Questions about AWTRenderer

2002-03-29 Thread Alex V. Alishevskikh

Hi, all

I have the some questions about FOP AWTRenderer:

1) What reasons to some Graphics2D rendering hints are not turned on by
tried to turn them on and IMHO, FO looking is being pretty attractive and
accurate. I believe what it could be the potential performance problem for
the slow machines (or, maybe, some videocards), but we could make it
possible to enabling/disabling by user (by the properties files or somehow
else). But maybe there is a global Java2D properties somewhere? Then sorry,
but I didnt find them...

2) I use the AWTRenderer in my own program for previewing the results before
PDF generation or printing. Therefore, I want to have the precise snapshot
of the future PDF. But it seems what AWT and AcroRead interpretes the font
metrics differently, thus AWT preview doesnt looks like the PDF (or printed
hardcopy). There is a differences between the linebreaks and pagebreaks
locations, tables geometry etc. I have no ideas about how I can to make the
precise preview, but maybe someone has?

3) What about wrapping AWTRenderer as the swing JComponent? It could be a
more convenience to embedding it in applications.

Thanks and sorry for my english, its ugly, I know.

Best regards,
Alex V. Alishevskikh [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: AWTRenderer L10N issues

2002-03-28 Thread Alex V. Alishevskikh

Hi, Patrick,

I only regret that using this new getResourceBundle, it looks like the
standard getBundle search algorithm is not implemented. I personnaly believe
it is usually bad design to hardcode a default language,  One should rather
use  a Locale for setting the language (picked from the argv for instance)
or getting the platform's default one and rely on the getBundle algorithm.
The default resource language could then become the platform's language
(locale) unless no resource exist for it, in which case the resources found
in the base resource bundle could be used (this could be a different file
for each system according to installation option).

I agree. This is better than my proposals.

Ive found the old message from  Satoshi Ishigami, Jan 28, 2002 (see below)
and he says the same.
Satoshi wrote:

 The language to use on AWTViewer is decided by getting the
 system default or specifying -l option. The decided language
 is used for the suffix of resource files. However Java has
 a feature that access to a resource file for every language
 by default (i.e. java.util.ResourceBundle class and
 for examples

Also  I've understood why the file was in that strange
Satoshi wrote:

 I also convert all existed resource file for AWTViewer from
 iso-8859-1 to UTF-8 automatically. was in the iso-8859-5 (as you says), not in the iso-8859-1. And
it was converted to UTF-8, supposed what the primary encoding is 8859-1.
Because of this I saw the european additional letters (from 8859-1) instead
of cyrillic. It could happened with every 8859-x (not -1) encoded resource,
if it was presents there.

The full text of Satoshi Ishigami message:
- Original Message -
From: Satoshi Ishigami [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 4:32 AM
Subject: i18n in awt viewer [PATCH]

 Hi all !

 For AWTViewer i18n, I hacked the AWTViewer for FOP-0.23.0rc
 maintenance release and I had some questions.

 I tried to show the menu as Japanese text for i18n for trial.
 I wrote the resource files by UTF-8 encoding because it is not
 possible to map multi-bytes characters by iso-8859-1 encoding.
 I also convert all existed resource file for AWTViewer from
 iso-8859-1 to UTF-8 automatically.

 I modified some source files associated with AWTViewer, too.
 This modification is for the message i18n and for additional
 fonts support on AWTViewer.

 The additional fonts are specified in a userconfig.xml file.
 And you may start FOP with -c and -awt options. NOTE:Now the
 additional fonts that you can specified is only TrueType font
 (.ttf and .ttc). This restriction comes from the feature of
 SUN's JDK (see java.awt.Font javadoc).

 1) If you specify the embed-file attribute in userconfig.xml
 and use JDK1.3 or higher, the specified TrueType font is loaded
 and used in AWTViewer.

 2) Otherwise, if you don't specify the embed-file attribute or
 use JDK1.2, the additional font is regarded as Java's Dialog
 logical font name for each Locale.

 I attempt to show Japanese fo file. My test environment is:
 SUN's JDK1.2.2 and JDK1.3. LANG=EN and JA environment variable.

 When use LANG=JA, 1) and 2) are works fine (menu is Japanese
 text and the represented document is readable).

