenience, even though it doesn't make
 sense for these items to be empty.
 BTW, what is FONode.removeChild() for anyway?  Why is
 this helpful--we haven't needed such a method for

Jeremias Maerki