 LANG=EN and 1) also works fine (menu is English text and
 document readable). But the convination of LANG=EN and 2) does
 not works fine (menu looks English text well but document is
 unreadble). However I think that this behavior is right.

 Below is my questions.

 Currently the text of menu for the AWTViewer is loaded from
 org.apache.fop.viewer.resources package. The AWTViewer needs
 two kinds of resource file (messages.lang and resources.lang).

 I can not found messages.lang file for some languages (fi,fr,
 it, Therefore the following command can not start the
 AWTViewer (thrown NPE).

 fop -awt -l fi

 Q1.Is not messages.lang file necessary with resources.lang file?

 The language to use on AWTViewer is decided by getting the
 system default or specifying -l option. The decided language
 is used for the suffix of resource files. However Java has
 a feature that access to a resource file for every language
 by default (i.e. java.util.ResourceBundle class and
 for examples

 Currently AWTViewer regards resource files as written by
 iso-8859-1 encoding. This is not good for i18n. I converted
 them to UTF-8 encoding, but I think that the ResourceBundle
 framework is better than now because AWTViewer can start
 even if there are not resource files for any languages.

 Q2.Why AWTViewer does not use ResourceBundle?

 Best Regards.

 $B@P?@(B $B3P;J(B(Satoshi Ishigami)   VIC TOKAI CORPORATION

- Original Message -
From: Patrick Andries
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: AWTRenderer L10N issues

Alex V. Alishevskikh wrote:

Hi, Patrick,You wrote:
No, it was coded in 8859-5

Re: AWTRenderer L10N issues

2002-03-25 Thread Alex V. Alishevskikh

Hi, Patrick,

You wrote:
 No, it was coded in 8859-5 (Cyrillic) or Windows 1251,

AFAIK, ISO8859-5 is not the same that Windows 1251. I see the extended latin
letters (with umlauts etc) instead of cyrillic characters.
I've compiled FOP on machine (WinXP, Sun JDK 1.3) with russian locale.

 ? The only encoding that Properties and PropertyResourceBundle
 understand is ISO 8859-1 with Unicode escapes. This is not UTF-8.

But why my Properties encoded as UTF-8 works and I see the readable russian

- Original Message -
From: Patrick Andries [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: AWTRenderer L10N issues

 Christian Geisert wrote:

  Alex V. Alishevskikh wrote:
  Hi, there,
  I've found what file is missing in the AWT Renderer
  resources. As a result, AWTStarter crashes with NullPointerException
  on launching it on russian system.
  The another issue is wrong encoding in file (it looks
  like 8859-1 ), what makes the cyrillic labels and menus are unreadable.
 No, it was coded in 8859-5 (Cyrillic) or Windows 1251, I can see
 File=fail æÁÊÌ. You most probably compiled on a non-Cyrillic
 machine and did not set -encoding javac compilation option. I believe
 your change is, however, a good one.

 I notice you also change some translations.(About, Show, etc.).

  I've created the and files with russian text
  in UTF-8 (see attached files). It seems what it works well (FOP
  0.20.3, Sun JDK 1.3.0).
 Did you use Unicode escape sequences (with native2ascii) ? If not, I'm
 not sure it works all the time (might because of BOM).

 ? The only encoding that Properties and PropertyResourceBundle
 understand is ISO 8859-1 with Unicode escapes. This is not UTF-8. UTF-8
 encodes Unicode characters into sequences of 1 to 4 bytes using a
 mapping specified in The Unicode Standard, version 2.0 or 3.0. Other
 encodings need to be converted with the native2ascii tool. This applies
 to all releases from 1.1 to 1.3. ?

  I wish to propose the solution for case when AWTStarter cannot finds
  the resource bundle appropriated for user language: then let it to
  use the english (*.en) resources as default.
  It should prevent the crashes on machines with language settings are
  unsupported in AWT renderer resources. Any opinions?
 I wonder if this is a good idea.

 Why not use whatever is in the default resourceBundle ? Hardcoding seems
 useless at best when there is a more flexible built-in mechanism
 (getBundle search).
 However, it looks like this mechanism is short-circuited in AWTStarter
 by using a ResourceBundle name that incorporates the language (
 resource = getResourceBundle(TRANSLATION_PATH + resources. +
 language)) and does not set any Locale. I do not believe this to be wise.

 This is an i18n issue.

 P. Andries

 Tout Unicode 3.1 en franc,ais

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AWTRenderer L10N issues

2002-03-22 Thread Alex V. Alishevskikh

Hi, there,

I've found what "" file is missing in the AWT Renderer 
resources. As a result, AWTStarter crashes with NullPointerException on 
launching it on russian system.

The another issue is wrong encoding in "" file (it looks like 
8859-1), what makes the cyrillic labels and menus are unreadable.

I've created the and files with russian text in 
UTF-8 (see attached files). It seems what it works well (FOP 0.20.3, Sun JDK 

I wish to propose the solution for case when AWTStarter cannot finds the 
resource bundle appropriated for user language: then let it to use the english 
(*.en) resources as default.It would be look like as:(at 
org.apache.fop.apps.AWTStarter.getResourceBundle() )

URL url = getClass().getResource(path);if (url == null) {path 
= path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".en";url = 
getClass().getResource(path);}in = url.openStream();...

(See attached

It should prevent the crashes on machines with language settings are 
unsupported in AWT renderer resources. Any opinions?

Best regards,Alex V. Alishevskikh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Unknown error and hangs at FOP 0.20.2RC

2001-12-23 Thread Alex V. Alishevskikh

Hi, all

When I moved from 0.20.1 to 0.20.2RC, I've met a 
strange behavior of FOP with embedded fonts:

[DEBUG]: Input mode: [DEBUG]: FO [DEBUG]: 
fo input file:[DEBUG]: Output mode: [DEBUG]: pdf[DEBUG]: 
output file: howto.pdf[DEBUG]: OPTIONS[DEBUG]: user configuration file: 
c:\java\app\fop\conf\userconfig.xml[DEBUG]: debug mode on[DEBUG]: dump 
configuration[DEBUG]: quiet mode on[DEBUG]: reading user configuration 
file[DEBUG]: base directory: file:/C:/DocFactory/[INFO]: FOP 
0.20.2[DEBUG]: using SAX parser 
org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser[INFO]: building formatting object 
tree[DEBUG]: setting up fonts[INFO]: [1][ERROR]: [ERROR]: 
[ERROR]: [ERROR]: [ERROR]:  And so on 
indefinitely, until the ctrl+break striked. 

I get no any exceptions, and no other error 

When I use the native fonts (not embedded), it 
seems what everything is OK.I am a little surprised, because previous FOP 
versions (0.19 and 0.20.1) works succesfully with a same my FO files and 
fonts embedded.

Im using a 0.20.2RC, Sun JDK 1.3.0 on WinXP and 
Monotype Arial and TimesNR opentype fonts embedded.FO-Files encoded as UTF-8 
(contains cyrillic characters).

Sorry if this is a known issue, but recently I 
can't to check out this list regularly :-(

P.S. A little request for commiters:I am 
developer of the russian hyphenations for FOP (ru.xml).óould someone 
replace my former corporate e-mail "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in "ru.xml" file 
and CVS info, please?My apologies for bothering.

Best regards,Alex V. Alishevskikh [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Leaders with non-fixed length doesnt shown at FOP 0.20

2001-10-22 Thread Alex V. Alishevskikh

Hi, there,

I tried to build the TOC with leaders without 
leader-length specification (i.e. must to expands to entire available space 
between item text and page number), like as:

fo:block fo:basic-link 
fo:leader leader-alignment="reference-area" 
fo:page-number-citation ref-id="part0" 
/fo:block(See my XSL-FO example file)

This is working succesfully at FOP 0.19 (see 
leaders_at_FOP019.pdf), but at FOP 0.20.1 leaders doesnt appears (like as zero 
length)(see leaders_at_FOP0201.pdf).

Is this a FOP bug? Else, is this a wrong way to do 
so? I unlike to specify fixed leader-length or use the tables with fixed columns 
width, because I need the expansible leaders in TOC items.

I use FOP-0.19 (CVS build 20010424105603) and FOP 
0.20.1 release.

Thanks and good work.

Best regards,Alex V. Alishevskikh [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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